Re: Looking for a slotexpander

2000-03-17 Thread Pierre Gielen

 Try (a simple slotexpander / schematics of a simple slotexpander)

Of course it should be: 

(a simple slotexpander || schematics of a simple slotexpander)


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Re: Randar 2 correction

2000-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

 I can't say anything about that. The fact is that all the translation work 
 has already been done, and the game itself can be played completely in 
 English. For translating the demo's I need the help of Maarten, who knows 
 how to implement the English texts. He already succeeded in implementing the 
 English texts in the introdemo, but strangely the program freezes when run 
 on an MSX Turbo R ST. Only on that computer. Maarten hasn't found out yet 
 what exactly is the problem, but I guess I can only wait until he discovers 
 how to solve it...

I tested some things, and it also crashed on my Philips NMS-8245. However, if 
you play the game and then let the demo run, it does not crash. Maarten knows 
about this.

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

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Xak 2 problem... Final one!

2000-03-17 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

Tijdje geleden had ik een vastlopende Xak 2 op disk 5. Nu heb ik een
goede disk 5, maar...

Het kostte me erg veel
moeite, maar het is me zelfs gelukt het eindmonster (Gospel) te
verslaan. Hierna
volgde de einddemo, maar vlag daarvoor kun je nog saven ("Save end data?
Dit heb ik gedaan, maar als je dan laadt, kom je gewoon vlak bij het
water te
staan (in de demo spring je dan op het luchtschip), waar je dan niets
meer kunt
Ik vraag dit, want ergens in de einddemo loopt bij mij het spel weer
vast. Op
een bepaald punt zie je een scene van Latok en Alice in het bos, bij een
meertje. Latok zegt dan tegen Alice dat ie liever alleen bij het meer
is. Alice
zegt dat ze wel weggaat. Dan gaat ie laden en zit ie vast... Hoort dit
zo? Vast
niet... Ik ben bang dat als ik het volledig wil zien, ik weer dat
KLOTEbeest van
een Gospel moet verslaan... :-(

Here the translation (briefly):
A few weeks ago I asked for a new Xak 2 disk 5, since it crashed (hung)
just before the fight on the dragon's back. Now I have the good disk,

It cost me a lot of trouble, but I managed to destroy the endboss
Gospel. After this, the end-demo follows, but just before it, you can
save... The game asks "Save end data? Y/N". If I do save and then load
the game, I just end up standing right at the seashore, just where I
should jump on the airship. But then I can't do anything anymore! WHy?

I ask this, because when I finished Gospel, I got indeed the end-demo
(and saved the data)... At a certain point you see a scene with Latok
and Alice in the forest, at a lake. Latok tells Alice that he'd rather
be alone at the lake. Then Alice says that she'll leave. THen the game
starts loading.. .and HANGS again! (This is all on disk 3...). Should
this happen? I guess not... I'm afraid that if I want to see the
end-demo again I have to destroy that f**king demon Gospel again!

What should happen after that lake-scene anyway?

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
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Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

2000-03-17 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha

 But still, the fact remains my knowledge of C(++) is minimal.

It's never late to learn.

  Since HD support is not implemented on UZIX, that's the only way
  of running UZIX on a harddisk. In the future, direct access to harddisk
  and partition will be implemented.
 But as long as it isn't... You see, I can't stand floppies anymore. They are
 sooo slow...

Yes, floppies are slow. HD is cool. My PC has HD, but my TR,
not. MSX is slow compared to my PC. So I'm supposed to not use my MSX
because my PC is faster? I don't think so...

 I am talking about seeing the screen being constructed in text-modus. I
 think that's slow and I really can't stand it.

You're exagerating.

 I don't know if Uzix is
 faster but at least Dos is just too damn slow.

Oh, yes, it is...

 If there is Sunrise-RS232 support, then I will probably start using Uzix

I just need some more information about programming Sunrise
RS232... So I'll make a driver for it only for you, ok?

 for the internet facilities like telnet, mail, irc, icq, etc. However, for
 things like downloading files I will still be bound to Uzix' 720k limit
 (excluding Uzix and the apps itself), so that won't be any good.

Since now you need a UNIX-box near your MSX to connect to the
internet, why would you download a file with your MSX if you can do it
(faster and better) using your UNIX-box

 And I don't think I will ever program for Uzix, since as you stated
 programming in ASM for Uzix is madness, like shooting a cow with a spoon.

It's not madness. It's just not recommended. I program in ASM for
UZIX, but I can produce C code faster and with less bugs. And less dirty

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP

* The core just keeps dumping, and dumping, and dumping... *

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Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

2000-03-17 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha

 If you use the available extra terminal functions like 
  "ESCL" = insert line
  "ESCM" = remove line
 together with disable/enable cursor: "ESCx5" / "ESCy5"
 you can still get a nice textscroll through BIOS!
 Of course, if you use this, you rely on a fast implementation of these
 commands That is why the uzix-kernel or the C-libraries (which can
 also be used by a assembly-program!), should be optimized, maybe with
 handmade assembly for hardware stuff.

