Re: Library referendum

2000-10-20 Thread Tim Bonham

At 08:53 AM 10/20/2000, you wrote:
>Besides the tax
>bite--actually the tax bite is not the isue for residents, it's an issue for
>businesses--shortsighted though it be.
>Wizard Marks, Central
Actually, Wizard, the tax bite from referendums like this is entirely on 
the residents; business property is completely exempt from these additional 
taxes.  This is a little 'loophole' that the legislature gave to business 
interests a few years ago.
 Then business interests put pressure on elected officials to keep 
property tax rates down, often successfully.  So then these elected boards 
use referendums (paid only by residents) to generate funds for needed 
things (like smaller class size) which should have been funded by an 
increase in the basic property tax rates (paid by both residents and 
businesses).   So the net effect of this legislature change is a shift in 
the property tax burden from business property to residential 
property.  [Plus a significant increase in the number of referendums being 

Re: Paper Box Responsibility

2000-10-26 Thread Tim Bonham

>Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 14:24:28 -0500
>From: "D.Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Paper Box Responsibility
>. . .
>I too think this
>obsession with graffiti is pointless.  In fact - I've even seen some
>graffiti I've rather liked.
>. . .
>D. Klein
I'd bet that this graffiti that you "rather liked" wasn't on your property!

Re: Paper Box Responsibility

2000-10-26 Thread Tim Bonham

>Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 14:24:28 -0500
>From: "D.Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Paper Box Responsibility
>. . .
>I too think this
>obsession with graffiti is pointless.  In fact - I've even seen some
>graffiti I've rather liked.
>. . .
>D. Klein
I'd bet that this graffiti that you "rather liked" wasn't on your property!
Tim Bonham

I blew it

2000-10-28 Thread Tim Bonham

>From: "David Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>. . .
>Folks, I blew it. Thinking the owner of Oarfolk should have his day after
>Lisa McDonald's post, I somewhat robotically forwarded his response to the
>list this morning.

No problem, David.
The part describing Lisa McDonald as both "rabble-rouser" and 
ultra-conservative" in the same message gave me the best laugh I've had all 

Re: Council/Mayor rumor list

2000-10-30 Thread Tim Bonham

>Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 22:07:38 -0600 (CST)
>From: David Shove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>. . .
>ward 12 dfl Colvin-Roy #
>ward 13 Rybak RT?
>  incumbent
>  # incumbent leaving
These last items are just flat out wrong!
Sandy Colvin-Roy is NOT leaving!  Her re-election committee is already 
scheduling meetings.
And RT Rybak doesn't even live in the 13th ward!

Park Board Dissolution

2000-11-03 Thread Tim Bonham

>. . .
>Even a cursory analysis of the Park Board
>structure would show us such rampant waste, inefficiency and even misuse
>of resources that would warrant a merger with other city functions.
>. . .
>Erik Riese
OK, then give us some specific examples, please.

Tim Bonham

re: Newspaper endorsement scorecard

2000-11-07 Thread Tim Bonham

>Following is the distribution data by party designation of candidates in
>tomorrows election as endorsed and published by the Minneapolis StarTribune
>and by the St. Paul Pioneer Press:
>Minneapolis StarTribune:
>-- endorsed Democrats= 77%
>-- endorsed Republicans  = 18%
>-- endorsed Independents =  5%
>St. Paul Pioneer Press:
>-- endorsed Democrats= 50%
>-- endorsed Republicans  = 50%
>-- endorsed Independents =  0%
>I've done this analysis for quiet a few elections and the Strib endorsements
>are always 70-80% for Democrats.
Have you done a similar analysis of the voting public's endorsements (the 
election results)?  If so, it would be interesting to see.  It might show 
which paper is more in tune with the voters.

Tim Bonham

Re: Jessie knows my number!

2000-11-07 Thread Tim Bonham

>As a democrat and politcal hack, I personally was really irritated to
>receive a mailing from the State DFL in SD59B (University / NE) last
>week.  It was a mailing for Kahn, Pogemiller, Sabo et al.  It said
>paid for by the state DFL, Mike Erlandson, chair.  It didn't even seem to
>mention Gore.  That would have at least given it some justification in
>Nader country.
>This seems like a reprehensible allocation of resources.  The Nader voters
>alone will be enough to reelect the full DFL slate in 59B where there were
>3000 DFL primary voters and 193 Republicans.
 This may be explained by some overly assertive activity by the 
Federal Elections Commission.  They have reached the strange conclusion 
that is now longer allowable for political parties to mix endorsements for 
Federal races with state & local races, like for instance joint literature 
pieces listing all the DFL endorsed candidates.  Seems to me that's pretty 
much the definition of a Sample Ballot -- having all the DFL candidates 
from President to local dog-catcher is the point!
 The FEC claims that this is somehow using state or local money to 
support federal races, or maybe vice-versa, and is not allowed, even though 
this is accounted for and the sample ballot costs are allocated to the 
various campaigns as in-kind expenditures.
 I know the Minneapolis DFL had to really fight with the State DFL 
to get them to include the Minneapolis endorsed referendums on the sample 
ballots for Minneapolis.   They said that the FEC was already threatening 
them if they did this.  They said that the FEC had already filed complaints 
against the Mn DFL Party several times over similar situations.  

