is the prime organizer of the candle light vigils in Minneapolis. has been hot-wired to the Democratic Party from the git-go. It 
fundraises for Democratic Party candidates. was launched with a 
campaign called something like 'Do the impeachment vote and move on" back in 
the mid-1990's. Since then, has raised beaucoup bucks for 
Democratic Party politicians. I looked over the whole MoveOn web site a few 
months ago.

Last fall set up the 'Win Without War' coalition. These people 
support the project of disarming, overthrowing and replacing the government 
of Iraq, preferably with UN approval. The only way to "win without war" is to 
prepare for war, and hope that the Iraqi government will roll over and play 
dead. (That's the Sojourners Plan in a nutshell) is not going to call for the immediate withdrawal of US troops 
from the Persian Gulf. They prefer to help give Bush the cover he needs to 
prepare for war, and to weep and light candles for all the people who are 
about to be slaughtered in order to make Iraq a de facto colony of the US. 
The 'Iraqi threat' is a smokescreen. 

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board web site

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