Dore Mead wrote:

"I see no good in the current proposal.  If people
truly want more 
access =
Lake Street, add it -- to the north side of Lake. 
That can be done 
simply, without massive fly-over ramps or other
ill-conceived ideas 
that =
only damage a neighborhood."

Dore has revealed the flyover ramp to 28th street for
what it really is: a massive corporate subsidy.  If 
the same multi-million dollar hand-out were
Tax-Incremented-Financing, the penny-pinching citizens
of Minneapolis would point to the city's empty coffers
and shrug, saying "sorry, tough economic times".  

At least T.I.F. brings some desirable development
(sometimes) which fits into the Minneapolis Plan's
vision for the city.  A flyover ramp that replaces 17
units of affordable housing can hardly fit that bill. 
Robert Lilligren should be praised for his courageous
stand against the project.  Dean Zimmerman also
deserves kudos for his recently voiced opposition.

Dore's analysis is sound, thorough and chock full of
the history behind this thinly veiled attempt to
"deliver" on the flyover ramp and H.O.V. lanes.  Both
would never stand up to another Environmental Impact
Statement.  Nay, they should never have resurfaced in
the first place having been found untenable by the
first E.I.S. in 1992.  Ten years won't suffice for
Minneapolis to forget.

Check out for more information on
the I-35W Excess Project.

Jeff Carlson, Whittier       

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