Re: reunion

2000-11-05 Thread Josep Verde i Aldea

Please, dom't send me more essagesĀ” I live in `pain and I am not voncerned
about what you are discussing.
- Original Message -
To: "Multiple recipients of list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 3:16 PM
Subject: reunion

 When I brought up the issue of the mother-child custody trial, I was not
 seeking out a discussion on sex education or jurisprudence.

 I am saying that the child welfare system in Minneapolis as elsewhere in
 U.S. is not geared very well to the welfare of children. The media
 latch on to only the most startling of the instances. Lots of kids pay the

 I would really like to know if any folks on the list have EXPERIENCES with
 Hennepin County Courts, probation, Youth Coordinating Board, parks, health
 care, youth sports etc. that might be a basis for thinking about how we
 do better by the neediest kids.

 Dennis Schapiro
 Linden Hills

Re: Voting question

2000-11-05 Thread Josep Verde i Aldea

Please, don't send me more messages 
- Original Message -
From: "David Brauer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Multiple recipients of list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2000 5:49 PM
Subject: Voting question

 I was just looking over my ballot for Tuesday (thanks, Hennepin County
 cyber-dudes!), and I noticed a contested race I know nothing about.

 OK, OK, it's the Soil  Water district race -- but darn it, I like to cast
 informed votes!

 The contestants are:
 Leigh Harrod
 Gregory M. Chock

 Bonus points if you tell me what the Soil and Water board really does.

 By the way, you can get your own sample ballot -- and anticipate these
 problems -- at:

 David Brauer
 King Field - Ward 10

 PS It also looks like you can vote at the Hennepin County govt center
 (Saturday) from 10 to 3 and Monday during working hours, if it's too late
 get an absentee ballot (or you want to avoid long lines on Tuesday.)

Re: Vouchers

2000-11-05 Thread Josep Verde i Aldea

Please, don't send me more messages 
- Original Message -
From: "wizardmarks" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Multiple recipients of list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: Vouchers


  It has long been my understanding (though I am no expert yet) that
  vouchers are supposed to be all or part of the amount a public school
  would get per student.  If this is the case, then how would a voucher
  program "divert funds" unjustly?
  Let me explain:  say my child goes to public school A, and I decide it's
  a rotten place.  The next year, I enroll him/her in public school B.
  to the change in enrollment numbers, school B is now allocated the funds
  which were, the year before, going to school A for my kid.  Would this
  scenario be so bad?  I think that's the whole concept of vouchers in a
  nutshell - except that we have to monkey around more with with the
  process of moving funds between a public and private school.

 Here's a possible scenario:  my kid is extremely bright, she's not getting
 what she needs from public school.  I think she belongs at St. Paul
 where she will not only get academics, but will rub elbows with kids from
 wealthy and middle class homes.  With a voucher, she can't even come close
 the amount it would take to not only go to the school she needs, but take
 part in that social life. She's also an African-American Muslim.  We live
 a fixed, very small income.  What good is a voucher to my kid who needs
 only good academics, but access?  To say that vouchers will even touch the
 poor in any real was is mouse poop.  To say that poor kids, even more than
 other kids, need access to the resources of a private school education, is
 state the obvious.
 Therefore, vouchers are not meant to make different public schools
 to a wider group of students, but to pull middle class kids from the
 schools to the private ones, therefore pulling money out of the public
 system and away from my kid and all the other kids like her.  Why would I
 support the privileges of the middle class and wealthy against the needs
 my own child?  That would be way dumb.
 Wizard Marks

  Additionally, the claim that vouchers "doom poor families... with an
  inordinate burden of payments," is symptomatic of the elitism which so
  deeply permeates contemporary "liberal" thought.  Would you tell me that
  an appliance shop down the street will doom ME in such a way?  Of course
  not!  If I can't afford a new jen-aire washing machine, I simply will
  buy it.
  Poverty does not equal stupidity, nor irresponsibility, nor does it
  denote bad parenting.  I believe (as an inner-city resident with an
  income WAY below the so-called poverty level) that vouchers would be an
  incredible asset to working families (especially minorities) who
  currently have mediocre choice for the means by which their children are
  educated.  I personally know of many in my neighborhood that agree.
  Connie Sheppard
  Ward 6 - Ventura Village
  On Fri, 3 Nov 2000 22:03:30 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   In a message dated 11/3/00 6:11:15 PM Central Standard Time,
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The problem with vouchers go beyond the concerns raised by Stack
   to one
fact:  they don't work to help students. 
   After discussing this subject with a very interesting MPS
   Thursday evening, I reviewed statistics that inevitably lead me to
   that she was rightfully concerned with the use of vouchers as they
   do more
   harm than good. In short, my research indicates that the voucher
   diverts needed funds from the very schools and students who need it
   More importantly, it further dooms poor families and their students
   with an
   inordinate burden of payments that the families cannot afford. Thank
   you Ms.
   Park Avenue for such gentle persuasion and insight into this
   And...a DFL'r with whom I agree. Strange bedfellows??
   Robert Anderson
   Independence Candidate, House 61B
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