Kim, I can understand your feelings. Some years ago I lived for 2 years at
1919 Columbus Av S in the Phillips Nbhd. This was a fine old house with
wonderful woodwork, etc, etc, probably not unlike the house that you
described. I was saddened when I drove past the old home a couple of years
ago and saw only a vacant lot. Besides feeling that the house should have
been an excellant prospect for rehab on rational terms, I also felt like a
part of my past, my history, had been violated. However, I do not know the
circumstances, and I suppose the house could have burned down, and may not
have been the victim of questionable demolition.

The demolition, and then the maybe* construction of a new building,
procedure has been done thousands of times (*oftentimes the vacant lot is
split off to adjacent properties).The costs and outcomes are predictable and
city staff are very familiar with the procedures, and these procedures
probably do not take much staff time.

Even though I suspect that many building rehabs would end up being cheaper,
rehabs surely take up much more staff time and stress. So many questions and
decisions. First of all, is the building worthy of rehab. Then a hundred
more decisions about whether or not to do this or to replace that. And all
decisions are left intact to possibly come back to haunt the city in the
future. Jerry Boardman, at a meeting once, related the story about one
rehab - a ceiling in a city rehabbed house fell in on the occupants.

I do not mean to let the city off the hook by stating this. I strongly feel
that we should save as many old building as possible, and we should learn to
deal with the extra difficulties of rehab.

Dave Stack

>  From: Kim Goodman
>  Subject: City of MPLS & Housing
>>  I am angry.  I am disappointed.  And I am not surprised.    Yesterday
afternoon a backhoe was delivered to tear down a turn of the century home on
my block to make way for a flood park.    It was not much to look at on the
outside, but inside the woodwork was all  original varnish, oak and maple.
The duplexing had been done with beauty and craftsmanship.  The house was
structurally and mechanically sound.  Inside the floors were maple and in
perfect condition.  ...  >>

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