Re: [MSX] The end of an era...

2005-01-31 Thread Laurens Holst
Patriek Lesparre wrote:
Unless someone is going to jump in and organise an alternative meeting
to replace it?
We've talked about this on #msxdev @ Rizon IRC a few days ago already, 
since we already had the feeling something was not right.

Currently, Abi van Tamelen is looking into the possibility of reviving 
the Harderwijk fair and TNI will look into the possibility of organising 
another Bussum or a new fair near Utrecht (an option that has been 
expressed since the first real problems with Tilburg 2 years ago).
I heard that Rudi also had ideas for a fair in Almelo. So I'd say: ideas 
enough! :). About another Bussum - one is enough for me, so rather not 
;p. Of course when there's a TNI fair near Utrecht I'll help out! But 
you know that already ;p.

About booking, it of course depends on the location, and so few months 
in advance it is more difficult to find a free saturday, but at least 
for the Bussum location it would still be possible to book. Also, if it 
can't be helped there is of course the possibility to not have the 
Tilburg fair in April, but in, say, May (not 7th please ;p) or even 
early June.

Anyways, 'tis sad that the Tilburg fairs have now officially ended, but 
I'm confident that a new fair will be organised instead of Tilburg 
(though perhaps not this year) :). If anyone has plans on doing so, 
please discuss it publicly, so you will be able to coordinate with 
others having similar plans and we don't end up with 3 or 4 different 
fairs ;p. And if there are questions about the what and how of 
organising a fair, or needs advise, feel free to ask me :).

Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san!!
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Re: [MSX] The end of an era...

2005-01-30 Thread Patriek Lesparre
Wynke wrote:
Unless someone is going to jump in and organise an alternative meeting
to replace it?
We've talked about this on #msxdev @ Rizon IRC a few days ago already, 
since we already had the feeling something was not right.

Currently, Abi van Tamelen is looking into the possibility of reviving the 
Harderwijk fair and TNI will look into the possibility of organising 
another Bussum or a new fair near Utrecht (an option that has been 
expressed since the first real problems with Tilburg 2 years ago).

You are right that it may be too late to organise something this year, 
because usually halls are booked solid a few months in advance, but I think 
everybody will agree it should at least be looked into.

As for the 'Tilburg-era', for me that already ended when the sporting hall 
was abandoned...

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[MSX] The end of an era...

2005-01-30 Thread Wynke Stulemeijer

Heya everyone...

It looks like the era of the Tilburg MSX fair has ended.

For several years now, many people have felt that CGV Tilburg did not
really want to organise the MSX fair, that they only did it for
historical reasons, or because we kept asking them to. And this year
it seems they have decided to finally pull the plug - on April 23rd,
in Wijkcentrum De Schans, they are having an 'open dag', but not an
MSX fair. MSX is mentioned on their poster, but not in the

The people from MRC have done some research on what this is all about.
The results can be found on

I for one do not blame CGV Tilburg for not wanting to organise a fair
anymore when it is no longer their own userbase they are doing it for.
However, I think it is a pity that they didn't just *tell* us so. Had
they told us when they first started having second thoughts, which was
years ago, someone else could (and probably would) have jumped in and
taken over. We all saw this happen with Zandvoort/Bussum, and we all
know it worked out great. Had they told us even a few months ago,
someone might still have been able to find an alternative. As it is,
it is probably too late to arrange for much for April this year.

Anyway. This is it, then, the end of the epic Tilburg fair...

Unless someone is going to jump in and organise an alternative meeting
to replace it?

Hugs to everyone,

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