In a message dated 3/23/03 2:21:49 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> The villains (or dupes ) in this story are the
>  Republican legislators,  (after $40,000+ in campaign contributions,)
>  along with Gov. Arne Carlson  who would not pass legislation to stop the
>  project  and council members who allowed  the Isaacs to rip off $8.5
>  million from city taxpayers by not appealing a court decision to the
>  Supreme Court. Those who are left (Not resigning or defeated) and who
>  voted badly include Paul Ostrow, Barb Johnson, Lisa Goodman, Sandy
>  Colvin Roy, Barrett Lane. I don't know about Dean Zimmerman and I'm sure
>  if my list is wrong some one will tell me.
>  The only bright spot is that we get the river back but it sure would be
>  nice to have the $8.5 million now. 
>  Phyllis Kahn    State Rep 59B
Keith says; Starting at the end. It was most prudent to settle an un-winable 
case. Thanx to those who did what they had to do on behalf of the City. I am 
sure it was no joy. 

My faded memory recalls Sandra Hillary, my CM at the time, getting us in up 
to our ears in potential Kondidator noise. Then Joe Biernat show boating with 
City money, to fight an un-winable fight. Perhaps he hoped he could get the 
DFL Machine to fix the court outcome? Concurrently, he was allowing Graco to 
despoil the opposite river edge with a HUGE and unsightly industrial 
expansion on the Eastern shore at West Bro. 

If anybody else has proper info on shoreline stuff; bring it on.

Keith Reitman   NearNorth

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