Re: Why use pgp with mutt?

2002-01-05 Thread Morten Liebach

On 2002-01-05 12:50:56 +0100, Nick Wilson wrote:
 1.  How do I get my signiture? I know yours is 0xC9C40C31 but how do
 I find mine?

gpg --list-keys Nick Wilson should do it.

And it isn't a signature, it's a key ID, technically speaking.

For me I get:

% gpg --list-keys Liebach
pub  1024D/D796A4EB 2001-06-18 Morten Liebach (New mail from Dec. 2001) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sub  2048g/63F0F3BB 2001-06-18

Use 'man gpg' for these occasions, gpg have a ton of options, none of
them that I can remember, I have to look them up from time to time.
Have a nice day

Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED] webthingy at
PGP-Key-ID: 0xD796A4EB on or at

Re: OT Converting a Windows WAB file to a sane format

2001-12-15 Thread Morten Liebach

On 2001-12-15 01:22:44 -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
 Cliff Sarginson wrote:
  I have Outlook ExpressiMicrosoft address book .. wab file .. that I
  want to convert to a form suitable for use in a normal mutt alias
  file.  type file. I can think of some insane ways to do it, does
  anyone have a sane way ?  Fortunately the file only has aliases and
  email addresses, no other cruft needs to be extracted/deleted.
 it should be pretty easy to do with a shell script.  you didn't include
 an example of what the file looks like, but a perl or shell script
 should be able to do that quite easily.

Maybe this will do it:

Have a nice day

Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||

Re: OT: not able to set textwidth to 65

2001-10-30 Thread Morten Liebach

On 30, Oct, 2001 at 01:20:42AM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
 trying to set textwidth in my $EDITOR (i.e., vim 6.0) to 65, but
 even though I have following in my ~/.vimrc, it is always
 initially set to 78, when starting vim as a message editor (well,
 when started as ANY editor for that matter).

In VIM 6.0 use $VIM/ftplugin/mail.vim to make these settings, and use
setlocal instead of set, e.g. (a mix of my own stuff and your

setlocal tabstop=3
setlocal shiftwidth=3
setlocal noexpandtab
setlocal textwidth=65

 spellcheck american
:nmap F8 :wCR:!aspell --language-tag=american --mode=email -c %CR:eCR
 spellcheck danish
:nmap F7 :wCR:!aspell --language-tag=da --mode=email -c %CR:eCR

 help not using acronyms and such
imap buffer HAND Have a nice day
imap buffer HTH Hope this helps
imap buffer IIRC if I remember correctly
imap buffer BTW By the way

You should consider using expandtab in mail, as you can not know what the
recipient has set the TAB character to be displayed as (most likely as 8

Hope this helps

Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP-key: ||

Re: list wierdness and muttrc builder

2001-10-27 Thread Morten Liebach

On 27, Oct, 2001 at 12:41:13PM -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
  Other pains are when people misconfigure procmail recipes
  and then their mail starts bouncing too.
 Procmail can make mail bounce? I thought it would just send mail to the
 bit bucket if it was misconfigured...

It only does this if it's invoked by the MTA, if you pipe mail to it
from fetchmail it'll try hard not to waste mail, but if it has to ...
well, /dev/null.

  Unfortunately when list traffic is high, this causes a hugh
  burden on the list-admin(s) who has a real job not just looking
  after the list ;)

And to avoid that you SHOULD make fetchmail deliver mail to procmail,
not reinject via SMTP.
And of course make a spotless ~/.procmail! :-)

Have a nice day

Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP-key: ||

Re: switch from maildir format back to mbox

2001-10-24 Thread Morten Liebach

On 24, Oct, 2001 at 09:57:58AM +0200, Manuel Hendel wrote:
 Is there a way to automate this. I got lots of mails in some maildirs.
 It's quit hard to press s and return return thousands of times.
 Isn't here a key which lets you save the hole folder to a file?

Tag all the msgs with T and .* at the prompt, then ';s mboxname'.
Not tested.

