Re: Sorting mail with mutt and IMAP

2001-02-14 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Justin R. Miller wrote:
 Regarding what Waldemar said before about fetchmail and procmail, 
 you don't necessarily have to lose the features of IMAP.  I have 
 been doing this with Cyrus IMAPd for about two years.  You have 
 to run fetchmail as root so that it can call Cyrus' deliver 
 program (or otherwise set up the right permissions).  I can give 
 more information if you have Cyrus and are curious...

As root?  Do you have to run cyrus on the IMAP server or on the
client side?  It so happens that I run the mail server that I am
using mutt+IMAP to access, but I need an end-user solution...
Right now, I could do it manually.  Use 'l' with pattern
'~t root@' to get all of the root mail, and then tag all of them
and save them to '{username@imapsever}root'.
It seems that there ought to be a way to get mutt to automatically
do this on start up...

Martin: Have we done this before? Jack McKinney
Halsey: Are we doing this now?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -from Brain Dead
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Sorting mail with mutt and IMAP

2001-02-13 Thread Jack McKinney

I am using mutt to connect to an IMAP server.  I'd like to have mutt
automatically grab new mail and put it into separate IMAP boxes, somewhat
the way that procmail can sort your incoming mail into separate boxes.
How do I go about doing this?  Currently, I just use the limit command
to limit the display, but this is tedious, since there are about a dozen
patterns I have to go through every time...

"When a bomb starts talking about itself Jack McKinney
 in the third person, I get worried."[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Lt. Paris, Star Trek Voyager
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2000-10-28 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Jason Helfman wrote:
 So this is my current .qmail file:
 So what would I add here?


Shouldn't that last line be

| preline /usr/bin/procmail


I don't use procmail anymore, since qmail's built-in mail sorting
features are so powerful.

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
 Vote Libertarian.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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pgp-hook doesn't work...?

2000-10-27 Thread Jack McKinney

 I use pgp-hook to define a key for an email address:


 I also tell mutt to always encrypt to this address:

send-hook . set pgp_autoencrypt=no
send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] set pgp_autoencrypt=yes

 When I send a message to this email address, mutt indeed knows to
encrypt this message by default, and to sign it with my key (I have my
pgp_sign_as set):

 PGP: Sign, Encrypt
 sign as: D68F2C07  MIC algorithm: pgp-sha1

 When I hit 'y' to send the message, I get a prompt in the bottom line:

Use keyID = "ABCD1234" for [EMAIL PROTECTED]? ([y]/n): 

 OK... so mutt is idiot-proofing.  No problem there.  However, when I
hit y, I get:

q:Exit  Return:Select  c:Check key  ?:Help
-1 +  1024DSA /87654321 -s Some Body [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2 +  4096ElG /ABCD1234 e- Some Body [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-- Mutt: PGP keys matching [EMAIL PROTECTED].

 Even though I have specified what key to use, and confirmed it at
the prompt mutt gives me, it still does a search on the keyring for a
key matching the email address.  I then have to move my pointer to option
2 (the encryption key) and hit return.  Then I get:

gpg: using secondary key ABCD1234 instead of primary key 87654321
gpg: No trust check due to --always-trust option
gpg: No trust check due to --always-trust option
gpg: writing to `-'
gpg: ELG-E/TWOFISH encrypted for: ABCD1234 Some Body [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gpg: DSA signature from: D68F2C07 Jack McKinney (VP Programming) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It is just as though I had never put the pgp-hook in there...

 In summary, mutt uses the appropriate key to sign based on the
pgp_sign_as variable, but it pretends to use the pgp-hook, but then
makes me choose the key anyway.  Then, even though I choose the
encryption key, it appears to try and use the primary/signing key,
causing GPG to choose the encryption key.
 JIC, I moved my send-hooks ahead of the pgp-hooks in .muttrc,
but it made no difference.
 Is this a known bug?  I haven't taken the time to look through the
source code, yet.

 Also... once you are in the key selection process, there is no turning
back without exiting mutt altogether and thus losing the message you were
working on.

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Re: Searching in multiple mailboxes

2000-10-25 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Mark Weinem wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Benjamin Korvemaker wrote:
  See "grepm" and "grepmail"
 But are there no tools for Maildirs?

cd Maildir;
find . -type f | xargs fgrep -l searchstring

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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GPG _and_ PGP?

2000-10-25 Thread Jack McKinney

 I have a number of contacts that are unable or unwilling to upgrade
to GPG or PGP  2.6.*.  This means that they must use RSA and IDEA.  While
GPG now speaks RSA, and can be patched to support IDEA (though I have yet
to get this to work, as I haven't had the time to get all of the source
patched manually), a simpler solution would be for mutt to handle GPG and
PGP.  I have some thoughts...

 Since mutt simply calls the strings in the config file, there is no
reason why they could not be replaced with smart scripts.  Has anyone
done this?
 What I am looking for is a script replacement that will check both
key rings when verify signatures or decrypting files and return the
correct results.  It would be nice if the script would also process
inline signatures (though mutt would need to be patched for this).
 For encrypting, it would be nice if it could search both keyrings
for the key and encrypt it with the appropriate version.

