> I made a joke about "the curse of Walker Library" referring to the fact
> every business that has gone into the old Walker Library building has
failed.   Why?
> Does the Met Council still own the building?  Now that it will be vacant
> again, what do they plan to do with it?   To quote Councilman Niziolek's
> "My conversations with the Met Council indicated that they were
> willing to be a partner in moving the library back into the old Walker
> Library building.  The building sold for $800,000. That was truly an
opportunity lost. "
> Is this opportunity permanently lost?   Couldn't a new partner be found or
> new  owner that would return the old Walker library back to it's original
> The old building is on the National Historic Register which limits any
> improvements  or changes to the exterior.   The Minneapolis Heritage
> Commission accepts requests for "historic variances" for properties they
> designated.  Perhaps the NHR has a similar process.
> Jeff Scherer of Meyer, Scherer and Rockcastle has designed many award
> winning libraries. He could probably come up with an innovative re-design
for the old Walker.
> The proceeds from the sale of the new Walker could partially finance the
> project.
> I believe the NHR designation was one reason that MPL decided to build a
> building, because there was no cost effective way to make the old library
> compliant. I know there were other reasons, which perhaps someone on this
list knows.
> Madeline Douglass
> Kingfield

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