Re: fetchmail - google certificate

2010-10-23 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph  [2010-10-23 22:42 -0600]:

It wasn't the certificate problem, I think it was fetchmail was missing some 
links or options.
I re-compile fetchmail, openssl and the problem is solved. All is 
working, as it should.

Problem solved. Congratulations.

Breen Mullins

Re: fetchmail - google certificate

2010-10-23 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph  [2010-10-23 21:35 -0600]:

What is causing the problem is the:  sslcertck
If I comment it out, it keep complaining about the certificate but connection 
goes through.

So you can either comment out sslcertck and move on (perfectly 
reasonable, I think) or try to fix this. 

If you want to try to track it down, you can try stracing the 

strace -e trace=open fetchmail

will tell you where fetchmail is looking for your cert. It should 
give you a clue for a place to park a cert.

Breen Mullins

Re: fetchmail - google certificate

2010-10-23 Thread Breen Mullins

* Patrick Shanahan  [2010-10-23 19:37 -0400]:

why do you need it, ie:

poll tracepolls with proto IMAP timeout 45
  user '' there with password 'passwd' is
  '' here options fetchall stripcr ssl
  mda '/usr/lib/sendmail -i -oem -f %F %T'

He's using sslcertck as recommended in many places on the 

Your invocation (which in fact I do too) doesn't check the
google cert for validity.

Breen Mullins

Re: fetchmail - google certificate

2010-10-23 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph  [2010-10-23 12:50 -0600]:

I'm using command:
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts

and it printed out:

depth=1 C = US, O = Google Inc, CN = Google Internet Authority
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0
Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/
  i:/C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority


1 s:/C=US/O=Google Inc/CN=Google Internet Authority
  i:/C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority




So I assume the first one is gmail.pem certificate
the second was was equifax.pem certificate

No. Both of those were sent by the Google server. The first is for the 
server, and was issued by Google's own signing authority. The second

is the Google signing authority certificate, which is issued by Equifax.
Note the s: and i: lines for each cert.
(It's complicated but allowed by the standards.)

If the server were allowed to send a copy of a certificate authority's 
cert as well as the server one, a bad guy could just forge the whole
chain and you'd accept it and never be the wiser. You're supposed to 
get independent verification of the validity of the certificate 
chain. That usually means that you get the cert from your OS vendor 
at install time.

Please don't leave the mailing list off replies.

Breen Mullins

Re: maillists

2010-06-06 Thread Breen Mullins

* Alex Huth  [2010-06-06 16:25 +0200]:

Is it possible to use two different sort variables for maillists?

I want to use:

set sort=threads
set sort=reverse-date

But when i use that, mutt sorts only for the last value.

Are you looking for sort_aux ? 

Breen Mullins

Re: reviving GPG with mutt

2009-12-23 Thread Breen Mullins
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 17:14, Dale A. Raby  wrote:

> should be in your /home/username/.gnupg folder.  if you are using a GUI, you 
> might have to go into "properties" and enable "show hidden files" in order to 
> see it.

Assuming he came from and moved to a unix-like system. If either side
of the move
was on another OS, the files may not be where they're expected.

Scott, I think we'll need some more information about your old and new

Breen Mullins

Re: Setting mutt on FC7

2008-04-25 Thread Breen Mullins

* Michael Kjorling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-04-25 09:02 +]:

On 25 Apr 2008 16:50 +1000, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (hce):

I am using vim on xterm, and I set up the editor at muttrc:

set editor="vim +':set textwidth=77' +':set wrap' +\`awk '/^$/ {print
i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s"

For one thing, backticks are expanded at config parse time. Without
having tried, this would seem likely to cause problems in your

I think that's right. My .muttrc has

set editor="vim +':set textwidth=72' +':set wrap' +\`awk '/^$/ {print
i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s"

which works for me.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Recommended mail filters for use with mutt?

2008-04-03 Thread Breen Mullins
On 4/3/08, Christian Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also above rule is for Maildir, not mbox. For mbox, and your
> naming scheme, it should be something like:
> :0:
> * ^List-Post:.*mailto:\/[^>]+
> Lists/$MATCH/

Don't you need to omit the trailing slash for mbox?

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, Calif.

Re: Replying to Email / Removing previous signature

2008-02-27 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-18 14:22 -0600]:

Comma repeats the last f/t/F/T operation in the opposite direction. I 
don't know why you'd start macros with it either. :)

Well, that's a good point even if I rarely use the reverse-sense search.

