Is there such an alias?

2001-06-12 Thread Dirk Laurie

I wish to send an e-mail to Bill Gates but can't remember under what
alias I've got him -- bg? billg? bgates?  I know I can less my
alias file from another window -- but is there a way to locate an
alieas easily from mutt?


Re: How to attach a previous email?

2001-05-07 Thread Dirk Laurie

Viktor Lakics skryf:
> On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 08:52:08AM +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
> > On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 08:30:00AM +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
> > 
> > > This is probably a FAQ, sorry for that if it is. I frequently want to
> > > attach on of my previous mails from the sent folder. But with attach I can
> > > only attach a file. 
> > 
> > See section 2.4 of the mutt manual.
> Thanks Dave, the attach message works for me. Now I could edit that
> attachment somehow after attaching it...e does not seem to work on
> attached messages.
> -- Viktor

Immediately after attaching, before hitting 'y' to send, hit '?' and
you'll see some nice things you can do.  Including "edit the file to
be attached".


Re: How to filter retrieved mail

2001-04-25 Thread Dirk Laurie

Suresh Ramasubramanian skryf:
> Dirk Laurie proclaimed on mutt-users that: 
> > When retrieving mail from a POP server, it gets dumped straight into
> > my inbox, without passing through my .procmailrc.  I can think of
> > several solutions to this problem:
> Is procmail set as a mailer and do you have feature(`local_procmail') in your

> Also, what's the permission of your procmailrc / .forward?
I don't have any such. This is the standard RedHat 7.0 setup.


How to filter retrieved mail

2001-04-25 Thread Dirk Laurie

When retrieving mail from a POP server, it gets dumped straight into
my inbox, without passing through my .procmailrc.  I can think of
several solutions to this problem:
1. Instead of just invoking mutt, use a shell script that first
   calls fetchmail.
   Disadvantage: I need to quit and restart mutt every so often.
2. Tag all the messages in the inbox, tag-bounce them to myself,
   and tag-delete them.
   Disadvantages: (a) requires several keystrokes,
  (b) same problem as method 3.
3. Add a macro definition to .muttrc:
   macro index  "GT.\r;bdirk\ry;d$"
   Now when I press F10, mutt retrieves my messages, tags them all,
 tag-bounces them to myself, deletes the originals and cleans
 up my inbox.
 (a) inbox must be clean before I start,
 (b) mail filter must not allow anything except retrieved mail to
 reach inbox, else I may delete messages that arrived directly
 to me during the retrieve,
 (c) messages show up in =procmail-log as being from myself, not the
 original sender.
I like my solution, and I can live with the disadvantages -- the first
two just requires some care on the part of the user --but I can't think
of a way round this last problem.
Can you?

Filter retrieved mail

2001-04-25 Thread Dirk Laurie

When retrieving mail from a POP server, it gets dumped straight into
my inbox, without passing through my .procmailrc.  I can think of
several solutions to this problem:

1. Instead of just invoking mutt, use a shell script that first
   calls fetchmail.
   Disadvantage: I need to quit and restart mutt every so often.

2. Tag all the messages in the inbox, tag-bounce them to myself,
   and tag-delete them.
   Disadvantages: (a) requires several keystrokes, 
  (b) same problem as method 3.

3. Add a macro definition to .muttrc:
   macro index  "GT.\r;bdirk\ry;d$"
   Now when I press F10, mutt retrieves my messages, tags them all,
 tag-bounces them to myself, deletes the originals and cleans 
 up my inbox.
 (a) inbox must be clean before I start,
 (b) mail filter must not allow anything except retrieved mail to 
 reach inbox, else I may delete messages that arrived directly 
 to me during the retrieve,
 (c) messages show up in =procmail-log as being from myself, not the 
 original sender.

I like my solution, and I can live with the disadvantages -- the first
two just requires some care on the part of the user --but I can't think 
of a way round this last problem.

Can you?


Setting variables while mutt is up

2001-03-14 Thread Dirk Laurie

Is there any way to set variables while mutt is running?
Setting them in .muttrc is fine most of the time, but
sometimes I just want to override that setting for a while
without restarting mutt.


Loading standard input as mailbox

2001-03-14 Thread Dirk Laurie

I can't pipe a startup mailbox to mutt, because
  cat mailbox | mutt
is treated as an instruction to mail what is piped in.  Some Unix
commands use the filename "-" as an alias for standard input, but
  cat mailbox | mutt -f -
does not work.  Of course, this trivial example can be handled by
  mutt -f mailbox,
but the file mailbox may itself be the output of some other program,
e.g. formail.

