In a message dated 6/26/03 8:46:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  You forgot something, Dyna. If Northside were to fund it's own police, then
>  it would mean that only Northside's tax base would be available for that
>  funding. Given the picture you paint of limited retail options and fleeing
>  homeowners, it's probably safe to presume that Northside doesn't have the
>  tax base that other neighborhoods do. Combine that with the high crime 
>  you complain about so much, and that would mean that your costs for funding
>  police can be expected to be quite high. So high cost divided by low tax
>  base equals way higher tax rates than you pay now.
Keith says; I am not going to wade into the BIGBOX discussion, right now. I 
do wish to comment on this hypothetical 'pay your own policing' , jazz. If the 
Northside hadn't been used as a garbage can, criminal containment zone, and 
red light district; and, had not been held in poverty by fortress neighborhoods, 
we would easily be able to finance, and maintain, our own police services.

And we would be instructing our police to enforce the law, on the street: If 
you sell, or buy a drug or sex, or if you thieve or are disorderly; you will 
be busted or ticketed, as appropriate for our public safety.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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