Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Linuxfan
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014 08:06:45 +0100
Martin Schreiber wrote:

  Pattern recognition...
  I don't care about it when I *use* a compiler...
 Maybe there is a misunderstanding, I mean pattern recognition by
 reading the code by a human. :-)
Yes, there has been.

 I don't know if you read the MSElang Wiki, it is here:
Yes I did read it.

 The design goals of MSElang:
 1. Simple, 2. Readable.
 MSElang programs should be read like a letter.
These two points are priorities for me too. This is why:
1. (Simple) I want automatic type conversion, but in a clean context.
2. (Readable like a letter). This is another point. I took inspiration
from spoken language, which has little punctuation. Characters like
$%?^| should be avoided if possible, contrary to C. For a human, layout
is important, so I make it coincide to the compiler.

 3.Easy to learn ... suitable for pupils
Not bad. But very difficult. I have used several languages, and every
time I switched, I crashed on pitfalls. Oh, stupid things, but every
language has them. There are two types of pupils: those who don't
know programming, and those who know. For the formers, any reasonable
language can do, but perhaps little formalism is better (perhaps). For
those alreay in programming, may be your idea (a strict and polished
pascal) could be better at first, but after the first steps
productivity would slow down. Don't take it wrong, but after reading
your wiki, I had the impression that you make a strong point of
formalism (nothing wrong with this), but I don't see the...:

 4.Powerful ...  pointers and pointer arithmetic.
 Object orientated high level programming.
There are two different concepts of poweful. One, old style:

while ((ch=getchar()) != EOF) putchar(ch);

...and assembler is even more powerful, for this.

The other style of power is something like:

send stream1 every

without pointers, cycles, arithmetics, tests. Of course, nothing forbid
to implement pointers in a powerful language: a programmer can decide
to use them or not.

 I don't want to make the language a fascinating intellectual puzzle
 there is enough challenge in finding of best algorithms and
 architecture of the programs one has to develop...
And this is why I want a powerful but simple language! I don't want to
always remember that I can't writeln(myboolean) because I must
explicitly convert it to a str8. And consider that there are
not only writelns; consider GTK: it wants utf8, but for some reason
(speed? text files? external LCD?) the main program uses ascii, or mcs4
or whatever. Ok, your way to go still works, but I think this
can no more be called power.

   The problem in with is if one uses a local variable which is
   later also added to the with'ed class or record.
This is a very very strong point. In fact, when I first saw php, I was
stunned by those variables always referenced with $, but later I
understood. So, we are condamned to be verbose? No, with my colon
trick. But even sticking to WITH, the way something else does, there is
no problem:

with form1 do
  .caption = caption
  .left = left

Why the freepascal team did not change the semantic of WITH? For
compatibility? Will you change it?

  80% solved. For str8. Then there are utf8, utf16, mcs-4... so you
  will have su8(), su16(), smcs4()?
 If there are no implicit conversions function overloading works for
 function result types also. I assume the print() function uses
This is not clear to me: overloading works for function resul types
also. If you can overload something else than arguments, let me know
how do you do it - I am interested (of course, in making it
automatic :-) ).
Apart from this, I think it is no good to assume print() uses utf8,
because often a program sets captions in GTK, or fields in SQL, or uses
external libraries written by someone else. In fact, you say MSELang
will support several types of strings, why? To interface with the world,
or to burden the language with unnecessary things? I assume all those
types are for interfacing with the world, so who know if
external function xx uses utf8 or EBCDIC.

We are criticing each other, but I think this can be useful. I have a
question: does MSEIDE support automatic completion? I didn't tried the
last version (because of dependency issues); in 2.8.6 a quick try was
unsuccessful: if it is there, I don't see it.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Linuxfan
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014 12:17:03 +0500
Ivanko B wrote:

  in pascal you can't write functions with variable number of arguments
 AFAIK, C uses va_list lfor that. And C uses the right-2-left stact
 order for procedures to handle va_list otherwise Pascal uses the
 left-2-right order making va_list handling problematic.Then
 writeln might be implemented as a consequence of single write-s
 for each argument

No no, freepascal and delphi CAN do that. They have array of
consts (or something like that) which you construct with [xx, yy, zz].
The net result is the same as C, and probably more clean.
The problem is that you pass printf() or format() a string and a
handful of arguments:

printf(My name is %s and my age is %d, [myname, myage]);

and there is no check on arguments, and no check on correspondance
between arguments and positional specifiers %blabla in the string. In
the example above, the first %s asks for a string, and the second %d for
an integer. If you mistakely pass wrong arguments, or in wrong order
myname and myage, results can be catastrophic!