Hope this helps

Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP-key: ||

Re: ye olde mutt pgp/mime versus clearsign FAQ

2001-09-25 Thread Morten Liebach

On 25, Sep, 2001 at 08:48:07AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
 David T-G mutt [24/09/01 20:48 -0400]:
  % Now, what do I do?  Clearsign / encrypt it in the vim buffer itself?
  Use Shane's pgp_outlook_compat patch, as I've plugged here before.
 I use freebsd's port collection - I'll see if I can work this into the port
 I'm running.

I think you can make patch, then apply your 3rd party patch, and then
a make install.

I've done something like it with some other port on OpenBSD once.


Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||
Get my PGP key from
For a laugh, go to

GnuPG + Mutt and Outlook + PGP-7.0 recipient and reverse.

2001-09-06 Thread Morten Liebach


I'm trying to communicate encrypted with an Outlook user using PGP 7.0,
and I'm using mutt 1.3.21i and GnuPG-1.0.6.

I think I saw a way to encrypt with gpg and mutt so that Outlook users
don't get it as an attachment, but I can't find it again?

When I get an encrypted email I have to pipe the body through
'gpg --decrypt | less' to read it, and it's inconvenient.

How can I make PGP 7.0 messages readable by mutt? (I saw a procmail recipe
once, even had it in my .prcmailrc once, but accidentally deleted it :-()


Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED],[~morten/]
Key fingerprint = 43F0 B319 E12D 50A9 04C0  68B7 E34A 388E D796 A4EB
BOFH excuse: Root name servers corrupted.

Re: Can't use the L to replay to a list

2001-08-05 Thread Morten Liebach

On  5, Aug, 2001 at 01:27:31PM +0200, Dan Christensen wrote:
 Hi All
 I have a strange prob, maybe just a newbi thing ;-) but when ever i try to replay so 
a list with using the L it open vi and i can type my msg. and send it all seams ok, 
but the msg never shows up in the list and i never get any error msg or anything at 
all ?? It it some options i havent set or im I just to newbi'sh to understand this

Can you send mail to others?


×·.¸¸.·´¨)¸.·´  ¸.·´¨) OMorten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(_¸.·´ (¸.·´  ¸.·× 0

Re: Can't use the L to replay to a list

2001-08-05 Thread Morten Liebach

On  6, Aug, 2001 at 12:50:40AM +0200, Dan Christensen wrote:
 Hi Morten
 On søn, aug 05, 2001 at 07:33:50 +0200, Morten Liebach wrote:
  On  5, Aug, 2001 at 01:27:31PM +0200, Dan Christensen wrote:
   Hi All
   I have a strange prob, maybe just a newbi thing ;-) but when ever i try to 
replay so a list with using the L it open vi and i can type my msg. and send it all 
seams ok, but the msg never shows up in the list and i never get any error msg or 
anything at all ?? It it some options i havent set or im I just to newbi'sh to 
understand this
  Can you send mail to others?
 Yes that's work just fine, but i thing i maybe fundt the problem in my postfix 
settings so im using L to replay to your post. So hope all end up the right way. 

Looks good. :-)


×·.¸¸.·´¨)¸.·´  ¸.·´¨) OMorten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(_¸.·´ (¸.·´  ¸.·× 0

Re: xterm colored Mutt

2001-07-19 Thread Morten Liebach

On 18, Jul, 2001 at 11:03:01AM +0200, Andre Wyrwa wrote:
 How can I tell xterm to use xterm-color instead of xterm terminfo
 without having to set $TERM manually?

