Steve Marchese writes in part "...I would appreciate hearing from
listmembers who are better versed on NRP so we can all learn how this
proposal will both affect community organizations and to suggest how we
can address the underlying fiscal problems in a constructive manner.

There are economies to be achieved by having fewer free-standing NRP
neighborhood offices and by sharing staff across neighborhood
Less balkanization would mean tens of thousands of dollars not expended
if fewer full-time staff were employed at the individual NRP
neighborhood level. Take away thirty such staff positions and their
benefit schedules and you've certainly gone past a million dollars even
when adding back some municipal-level planners riding circuit for a year
or two. 

There's a cost in institutional memory at the neighborhood level, but
such memories are still there in the voluntary boards. And there are
economies of scale in the fact that current technology permits
standardized analysis - demographics, traffic studies, other thematic
material derived from public data sources. No need to stop at any given
NRP neighborhood boundary with this. 

Speaking of community organizing, there's no substitute for face-to-face
work, but does it have to be salaried? If so, what are the reasonable
geographic boundaries? To what degree can passive techniques like direct
mail be used? Mailings are expensive, but salaries are more expensive.

I just don't see an all-or-nothing situation regarding NRP's overhead
dollar costs if there are cost-saving workarounds that people can live

Fred Markus, Horn Terrace, Ward Ten, in the Lyndale Neighborhood  

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