well, waddaya know..

1999-11-29 Thread Marco Frissen

Princess Maker 3 for PC.. cool
Bubble Bobble 99 for PC too... hehehehe


just for the fanatics ..
Marco Frissen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Test Engineer Philips CryptoWorks
Building OAN 2.39  Cederlaan 4
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Telephone: +31 40 27 32 479

IT sucks

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Re: Y2K aftermath on the MSX??

1999-11-29 Thread Siebe Berveling

Hans-Peter Zeedijk 

I 've tried the MSX system clock and the clock runs fine till 
2072. afterthat it returns to 1973. Problems with programm's I have not 
no Y2K problem in hardware, the software could have a problem. So if 
you do

BASIC, MSX-DOS (1 and 2) are also software, isn't it? 

Try the following in BASIC (version 2.1): 
get date d$ : print d$ 

Then a date string will appear on your screen, which only gives the last 
two digits of the year!
Programs which use this method 
for getting the date will have trouble I guess

Try the 
following in MSX-DOS (1):

current date is: 29-11-1999 
enter new 
you see the date in four digits!
After entering the date of 
31/12/2079 there and the time of 23:59 and switching the power off for a minute, 
the date of 1/1/1980 appears. The problems will rise again in 

I have also tested the year 2072 you named, but DOS(1) jumps to 2073, as it 
should be.
Which OS did 
you use?

I haven't 
tried MSX-DOS 2 yet. But from the DOS2 function codes specification I conclude 
that it makes no difference with DOS1. 

Research in the MILC learned me, 
that the clockchip uses two nibbles for storing the date. The max value stored 
is H99, this is decimal 155, and 1980+155 = 2135. So the clockchip gives 
the correct date until 2135 (Doubt if I make it till then ..) It's only the 
software ...

For instance the dutch echomail 
system (i.e. sending electronic messages from one BBS to another) will have 
trouble with the millenium. (the only prog i know so far)

Grtz, Siebe

RE: Y2K aftermath on the MSX??

1999-11-29 Thread Boon, Eric

Hello all,

 Research in the MILC learned me, that the clockchip uses two nibbles for
 storing the date. The max value stored is H99, this is decimal 155,
 and 1980+155 = 2135. So the clockchip gives the correct date until 2135
 (Doubt if I make it till then ..) It's only the software ...
AFAIK, the clockchip uses BCD for storing its info, so H99 means decimal
99, not 155...

+-- Eric Boon ---+
|  this signature was   |
| intentionally left blank  |

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Asistentes Reunion Barcelona

1999-11-29 Thread Manuel Soler

[this message is about a proposal to take
photos to MSX tapes, the phisical support
programs were released in. Interested?
Just email me and I'll explain]


Querria hacer una pregunta a aquellos que vayan
a ir a la RU de Barcelona este sabado. He estado
hablando con Jose Angel Morentes (supongo que
sabreis quien es el antes que yo) y le comente
la idea de realizar un registro de fotos de los
casetes de MSX con fin a poder tener una
informacion que nos parece interesante. A fin
de cuentas, sin ese soporte fisico el software
de MSX no podria haber sido distribuido.

Necesitaria saber si alguien estaria dispuesto
a usar su camara de fotos digital para poder
hacer fotos de los casetes de MSX que tengo.
Si, de los casetes, del soporte fisico. El
asunto es poder almacenar tanta informacion
como sea posible del software de MSX, y tener
un registro de los casetes podria ser un
buen complemento.

Personalmente yo no necesito "coger" esa
camara para hacer las fotos. Si el propietario/a
esta dispuesto/a a que las hagamos, yo me llevo
los casetes y el/ella(?) puede hacer las fotos.
Pienso que estaria bien, no es tampoco un
"curro" exagerado y se puede hacer en un ratito,
tampoco tengo tantos casetes despues de todo,
no creo que lleguen a 50. Pero si el fotografo
tuviera casetes y quisiera, tambien podriamos
hacer fotos de sus casetes. He pensado que la
Ru de Barcelona es la excusa perfecta porque lo
podemos hacer en un ratito y no hace falta que
nadie se deje dinero en sellos, sobres etc.

Ah! Y claro, quiza tambien fuera interesante
hacer fotos de los cartuchos, sus cajas...

Bueno, a ver si esta propuesta tiene un
exito minimamente decente y alguien se digna
a contestarme...

Nos vemos en Barcelona!


PD Donde se va a alojar la peña??!!
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Re: Y2K aftermath on the MSX??

1999-11-29 Thread Laurens Holst

 Hello all,

  Research in the MILC learned me, that the clockchip uses two nibbles for
  storing the date. The max value stored is H99, this is decimal 155,
  and 1980+155 = 2135. So the clockchip gives the correct date until 2135
  (Doubt if I make it till then ..) It's only the software ...

 AFAIK, the clockchip uses BCD for storing its info, so H99 means decimal
 99, not 155...


Read your docs a little more careful.
You know what BCD is, do you? Storing a decimal value in hexadecimal form,
so #09 + #01 = #10
(where # means Hex).

The Z80 has even got a special instruction for this.



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