Since my suggested mapping 

map ,ds :.,/^-- $/-1dO

only makes sense if I'm editing a mail, I pulled it from my .vimrc
and dropped it into ~/.vim/after/syntax/mail.vim .

I almost never need to search within the body of a reply I'm editing
so this will keep me from stepping on my own toes. 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Replying to Email / Removing previous signature

2008-02-18 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-18 14:33 -0500]:

Wow, that is really slick.

But not original to me - I snarfed something similar a long time ago...

For others who may want to try this, I had to make some changes to get
it to work.

You changed my definition. I actually do type comma-d-s to trim the 
message. (All of my macros tend to start with a comma. I forget now

why that is...)

Glad you found it helpful.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Replying to Email / Removing previous signature

2008-02-18 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-18 13:08 -0500]:

When replying to an email that you sent earlier, how would you go about
removing the previous signature?

I use vim as my editor - I have a  macro defined in vimrc

map ,ds :.,/^-- $/-1dO

(ds for delete-to-sigdashes). It's not automatic, but it allows
me to trim the leftover cruft at the bottom pretty easily.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Leopard Migration Hammered Mutt

2008-01-27 Thread Breen Mullins

* Eugene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-01-27 21:18 -0600]:

So basically add the line ". /sw/bin/" into your ~/.profile or
~/.bash_profile init files.  This should add /sw/bin to your PATH, and
set up other Fink-related environment variables as well.

All the explanations have been helpful. The only thing I'd add is 
an explanation that the line 

. /sw/bin/

is a shortcut telling the shell to execute the script /sw/bin/
(which has to have execute permission). The shell commands in
get executed and change your path. 

The leading '.' is easy to miss, but it's a common usage in shell

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: browse mailboxes order

2008-01-18 Thread Breen Mullins

* Christian Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-01-17 00:26 +0100]:

No. After hitting c, at the prompt, you can use  to cycle
through mailboxes that have new mail.

You learn something every day!

Thanks, Christian!
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Procmail

2007-10-10 Thread Breen Mullins

* Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-10 09:28 +0200]:

* Breen Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-09 19:05 -0700]:

 MAILDIR by itself isn't special in procmail. You usually set it so that
 you can use it in your delivery recipes:

It is special. Quoting procmailrc(5):

Indeed, as Kyle pointed out last night.
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Procmail

2007-10-10 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-09 21:23 -0500]:

On Tuesday, October  9 at 07:05 PM, quoth Breen Mullins:

MAILDIR by itself isn't special in procmail.

On the contrary, MAILDIR *IS* special. Reread the procmail 
documentation. Specifically:

Right, of course. Thanks. (I knew that, actually. Teach me to reply
while the pasta is boiling...)
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Procmail

2007-10-09 Thread Breen Mullins

* Rem P Roberti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-09 16:37 -0700]:

My thanks again to both of you.  Creating my .procmailrc recipe in the
manner suggested by Joseph did the trick.  What I don't understand is
that since the variable MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail exists at the beginning of
.procmailrc why is it necessary to state the full path to the target mailbox in
the recipe?

MAILDIR by itself isn't special in procmail. You usually set it so that
you can use it in your delivery recipes:

# mutt-users
* ^TO.*mutt-users

(It's worth looking at the ^TO macro in the procmailrc manpage, btw.
If you're going to be using procmail, that one and procmailex are the 
ones to read. Very good stuff there.)

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: mutt manual encoding

2007-10-08 Thread Breen Mullins
On 10/8/07, Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I copied mutt manual to my home directory (for printing) and open
> it with nano or any other editor like openoffice all I got is a strange
> characters:

> file /usr/share/doc/mutt-1.5.16/manual.txt
> /usr/share/doc/mutt-1.5.16/manual.txt: ASCII English text, with
> overstriking

The last is the key word. It's like a man page - it uses backspacing
(the ctrl-h characters) to make a boldface effect.

Pipe it through 'col -b' to remove the problem characters.


Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, Calif.

Re: Mailing list reply

2007-10-05 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-05 14:10 -0500]:

So, have you tried making it this:

subscribe '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

That way the only address that is recognized as a list is the one the 
list specifies in the List-Post header. Unless something else is going 
on, that should prevent you from replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That's what I've decided to do for this one.

