RE: florida repolling

2000-11-12 Thread ferma001

Let us not rush to judgement without deeper thinking.  The benefits 
(dollars) to flow from Washington to Minneapolis will be decidely 
different under Gore as opposed to Bush.  Therefore, the outcome in 
Florida, while superficially non-Minneapolis is nevertheless a 
Minneapolis concern in very practical terms.  Were the Florida issue 
about it's governor, then the debacle there could not be construed as a 
Minneapolis issue.  That being said some posts have indeed waltzed unto 
rather thin ice, losing pertinence as a result.  It is a very tough call 
to say when something might or might not have practical impact on 
Minneapolis; but it is not a tough call to send the issue over unto 

>Folks, be careful. While the Strib editorial board is a Minneapolis issue
>(sometimes), we shouldn't get into re-hashing the Florida debacle, which
>David Brauer
>List manager and keeper of local focus

Jack Ferman
Minneapolis, MN

Re: florida repolling

2000-11-12 Thread DeWayne Townsend


> Also, the polls in both state (NY and Ca) were overwhelmingly 
> Democratic. Gore's popular lead is from those states where many
> Republicans simply stayed away. Its not a "real"  test of
> popularity. Just consider the chilling effect on Republican votes
> in California alone when NY, Mi, Pa, Ma, Ill and Florida were
> projected as gore states.  It was over a hundred thousand there
> alone. Don't get caught up in this hysteria.  It is B, as in B, S,
> as in S.

Are you saying the the Republican's stayed away from the
polls because areas were mostly Democratic?  Doesn't that
cut both ways?  Perhaps the Democratic vote stayed home
because the Democrats were going to win anyway.  I don't buy
this argument, if Gore wins the popular vote Gore wins the
popular vote.  IMHO who wins the popular vote should be


RE: florida repolling

2000-11-12 Thread List Manager

Folks, be careful. While the Strib editorial board is a Minneapolis issue
(sometimes), we shouldn't get into re-hashing the Florida debacle, which

David Brauer
List manager and keeper of local focus

Re: florida repolling

2000-11-12 Thread wizardmarks

If people were confused by the ballor, then redo the vote.  The franchise is
more important than the candidate to the vision of the constitution.  It should
be no big deal to redo Palm Beach and it's county--it's not the whole nation
after all.  If even Pat Buchanan says those weren't his votes, then. . . .
Plus, with brother Jeb Bush being gov of the state, my cynical heart is, let us
say, suspicious.
Wizard Marks, Central

Mark Trehus wrote:

> Too much is at stake here NOT to repoll anyone confused by the "butterfly
> ballot,"  if not the whole damn state!  Gore has won the popular vote and
> (without Fla.) the majority of the remaining electoral college votes.  It
> would be a damn shame if George W. Bush got into office because people
> accidentally voted for someone other than the person they wanted.  As an
> anti-Bush person (I voted for Nader, but am all for the lesser of two evils
> at this point), I would be pissed if the shoe were on the other foot, and
> (hypothetically) Bush votes had erroneously gone to Nader, but I would
> expect nothing less than the voice of the people to prevail.  Isn't that, in
> essence, what a democracy is about?
>  Mark Trehus, Oar Folkjokeopus

Re: florida repolling

2000-11-11 Thread Clark Griffith

Minnesota has a huge interest in maintaining the electoral system. Just
think of the attention a popularly elected president would give to our
state if he need five million votes in New York or California.
Also, the polls in both state (NY and Ca) were overwhelmingly
Democratic. Gore's popular lead is from those states where many
Republicans simply stayed away. Its not a "real"  test of popularity.
Just consider the chilling effect on Republican votes in California
alone when NY, Mi, Pa, Ma, Ill and Florida were projected as gore
states.  It was over a hundred thousand there alone.
Don't get caught up in this hysteria.  It is B, as in B, S, as in S.

Clark Griffith
7th Ward, where there were no confused voters.