Re: Paying for the Library

2000-11-10 Thread Tim Bonham

>Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 17:18:59 -0600
>From: "Steve Minn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Beem, Katy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Paying for the Library
>...You have made my point...Non
>Minneapolitans will use it, and not pay for it!

You know, Steve, I think some of those Non-Minneapolitans also drive on our 
streets or swim in our lakes or play softball in our parks, all without 
paying for it!
 Gee, do ya think maybe we should set up tollbooth checkpoints at 
the borders of the city?  Or maybe just accept this as one of the prices to 
pay for living in the big city & the economic heart of the state?
 If we want to get into all the myriad of ways in which the city 
residents/taxpayers subsidize suburban/rural areas, that's a whole new (& 
lengthy) discussion.

Tim Bonham
Longfellow Neighborhood

Re: Attack on Cherryhomes due to affordable housing position

2000-12-10 Thread Tim Bonham

I must disagree with my friend & neighbor Ms. Becker -- this DOES have a 
place on this forum.
 As this 'attack on Cherryhomes' is entirely an attack on her 
positions, I do not think it is a personal attack of the kind that is 
prohibited on this forum.  (David can respond, if he wishes.)  I think that 
was indicated by the title Ms. Becker gave to her post.
 I would say that if we can not argue about the positions taken by 
an elected official on this board, it's a pretty useless forum.
 That said, I would have to agree the Ms. Cherryhomes (and the Mpls 
city government as a whole) has done little if anything to increase 
affordable housing in the city.  In fact, I would suspect that city actions 
over the past years have resulted in a net loss of affordable 
housing.  However, lack of affordable housing is a problem all over this 
country, so it is asking a bit much to expect local officials to fix a 
nation-wide problem.

>Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 22:43:19 -0800
>From: "Carol Becker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Attack on Cherryhomes due to affordable housing position
>Message-ID: <001401c06274$7cdc13a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>. . .
>PS - These personal attacks do not have a place in this forum.
>- Original Message -
>From: timothy connolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 7:58 AM
>Subject: cherryhomes announcement

Re: Chief Olson's Got to Go!

2000-12-20 Thread Tim Bonham

>. . .
>5) Senate District 62 Convention: Eight undercover
>police officers hired. The fear! The voice of the
>community might be heard! Minneapolis City Hall
>greatest fear! Democracy!
>. . .
>Ken Bradley Ward 12

Could Mr. Bradley please tell us where this ABSOLUTE NONSENSE came from?
 I am the Treasurer of Senate District 62, I write all the checks 
and pay all hired people, and I can assure you that the district did NOT 
hire "8 undercover police officers".

As far as I can remember, I saw 5 police officers at the convention; none 
of them were 'hired undercover officers':
 - There were 2 officers who live in the district, are active 
DFL'ers, and who have been elected delegates from their precinct caucus for 
at least the last 4 years or so.
 - Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton was there, with her driver/bodyguard, 
who is a Mpls. police officer.  He was wearing his usual dark blue 
sportcoat rather than a uniform; I suppose you could call that either 
"plain clothes" or "undercover".  But he certainly wasn't paid by District 62!
 - South HS required us to hire 2 off-duty police officers for the 
convention; they said this is their new policy (since Columbine) for all 
non-school events.  District 62 argued quite strenuously against this 
pointless expense, with no success.  But these officers were in full police 
uniform, and they spent most of their time out in the commons area, outside 
the convention floor.   They were certainly not 'hired undercover officers'.

I don't know who dreams up this kind of nonsense, but I would hope the 
readers of this list have enough sense to recognize it for the farce it is.
 Reminds me of the 
'Bill-Gates-will-pay-$1-for-every-time-you-forward-this-email' hoaxes that 
float around the internet regularily, thanks to gullible people who pass 
them along unquestioned!

Tim Bonham

Re: Bus Driver Beating

2001-01-05 Thread Tim Bonham

I think you're jumping to conclusions here -- look at the time this 
happened, the time it appeared on police paperwork, and the printing 
deadline for the newspaper.  Several of the other TV & Radio news shows 
didn't have it last night, either.  But they all have it today, including 
the arrest of the person responsible.  If it doesn't appear in either 
Saturday or Sunday papers, then you can ask why.  But give 'em a chance.