I tried to use the external function format() in linux libc from
pascal, and I didn't succeed. The problem was that, contrary to what
was stated in the manual, open array of consts [...] was not passed
to libc in a working way. I have no problems with delphi, instead; I
often use format() in windows, and every time I do I feel the
deprecating look of Martin behind my shoulders... :-)


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 07 January 2014 10:07:25 Martin Schreiber wrote:

 There is code completion for classes. There is no Lazarus-style code
 completion. That is the first thing I switch off in any IDE. ;-)
 What works is code navigation by Ctrl+LeftClick, procedure parameter
 listing by Shift+Ctrl+Space after the ( and header-implementation switch
 by Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down.

I forgot, there is a sophisticated code template functionality too. I never 
use it, that thing I made especially for Graeme. :-)


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Michael Schnell
On 01/06/2014 01:00 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
 with l:lab1 do l.left:= 10; 20; end; 
I do like the quoted with as same eliminates the ambiguity that is 
inheritant to with (hiding part of the namespace of outer with, the 
class and globals).

To me with l:=lab1 would be more logical as it works as if creating a 
variable of the appropriate type and assigning that value to it.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Michael Schnell
On 01/07/2014 08:17 AM, Ivanko B wrote:
   in pascal you can't write functions with variable number of arguments
 AFAIK, C uses va_list lfor that.
Yep. I use it a lot. (Important for C: there is a corresponding concept 
and syntax in Macros that supports this. )

In Pascal we have the concept of open arrays with differently typed 
variables for this, including the possibility to define constants of 
this type on the fly in function calls. This is at least equivalent.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Martin Schreiber
Am 07.01.2014 12:24, schrieb Michael Schnell:
 On 01/06/2014 01:00 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
 with l:lab1 do l.left:= 10; 20; end; 
 I do like the quoted with as same eliminates the ambiguity that is
 inheritant to with (hiding part of the namespace of outer with, the
 class and globals).

 To me with l:=lab1 would be more logical as it works as if creating a
 variable of the appropriate type and assigning that value to it.

The reason why : instead of :=:
:= is an assignment. with is fetching the address of a data 
structure which is the first step of an assignment. The first step of 
:= is :. ;-)


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-07 Thread Michael Schnell
On 01/07/2014 12:07 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
 The first step of := is :. ;-)

Nice !:-) :-) :-)


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Linuxfan
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 02:14:43 +0500
Ivanko B wrote:

 lab1.: create; left=10; top=20
 It like the TCL, Python etc way. Mainly designed for GUI-progarmming
 w/o any GUI-designer thus with smaller executables.

I think you missed the point. Real pascal programs
are filled with such things: create an object and set
a few properties, even without any GUI involved.

Some real pascal fragments, from lazarus sources:

  fServer := TSimpleIPCServer.Create(nil);
  fServer.ServerID := fServerName;
  fServer.Global := True;
  fServer.Active := True;

AProject.Title:='Daemon application';


  PDev.Name  :=PPRINTER_INFO_2(InfoPrt)^.pPrinterName;
  PDev.Port  :=PPRINTER_INFO_2(InfoPrt)^.pPortName;

In all these fragments a WITH clause could have helped, but
I can imagine why it was not used. Besides, pascal is the
only language that implements with, and many people
criticize it. I don't think so, I like with, but I have
found another paradigm that in many cases is better.
This colon repetition is not limited to with. See
this other example, a set of declarations:

procedure DoSelectDir(Sender: TObject);
procedure DoSaveLayout(Sender: TObject);
procedure ReadConfig; virtual;
procedure WriteConfig; virtual;

which could be written as:

  DoSelectDir(Sender: TObject);
  DoSaveLayout(Sender: TObject);
  ReadConfig; virtual;
  WriteConfig; virtual;

In reality, with the different syntax I think of,
this set of declaration would be written like this:

  DoSelectDir of TObject Sender
  DoSaveLayout of TObject Sender

By reducing repetitions, the syntax pushes
toward a more clean and readable source.


