Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Laurens Holst
TFH|Fony wrote:
Quite funny to read about FAF again, that has been a LONG LONG time since we
did anything with that. *grin* (smiles nostalgic). And MEP? Sorry.. MEP was
by me, not by Patriek. I think you mean GEM?
I think he meant the MAP, which is actually by me :).
And GEM also has a Z80 version. Runs pretty decent on turboR... Even 
works ok for some games (*cough* tetris *cough* ;p) on 7MHz.

Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san!!
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Laurens Holst
Albert Beevendorp wrote:
This is really way below the belt. Patriek does more for the MSX 
Community than you can imagine and at moments like these the only thing 
you can do is be negative about him without forgetting all the positive 
he has done already and will do for the community.
Well, I think that apart from Herbert's post, the others raised valid 
points/opinions. And after all, GuyveR800 *did* choose to throw this in 
the open, and then you then can't expect everyone to agree with that (as 
long as they don't start swearing - oops -_-;;).

By the way, it is funny. The MSX Mailinglist may not be the best place 
to discuss something like this, because everyone receives these messages 
and you can't really choose to ignore messages on this topic. Kind of 
the downside of a mailing list I guess. Anyways, the 'funny' part (in a 
strange, twisted way, I guess :/) is that a forum would be a much more 
practical place for this, yet it apparantly cannot be discussed there 
because, well, sounds like it is being censored.

What I think about this (given the little info I have about the details) 
is that it seems to me the MRC is a bit too trigger-happy with the 
moderation, and abuses their 'power'. With the latter I mean that MRC 
basically has a lot of respect from the MSX community... if they say 
something, it is given greater weight automatically, and if they want to 
handle things professionally they hence have to be careful in what they 
say, or in the way they moderate.

What I think needs to happen... First of all, MRC apparantly does not 
see a need to resolve this, and certainly does not believe that they are 
at least also partly to blame. Maybe rethinking this would be, to put it 
lightly, a Good Idea.

Also, they need to adjust their policy. The current one for example 
states Everything on the domain, except for reactions on 
newsposts, forum entries and files in the freeware downloads database, 
is copyrighted by The MSX Resource Center.. Following from this is that 
those three mentioned are copyrighted by the respective user, and means 
that they have to honour all requests the user has, even for deletion of 
all copyrighted material from their site. The forum edit lock after 30 
minutes is also in strong contrast with this line of the policy. In 
other words, change it (though files should ofcourse stay copyrighted), 
or live by it.

I think GuyveR800 on the other hand needs to pipe down a little. The MRC 
*is* their site, and if they don't want certain things to appear on it, 
I'd say it is basically in their rights to remove it. Ofcourse, it isn't 
exactly good for their image as an independant site when they throw free 
speech in the garbage bin (like Daniel said). Posting negative things 
about the MRC on their forum however doesn't exactly make it easy for 
them to ignore.

Also, I have my doubts that it was really nessecary to bring this in the 
open. I understand that you are frustrated by the way the MRC treats you 
lately and basically doesn't let you defend yourself. However it might 
be a (very) good idea to sometimes swallow your pride and not let the 
situation escalate further. Ofcourse, I guess it is too late now.

On the other hand, as the MRC first said they closed the discussion 
because they wanted to 'resolve it internally', and later on privately 
changed their minds, apparantly they either 1. want to resolve it in the 
open, or 2. don't want to resolve it at all, which seems quite a bad 
choice and disrespectful towards one of their prime users to boot. So, 
what are you left with then.

Btw, note that if such a thing is brought 'to the attention of the 
public', then it is kind of hard for that 'public' to make a judgement 
without knowing the details. Though I'm making a good job trying just 
that, apparantly :). And I read you wanted a public apology and full 
rehabilitation. Well, maybe I missed something, but I didn't really see 
the MRC publicly dismiss you (what happened privately is a seperate 
matter), certainly not enough to justify such a 'public apology', so a 
demand for this does seem a bit over the top. A public apology as-in 
frontpage post at least, an apology in an appropriate forum thread (if 
they would finally allow one) would be another matter ofcourse.

It wouldn't surprise me if Patriek decided to take all his MSX related 
sites offline and turn his back on the community completely. It would be 
quite a loss to the entire community, so I really hope he won't do that.
That would be soo like... er... ah, let's not go that way. Let's just 
say that if that were to happen, I'd think it were pretty hypocrite.

Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san!!
MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Patriek Lesparre
Hello everyone,
First of all, I would like to thank those who offered their support to me.
The problem I have with MRC is that they have, on more than one occasion, 
lied to me, discriminated against me, and (ab)used me. When confronted with 
these matters, they ignore me. Emails were ignored, forum posts were 
ignored and/or removed...

Only when I started making some fuss, MRC offered to solve the problems, 
but when I posted 3 days later nothing had happened, they immediately wrote 
an email in which they retracted the offer to solve things.
Their email states: (quote) Live with it. (end quote)

I agree this is mainly (but not completely) a private matter, but I have 
swallowed my pride often enough for the interest of MRC and the MSX scene.
All I ask for is a decent, humane treatment from MRC, for which I have done 
so much.

If it was possible to solve this privately, I would have preferred that, 
but regretfully MRC closed that road. On the other hand, this concerns the 
entire MSX community, which has become so dependant of MRC.

If MRC does not contact me within the next few days to solve this in one 
way or another, I will write and post a complete history of events, 
including all the details.
You will then know the true MRC, and you will be able to make a fair judgement.

Again, it is with the deepest regret I undertake these steps. Some MRC 
crewmembers I consider my (close) friends, so I hope you can imagine the 
extend of the impact this makes.

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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Albert Beevendorp
At 15:02 3-5-04 , you wrote:
Albert Beevendorp wrote:
This is really way below the belt. Patriek does more for the MSX 
Community than you can imagine and at moments like these the only thing 
you can do is be negative about him without forgetting all the positive 
he has done already and will do for the community.
Well, I think that apart from Herbert's post, the others raised valid 
points/opinions. And after all, GuyveR800 *did* choose to throw this in 
the open, and then you then can't expect everyone to agree with that (as 
long as they don't start swearing - oops -_-;;).
Even though it was sent as a reaction on GuyveR800's post, it was meant to 
be a general reaction on the reactions to his post. Sorry if that seemed to 
differ. I don't expect people to agree, but IMHO it sucks when GuyveR800 
decides to put something like this in the open, reactions tend to point 
more to the negative side of GuyveR800 while the forget about the positive 
things he did.

GreeTz, BiFi
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Albert Beevendorp
At 13:55 3-5-04 , you wrote:
I think he meant the MAP, which is actually by me :).
And me and, even though not yet as much as he wants to, Frederik Boelens 
(aka Chaos). Sorry, just had to complete it.

GreeTz, BiFi
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Laurens Holst
Albert Beevendorp wrote:
I think he meant the MAP, which is actually by me :).
And me and, even though not yet as much as he wants to, Frederik Boelens 
(aka Chaos). Sorry, just had to complete it.
Right. Pardon me :). I just woke up when I wrote that ;p.
Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san!!
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RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Herbert Ackermans

 Even though it was sent as a reaction on GuyveR800's post, it 
 was meant to be a general reaction on the reactions to his 
 post. Sorry if that seemed to differ. I don't expect people 
 to agree, but IMHO it sucks when GuyveR800 decides to put 
 something like this in the open, reactions tend to point more 
 to the negative side of GuyveR800 while the forget about the 
 positive things he did.
 GreeTz, BiFi

It is a sign of childish behaviour, that when you can not settle differences
with a specific group, MRC in this case, you start venting it on all other
non-related forums, lists and newsgroups.

That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way Patriek seems to have
to resort to threatening to quit, indicates an ineptitude to handle the

Any mature and complete person would have said:I'm the bigger man, and I
will put this aside me. But no, he starts rampaging around on every forum,
list and NG he can think of, bleating like a wounded sheep how wronged he
is. Well, fine, but that's not going to solve the problem he has with ONE
specific group.

And if that group hurts him so bad, why continue going there? Slight
symptoms of masochistic tendencies? ;-)

No matter what he has done, I gather also from his reactions to my post,
that his personality is more the problem than his contributions.

If you act like a jerk, people will not appreciate you as an individual,
regardles of what you do.

I've seen that happen many times before. People who act childish will never
be treated as equals.

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Patriek Lesparre
Herbert Ackermans wrote:
That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way Patriek seems to have
to resort to threatening to quit, indicates an ineptitude to handle the
Pardon? Where have I resort[ed] to threatening to quit? I have done no 
such thing, even though, surprisingly, it has been mentioned as a 
possibility by others.

Well, fine, but that's not going to solve the problem he has with ONE
specific group.
Since this group is so entangled with the MSX community, the way it treats 
its users and people in general is very much everyone's business.

