At the foot of the Rose Garden is a small grove of trees - Northern Snow crab
apples, Park Commissioner Scott Nieman once told me. Tonight they are abloom,
 a glorious, fragrant cloud of white, unbelievably beautiful. From the lawn
beneath them, you can watch the sun set beyond Lake Harriet as folks pass by
on foot, bikes, skates, pushing strollers, embracing. On the lakeshore two
young men hopefully cast a fishing line and talk. Released from their winter
crates, the fountains splash again. Nearby a killdear nests on an exposed
rock at the foot of the rock garden waterfall and children watch her with

Urban life doesn't get much better than this.

Thank you, park commissioners all, for cultivating and protecting one of my
favorite places on earth.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

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