Hi Tim,

I see some of these FOREIGN KEY constraint errors every
night. There's a system of speedy and archive tables to keep
short-term queries fast, but it has bugs. There are rows in
the archive tables that should be mirrored in the speedy
tables, but this is not always the case. We (well, mostly
Josh) are working on an improved system of "partitioning"
the huge Postgres tables to keep queries fast which will
hopefully also resolve these referential integrity problems.


On Sun, Jul/01/2007 09:37:17PM, Tim Prins wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> For a while now we have been getting errors when MTT tries to submit its test 
> results to the database. The weird thing is that it only happens on our 1.2 
> runs, not our trunk runs. 
> Here is the first few lines of the error output:
> *** WARNING: MTTDatabase server notice: fields is not in mtt3 database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: test_build_section_name is not in mtt3
>     database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: mpi_install_section_name is not in mtt3
>     database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: mtt_version_minor is not in mtt3 database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: stop_timestamp is not in mtt3 database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: mtt_version_major is not in mtt3 database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: number_of_results is not in mtt3 database.
>     MTTDatabase server notice: test_run_section_name is not in mtt3
>     database.
>     MTT submission for test run
>     MTTDatabase server error:
>     SQL QUERY:
>              INSERT INTO speedy_test_run
>              (np,
>             variant,
>             test_build_id,
>             command,
>             test_name,
>             test_run_id)
>              VALUES
>              ('8',
>             '1',
>             '20809',
>             'mpirun  -mca pml ob1 -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -mca btl
>     tcp,sm,self -np 8 --prefix
>     /san/homedirs/mpiteam/mtt-runs/thor/20070630-Nightly/pb_0/installs/k1mL
>     /install collective/allgather ',
>             'allgather',
>             '14517807')
>     SQL ERROR: ERROR:  insert or update on table "speedy_test_run" violates
>     foreign key constraint "$1"
>     DETAIL:  Key (test_build_id)=(20809) is not present in table
>     "speedy_test_build".
> Another strange thing is that the output says that the build information and 
> some test results have been submitted, but I do not see them in the reporter. 
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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