Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Thu, 15 Sep 2022 21:36:47 +0000:

> So I did make public onmouseevent for mseSimpleWidget:
> In msewidgets.pas, added in parent class of simplewidget this:
> And recompiled ideU with it.

So it's useable with ideU only, not with the regular mseide?

> Now onmouseevent appear in object inspector for your panel-background.


> ..., now the rounded clock can move.

If you really need that? As written otherwise, on my system, under my
window manager, it's sufficient to hold the "Alt" key in conjunction
with the right mouse bitton to move the window, even if it has no frame.
Are you restricted to use Windows, perhaps?

> What do you think to make onmouseevent public for SimpleWidget?

If you need it, why not do so?

> Good night.

Ah, maybe you hadn't read my response yet when you wrote this message.
So you couldn't have read about the "Alt" key "trick" for moving the
window. But it seems that you have other uses for a mouse event for
SimpleWidget, too, which may make it truely desireable to enable this.
And if this removes an inconsistency (one of a real lot) in msegui,
this might even be beneficial for its popularity. (Or should I have
rather written the last word of the previous sentence in quotes? CAN
msegui still claim any popularity?)

BTW, the MSEclock on my web site isn't "finished" in any way, it's more
like a test bed for new concepts, and outdated even on that - there are
the two other files "podemo_mo4stock.zip" and "msegit.zip", featuring a
new version of the mo4stock unit and an updated formscanner to go with
it. (I guess I'll have to update "MSEclock" as well...)

In this sense, "have a lot of fun".

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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