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Sunday 05 January 2014 21:26:00 Linuxfan wrote:
 Hi folks,

 after 30 years of programming with different languages (basic, pascal,
 C, asm, tcl, php, bash...) I come to the conclusion that none of them
 is satisfactory for me.

Sounds familiar. :)
Although for me Delphi 7 is not so much away for my needs.

 I would like a language that needs few strokes 
 on the keyboard, with little punctuation, but very precise, expressive,
 powerful and smart, without hidden features or pitfalls.

Yup, mostly the intention of MSElang too, I like to add readability.


 To better explain, I
 will make two examples on how heretic I am. Let's talk about verbosity:

   var lab1: Tlabel;
   lab1 := Tlabel.create;
   lab1.left := 10; := 20;

 Here, lab1 is cited 3 times, not counting the declaration. A WITH
 clause would help little:

   lab1 := TLabel.create;
   with lab1 do begin
 left := 10;
 top  := 20

 Now lab1 is cited 2 times, but with, begin end have come in. What about
 of, instead:

   lab1.: create; left=10; top=20

 The trick is the colon. It means repeat from the start of the line,
 until the physical line end.

What I do not like in this approach is the dependency of semantic by the 
layout. For MSElang it is a no-go because MSElang is layout independent with 
some minor exceptions (//-comments for example).
In MSEgui with-statements are used often. I know that most Delphi experts 
preach that with is evil, I don't think so. MSElang has the mandatory alias 
name in with statements in order to avoid overlooked name clashes. In MSElang 
the example would be written as

 lab1:= tlabel.create();
 with l:lab1 do
  l.left:= 10; 20;

The example makes not much sense because writing

 lab1.left:= 10;
 lab1.right:= 10;

is faster. In MSEgui initializing properties of a classinstance is not used 
often because the values are streamed and set in object inspector of MSEide.

 This is a task for the lexer/parser; the 
 compiler doesn't see the colon. In this example the compiler, reading
 from the parser, reads lab1, ., then create, then ;. A complete
 statement. A note about this: lab1.create is interpreted as
 lab1 := Tlabel.create (what else could be this statement: a
 constructor invocation without assignment?).

This also is against the philosophy of MSElang. Things what happen should be 
visible in code and they should look always the same. If there is an 
assignment, write it as assignment.

 Then the compiler goes on 
 for a new statement and, because the parser still has a colon pending,
 the compiler reads lab1.left=10;. Then it reads Then
 the physical line ends, so the parser frees the colon. (You also see =
 instead of :=). This idea goes even further because the colon can be
 implicit: when the compiler expects more tokens, but they are not
 there, an implicit colon is assumed:

Against the MSElang design principles too, things should always look the same. 
In MSElang the ';' for example becomes a mandatory statement terminator. It 
helps to separate the statements while reading the code. In procedure headers 
the ';' has been replaced by ',' so in header definition and procedure call 
parameter separators look similar.

   // after a var keyword, shouldn't be an identifier?
   // but there is not: so the compiler tells the parser
   // assume an implied colon
 int x // here the compiler reads var int x
 int y // and here var int y
 end   // this end closes the (implicit) colon

 This paradigm is simpler and more consistent than the normal pascal
 way. A pascal compiler, while parsing a var block, must always check
 that the next token is not a keyword (procedure, function, type,
 absolute, external...).

I don't understand the motivation. To solve a fascinating intellectual puzzle? 
This is another thing I like to avoid in MSElang.
Terminating 'var' by 'end' is a possibility I have to think about. I assume 
same applies to 'const' and 'type'?

 At a certain point, freepascal had to forbid 
 declaring object variables after its methods, just because of that

I don't understand, please explain.

 You may ask why the type specifier stays before the identifier, as in
 C?. Because I think it is better, but the explanation is long.

I don't think it is better. When one searches a variable definition in code 
normally one want to find the variable name to check the type not the 
opposite. So scanning the name at the left edge of the editor window is 
easier than to follow the gap between type and name.