In your ~/.Xdefaults put this (from my own ~/.Xdefaults, tweaking might
be needed:

! $HOME/.Xdefaults
! To reload it:
!   xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults

! mangling xterm
XTerm*termName: xterm-color this is where you set $TERM !!
XTerm.VT100*color0: black
XTerm.VT100*color1: red
XTerm.VT100*color2: green
XTerm.VT100*color3: yellow
XTerm.VT100*color4: blue
XTerm.VT100*color5: magenta
XTerm.VT100*color6: cyan
XTerm.VT100*color7: white
XTerm.VT100*color8: black
XTerm.VT100*color9: red
XTerm.VT100*color10: green
XTerm.VT100*color11: yellow
XTerm.VT100*color12: blue
XTerm.VT100*color13: magenta
XTerm.VT100*color14: cyan
XTerm.VT100*color15: white
XTerm.VT100*colorAttrMode: true
XTerm.VT100*colorMode: on
XTerm.VT100*colorBDMode: on
XTerm.VT100*colorBD: white
XTerm.VT100*colorBLMode: on
XTerm.VT100*colorBL: yellow
XTerm.VT100*colorRVMode: on
XTerm.VT100*colorRV: cyan
XTerm.VT100*colorULMode: on
XTerm.VT100*colorUL: cyan
XTerm.VT100*boldFont:  -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*highlightColor: blue4
XTerm.VT100*geometry: 80x25
XTerm.VT100*pointerColor: white
XTerm.VT100*pointerColorBackground: black
XTerm.VT100*pointerShape: xterm
XTerm.VT100*curses: true
XTerm.VT100*saveLines: 1500
XTerm.VT100*underLine: off
XTerm.VT100*cursorColor: magenta
XTerm.VT100*cursorBlink: on
XTerm.VT100*cursorOffTime: 500
XTerm.VT100*cursorOnTime: 500
XTerm.VT100*font: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font1: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-70-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font2: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-80-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font3: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-90-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font4: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-100-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font5: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*font6: -jmk-neep-bold-r-normal-*-*-160-100-100-*-*-iso8859-1
XTerm.VT100*foreground: lightgrey
XTerm.VT100*background: black
XTerm.VT100*backarrowKeyIsErase: true
XTerm.VT100*scrollBar: off

The explicit color declarations probably isn't needed, and the font
isn't a standard X font, so beware.

My machine runs OpenBSD current, but I can see no good reason that it
shouldn't work everywhere else.


×·.¸¸.·´¨)¸. ·´ ¸.·´¨) OMorten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(_¸.·´ (¸.·´  ¸.·× 0

Re: qmail, procmail and maildir

2000-12-15 Thread Morten Liebach

On 15, Dec, 2000 at 02:22:31PM +0100, Marco Ahrendt wrote:
 yes, procmail v3.15 2000/08/25 !
 with procmail v3.13 + mbox everything worked fine.

Hve you appended a '/' to your mailboxes?


Morten Liebach [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||
Get my PGP-key:
UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: qmail, procmail and maildir

2000-12-15 Thread Morten Liebach

On 15, Dec, 2000 at 07:13:42PM +0100, Marco Ahrendt wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 05:49:22PM +0100, Morten Liebach wrote:
  # This is ~/.qmail for Morten Liebach
  |preline /usr/local/bin/procmail
  It work fine, my /var/qmail/rc:
  exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
  qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail
  This is what I think is the places where the mistake is most likely.
  If not, I can't really think of anything else right now.
 I added the |preline command into .qmail and now the pre command works
 fine. procmail gives an error but I dunno why. I think the procmail
 recipe is wrong:
 Unable to treat as directory "/PC-Special-Team"
 procmail: Error while writing to "/PC-Special-Team"

Is "PC-Special-Team" a maildir or is it mbox?

If mbox you'll have to convert it to maildir, there's some scripts to do
that, try mbox2maildir on freshmeat.

Remember the trailing '/' in your $HOME/.procmailrc. :-)


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Pager oddity

2000-11-12 Thread Morten Liebach

On 13, Nov, 2000 at 12:28:38AM +0800, Anthony Liu wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 04:00:21PM -0600, David Kanter wrote:
  This is nothing earth-shattering, but rather annoying: Mutt has what looks
  like an extra cursor lying on top of the highlighting bar over the last
  character in the message index window.
  I'm using the slang-based Mutt of OpenBSD. It happens with both rxvt and
 This is what happened when the cursor is not being switched off/hidden.
 In Slang, I believe it is possible to hide the cursor using a Slang
 function call. If you compile Mutt with Ncurses, the cursor is hidden
 by default. Also, Ncurses program looks better since it will work with
 transparent terms while Slang set the background color to black.