(And the driver wasn't THAT severely beaten -- he was released from the 
hospital and felt well enough to appear on the TV news shows.  He seemed 
quite calm about the whole thing -- stated that his attacker 'seemed to 
have some problems and may need some help'.)
Tim Bonham, Standish Erickson neighborhood

>Thursday, during daylight hours, an MTC bus driver was severely beaten by
>a young man in south Minneapolis.  Television carried the story (thank
>you WCCO) and KNOW ran a 15-second sound bite on the arrest.  But our
>wonderful Star Tribune carried not even one word.  Doesn't that just make
>one wonder how much is not thought important enough to report either.
>Jack Ferman
>Minneapolis, MN

Re: DFL Caucus Rules

2001-01-06 Thread Tim Bonham

>Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 00:46:51 -0600
>From: ferma001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Multiple recipients of list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Bad DFL caucus rules
>As a practical matter - unless some delegate can convince a majority of
>delegates that the caucus system is sorely broken I doubt constitutional
>fiddling would get to first base.  This years city convention has much
>business to conduct and given the pre-convention rhetoric going around it
>could be a long one.  Any one remember the convention when Sharon Sayles
>Belton was endorsed for the first time - it adjorned at around 2 or 2:30
Sharon was not endorsed at that convention.  It ended at that time in the 
morning with no candidate having received the required 60% needed for 
endorsement.  Sharon won the Primary Election in September, and was 
endorsed by the DFL party after that.

Re: Bus Driver Beating

2001-01-08 Thread Tim Bonham

It seems obvious to me that the bus drivers & riders will come out much 
better than LRT in this.  After all, you will have 1 LRT driver for several 
hundred passengers, vs. about 2 or 3 dozen passengers / driver on the bus 
system.  So based just on these numbers, the bus system is likely to be 
spending much more per passenger mile on security.

Tim Bonham
Ward 12

>Just wondering if anyone happens to know the budget per passenger mile spent
>for security in the bus system? My next question is - how does this amount
>compare to the expected spending on security, per passenger mile, for the
>new Hiawatha LRT. The numbers may be equal, I have no idea. I just want to
>make sure that bus riders and drivers are treated fairly and equally, at the
>same rate as LRT riders and operators.
>Dave Stack

Re: [Mpls] Electing city DFL delegates the same year as the

2001-01-23 Thread Tim Bonham

I would certainly oppose a mail-in or online vote for endorsement.  This 
would undercut the speeches, question-and-answer periods, seconding 
speeches by people I know, discussion with other delegates, and the rest of 
the personal interaction that goes on in a caucus endorsement 
system.  Delegates at these events learn a lot about the candidates there, 
and I think it helps them make better decisions.
 This personal interaction of the caucus endorsement system, vs. 
the TV sound bites of a primary system, is the main reason I support a 
caucus endorsement system.  I think allowing mail-in or online voting would 
just make this into an in-party primary system.  If you want that, just 
join all the news media in trying to kill the caucus system and go directly 
to a primary system.  (Note that they all would make money off a straight 
primary system.)

> > Why not a city-wide mail-in/online vote from party members for
> > endorsement?  You could add in ranking per the fairvote people.
> >
> > Everyone from the past precinct caucus could vote and you could add an
> > additional party membership process for others.  The process would
> > actually build the local party instead of narrowing the window for
> > paticipation.
> >
> > Steven Clift
> > Carag Resident

Re: [Mpls] Electing city DFL delegates the same year as the

2001-01-23 Thread Tim Bonham

I would certainly oppose a mail-in or online vote for endorsement.  This 
would undercut the speeches, question-and-answer periods, seconding 
speeches by people I know, discussion with other delegates, and the rest of 
the personal interaction that goes on in a caucus endorsement 
system.  Delegates at these events learn a lot about the candidates there, 
and I think it helps them make better decisions.
 This personal interaction of the caucus endorsement system, vs. 
the TV sound bites of a primary system, is the main reason I support a 
caucus endorsement system.  I think allowing mail-in or online voting would 
just make this into an in-party primary system.  If you want that, just 
join all the news media in trying to kill the caucus system and go directly 
to a primary system.  (Note that they all would make money off a straight 
primary system.)
 Tim Bonham, Ward 12
> > Why not a city-wide mail-in/online vote from party members for
> > endorsement?  You could add in ranking per the fairvote people.
> >
> > Everyone from the past precinct caucus could vote and you could add an
> > additional party membership process for others.  The process would
> > actually build the local party instead of narrowing the window for
> > paticipation.
> >
> > Steven Clift
> > Carag Resident

List of known candidates

2001-01-25 Thread Tim Bonham

On the Minneapolis DFL webpage (, 
I have included a page listing all the known or rumored candidates for the 
2001 City elections.  See for this list.

Note that this is a personal list, not an official DFL party list!  Also, 
additions or corrections are welcome!

Tim Bonham, 12th ward