Now, screen output on UZIX is made by CHPUT. It implies in one
interslot call for each character being displayed. A "write(stdout, X, 1)"
is the fastest way of sending a character to the screen. And, believe me,
it's faster than BDOS function 2...

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP

* All probabilities are 50%. It happens or it doesn't. *

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Re: Z380, PMA, Compass

2000-03-17 Thread Pierre Gielen

there is a
 working mode (selectable via jumper in the board) in which Z380 replaces
 MSX Z80, but you must cut one or two pins of the Z80. Do you dare? Me not.

If your CPU is in a socket (like mine, a Z80H), that's no problem at all.
Z80 CPU's are available everywhere and they're cheap. The question is how
this will affect the rest of the computer? I'm thinking of timing, for


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Re: Z380, PMA, Compass

2000-03-17 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Nestor Soriano wrote:

 - New Z380 instructions make programming easier (for example all the memory
 is accessed linearly, and there is instructions like EX DE,DE'; IX IX,IY;
 PUSH #1234...), and programs shorter and faster (there is multiplication
 and division instructions, 16 bit logical, 32 bit arithmetic, and four set
 of main + alternate registers. Besides each register is 32 bit long. So:
 less PUSH+POP for saving state every time a subroutine is executed!)

A Pascal or C compiler for Z380 would be great. The Z380 can do stackpointer
relative addressing, which is very convenient for passing subroutine

 - Multitasking is possible (Z380 + R800/Z80), so global speed can be
 doubled. Now we are designing a "Hardware Server" software: in this working
 mode, MSX will just access peripherals (ports, mapped memory, slots, VRAM,
 etc...) when Z380 asks for it.

This is cool. Sending VDP commands to a queue without bothering whether the
VDP is busy or idle.

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Re: F1-Spirit passwords

2000-03-17 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, even damaged, you can always repair it using a good graphic tool. I can
 do that, if you want.

It might be easier if someone with a manual which is not damaged would do
that. F1 Spirit is not a rare game, there should be many undamaged manuals
out there.

 Can you e-mail me this penguin adventure manual?


Anyone else want to receive it? If so, tell me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's 300K
in size (LZH file containing GIFs).
 Actually I think it would be nicer to convert the manuals to a popular document
 format rather than scanning them. For example, HTML, PDF or Latex.
 That's a good idea. But first we need the manuals (a scan of them). Anyone here
 has them and is willing to help ? With the scans, someone could convert it and
 put it on the web. I could do it with my king's valley II, if someone translate
 all the japanese text. 

Getting the manuals won't be the most difficult part, converting is. It
takes a lot of time.

And we would have to decide what the target is: is it intended to be
printed or is it intended to be read online? In the first case, PDF or
Latex is better, in the latter case HTML or PDF. But the problem with PDF
is that the tools to create it are not free.


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Re: MSX2 -- MSX2+

2000-03-17 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Laurens Holst wrote:

 If the VDP has an ID and that's the only MSX2+ feature they use I think it's
 logical to check the VDP version.
 In fact, I really don't understand why some programs check the MSX version
 byte. It works, but it's just not logical to use that one.

Checking MSX version is as easy as:
LD A,(#002D)
CP 2
JP C,no_beautiful_YJK_picture

Checking the VDP ID requires more effort. Although indeed that is the best
thing to do.


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Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

2000-03-17 Thread Pierre Gielen

 Now, screen output on UZIX is made by CHPUT. It implies in one
 interslot call for each character being displayed. A "write(stdout, X, 1)"
 is the fastest way of sending a character to the screen. And, believe me,
 it's faster than BDOS function 2...

Why not implement direct screen output in UZIX, or rather, in the C-library,
so that all programs can use standard C functions and still benefit from
very high speed screen writes? Interslotcalls for every character you write
still slow down your programs considerably. If you've seen how great direct
screen writes work in CP/M 3.0 for the MSX (yes, another OS), you'll never
even consider using BIOS calls again.


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Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

2000-03-17 Thread Marco Antonio Simon dal Poz

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Pierre Gielen wrote:

  Now, screen output on UZIX is made by CHPUT. It implies in one
  interslot call for each character being displayed. A "write(stdout, X, 1)"
  is the fastest way of sending a character to the screen. And, believe me,
  it's faster than BDOS function 2...
 Why not implement direct screen output in UZIX, or rather, in the C-library,
 so that all programs can use standard C functions and still benefit from
 very high speed screen writes? Interslotcalls for every character you write
 still slow down your programs considerably. If you've seen how great direct
 screen writes work in CP/M 3.0 for the MSX (yes, another OS), you'll never
 even consider using BIOS calls again.

I have already talked to Adriano Cunha about this. My idea was exactly the
same, but he said that there's no enough space in the kernel for that.
Actually, the maximum kernel length is 16kb, but in the future he will do
a multi-page kernel, which will solve this limitation.

Greetings from Brazil!

Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz   fazendo o SEU caminho melhor!

