Re: IDE driver documentation

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 12:14 PM 10/23/98 +0200, you wrote:
Hi all!

Some of you already knew that I'm writing a new IDE driver that would make
possible accessing 32Mb partitions on MSX-DOS(2) via an external shell
(maybe a 
Norton Commander-like) or maybe patching BDOS entry point.

Buahhh (Crying)

I wanna this driver 4 SCSI!

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Re: z80

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 21:05 28/10/98 +0100, you wrote:
The Z80 in the MSX is a Z80A, that means it can run max. 4 MHz. There's
also a Z80B capable of 6Mhz and a Z80H (or 'C') which can do 8 (or 12, I'm
not sure).

There is some Z80s which can have nearly 33 Mhz!

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1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 10:03 08/10/98 +0100, you wrote:
 I made this because of respect to the other programmers,
 to support them. If I really wanna play a "challenging" game
 I take my PSX... (sorry 4 that, but I am sure you'll understand).  ;)

Or one of the many console emulators ;-)

Should anybody care for a Wolfenstein on a MSX2 ?? 
We (C-TNG) are investigating the possibilities, but don't expect
something to see at Tilburg from it :-(

It would be funny!

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Re: Late...

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 19:00 30/09/98 +0200, you wrote:
I think I'll call it "the Doom-syndrome"...

Better, the "Quake-syndrome". Most of them even know about Doom,
Wolfenstein 3D... 

The PC world suckz, unless for the Linux community, who really rulez!

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Re: Emulators...

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 19:38 11/11/98 +0100, you wrote:
Why.. Why... Why...

Can someone tell me what is wrong with the fact I use an emulator ? Lot's of
people say I'm not a real MSX-er because I use an emulator insted of the
real thing. Well... Let me tell you. I only have a Philips MSX-2 with 128kb
left, my sony MSX 2+ with 256kb and MSX-music broke down a few years back,
and it's not possbible to get a new one, or to get that thing fixed for a
reasonable price. At this moment I am very glad I can still use all my
MSX-software, although it's via an emulator !

Well, if you want, I can find 4 u a real MSX 4 sale. It isn't easy,
but it isn't impossible. 

Ademir Carchano, in Brazil, has NEW MSX 2/2+ motherboards 4 sale.
Although, he is finishing a new motherboard, the ACE001. U can place it
into a PC case, connect it to a PC power source, a PC keyboard, a PC mouse,
a VGA monitor, uses 1 and 4 Mb SIMM 30 pin memories... But it is a new MSX.
Well, I dislike the PC peripherals, but unfortunately there isn't enough
MSX keyboards, MSX monitors and MSX mouses 4 sale. So...

Leonardo Padial, in Spain, are finishing his MMSX project, but I
don't have enough information about the MMSX (does anyone can tell 4 us
about the project? I would be very interested).

And, if my T-R will be broken in the next 10 years... 
When it'll be broken, I think about it. Maybe in 2010, 2020... 

Well, only one question (please only think about it, don't worry
sending me a mail to answer): Do u prefer a MSX emulator or the real MSX?


  _   __  M. Sc. In Computational Mathematics - UFF
 |  __ \ (_|  | | Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___+-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide|  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Anime and Yamato fan, Transformers,
 CuD junkie, Gospel Rock, Comics, Anti-Microsoft guy!

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Produto nacional

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

Pessoal, queria falar c/ vcs uma coisa, sobre produto nacional. Acho q vcs
sabem, o Ademir Carchano conseguiu uma autorizacao especial do Tsujikawa p/
fabricar a Mega-SCSI aqui no Brasil. Depois de muito trabalho, muita luta
(teve q trocar muitos dos chips q o pessoal da ESE esta' usando), ele
conseguiu montar 20 interfaces. Mas infelizmente ele conseguiu vender
apenas 5 interfaces, dos quais uma fui eu q comprei. A outra foi comprada
pelo Edison Pires. O preco: R$ 200. E p/ quem nao sabe, o Ademir esta' fora
da Net justamente por estar s/ computador. E', ele vendeu o PC dele p/
pagar as dividas. Ou seja, ele esta' duro. 

Ai', fico pensando sobre comprar o produto estrangeiro, se temos o
nacional. Nao vou criticar quem tem a Mega-SCSI japonesa, mas gostaria de q
os MSXzeiros aqui da lista se sensibilizassem e dessem preferencia ao
produto nacional. 

Falo a minha situacao como exemplo: 
A interface do Ademir me custou R$ 200. Tb gastei R$ 10 c/ correio, e + R$
14 pelo cabo, q teve q ser feito especialmente, pois a pinagem dele e' 50
pinos, SCSI-2 interno, e eu liguei-a num Zip-drive externo, DB25.

Total: R$ 224.