 Since some of this can't be done with scripting (mutt doesn't call
the verify function if it does not see an detached sig, so an inline
attached sig is ignored, as is inline encryption.  Even though I have
revoked my PGP keys, I still get encrypted email from people using 2.6.*,
and mutt just ignores it...

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Re: Searching in multiple mailboxes

2000-10-25 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Mark Weinem wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Jack McKinney wrote:
  cd Maildir;
  find . -type f | xargs fgrep -l searchstring
 Wow, what a comfortable search tool ;-)

For those who remember reading news this way, I thought you'd appreciate
it.  Sometimes simple solutions are best.  If one is using zsh, one could
try this:

mutt -f (cat $(find . -type f | xargs fgrep -l searchstring)).  This might
not work due to the missing 'From ' line, but that can always be added:

mutt -f (for i in $(find . -type f | xargs fgrep -l searchstring) ; do ; grep '^From: 
' $i | head -1 | sed s/From:/From/ ; cat $i ; echo ; done)

If one is using a lesser shell, something like this might work:

for i in `find . -type f | xargs fgrep -l searchstring` ; do mutt -f $i ; done

None of these are tested, BTW.

I have been meaning to patch the mailindex package I posted about earlier
to process maildirs (it would be a lot easier to write than the way it is
currently written, which has to parse mailboxes).

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Re: mutt and hook question

2000-10-24 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Marco Giardini wrote:
 I'd like that all the outgoing mail to a certain e.mail address are
 saved automatically in a special folder instead of in the outbox
 Is it possible? If yes, how?
 Thanks for replying

fcc-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] +special-folder

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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pgp-hook with GnuPG 1.0.4?

2000-10-23 Thread Jack McKinney

I have GnuPG 1.0.4 installed and have  the standard gpgrc in the contrib
samples for mutt in my .muttrc.
Almost everything works fine.  I have these two lines in my .muttrc:

.mutt-gpgrc:set pgp_autosign=yes
.mutt-gpgrc:set pgp_sign_as=D68F2C07

When I send the message, mutt automatically knows which key to sign
with, and asks me for my passphrase.
The problem is when sending messages.  I use pgp-hook and send-hook
to have mutt automatically encrypt for certain email addresses:

pgp-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12345678
send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] set pgp_autoencrypt=yes

Without these lines, mutt presents me with my entire keyring
to select from for encryption.  When I add the two lines above
to my muttrc file and try again, it presents _two_ keys instead
of just one: the DSA signing and ElG encryption key for that user.
I am providing the keyid in the pgp-hook command, which should
identify only the encryption key for that user.  Instead, it is
acting like I had provided the email address, and selection all
keys that match that address.

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Re: Searching in multiple mailboxes

2000-10-23 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Wouter Verheijen wrote:
 There is something that would be nice to have in Mutt:
 Searching in multiple (or all) mailboxes.
 Imagine this scenario: You are looking for a specified text
 in every message you have. It is only possible to search one
 mailbox, so this might be handy.

   Not as easy as one would hope.  This could be VERY slow, depending on
how much mail you have (I currently have 192MB, AFTER compression).

   A better solution is to index your mail.  I wrote a perl/MySQL package
to handle this a while back.  It has a couple of bugs that still need to
be worked out when I get a chance:

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Re: mailing lists support

2000-10-18 Thread Jack McKinney

Big Brother tells me that Mike Erickson wrote:
 things work fine, but if I use the subscribe keyword, the 'from'
 address in the index gets replaced with the name of the list, which
 prevents me from seeing who the message is from.

Someone already posted that 'L' does a list-reply, but only if
you have a list or subscribe command for that list.
To make the display show the real sender, you have to change your
format string for your display.  Here is mine:

set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"

"Restore your inalienable human rights.   Jack McKinney
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Ref. env variables in muttrc

2000-10-17 Thread Jack McKinney

Hash: SHA1

Is it possible to use environment variable values in the .muttrc
file somehow?  What I'd like to be able to do is put my KeyID for
my PGP key into an environment variable, and then have my .muttrc
reference this, telling mutt "to find his key id, look in the env
var $KEYID":

set pgp_sign_as=$KEYID

   My mail is sorted via .qmail files into folders, some of which are for
work, and some of which are personal.  I have a work key and a personal
key.  I am subscribed to dozens of email addresses under each ID/key,
meaning that it would take well over 100 folder-hook's to supply either
of two key-ids to each folder.  If I had had the foresight to name the
folders work-mbox, work-cisco-users, me-mbox, me-mutt, me-gnupg-users, etc,
then I could now use a regexp in a folder hook.  Unfortunately, this is
not feasible.
   I currently read my mail via a zsh script I wrote that checks for mail
in each of the folders, and sets my MAILHOST/MAILUSER (used by qmail)
environment variables accordingly.  I could easily add a couple of
lines to this script to also set the 'KEYID' environment variable.
   Alternately, is it possible to supply the keyid on the command line?

- --
"Restore your inalienable human rights.     Jack McKinney
 Vote Libertarian. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024D/D68F2C07 4096g/38AEF076
Version: GnuPG v1.0.2 (GNU/Linux)
