Hallo Fred,

following the remark, "I'm always struck by a good number of
compiler messages" (i.e. Note: and Warning:), made in my message from
Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:11:31 +0100, I now made an attempt to "remedy"
these by eliminang their respective causes, as much as possible.
Well, I'm QUITE a bit disappointed about the diagnostic abilities of
the "new" fpc 3.3.1 now. It's degraded a lot compared with fpc 3.2.2
as to recognize variable usage. That is, IF fpc 3.2.2 did care about
that at all, of course...
fpc 3.3.1 moans about an (intermediate) variable being assigned to,
BUT NOT USED, if it is only used as an argument to some function or
procedure. I.e., it IS in fact used, but that use is not recognized
by fpc 3.3.1. Nearly all of the "Note:" messages of the compiler are
of this kind, which is distracting.
Concerning the warnings, there's even a similar kind of misleading
messages: "Warning: Function result variable of a managed type does not
seem to be initialized", which mostly arises from the fact that the
initialization IS done, only by a procedure getting the result variable
passed as an output or var type parameter. 
By now, I found just a couple possibly truely detrimental problems in
the msegui library files, but I've put aside ALL of the string
conversion issues from a lesser type to "UnicodeString", keeping only
the other direction, whcich claims "potential data loss". But these
still are numerous, which takes some time...

I'll report when I'm done, and will make the result available on my web
site, as usual.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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