I see the same thing with mutt-1.2.5i-curses on OpenBSD in an xterm.

mutt -v says:
Mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: OpenBSD 2.8 [using ncurses 5.2]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.

It works flawlessly in all respects, and I actually hadn't thought of
this as a bug before now ... :-)


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: more color

2000-10-26 Thread Morten Liebach

On 26, Oct, 2000 at 12:11:44AM -0700, Mike E wrote:
 Okay, previously I had a problem with color, and it was resolved
 that I was using a version of ncurses that was too old.
 On another server (OpenBSD 2.7) I've compiled mutt to test it out.
 Here is my mutt -v output:
 ~ $ mutt -v
 Mutt 1.2.4i (2000-07-07)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
 System: OpenBSD 2.7 [using ncurses 5.0]
 Compile options:
 To contact the developers, please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
 To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.
 I have +HAVE_COLROR and ncurses 5.0. However color still isn't
 working. I get no .muttrc errors on my color commands when  running
 mutt, and color works in other programs (like BitchX), so I'm pretty
 stumped. Anyone have any ideas?

A slightly long shot: what's your ~/muttrc||/etc/muttrc saying?

Or maybe you've copied your old one with nice colors and all from an
older version (though I think that would produce errors ...), if so it
might be because you are using vt220 and not pcvt25 terminal drivers,
but then again, you get colors with BitchX, so that's not it I guess ...

I run mutt-1.2.5 on OpenBSD-current, and I get colors in both xterm and
when I puTTY to it from work, so it can work.

Hope this helps a little, HAND


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Viewing application/msword thingies.

2000-10-26 Thread Morten Liebach

On 26, Oct, 2000 at 12:24:52AM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
 According to Morten Liebach on Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 12:01:04AM +0200:
 | Hi!
 |  I'm getting a lot af mail with *.doc files attached, and I'd like to
 | use catdoc to show them in mutt, how do I do that?
 | I have the line:
 | application/msword; catdoc -s iso8859-1 %s|less; cupiousoutput
 I use:
 application/msword;   /usr/local/bin/mswordview %s -o - --nocredits| \ 
 /usr/local/bin/html2ascii|sed 's/\\[.*.gif\\]//';copiousoutput
 You will need to install mswordview (which is worth doing).
 The `\' indicates an unwanted line break.

Hmmm ...
$ cd /usr/ports
$ make search key="mswordview"

Damn. it isn't in the ports tree (OpenBSD-current), so I don't want to
fiddle around with it right now, running the risk of trying to make a
linux-centric app compile and run on OpenBSD, something I've had little
luck and lots of work with! :-)

But I know mswordview, and it's the best there is for that thing, BTW,
why don't you pipe the output from mswordview to w3m, links or lynx?
That's what I would do in your place.

It turned out I just needed to loose the '|less' to make it do what I
wanted, and I'm wondering why I piped to less, I seem to remember that I
experimented and found I needed it, but I don't!

Thanks for the pointers and the spellchecking, I've now
s/cupious/copious/'ed it, and it also helped. ;-)

Thanks to the two guys mailing me off-list too.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

 PGP signature

Re: Viewing application/msword thingies.

2000-10-26 Thread Morten Liebach

On 26, Oct, 2000 at 01:45:52PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
 On 2000-10-26 12:30:56 +0200, Morten Liebach wrote:
  $ cd /usr/ports
  $ make search key="mswordview"
  Damn. it isn't in the ports tree (OpenBSD-current), so I don't want to
  fiddle around with it right now, running the risk of trying to make a
  linux-centric app compile and run on OpenBSD, something I've had little
  luck and lots of work with! :-)
 You may wish to search for wvware, since that's what mswordview is
 called nowadays.

