Mayor Rybak is holding a press conference this morning to give an update on housing 
production in Minneapolis. I've pasted an excerpt from the press release and a 
production report detailing housing numbers that will be distributed at the event.
Laura Sether, Office of Mayor Rybak, Standish-Ericsson 
Mayor R.T. Rybak will give an update about multifamily housing projects in Minneapolis 
on Monday, Nov. 18 at 10:30 a.m. at Portland Village, 1829 Portland Ave. S. - a 
26-unit housing project that recently won the National Association of Local Housing 
Finance Agencies (NALHFA) Meritorious Award for innovation, extraordinary benefit to 
the community, replicability and affordability.
On Nov. 8, the Minneapolis City Council approved $2 million of levy funds for 
affordable housing and directed the MCDA to recommend projects for funding. At the 
Nov. 14 Community Development Committee meeting the MCDA will recommend seven housing 
projects to receive levy funding.
By the end of this year, the MCDA will have allocated direct funding of nearly $13.5 
million to multifamily housing projects, up from approximately $8.2 million last year. 
In addition, nearly $89 million in multifamily housing revenue bonds have been 
approved this year. These funds assist projects that meet MCDA and City priorities for 
affordable multifamily housing, including supportive housing for special needs and 
homeless populations, large family housing, and new affordable units in 
non-concentrated areas of the city.
.Minneapolis Housing Production Report, November 15, 2002
Total Production in 2002:
Number of Units Completed or 
Currently Under Construction       3,169

Number of Affordable Units (<50% MMI)
Completed or Currently Under Construction           1,259

Number of Affordable Units (<30% MMI)
Completed or Currently Under Construction            705

Number of Units Funded by the City but 
not yet Under Construction      1,648

Number of Affordable Units (<50% MMI) 
Funded by the City but not yet Under Construction       1,237

Number of Affordable Units (<30% MMI)
Funded by the City but not yet Under Construction       948

In addition:
City release of $2M of HRA Levy funds will support an additional 152 units, of which 
136 will be affordable <50% MMI and 128 will be affordable <30% MMI (84%).  

Source: Minneapolis Community Development Agency.


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