 Second heretic idea. One of the best things of pascal is its strong
 typing system. But it is not strong enough, especially when some kind
 of automatic type conversion is desired. Let assume we write a
 procedure print to output human readable data. We want to print
 messages, numbers, and perhaps 

Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Ivanko B
In MSElang  the example would be written as
  lab1:= tlabel.create();
  with l:lab1 do
   l.left:= 10; 20;
You probaly don't have TCL experience :

button .btn1 -caption Exit -command {exit}
pack .btn1 -padx 5 -pady 5

that's single line per whole definition - reduces definition length
(an important  kind of readability) very much.

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Linuxfan
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 19:41:22 +0500
Ivanko B wrote:

 In MSElang  the example would be written as
   lab1:= tlabel.create();
   with l:lab1 do
l.left:= 10; 20;
 You probaly don't have TCL experience :
 button .btn1 -caption Exit -command {exit}
 pack .btn1 -padx 5 -pady 5
 that's single line per whole definition - reduces definition length
 (an important  kind of readability) very much.

I don't know to whom this comment is directed, because nobody
criticized tcl until now. But to be very precise, these are TWO lines
of code, because without pack the button is useless; while the pascal
source specify geometry with left/top.

Anyway, I find tcl is a very respectable language, and its power goes
far beyond many people think. In designing my language I was inspired
by optional arguments like -caption, -command and so on. Especially
the last one -command, is concise and pwerful (the power of Tcl!).
Unfortunately it has several defect (but all is debatable...).


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Ivanko B
I don't think it is better...
Ouch. Another design principle of MSElang is...
Quite opposite preferentions of two long-time exptrienced programmers.
Linuxfan hates typing, Martin (anb me too) hates ambiguity 
irregularity :) Less typing means more ambiguity and vie versa.

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Monday 06 January 2014 17:27:32 Ivanko B wrote:
 I don't think it is better...
 Ouch. Another design principle of MSElang is...
 Quite opposite preferentions of two long-time exptrienced programmers.

It seems so. :-)


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Ivanko B
print counter+12  // counter is an integer
Is the current writeln(counter,12) worse ? Why ?
But writeln definetely needs variations with C-style *printf %-formatting:


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Linuxfan
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 21:27:32 +0500
Ivanko B wrote:

 I don't think it is better...
 Ouch. Another design principle of MSElang is...
 Quite opposite preferentions of two long-time exptrienced programmers.
 Linuxfan hates typing, Martin (anb me too) hates ambiguity 
 irregularity :) Less typing means more ambiguity and vie versa.

I don't want to speak too much - I will slow down I promise - but less
typing is not necessarily more ambiguity, I think. It depends.
There is no ambiguity when There is exactly one way to interpret
each program statement syntactically. That's all.

For sure, to fill a language with keywords and punctuation does not
render it less ambiguous; it helps in catching typing errors, probably.
C compilers tend to throw generic errors (parse error at near...) in
wrong places even if the language itself is not ambiguous. Pascal
instead is very precise in this, and I appreciate it.

 print counter+12  // counter is an integer
 Is the current writeln(counter,12) worse ? Why?
No no, writeln has nothing wrong. What is wrong is that in pascal you
can't write functions with variable number of arguments, so
write/writeln do violate pascal rules.

 But writeln definetely needs variations with C-style *printf
This trick is very handy, especially for international programs, and you
can do it in pascal too using function(..., [...]) (in theory; in
practice I tried without success).
It also has a big problem, and there is no solution: you can pass
it whatever you want, even without corrispondence to the various %xx.
When you run a program and you see strange messages like Error: %s\n,
well, you know they used this trick and something went wrong!


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Linuxfan
On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 18:55:42 +0100
Martin Schreiber wrote:

 On Monday 06 January 2014 16:34:31 Linuxfan wrote:
  I think that program sources are text files and always will be.
 I don't agree, sorry.
Don't be sorry. It is apparent that we have different concepts, stop.

 The purpose is to let a the sub or method call always look the same
 because of pattern recognition.
...and later...
 A comma in MSElang is a separator, a semicolon is a terminator. And
 the same look of definition and call also because of pattern
Pattern recognition...
I don't care about it when I *use* a compiler; moreover, I think the
compiler should work much more than today's compiler do. It is true
that fast compilation is desirable, also. But computers are getting
more and more powerful.