I can write a little script, e.g.

# /bin/sh
cat > /tmp/$MBOX
mutt -f /tmp/$MBOX
rm /tmp/$MBOX

but mutt seems to know that it is not being invoked from a terminal
and tries to go into send mode.

Am I missing a simple trick? 



2001-03-12 Thread Dirk Laurie

Some mailing lists etc. are distributed in digest form, i.e.
they have some header/index stuff etc., after which the body
consists of concatenated e-mails maybe with some standard
separator.  Can mutt un-digest them, i.e. can I view them
as if separate mails in a folder?


Replying to "From:" address

2001-03-01 Thread Dirk Laurie

Very properly, mutt replies to the "Reply-To" address if one is set.
I belong to some mailing lists where "Reply-To" is set to the list.
This is OK if I wish to send to the sender and the list ("g") or to
the list only ("r") but not if I wish to reply to the sender only.
E.g. "Listen old chap, I don't want to be nasty but this sort of
drivel really makes you look a fool" and "Why don't the pair of us
get together at Luciano's tonight?" fall into that category.

Is there a mutt function that lest me reply to the "From" address
even when "Reply-To" is provided?


Re: Word-wrap when printing and quoting

2001-02-28 Thread Dirk Laurie

Jürgen Salk skryf:
> Dirk Laurie wrote:
> > signs to show that a line break was made by the viewer.  However, when
> printing or quoting (in a reply) these convenient line breaks are
> > gone, and the result looks terrible.  Can I persuade mutt to use the
> viewer-formatted version instead of the original when printing or
> > quoting?
> If you edit your mails with vim, you can easily reformat the quoted lines by
> the "gq{motion}" command. E.g. "gqj" will format the current 
> line and places the cursor in the next line. Then proceed with the "."
> command. Or just type "gqG" which will reformat every line until the end. 
The problem is this: by the time vim gets control, the quote sign ">"
has already been prepended to the line.  I want the line-break algorithm
to do its thing before the ">" sign gets prepended.


Word-wrap when printing and quoting

2001-02-27 Thread Dirk Laurie

Some of my correspondents use a mail composition system that does not
break long lines into screen-width lines.  I dare not complain for they
will then send me HTML or Word versions.  The mutt viewer handles the
long lines nicely, breaking at word boundaries and putting in cyan plus 
signs to show that a line break was made by the viewer.  However, when
printing or quoting (in a reply) these convenient line breaks are
gone, and the result looks terrible.  Can I persuade mutt to use the
viewer-formatted version instead of the original when printing or


Display recipient (Was: Automatic filing)

2001-02-19 Thread Dirk Laurie

Dirk Laurie skryf:
> 1. In my "<" folder, display not the sender (which is always me)
>but the recipient.
I've asked the wrong question here.  Mutt is not so stupid as to display
the sender when it is me.

The problem is that mutt does not know the sender is me.  For firewall
reasons, my mail address as seen from outside is [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and therefore I my_hdr the From: and Reply-To: headings to that.
But the address mutt reacts on as being me is the local one on
my workstation, something like [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So the question should be: can I specify addresses to mutt that
should be treated as being aliases for myself?


Re: Automatic filing

2001-02-19 Thread Dirk Laurie

Andreas Grytz skryf:
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 04:51:17PM +0200, Dirk Laurie wrote:
> > I'd like mutt to do the following for me:
> > 
> > 3. When I send mail to a recipient known from my mail-aliases or
> >list aliases, file it into the corresponding folder instead of
> >in "<".
> set save_name=yes
Not quite.  If I have a mail-alias like

  alias bill William Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

it is filed into "12807687" not into "bill".


Automatic filing

2001-02-15 Thread Dirk Laurie

I'd like mutt to do the following for me:

1. In my "<" folder, display not the sender (which is always me)
   but the recipient.

2. When I have read something in the "!" folder, only file it
   in ">" when the sender is not a correspondent recognized from
   my mail-aliases and list aliases.  Otherwise, file it into a
   folder with the same name as the alias.

3. When I send mail to a recipient known from my mail-aliases or
   list aliases, file it into the corresponding folder instead of
   in "<".

Elm could do these, so I suppose mutt can also, I just can't figure
out how.