Of course, you could always *force* the issue, by adding a send2-hook:



If the smiley means that you think that solution is overkill, I agree...

The question is, what's the best way to work around it in a generic

I'm assuming the List-Post header was used for cases when a person is
too lazy to add that mailing list to their list of mailing lists (e.g.
with the subscribe or list commands).

I suspect that it's a Mailman default - the box running the list is
mail . The list is non-technical and nobody there would know what a
subscribe command is.

Perhaps a variable could be added to turn that off? Or change the
behavior to only use the List-Post header when no other mailing list
addresses have been found?

That's the kind of thing I was thinking of, but it sounds a bit dicey in
practice. If you're doing a list-reply to a message where there's a
List-Post header, could you accidentally drop an intended recipient?

P.S. I've often thought something like an addr-hook, that forces 
specific addresses to be treated as something else (akin to a 
charset-hook, kinda) would be pretty useful, and such a thing would 
solve the problem here, as long as mutt eliminates duplicate 
recipients. For example:


Now _that's_ an interesting idea! I tend to get mails addressed to
collections of people - a church group, for example - where one
recipient has changed her address. (Old directories take a long time to
die.) With an addr-hook, I could make the change and a group reply would
go to the new address even if the message had only the old address for
that person. 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Mailing list reply

2007-10-05 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-05 12:44 -0500]:

How are you specifying in your muttrc that you're subscribed to that 
list? If you're doing it like this:

subscribe listname@

Then you may be being too general (that subscribe line matches both 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], so if mutt sees 
both of those available in your message, it will reply to both of 
them). Try this:

subscribe '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

That way only the one address matches, so it'll only be sent to the 
one that matched.

After more digging, I understand a bit more about what's going on.

2004-07-20 08:17:21  Thomas Roessler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* imap/message.c, mutt.h, parse.c, send.c, url.c: Use List-Post
headers when doing list-reply.

And indeed, there's a List-Post header present that specifies

I've changed my .muttrc as you suggested, to delimit the subscribed
address properly. 

But the list-reply still picks up both versions of the list address 
when I try to reply. (The 'normal' one is in the address used by the

person I was replying to.) There are no followup headers in the message.

This looks like a bug: mutt usually gives us the flexibility to work
around eccentric configurations by a listowner, but it doesn't seem to
work here.



Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Mailing list reply

2007-10-05 Thread Breen Mullins

Where does mutt get the address for a mailing list reply?

I've just been chided for replying twice to a mailing list, where
I used the list-reply function.

Replies went to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - and I can't see where the mail. part
comes from. Is it from the List-Id header? If so, how do I suppress 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: GPG keyservers

2007-10-03 Thread Breen Mullins

* Todd Zullinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-03 14:48 -0400]:

Anyway, I do recommend asking on gnupg-users if you don't get things
worked out.  There are some helpful folks there, much as there are on
this list.

I just reproduced Joseph's report here - OS X with gpg 1.4.7 .

Joseph, I'd definitely take it to gnupg-users at this point.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Documentation (was: pgp_autosign=ask-no)

2007-10-02 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-02 16:25 -0500]:

On Tuesday, October  2 at 02:33 PM, quoth Joseph:

You mean crypt_autosign (pgp_autosign is a deprecated synonym for 
crypt_autosign)? Yup; the documentation says it's just a boolean, not 
a quad-option.

I tripped on one of these variables a while back. (It was
crypt_verify_sig in my case but the point is the same.)

I'd actually dug through the manual trying to figure out where I'd gone
wrong. I was setting crypt_verify_sig=no, but I had an old entry for
pgp_verify_sig which was set to yes.

I'd have had a better chance of catching my mistake myself if the mutt
manual (from 1.5.16) mentioned pgp_verify_sig. 

The option may be deprecated, but if it's still effective in muttrc, I
think it should be mentioned. 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Mutt stopped sending emails

2007-10-01 Thread Breen Mullins

* Jerome Fong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-01 14:24 -0700]:

Sorry, kind of new with Mutt, I got is working and didn't really explore
much further.  What is MTA?  When I run mutt -version, this is the
output I get:

MTA = Mail Transfer Agent. It's the program that actually moves 
mail between one computer and another.

