re:[Mpls] Today's city council budget presentations: CPED, NRP, Mpls public library

2005-10-16 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Cheryl Luger notes that during her presentation to the city council 
Director Kit Hadley mentions the following...

   In what looks like a pretty good apples to apples comparison, The 
libraries situation vis a vis the city and parks certified tax levy 
and LGA show from 2003 to 2008 :

  Librrary board experiencing a decrease of l.5%
 City of Mpls shows an increase of 13.79%
 Park Board show an increase of 9.56%

 From 1994 to 2008 (Certified tax levy, LGA, HACA)
  Library board shows an increase of only 41.62%
  compared to the city incrase of 77.37% and ther Park boards increase 
of 75.23%.

If the Parks are showing an increase of 9. 56% and 75.23 %  why are 
they always cutting programs.  Inflation certainly isn't running at 
75.23 % .  What happened

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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RE: [Mpls] Today's city council budget presentations: CPED, NRP, Mpls public library

2005-10-13 Thread Alan Hooker
Cheryl Luger is right about Kit Hadley's presentation being a giant positive 
step forward on the path toward a better dialog between City Council and 
Minneapolis Public Library about the allocation of funds to our library 
system.  It will be up to the next Library Board and Council to make sure 
that this discussion continues.  I consider myself fortunate to personally 
know, and to have my candidacy endorsed by, many of the current council 
members or those seeking election.

Should I be fortunate enough to be elected to the Library Board, I will look 
forward to working with Kit and the Friends of the Minneapolis Public 
Library to continue building this relationship with our Council, as well as 
with other city, county and state elected officials.

Cheryl wrote:

 Unfortunately, only 5 of the 13 council members were there to here 
it--Natalie Johnson Lee, Paul Ostrow, Barbara Johnson, Dan Niziolek, and 
Lisa Goodman.  I realize other council people can listen to it on tape (if 
they can find the time) but nothing beats being right there to ask 
questions.  The Mayor was not present.

Although I agree with Cheryl's sentiment that this is an important 
conversation that needs to engage all council members, it should be noted 
that this was not a city council meeting.  This was a hearing of the 
council's Ways and Means/Budget Committee which is chaired by Council Member 
Barb Johnson and has Council Members Colvin Roy, Zerby, Lane, Johnson Lee 
and Niziolek as its additional members.  Naturally, any council member can 
be present and pose questions, as did Council Members Ostrow and Goodman.  
Still, it is the job of the committee to take back information to the 
council as a whole.

Also, from where Cheryl was sitting she may not have been able to see Mayor 
Rybak seated along the wall back by the rear door.  It appears he was able 
to observe part of the presentation and discussion before he had to leave.

I encourage everyone to attend as many candidate forums as possible -- 
whether for Library Board, Council, Mayor, Board of Estimate and Taxation 
(although I don't think there are any forums slated for the last office) -- 
and ask the candidates where they stand on issues vital to library funding.  
It's all interconnected and we are in this together.

Alan Hooker
Victory / Camden Neighborhood
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board

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