Not doing anything, like you suggest, does not solve the problem either.
Furthermore, the comments you make about my personality, and the way you 
make them, say more about you than me.


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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Albert Beevendorp
At 16:54 3-5-04 , you wrote:
Right. Pardon me :). I just woke up when I wrote that ;p.
Ah... No problem.
GreeTz, BiFi
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Laurens Holst
Herbert Ackermans wrote:
It is a sign of childish behaviour, that when you can not settle differences
with a specific group, MRC in this case, you start venting it on all other
non-related forums, lists and newsgroups.
I would agree with that I don't think this is the best way to go. On the 
other hand, the MRC itself basically silenced him so on the one place 
where this would be considered on-topic is not an option.

Besides, your initial reply wasn't very mature either.

That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way Patriek seems to have
to resort to threatening to quit,
Oh? Where?

Any mature and complete person would have said:I'm the bigger man, and I
will put this aside me.
Alas, this is not true. May I remind you of the recent case in Dutch 
politics, where Pronk called sending asile seekers home 'deportation', 
and ministre Verdonk subsequently refused to talk to him and his 
foundation until he resigned? As you see, grown men, mature and complete 
persons (I hope, as one of them is reigning our country and the other 
used to), yet still engaging in a public mudfight about one word (which 
wasn't at all that much off reality, people don't leave their country 
and homes for the fun of it. But that's a different topic :))...

Seriously, if you think this is truely the case, you must be pretty 
blind to reality. This happens all the time, just read the newspaper 
(and the tabloids :)), and disagreements between groups have also always 
been part of MSX history. And as I said before, not everyone employs the 
same amount of tact. It is human nature. Live with it.

Well, fine, but that's not going to solve the problem he has with ONE
specific group.
I think you are probably right on that. That's why I expressed some doubt.
However, on the other hand posting about it in a public forum also makes 
sense. If he alone says to the MRC that their policy sucks, nothing will 
change. If there are other people who agree with that however, they can 
make a 'front'. Maybe the MRC will then see that it is not 'just' 
Guyver. It is frustrating to see something which is not right, and 
having to stand alone in making a case of it. I experienced that myself 
a few years ago at my work (although I did get my way in the end - 
somewhat :)). It was especially annoying to see that others raised the 
*exact* same objections a year later. 'Why didn't they say so when it 
concerned *me*!', was my general line of thought.

And as it is a matter which concerns the prime MSX forum and news site's 
policy and application of censorship, I would agree it is definately an 
issue that concerns 'the public'.

And if that group hurts him so bad, why continue going there? Slight
symptoms of masochistic tendencies? ;-)
The MRC is the center of most MSX related news and discussion nowadays. 
Stop frequenting the MRC basically means isolating yourself from the MSX 
community. So don't make such a thing sound like a trivial decision.

Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san!!
MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Herbert Ackermans

 Herbert Ackermans wrote:
  It is a sign of childish behaviour, that when you can not settle 
  differences with a specific group, MRC in this case, you 
 start venting 
  it on all other non-related forums, lists and newsgroups.
 I would agree with that I don't think this is the best way to 
 go. On the other hand, the MRC itself basically silenced him 
 so on the one place where this would be considered on-topic 
 is not an option.
 Besides, your initial reply wasn't very mature either.

Well, it's just that there's always so many individuals who cry bloody
murder when they feel wronged, and start venting it at every medium they

  That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way 
 Patriek seems 
  to have to resort to threatening to quit,
 Oh? Where?

His initial response: People like you make me want to stop doing so much for
the community...

  Any mature and complete person would have said:I'm the bigger man, 
  and I will put this aside me.
 Alas, this is not true. May I remind you of the recent case 
 in Dutch politics, where Pronk called sending asile seekers 
 home 'deportation', and ministre Verdonk subsequently refused 
 to talk to him and his foundation until he resigned? As you 
 see, grown men, mature and complete persons (I hope, as one 
 of them is reigning our country and the other used to), yet 
 still engaging in a public mudfight about one word (which 
 wasn't at all that much off reality, people don't leave their 
 country and homes for the fun of it. But that's a different 
 topic :))...

Hmmm, Politics do not immediately make one great. If there is any platform
where people can act childish, it's Politics.

 Seriously, if you think this is truely the case, you must be 
 pretty blind to reality. This happens all the time, just read 
 the newspaper (and the tabloids :)), and disagreements 
 between groups have also always been part of MSX history. And 
 as I said before, not everyone employs the same amount of 
 tact. It is human nature. Live with it.