 The problem in with is if one uses a local variable which is later
 also added to the with'ed class or record.
This is a point where we share the same idea! WITH *can* lead to
problems, but if the programmer is careful, no problem.

  Even in my idea they always look the same, if you know the language.
 It always should look the same independent if one knows the language
 well or not. ;-)

DoSelectDir of TObject Sender
DoSaveLayout of TObject Sender
 This is for me the worst possible indention style, sorry.
Actually the mail program has messed up the indentation, but I
understand. Every person has its own tastes.

  Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition,
 In MSElang modifiers are probably not separated by ;.
And this is a good point.

 Why should it if it is not necessary? I don't think it is a too big
 burden to write
  f1:= 1.0 + f2 * 2.0;
It can be, when not necessary. Who wants to make
things clear, can always do, like you. But those that do not want?

  ... converting thenewtype to str8 ... and integer to str8 ...
 You always write s() because of function overloading. There are no 
 ambiguities because MSElang has no implicit type conversions.
80% solved. For str8. Then there are utf8, utf16, mcs-4... so you will
have su8(), su16(), smcs4()?

 The expectations are 10 times faster compilation times than FPC 2.6.2.
  MSELang is not enough modern.
 I don't care. It is a tool mainly for me.
Well, what to say. I hope we both succeed in doing our language. With
affect, I hope that one day there will be a debate in internet MSELAng
vs Java vs Python vs C# vs Simple! (Simple is the name I chose for my

Have a nice evening, regards,


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Monday 06 January 2014 20:41:48 Linuxfan wrote:
 On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 18:55:42 +0100

  The purpose is to let a the sub or method call always look the same
  because of pattern recognition.

 ...and later...

  A comma in MSElang is a separator, a semicolon is a terminator. And
  the same look of definition and call also because of pattern

 Pattern recognition...
 I don't care about it when I *use* a compiler; moreover, I think the
 compiler should work much more than today's compiler do. It is true
 that fast compilation is desirable, also. But computers are getting
 more and more powerful.

Maybe there is a misunderstanding, I mean pattern recognition by reading the 
code by a human. :-)

I don't know if you read the MSElang Wiki, it is here:
The design goals of MSElang:

The design goals

Ultimate goal is to build the most productive universal programming 
environment, usable from programming of microcontrollers to MSEgui projects. 
I like pragmatic solutions but hate compromises.

Reduce the language concepts one has to learn to the minimum, make them as 
orthogonal as possible.

MSElang programs should be read like a letter.

3.Easy to learn.
Because of 1. and 2. it should be suitable for pupils as first programming 

Allow to go down to the bare metal, it has pointers and pointer 
Object orientated high level programming.

5.Fast running
State of the art optimizations.

6.Fast compiling
While defining the language keep in mind how it can be implemented 

I don't want to make the language a fascinating intellectual puzzle there is 
enough challenge in finding of best algorithms and architecture of the 
programs one has to develop...

  The problem in with is if one uses a local variable which is later
  also added to the with'ed class or record.

 This is a point where we share the same idea! WITH *can* lead to
 problems, but if the programmer is careful, no problem.

How with Pascal with can one be sure that a *newly* added field to a record 
will not hide a already used variable in an *existing* with statement?


   ... converting thenewtype to str8 ... and integer to str8 ...
  You always write s() because of function overloading. There are no
  ambiguities because MSElang has no implicit type conversions.

 80% solved. For str8. Then there are utf8, utf16, mcs-4... so you will
 have su8(), su16(), smcs4()?

If there are no implicit conversions function overloading works for function 
result types also. I assume the print() function uses utf-8?


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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-06 Thread Ivanko B
 in pascal you can't write functions with variable number of arguments
AFAIK, C uses va_list lfor that. And C uses the right-2-left stact
order for procedures to handle va_list otherwise Pascal uses the
left-2-right order making va_list handling problematic.Then
writeln might be implemented as a consequence of single write-s
for each argument

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Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] MSELang heretic ideas

2014-01-05 Thread Ivanko B
lab1.: create; left=10; top=20

It like the TCL, Python etc way. Mainly designed for GUI-progarmming
w/o any GUI-designer thus with smaller executables.

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