signature detection for "color" and "mono"

2000-09-13 Thread David Champion

Is there any way to disable this?  I want the pager to treat signatures
the same as the body -- at least as far as colorizing body regexes
goes.  "Color signature" won't take a regex argument; it colors the
whole signature.

Would a patch to treat this be accepted? :)

 -D.[EMAIL PROTECTED]NSITUniversity of Chicago

Re: signing with PGP

2000-09-13 Thread Lars Hecking

Lukasz Stelmach writes:
> Greetings All!!
> I wondreing what do I do wrong or is it the normal state. When i write a
> message just befor sending i can sign it. OK i do it. Now there are two
> parts in the message: the text and the signature. When i send it to
> myself and open it with mutt there is no problem with verifing. But when
> i save parts of message into separate files and i invoke "$ gpg --verify
> sigfile textfiel" i get an error. What's up? Any one knows?
 The signature is created over the whole body, including MIME headers
 (but excluding the application/pgp-signature part, obviously :)
 When you save a message part into a file, the file does not have the
 MIME headers.

signing with PGP

2000-09-13 Thread Lukasz Stelmach

Greetings All!!

I wondreing what do I do wrong or is it the normal state. When i write a
message just befor sending i can sign it. OK i do it. Now there are two
parts in the message: the text and the signature. When i send it to
myself and open it with mutt there is no problem with verifing. But when
i save parts of message into separate files and i invoke "$ gpg --verify
sigfile textfiel" i get an error. What's up? Any one knows?

Best whishes...
|/   |_,  _   .-  --,2:480/135@fido[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

... nothing is impossible in my powerful mind.

Re: forwarding multiple attachments?

2000-09-13 Thread Austin Schutz

> A quick check of my muttrc shows
>   [zero] [7:03am] ~>  egrep -i forw\|weed\|decode\|mime .mutt/muttrc
>   # default list of header fields to weed when displaying
>   ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
>   ignore x-priority x-ms  list-id precedence x-mailman x-mime x-beenthere
>   # set forward_decode
>   set forward_format="%s (fwd)"   # used to be hdr_format
>   set forward_quote
>   set mime_fwd
>   # unset mime_forward_decode
>   # unset pipe_decode
>   set use_8bitmime
> so I would, if I were you, check your forward_decode, mime_forward_decode,
> and use_8bitmime settings first.

Actually I seemed to be missing set mime_forward=yes. That seems
like a big fat DUH.

Thanks for your help!


Re: forwarding multiple attachments?

2000-09-13 Thread David T-G

Austin --

...and then Austin Schutz said...
% > A quick check of my muttrc shows
% > 
% >   [zero] [7:03am] ~>  egrep -i forw\|weed\|decode\|mime .mutt/muttrc
% >   # default list of header fields to weed when displaying
% >   ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
% >   ignore x-priority x-ms  list-id precedence x-mailman x-mime x-beenthere
% >   # set forward_decode
% >   set forward_format="%s (fwd)"   # used to be hdr_format
% >   set forward_quote
% >   set mime_fwd
% >   # unset mime_forward_decode
% >   # unset pipe_decode
% >   set use_8bitmime
% > 
% > so I would, if I were you, check your forward_decode, mime_forward_decode,
% > and use_8bitmime settings first.
%   Actually I seemed to be missing set mime_forward=yes. That seems
% like a big fat DUH.

*grin*  Well, happy to help :-)

%   Thanks for your help!

I am *so* glad you answered, because I had foolishly cleared this thread
and couldn't find it anywhere.  It might help Mr. Chisolm here, too...

%   Austin

...and then Chris Chisolm said...
% I have read all the FAQs I can find and searched the man 
% page but I still have a couple questions.
% 1.  How do you forward a message, including all the attachments
% that came with the message?  Ideally I would include the forwarded
% main message as text and the all the attachments would be auto
% loaded as attachments to the new mail.

Will forwarding the entire message as an attachment do for you?  If so,
then check out the note above.

% I just subscribed to this list so could you explicitely list me in
% the reply.

You got it :-)

% Thanks,
% chris

David T-G   * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

 PGP signature

Re: nonstandard screen size

2000-09-13 Thread jt williams

-: > % How can I tell Mutt to work with an 18 line x 80 column
-: > % screen?
-: > 
-: > Use your stty command to set the number of rows to 18 like

Ok, mutt definitely cooperates with `stty' resizing of the terminal
on my Sun station (with TERM=dtterm and with TERM=vt100).

Resizing the `vt100' terminal on the Psion S5 does well with some
things (e.g., GNU less), but with mutt there is still some scrambling,
text misalignment, and incomplete redrawing of the screen.  (Frankly,
I think the S5 `vt100' emulation must not be too good, because I can
see lots of ANSI-type control sequences scrolling across the screen
during mutt startup).

Is there anything else I could try?  The only terminal emulation
choices on the S5 are `vt100' and `tty'.


Re: Moving read messages to /home/walton/mbox?

2000-09-13 Thread David T-G

Telsa & Bryan --

...and then Telsa Gwynne said...
% On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 08:13:19PM -0500 or thereabouts, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
% > I just closed out my inbox and moved about 200 messages to
% > this mbox folder that I didn't want to move (due to my being
% I'm so glad it's not just I. I did exactly the same thing last night.
% Not quite 200. A mere 140 :( 

You now know about "set move=no", so you're set there.

% "set move=no" is now my friend in that folder whilst I scrabble through
% the other (luckily, recently tidied-up) folder trying to retrieve the 
% damn things.

Your *very* good friend, then, is ":set sort=unsorted" or just "ou"
at the index :-)  Tag 'em from the first of the bunch to the last (you
do have your keyboard repeat speed turned way up, don't you?) and then
just ;s them swhere they belong :-)

% Telsa


David T-G   * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

 PGP signature

Re: Moving read messages to /home/walton/mbox?

2000-09-13 Thread Telsa Gwynne

On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 08:13:19PM -0500 or thereabouts, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
> When I close out my mutt session, mutt asks me:
> "Move read messages to /home/walton/mbox? ([n]/y):"
> How can I set my .muttrc file so that it NEVER asks me this and
> so that it also never performs this act?
> I just closed out my inbox and moved about 200 messages to
> this mbox folder that I didn't want to move (due to my being
> hasty and not paying attention to what mutt was asking me.

I'm so glad it's not just I. I did exactly the same thing last night.
Not quite 200. A mere 140 :( 

"set move=no" is now my friend in that folder whilst I scrabble through
the other (luckily, recently tidied-up) folder trying to retrieve the 
damn things.