$ cd /usr/ports
$ make search key="wvware"

No joy, but thanks for the info, I was thinking of trying anyway. :-)


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

 PGP signature

Viewing application/msword thingies.

2000-10-24 Thread Morten Liebach


 I'm getting a lot af mail with *.doc files attached, and I'd like to
use catdoc to show them in mutt, how do I do that?

I have the line:

application/msword; catdoc -s iso8859-1 %s|less; cupiousoutput

in my ~/.mutt_mailcap, and an autoview antry for it in my ~/.muttrc, and
I still can't get the autoview thing to work, why?
I have to 'v' and then select the entry I wanna see.
The mail come from Outlook, so they are attached in a strange way, so
that might be it, here's an example how it looks when I 'v' a mail:

  I 1 no description [text/plain, 7bit, iso-8859-1, 0.1K] 
I 2 Pressemeddelelse om Salm. typh.DT104, mu  [message/rfc822, 7bit, 29K]
I 3 mqno description[multipa/mixed, 7bit, 29K]
I 4   tqno description  [text/plain, quoted,iso-8859-1, 0.2K]
A 5   mqPressemeddelelse den 23. oktober[applica/msword, base64,
I 6 VS: Telefonpasning og pakkepost [message/rfc822, 7bit, 28K]
I 7 mqno description [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 28K]
I 8   tqno description  [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.4K]
A 9   mqTelefonpasning.doc [applica/msword, base64, 27K] 
I10 Telefonpasning og pakkepost [message/rfc822, 7bit, 0.6K]
I11 mqno description [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.1K] 
I12 Besked til omstillingen [message/rfc822, 7bit, 0.8K]
I13 mqno description [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.3K]
I14 Møde for HK klubben 2. november [message/rfc822, 7bit, 29K]
I15 mqno description [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 27K]
I16   tqno description   [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 0.5K]
A17   mq=?iso-8859-1?Q?HKklm=F8de=2Edoc?   [applica/msword, base64, 26K]
Note: some thing got a little garbled in the cut'n paste, but you get
the picture.

I can highlight the msword entries, and they are shown bu catdoc, but
I'd like that to happen automagically, hence the autoview in my


I set the charset catdoc uses to iso8859-1, but I will output letters
with umlauts instead of the danish æ, ø and å, how is that fixed?

Changing the MUA at work is simply impossible.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

 PGP signature

Re: muttzilla on freebsd

2000-10-11 Thread Morten Liebach

On 10, Oct, 2000 at 04:04:13PM -0700, Peter Jaques wrote:
 has anyone gotten muttzilla working on freebsd? when i click a mailto link
 now, nothing at all happens, not even console complaints from netscape.

On OpenBSD I couldn't make it compile at all, so ... you're better of I
think, but I'd sure like to know more about it.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Aborted unmodified message.

2000-09-27 Thread Morten Liebach

On 27, Sep, 2000 at 01:36:46PM +0100, Marc van Dongen wrote:
 David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 : % : If you can't figure out what's up, try setting mutt's $editor to a
 : % : quickie script which calls vim and then waits for a keypress before
 : % : exiting so that you can see any error messages that go by.
 : % 
 : % I changed the editor setting to a script that prints something,
 : % reads a line and then starts to edit. It doesn't seem to be
 : % called when I press `e.' I still get the `unmodified' message.
 : No, make sure that you *first* call vim and you *then* wait.  You need to
 : see that vim is really called and see what messages, if any, it returns.
 I overlooked the purpose of you suggestion. It doesn't
 make any difference. The script doesn't get called.
 : Possbile, but not probable.  I'm still betting on a vim config, though a
 : full /tmp as already mentioned might be a good place to start (my vim
 : tmpdir is $HOME/tmp; I forget about the defaults sometimes :-)
 I'll have a look at that. Thanks.