A interface japonesa custa 20.000 yens, q convertidos ficam em R$ 184,44.
Nisso, temos q incluir o frete. A interface do Ademir veio via SEDEX, a
japonesa viria pelo Correio. Se for via aerea, chega em uns 10 dias, mas
sai + caro. E temos + uma coisa, a questao do cabo. A pinagem dela e'
SCSI-2, so' q e' aquele plug chatinho e pequenininho... E caro. Um cabo
daquele custa + de R$ 40. 

Total: No final das contas, fica quase o mesmo preco (+- R$ 225).

Entao, queria aconselhar aos amigos q participem, comprem os produtos do
Ademir. Nao estou fazendo campanha a favor dele, mas acho q podemos dar uma
forca a quem produz hard p/ o nosso querido MSX. 

PS: Agora os precos mudaram, fale diretamente c/ ele p/ saber: (018)


  _   __  M. Sc. In Computational Mathematics - UFF
 |  __ \ (_|  | | Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___+-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide|  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Anime and Yamato fan, Transformers,
 CuD junkie, Gospel Rock, Comics, Anti-Microsoft guy!

RE: Some questions about MSX hardware...

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 22:04 07/10/98 +0200, you wrote:
Turbo-R (A1GT, don't know about ST...) uses 2 AA batteries to keep S-Ram
information. If I remove those batteries all data on D: drive (SRAM) is

The ST has 2 AA batteries, too. But it doesn't have a D: drive.


  _   __  M. Sc. In Computational Mathematics - UFF
 |  __ \ (_|  | | Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___+-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide|  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Anime and Yamato fan, Transformers,
 CuD junkie, Gospel Rock, Comics, Anti-Microsoft guy!

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Re: FAT16: it's time!!

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 13:49 09/11/98 +0700, you wrote:
Again, see MSXCDEX for MegaSCSI.

Well, does anyone can understand MSXCDEX?

  _   __  
 |  __ \ (_| ICQ UIN: 3635907 | | M. Sc. In Numerical Modelling - UFF 
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___ Niteroi - RJ - BR  +-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide| - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Transformers,   | Soli Deo Gloria |
 Anime (Yamato!), CuD, Linux, Rock, Comics, and hate M$! +-+

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Re: Click of Death

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 20:26 16/05/98 +0200, Tom Emmelot wrote:
Hello All

Who of you have a Zip-Drive and have The Click of Death ?

I've a SCSI Zip-Drive connected in my MSX, and I have never noticed
the 'Click of Death'. I think it hasn't any clicks because it's a bit old,
older than the 'click of death' "feature".


  _   __  M. Sc. In Computational Mathematics - UFF
 |  __ \ (_|  | | Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___+-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide|  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Anime and Yamato fan, Transformers,
 CuD junkie, Gospel Rock, Comics, Anti-Microsoft guy!

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Omega Project

1999-02-09 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro


   The Omega Project was born on the need of creating a compatible MSX
 computer with more processing capacity, better graphic quality and

   This project is in development since 1995. Despite the MSX has with the
 same architecture since 1983 (when it was created) until the last model
 manufactured in Japan in 1991, it resisted bravely up today. The fact of
 the MSX have the same architecture by too long time had a positive effect:
 it alloyed the creation of a "amplified architecture" and afterheard
 "into" of this was "embedded" the traditional architecture, on the
 contrary of other computers, that are developed around the traditional
 architecture, that occasion serious problems after a certainly level of
 development (we can see the 640Kb limit on the PC).

   One of the postponement causes of the atualization of MSX was the lack
 of more powerful microprocessors (for the MSX Turbo R, Matsushita
 developed a custom microprocessor, R800). However, last year Zilog
 developed Z380, a 32-bit version of the 'good old' Z80. Finally it is the
 time of the MSX evolution! So, the Omega Project will use the new version
 of the Z380, called Z80382 (or Z382), which is faster and has more
 resources. The Z380 will have its production finished. The main features
 of the Z382 MPU are:

 * internal data bus of 32-bit;
 * external address bus of 32-bit (4 gigabytes of linear address space);
 * a 1000-instruction set, against 158 of Z80;
 * 2-clock execution instruction minimum (I called "almost RISC");
 * 32-bit operands arithmetic instructions, as addition, subtraction,
 multiplication and division;
 * expanded 16-bit I/O;
 * full Z80 compatible at object-code level;
 * 3 HDLC channels;
 * 16550 MIMIC;
 * Host DMA and Host I/O Mailbox;
 * 8 advanced DMA channels;
 * CGI/SCIT ISDN Interface;
 * 2 enhanced ASCI channels;
 * PCMCIA interface;
 * 32-bit general purpose I/O;
 * CMOS technology;
 * 33 Mhz clock.

  There are 7 main chips at the MSX that is in advanced phase of
 development at Omega Project, called "S-MSX" (or MSX5):

 * Z80382 MPU - Main Processor Unit;
 * 68882 FPU  - Floating Point Unit;
 * Z8L182 ZIP - Zilog Peripheral Controller;
 * YMF278B OPL4   - Audio Generator;
 * TMS320C20 VDP  - Video Display Processor;
 * Z86018 DPC - Data Path Controller (for HD, CD-ROM and floppy);
 * SMM Slot and Memory Manager Custom Chip ("Super PPI").