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Re: Z380, PMA, Compass

2000-03-17 Thread Nestor Soriano

 MSX software won't run directly on Z380 because Z380 can't access MSX
 ports, but raw Z80 code will work of course.
That's the big disadvantage in my opinion, and that's why I would like to
have it 'on' my motherboard.

But think that in this "processor replace" mode, Z380 slows down to
3.57MHz, otherwise the hardware can't be accessed properly. So the speed
gain is the same as when upgrading to 7MHz (for the same frequency, Z380
has double speed of a Z80).

Hmmm... I want to run existing software at high speed... But now it seems
that it 1. isn't much faster than a turboR, and 2. you can't access I/O
though the Z380... So all software will have to be newly created...

It was clear from the first moment that Z380 would work only with own
software. About the I/O, it is just a matter of build a good bios.

Dammit I want to assemble a 100k source in 1 second!!!

Then ask CTNG for a Compass version for Z380 (I don't mean just an
assembler with Z380 instructions support, but the assembler itself running
in the Z380!). You dare? ;-)

 Hum... yes, but be patient, ok? I'm myself learning about Z380 yet!!
 What I can send to you is a photo of the card. I have digital camera. Just
 wait a little. ;-)
Okay, that's perfect!

I send you three photos: the Z380 alone, compared with a Moonsound and the
environment in which I'm using it (the last card in the slotexpander is a
4M RAM expansion inside of a Moonsound box). If someone else wants these
photos, ask me, I think it is not a good idea to spam it to the ML because
every photo is about 80K long.


  Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

New web address:   http://konamiman.msx.tni.nlhttp2//nestor.msx
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 18281450

"Windows 2000" is just the abreviation for "Windows 62000 failures"

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.dsk files

2000-03-17 Thread Richard Bosch


I have small question.
how can i get .dsk files on a disk for use on my MSX.

Richard Bosch

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Re: .dsk files

2000-03-17 Thread Gerrit van den Berg

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Richard Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: vrijdag 17 maart 2000 18:57
Onderwerp: .dsk files


I have small question.
how can I get .dsk files on a disk for use on my MSX.

On a PC you can use a program called Dcopy.Exe. If you want I can send it to
you by e-mail.



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Re: Looking for a slotexpander

2000-03-17 Thread kikker paul

void question(unsigned char a_simple_slotexpander,unsigned char
if(a_simple_slotexpander || schematics_of_a_simple_slotexpander)
call_mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

there you go.. ;]

-kikker paul

"why need linux, beos or solaris when
  you've got an msx? ;]"
  -kikker paul

 Of course it should be:
 (a simple slotexpander || schematics of a simple slotexpander)

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Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

2000-03-17 Thread Siebe Berveling

-Original Message-
From: Laurens Holst [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: donderdag 9 maart 2000 17:48
Subject: Re: Lynx-clone and POP3 mail reader developers

 No time either, but someone started building an TCP/IP stack for MSX
 + applications a couple of years ago: Joost Klootwijk - the project's
 name was 'i'. Check out the bookmarks of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The URL should be there somewhere...

 There is a difference between the ´i´ project and the UZIX TCP/IP: The
 works nicely nowadays... =)

You forgot to state that project 'i' has to be programmed from scratch.
For UZIX, only a few adaptions had to be made, but the sources were already
(not that I don't appreciate the internet access with Uzix, not at all)

I won't stop my project (not project 'i', btw) just because there is an
TCP/IP stack for several reasons: - it doesn't support my Sunrise RS232, -
it doesn't run under the entrusted Dos environment, - it can't use the
HD, -
I think Unix programs like mail or telnet or ftp are a bit too simple, I
prefer to have a (G)UI.

I would like to step into this discussion, 'cause today i got a working
NMS1250 modem with RS232c interface built-in. Since this message is posted
long ago, i quoted all of it.
What I made up in this discussion: A tcp/ip program for MSX exists. It was
made by converting C code to a running UZIX-program. Some people don't like
the use of uzix, because it doesn't support HD. And some RS232-interfaces
are not supported.

Now I am wondering: Why can't the C-code be adapted to MSX-compatible
C-sources so that it'll run under DOS(2) ?  Is that such a huge amount of
work that it'll be easier to code all the stuff again?

When finished this, a (G)UI should be 'a piece of cake' for experienced
MSX-coders i guess.

(not-a-coder) Siebe.

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MSX Power Replay web

2000-03-17 Thread Rafael Corrales Pulido

  Hello friends,

  Now you can read an article of the last MSX fair in Madrid in our web,
with some pictures, see it in MadriSX´00 button!!

  And we will be in Tilburg fair with the new Z380 board, so we hope to see
you too. Do not miss our stand, the MSX future is in this board.


*** MSX Power Replay ***
ICQ:  34051098

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SVI 738

2000-03-17 Thread JP GROBLER

I once read about some one expanding the svi 738 with extra ram etc onboard.
I would like some more info or find the page on wich the info is.

Can some one help?


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