My /c/cygwin/var/log directory doesn't have a mail.log file.   My
.muttrc file is as follows:


set sendmail = "/usr/sbin/ssmtp.exe"

The 'set sendmail' config option tells mutt which MTA to use 
to send mail. It's trying to talk to a program called ssmtp.exe . 
Is that program there? Is it exactly where .muttrc says it is?

Look at ssmtp's config file and see if it's logging somewhere.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: fetchmailrc - polling local mail

2007-09-30 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-30 21:48 -0600]:

On my system all local mail: from root, warnings from UPS, hylafax are
being forwarded to me: joseph so I have a mail box in /var/mail/joseph
In evolution all I had to do is to configure it to pull mail as: "local
delivery" and magically all these emails were being forwarded to me.

The mutt way to do this is to tell mutt where your system mail is 

set spoolfile=/var/mail/joseph
mailboxes /var/mail/joseph

and your normal inbox will appear in the mailbox list. No need to
go to the effort of moving it somewhere else.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: fetchmailrc - polling local mail

2007-09-30 Thread Breen Mullins

* Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-30 21:07 -0600]:

What I'm straggling with is what to put in .fetchmailrc to get the mail out 
(the is no password)

fetchmail is used to receive mail, not to send it. You can put a
password into .fetchmailrc or into .netrc.

It sounds like you may be confusing different functions. Can you 
explain exactly what you're trying to do?

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Subject üî

2007-09-18 Thread Breen Mullins

* Alain Bench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-18 22:52 +0200]:

On Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 15:34:16 -0700, Breen Mullins wrote:

superficially it looks like it was in the linker?
| #0  0x93c10d7c in dyld_stub_unctrl ()

   Or like some Ncurses thinggy bellow waddnstr(), and specific to the
linker? I don't know. This should probably be reported to Thomas on
bug-ncurses at gnu org.

Okay - I'll update ncurses and see if the problem persists, and report
there if necessary. Thanks for the help.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: "charset" perls into wiki

2007-09-14 Thread Breen Mullins

* Rado S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-02 16:31 +0200]:

Can some kind benificiary of Alain's tutorials recapture all the
good advice and convert it (last and older ones from archives) into
a nice document at -> MuttGuide -> Charsets?

Has somebody picked this one up yet? If nobody's working on it
I'll make a start this weekend. (Having been one of the

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: mutt configuration: problem with getting mail

2007-09-11 Thread Breen Mullins
On 9/11/07, Kumar Appaiah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think getmail marks messages as read once you receive them. In fact,
> it may so have happened that of your 582 messages, only 417 were new
> (unread), but getmail's claim to have delivered everything beats me.

The OP's getmailrc calls procmail. Does .procmailrc contain the
standard recipe for deleting duplicates?

Checking that (and your procmail log, if you're using one) will be helpful.


Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, Calif.

Re: Subject üî

2007-09-06 Thread Breen Mullins

* Alain Bench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-06 19:19 +0200]:

Hi Breen,

   Which library? Last backtrace I saw of such a MacOS freeze pointed
to Ncurses waddch_nosync(). But I'd tend to suspect more something in
the libc, called by Ncurses.

Ugh. I'm not sure I know how to read this - superficially it looks like 
it was in the linker?

Core was generated by `mutt'.
#0  0x93c10d7c in dyld_stub_unctrl ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x93c10d7c in dyld_stub_unctrl ()
#1  0x93beec54 in wechochar ()
#2  0x93beeb60 in _nc_waddch_nosync ()
#3  0x93bef010 in waddnstr ()
#4  0x0003409c in print_enriched_string (attr=256, s=0xbfffe78e " 
���üîå���", do_color=0) at menu.c:138
#5  0x000345f8 in menu_redraw_index (menu=0x0) at menu.c:252
#6  0x00016cbc in mutt_index_menu () at curs_main.c:558
#7  0x00031bb8 in main (argc=682056, argv=0x0) at main.c:989

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Subject üî

2007-09-04 Thread Breen Mullins

* Alain Bench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-05 00:01 +0200]:

On Monday, September 3, 2007 at 15:22:31 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   All seems well in body. Subject is "[]üîå[]", meaning "uia" flanked
by 2 U+FFFD replacement characters (in my font they look like empty
squares). That seems to be what you described sending. Next question is:
What added those U+FFFD chars??

As it happens, the U+FFDD this morning caused mutt to freeze on me, as
we discussed a couple of weeks ago. It's probably still tripping on 
iconv somewhere. 

