[Mpls] Speaking of community input re: Jennings et al

2003-10-10 Thread ABerget
Speaking of "community input" in the Jennings matter, I'm curious what process the Staten/Moss group used to gather input and come to a consensus about point of view. Was the process "inclusive", and if so, who participated and in what settings? Were the opportunities for this input communicated to the public, and if so, how? Is the Staten/Moss model for community input one that can be used productively in other situations?

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Speaking of community input re: Jennings et al

2003-10-10 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 10/10/2003 10:29:15 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 Speaking of community input in the Jennings matter,  I'm curious what 
  process the Staten/Moss group used to gather input and come to a consensus 
 about point of view

If the Staten/Moss group want a seat at the table, they should call a 
series of meetings to receive input and direction from the community they represent 
while the superintendent search drags on. As Ron Edwards noted, we need to 
consider not only the who, but also the how and the what. The decision about who 
conducts the education orchestra should be guided by what kind of music we 
want to hear.  

For a continuation of policies that have widened 'the learning gap' a savvy 
politician like David Jennings is needed. He did his job as PR guru so 
effectively under Carol Johnson, I would not be surprised if Johnson offers him a job 
in Memphis.

-Doug Mann, King Field 
Mann for School Board web site: http://educationright.tripod.com
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