  The basic technical characteristics of the S-MSX will be:

 * CPU: Z382 with clock of 3.58 / 33 MHz;
 * Video: All the graphic modes up to screen 12, with the option of faster
 video and new graphic modes (up to screen 20).
 * parallel printer output;
 * serial output of up to 960,000 bps;
 * internal modem of up to 28,800 bps;
 * inputs for up to 4 joysticks;
 * separated input for serial mouse;
 * infrared mouse (remote control);
 * hard disk and CD-ROM included;
 * 1.44 Mb disk drive included;
 * 4 Mbytes of VRAM (minimum);
 * 4 Mbytem of ROM;
 * 16 Mbytes of RAM, expansible to 64 Gigabytes per slot;
 * up to 16 primary slots with up to 16 secundary slots each;
 * two 8-bit primary slots, compatible with the old MSXs;
 * standby operation mode;
 * fully compatible with MSX1, MSX2 and MSX2+;
 * partially compatible with MSX turbo R.

 * OBS: All specs above can be changed.

   Well, using some not-so-technical terms, the S-MSX will have real
 multimedia, real-time image processing (can use MPEG, videoconference,
 etc.), a 24-bit palette, all the PC graphic modes and some other more
 powerful, a fantastic sound generation with stereo CD-quality (can play
 the .MOD Amiga files), a multitasking operational system, with the teoric
 possibility of 16384 threads at the same time, multiprocessing capability,
 a great memory expansion capability (64 Gigabytes per slot),
 plug-and-play, direct access to the Internet, etc. You will have a BASIC
 Interpreter and a internal Z382 Assembler/Disassembler, and a multilingual
 screen 0, where you can have nearly 25,000 characters (a computer with
 only one character set which can be used all over the world). Is it very
 good to be true? Wait!


  E.A.P.M. [14.06.1997]

   Any questions, please send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edison
Antonio Pires de Moraes) or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MSX Brazilian Team).

  _   __  M. Sc. In Computational Mathematics - UFF
 |  __ \ (_|  | | Niteroi - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___+-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide| 

Re: R: AW: msx-ers

1999-02-05 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 19:19 04/02/99 +0100, you wrote:
 Sure.. But .MOD has developped to .XM, and that will go to 128
 channels and
 some very big samples, and that sounds a whole lot better the
 Music Module /
 FM-Pac or Moonsound... So... Please... The sound of the PC's
 nowadays is a
 lot better then from the MSX, there is no discussion about that.

  But u need a great amount of money to extract nice sound from PC.

Wath? are you crazy? A great amount of money to exctract nice sound from
You only need a Sound Blaster and a free program like WinGroove or
VirtualSoundCanvas i have a SoundBlaster 16 it costs only £160.000 in the
1993 when a moonsound now costs £350.000 you don't need to know the italian
lires to understand the the moonsound costs 3 time more than the SB16.

I'm talking about REALLY nice sound. 

And if u compare all the production of PC sound cards, "made in Taiwan",
etc., with the Moonsound (produced in Swiss), you'll go to the PC cards. Of
course, it would be much cheaper. And if you prefer, go on, keep on making
music using a deaf SB-16... I'll keep with my MSX. 

Sorry, but we'd a discussion in 1996, in MSXBR-L about the high prices of
some products made for MSX, and why it's more expensive than PC boards.
Well, you know, mass production, etc...

  _   __  
 |  __ \ (_| ICQ UIN: 3635907 | | M. Sc. In Numerical Modelling - UFF 
 | |__) | _   __ _ _ __ __| | ___ Niteroi - RJ - BR  +-+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |Sola Fide| - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Solo Cristi   |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Transformers,   | Soli Deo Gloria |
 Anime (Yamato!), CuD, Linux, Rock, Comics, and hate M$! +-+

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Re: Articles for MCCW

1999-01-16 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 12:24 18/11/99 +0100, you wrote:
 I was thinking about writing something about assembly, C, Pascal, V9938,
 V9990, other hardware (PSG, keyboard, tape), electronics (how to connect
 your home-built projects to your MSX), printer ports, or programming
 techniques. I prefer the last one, but I don't know if anyone
 is interested. Everyone who would read MCCW, please let me know what you
 want to know.

Hi shevek!

I had an idea of a new series: "How do they do that?" It's about trics
used in 
demo's (like Unknown Reality). Maybe you can explain how certain effects 
actually work in these demo's? How they got a great effect, by using a very 
simple trick? I think that would be really interesting.

Can I write your name down as a permanent author for MCCW? ;-)

Well, as I could see in last SD-MESXES edition (nr. 13), the ´VDP-
Blaster´ was talking about some effects used in Unknown Reality.

Very funny, indeed, that phrase from Z-0, talking about the Sony F700´s
keyboard: ¨teclado de mierda¨ (shitty keyboard). 

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

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