I got a backtrace this time, if it's helpful. Looks like it's in 
the library.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Message-hook problem

2007-08-21 Thread Breen Mullins

* Alain Bench <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-21 13:39 +0200]:

| set config_charset=utf-8  # muttrc's charset
| message-hook ."unset display_filter"
| message-hook pattern  'set display_filter="sed s/¹/\\\047/g"'

That's done it. Thanks!

   While at it, Breen could sed it to the original curly apostrophe
(HTML's "’"). Make it maximally portable would then need some help
from the iconv //TRANSLIT feature:

I'm going to stay with what's working at the moment, and take up 
//TRANSLIT some other time. 

Thanks, Alain. Kyle too.
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Message-hook problem

2007-08-20 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-20 20:21 -0600]:

Heh, OSX's sed can handle the character directly. For example:

/usr/bin/sed "s/¹/'/g"

Huh. So it can. Now all I have to do is sort out the quoting in the

Thanks again!

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Message-hook problem

2007-08-20 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-20 09:50 -0600]:

Aha! :)

It's pretty obvious when you think about it. Let me guess, you use a 
UTF-8 locale?


The tr program, knowing only bytes, finds the 0xB9 byte and transforms
it into 0x27, just like you told it to, leaving 0xC2 0x27. Because 0x27
does not fit the form 10zz, this is an invalid UTF-8 character, and
so Mutt does its best to show it to you. (0xC2 == \302)

Ah. Very clear. Thanks. 

The best way to fix this is with sed, rather than tr:

sed "s/\o302\o271/'/g"

(That's for GNU sed; other sed's use different syntax for specifying 

Yeah. OS X here doesn't have gsed. Time to hit the books.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Message-hook problem

2007-08-20 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-20 17:36 +0200]:

Type Ctrl-E on the message and replace the charset iso-8859-1 with
Windows-1252.  If the message has multiple parts, hit v then choose the
part that is displayed wrongly, then do Ctrl-E as described above.

Does it help?

Nope. Still displays the superscript 1. 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Message-hook problem

2007-08-20 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-20 07:42 -0600]:

On Sunday, August 19 at 12:41 PM, quoth Breen Mullins:
I've wrestled with this one for a few days and I'm not getting 

It should be simple (and probably is!) but I'm not seeing it.

Could you post an example message so that we can examine it?

Sure. Here's a trimmed version, full thing available too.
(I'm pretty sure I've got everything relevant...)


User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
Mime-version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3269936535_216437"

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand

this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Who=B9s coming? Are you bringing a friend? Please let us know!
Content-type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

Ladies at Lunch
#8217;s coming? Are you bringing a friend? Please let us know!


Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Message-hook problem

2007-08-19 Thread Breen Mullins

I've wrestled with this one for a few days and I'm not getting anywhere.
It should be simple (and probably is!) but I'm not seeing it.

I've got a correspondent whose version of Entourage is sending oddly
broken messages. When she types an apostrophe, MS converts it to a 
curly one. That's correctly rendered in the text/html version of 
the message. But in the text/plain portion, the same character is 
coded as a 0xb9 - a superscript 1. And that's what mutt displays.

Not the end of the world - I can fix it easily enough in a reply with a
vim mapping. But it's annoying and I'd like to fix the display. 

I tried this message-hook:
message-hook "~f \"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"" \ "set display_filter='tr 271  

The hook starts off out right - it fires on her emails and attempts the
replacement at the right spot. But the replacement isn't what I'm
looking for:

Who\302's coming? Are you bringing a friend? 

I can't figure out where the \302 is coming from. I'm on a Mac (10.3.9);

Mutt 1.5.16 (2007-06-09)

System: Darwin 7.9.0 (Power Macintosh)
ncurses: ncurses 5.2.20020209 (compiled with 5.2)
libiconv: 1.9
Compile options:


charset-hook ^unknown-8bit$   cp1252
charset-hook ^x-unknown$  cp1252
charset-hook ^x-user-defined$ cp1252
charset-hook ^us-ascii$   cp1252
charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$ cp1252
charset-hook ^iso-8859-8-i$   iso-8859-8
charset-hook ^gb2312$ gb18030
set assumed_charset="cp1252"

tr (GNU coreutils) 5.96

Can somebody tell me what I'm missing?


Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Change into an mbox - like chdir

2007-07-10 Thread Breen Mullins

* David Woodfall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-07-10 18:35 +0100]:

Sorry it's hard to explain what I mean. Basically, I have some keybinds set
up like this:

macro   browser l   "^u/home/dive/mail/lists"

I have some macros like this:

macro index ,m =mag

which work for me.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: mutt freezes when fed high character in header

2007-07-04 Thread Breen Mullins

* Breen Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-07-04 10:03 -0700]:

Thanks for the hints on charset-hooks - I tried them but it didn't help.

Aargh. Cancel that - I just checked my work, corrected the error - and 
the problem message opened with no problems. Thanks again!

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: mutt freezes when fed high character in header

2007-07-04 Thread Breen Mullins

* Christian Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-07-04 18:00 +0200]:

Unfortunately there's nothing that tells an unexperienced user
that it is iconv's fault. See the message that started this
thread. amavis told him about an undeclared header. And some
people don't run amavis, or are not as obsessed as I am about
Mutt, and will just say: oh, Mutt freezes, without telling me
anything, I'll just use that other mailer which doesn't freeze.

I agree - you have to be determined in a case like this one. 
It took a bit of work to isolate the message that was causing the hang.
Not something you can expect most users to bother with. 

Thanks for the hints on charset-hooks - I tried them but it didn't help.
For now, since I'm only seeing this problem with a single user on a
single mailing list, I've written a sed one-liner to correct the From:
line in his messages, and I'll drop it into cron until I have the chance
to try a new libiconv.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

mutt freezes when fed high character in header

2007-07-03 Thread Breen Mullins

I had mutt freeze (again) while opening an mbox today. It gets to
the point where it prints 'sorting mailbox' and hangs.

I finally tracked it down to a message containing a From: header in
which an 8-bit character wasn't properly encoded:

X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER, Non-encoded 8-bit data (char E6 hex): From: 
"Danny Kj\346r..."

(Nice of amavis to point that out.)

Remove the message from the mbox and it opens just fine. 

Here's my mutt -v:

Mutt 1.5.16 (2007-06-09)

System: Darwin 7.9.0 (Power Macintosh)
ncurses: ncurses 5.2.20020209 (compiled with 5.2)
libiconv: 1.9
Compile options:


and my charset configuration:


Any advice on avoiding a repeat? The list in question has a lot of
international users.

Thanks - 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: Invalid domain name

2007-07-02 Thread Breen Mullins

* Luis A. Florit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-07-02 21:29 -0300]:

This problem is very strange since it
works when I close and open mutt again.
Does not seem to be related to configuration (?).

It's probably related to configuration. Look through your config files
for anything containing 'hook'. Comment out any such lines and see if it
resolves the problem. 

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: crypt_verify_sig

2007-06-19 Thread Breen Mullins

* Kyle Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-06-18 23:15 -0600]:

On Monday, June 18 at 08:38 PM, quoth Breen Mullins:
Chances are, you have it set to yes somewhere, like the /etc/Muttrc. 
It's important to realize that pgp_verify_sig is a synonym for 

Yeah, I had pgp_verify_sig set. I actually woke up in the middle of the
night with the belated understanding. 

If I had a nickel for every time I understood something only _after_
posting to a public list...

Thanks for the reply.

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California


2007-06-18 Thread Breen Mullins

I'm using mutt 1.5.16 and it doesn't appear to be noting the setting
set crypt_verify_sig=no in my .muttrc. mutt always starts with 
crypt_verify_sig set to yes, although I've a macro that successfully

toggles it to no.

I realize I'm probably missing something elementary, but I'm not seeing

Mutt 1.5.16 (2007-06-09)

System: Darwin 7.9.0 (Power Macintosh)
ncurses: ncurses 5.2.20020209 (compiled with 5.2)
libiconv: 1.9
Compile options:


If someone can point me to what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.


Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California

Re: gpg inline signed sig incorrect

2007-06-10 Thread Breen Mullins

* Rocco Rutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-06-10 13:17 +]:


* Patrick Shanahan [07-06-10 07:44:38 -0400] wrote:

Why is the  signature indicator not display
properly in inline gpg signed posts, ie:

This is so that no software deletes the mail's signature including the
gpg signature even by accident. I don't know if it's the official
reason but at least it makes sense... :)

It's required by RFC2440 (the OpenPGP standard). See section 7.1

Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California