Very true. 

  Well, fine, but that's not going to solve the problem he 
 has with ONE 
  specific group.
 I think you are probably right on that. That's why I 
 expressed some doubt.
 However, on the other hand posting about it in a public forum 
 also makes sense. If he alone says to the MRC that their 
 policy sucks, nothing will change. If there are other people 
 who agree with that however, they can make a 'front'. Maybe 
 the MRC will then see that it is not 'just' 

And seeing as that did not happen apparently on MRC justifies his actions on
numerous other forums, list and NGs? Does it really? If you have a problem
with your neighbour, how acceptible is it, to go around to other people in
the street and start spilling your grieves there? Or if you start hanging up
posters accusing your neighbours?

People often take the stance that the internet is different than normal

And looking to form a front... What is this? World War 3?

 It is frustrating to see something which is not 
 right, and having to stand alone in making a case of it.

Maybe you are wrong then?

 experienced that myself a few years ago at my work (although 
 I did get my way in the end - somewhat :)). It was especially 
 annoying to see that others raised the
 *exact* same objections a year later. 'Why didn't they say so 
 when it concerned *me*!', was my general line of thought.

Oh it happens so often. Don't you think the way the government handles the
economy is not the most ideal way to do it? Everyone will have the same
view, and we express it as well.

 And as it is a matter which concerns the prime MSX forum and 
 news site's policy and application of censorship, I would 
 agree it is definately an issue that concerns 'the public'.

Why not make a second site and forum as counterweight? That's a whole lot
more effective then trying to split the community. Obviously, there are
people who are more than happy with the MRC. Trying to split it, will result
in fights and such.

  And if that group hurts him so bad, why continue going 
 there? Slight 
  symptoms of masochistic tendencies? ;-)
 The MRC is the center of most MSX related news and discussion 

Bad thing.

 Stop frequenting the MRC basically means isolating yourself 
 from the MSX community. So don't make such a thing sound like 
 a trivial decision.

In essence, it is trivial.

Is the MRC really the only place? Really? If so, you are all really
hypocrits for now stepping forward and accusing them of dictatorial

You should have made sure that the power wasn't concentrated that way.

Which is how monopolistic, dictatorial issues rise. People will support that
one site, contribute, and all of a sudden, it's the monster from hell.

Again, bleeting like a wounded lamb isn't the way to go.

Being the better man, and making your case in another way, for instance, a
new group, makes a lot more sense.

Since Patriek 

RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Eduardo Robsy Petrus
Just like you, Patriek, I often do not approve what the MRC crew does, but I 
do appreciate the huge work that they are doing for the MSX community. Just 
as you do too -I mean with your constructive posts, not with the others-.
Different opinions, as we all know, are necessary to improve discussions.

MRC has on more than one occasion lied to me, falsely accused me, and 
portrayed me as a troublemaker (both to people in MRC itself and publicly).
All I want is a public apology and full rehabilitation.
I hardly agree with that.
Look here:
As everybody can see, you were insulting Sjoerd and me with no reasons, just 
to defend your outdated version of TNIasm. I asked the moderators to stop 
it, but no. Even the post wasn't edited.

It is not my intention to continue this war, because it is not mine. I think 
that MRC should not use its censorship powers, and I also think that only 
opinions and facts, but not attacks, should be posted there.

Anyway, Guyver, as I said in other messages, I do sincerely appreciate your 
worth contributions to the MSX community, but I think that sometimes your 
deffend your opinions in a rather unpolite way. MSX was a standard born to 
unify programs. Let's use it to join forces, not to divide.

Ed Robsy
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RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Patriek Lesparre
Herbert Ackermans wrote:
  That is incredibly childish and immature. Even the way
 Patriek seems
  to have to resort to threatening to quit,

 Oh? Where?
His initial response: People like you make me want to stop doing so much for
the community...
Interpreting that as a threat to quit is pulling it out of context. I can 
assure you I have no such plans, even if I sometimes wonder why the hell 
I'm doing it all...

And seeing as that did not happen apparently on MRC justifies his actions on
numerous other forums, list and NGs? Does it really?
I posted my message here, and on the comp.sys.msx newsgroup. Is that 
numerous? No, it's two.

If you have a problem with your neighbour, how acceptible is it, to go 
around to other people in the street and start spilling your grieves there?
This cannot be compared to a problem with neighbours. It could be compared 
to a problem with government, and people do protest on public forums about 

And looking to form a front... What is this? World War 3?
If you think I'm trying to form a front, you're badly mistaken.
Why not make a second site and forum as counterweight? That's a whole lot
more effective then trying to split the community. Obviously, there are
people who are more than happy with the MRC. Trying to split it, will result
in fights and such.
Don't you think a second site and forum consitutes a split community?
 The MRC is the center of most MSX related news and discussion
Bad thing.
Since Patriek has enough to go by, I wouldn't be surprised if he would get
lots of support and help when he would go and establish a new community.
Now you're talking :)
I've actually been playing with this idea for a few months.
Originally I wanted to contribute my ideas (and even implement them) to 
MRC, but obviously that's not gonna work out.

If he truly wants to make a change, than make it, don't talk about it, make
Unfortunately, I'm limited in my time, due to MSX projects I consider more 
However, contacts have been made, things are in motion.

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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RE: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Patriek Lesparre
Ed Robsy wrote:
As everybody can see, you were insulting Sjoerd and me with no reasons
Anyway, Guyver, as I said in other messages, I do sincerely appreciate 
your worth contributions to the MSX community, but I think that sometimes 
your deffend your opinions in a rather unpolite way.
I'll refer you to my post of March 27th called [MSX] Public apology.
It's up to you what you make of it.
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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center [ FAF ]

2004-05-03 Thread TFH|Fony
 Eric Boon wrote:

 PS. FAF ruled ;-)

Makes me think of the FAF demo we made on FDD #2, shooting the Fac
SoundTracker disk ;). You know we also made a FAF-Virus? Never released it
though. Don't think people would have appreciated it...


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Re[2]: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Adrian Oboroc
 And MEP? Sorry.. MEP was by me, not by Patriek. I think you mean GEM?

Ha-ha, my mistake, sir!

I was reffering to excellent, but stale site
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[MSX] MSX Bicycle Center

2004-05-03 Thread Néstor Soriano
Stop discussing for nonsenses! Today something REALLY bad has happened
to me! Someone robbed my bicycle while I was working... now I must spend
200 € or more on a new one, and in the mean time I must use train and
bus for going to my job place, which is expensive and slow... (ToT)

 Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^^)v [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ#: 18281450

 Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive

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Re: [MSX] MSX Resource Center

2004-05-03 Thread Sander Zuidema
GuyveR800 is respected within the MRC-team as being our most active member
on the MRC-forums. We highly appreciate his contributions to our site. In
February 2004, we moderated a reaction to a newspost from GuyveR800. He
didn't agree with this moderation and decided to start flaming the
moderator, instead of contacting us to sort things out. After playing a
public cat-and-mouse-game of posting and deleting flames, we decided to ban
GuyveR800 from the MRC for a week.

During this ban, GuyveR800 sent in a 'Join Our Team'-request. We've had many
internal discussions about his submission and eventually, we decided to
decline his request because we think GuyveR800 isn't the teamplayer the MRC
needs. Ever since, we have a conflict with GuyveR800. We believe we've
soundly based our decision towards GuyveR800, but he believes we didn't.
After the Tilburg fair, we've sat down with GuyveR800 on a terrace in the
Tilburg city centre and offered him a drink in the hope to sort things out
once and for all. We exchanged opinions and in the end, GuyveR800 said he
understood our decision, but he labels it as cowardly. He told us he only
had one option left and that is to start a new MSX community site. With
this, for us, the case was closed. We encourage new MSX activities and we
also believe the MSX scene mustn't rely too much on one single website. In
other words, we're optimistic about GuyveR800 his ideas.

Unfortunately, GuyveR800 obviously has decided to flare up the commotion. In
our opinion, action leads to reaction and escalation. We thought we agreed
to disagree and we believe it is of no use to continue the conversations
with GuyveR800 regarding this subject. We stick to our points of view and so
does GuyveR800 to his. Why waste more energy?

The MSX Resource Center is a hobby site, not a company. We are not
professionals but only enthusiastic amateurs. We're doing the things we do
because we enjoy MSX and we care about MSX. We're running the MRC in our
spare time which means there is quite some pressure on the site already. As
mentioned above, we encourage new MSX initiatives and therefor we sincerely
hope GuyveR800 will find the time and the people needed to create a healthy
continuous MSX community site. We wish him all the best and hope for
positive cooperation in the future.

The MSX Resource Center Team

Sander van Nunen
Anne de Raad
Bart Schouten
Rieks Warendorp Torringa
Sander Zuidema

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