This _is_ a long shot, but: what happens when you try to invoke vim from
your shell?

Just a thought I got reading this thread, and I know I myself has
overlooked the blindingly obvious at times ...


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: pgp public key server

2000-09-12 Thread Morten Liebach

On 12, sep, 2000 at 12:14:45 -0700, Peter Jaques wrote:

 also does anyone know of a server on the west coast that actually works?

Try, what I use, and it's AFAIK a network of
servers, so there will allways be one close by.

It's what I use.

HAND (because I don't ... down with the flu :-( )


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: muttzilla

2000-09-11 Thread Morten Liebach

On 11, sep, 2000 at 11:56:08 -0700, Dale Morris wrote:
 Hi, I'm running debian 2.2 woody and I just did apt-get install

Uhm ... 2.2 is Potato, Woody doesn't have a number yet.

 muttzilla and sure enough there was a debian muttzilla package, which
 apt faithfully installed and set up. Trouble is, there's no man page
 (like I'd read it anyhow..) and when I call a mail-to url in netscape,
 it just brings up the regular netscape mail program. Oh, I'm using
 netscape 4.75. Can anyone shed any light on this for me?

Sure, read /usr/share/doc/muttzilla/INSTALL, that'll explain it, even I
could follow the instructions. :-)

 "The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck
 the societies in which they occur."
   --Albert North Whitehead
Another Whitehead quote I like:

``Without adventure, civilization is in full decay.''


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Configuration Advice

2000-09-02 Thread Morten Liebach

On  2, sep, 2000 at 12:55:15 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everybody,

Hi Parker.
 First of all, I can't figure out how to change the display Email address
 from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" on the messages I
 send out.
 Put this in your ~/.muttrc

 set hdrs
 my_hdr From: Your Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think there are other ways, but I use the above solution.

 Also, sendmail takes care of sending my emails but, for security
 reasons, I thought i'd configure Mutt to connect to my ISP's SMTP server
 and shutdown sendmail altogether.  The less services running the
 better.  I'm not sure if this can be done or if it's wise to do so.  My
 guess is that fetchmail won't work properly because from what I
 understand, it hands off any new messages to sendmail and it takes care
 of the rest.  I remember reading somewhere in the documentation that
 Mutt can retrieve my mail from my POP account.  However, does sendmail
 need to be running to handle incoming mail properly?
 It's a good thing to close as many ports as possible, but if I were you
 I'd do this:

 Make fetchmail use `procmail' as mda (see man fetchmail, the `mda'
 option in the rc-file). Sendmail should be started as `sendmail -q30m',
 quoting from memory (I use exim, so I don't have the manpage), that way
 it will not listen on port 25, and both local mail and outgoing mail will
 be delivered normally.
 Ideally, I'd like to get Mutt configured so that I can start using it
 and in time, get to know it better.  It looks like a pretty capable mail

 It is, very much. :-)


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: Little Brother Database support....

2000-08-23 Thread Morten Liebach

On 23, aug, 2000 at 09:26:19 -0700, Jason Helfman wrote:
 Does it fetch address regardless of your incoming mail box format? I
 thought this just goes after @ addresses. At work it seems to have a
 db, running sendmail, at home, I don't get this response, and I am
 running Qmail at home.

It has worked fine for me with mbox before, and I'm using maildir format
now, no problem.

How do you invoke lbdb-fetchaddr?


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

Re: lbdbq error message.

2000-08-22 Thread Morten Liebach

On 22, aug, 2000 at 12:26:01 +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 09:52:18AM +0200, Morten Liebach wrote:
  On 21, aug, 2000 at 10:31:44 +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
   What happens if you run the GPG query by hand? For example:
   | gpg --list-keys --with-colons
   do you get output?
  Lots, all my keys, and then this:
  gpg: trust record 1793, req type 3: read failed: trust database error
  gpg: the trustdb is corrupted; please run "gpg --fix-trustdb".
 Looks like this will be the cause of your problem.
  It might be the cause of the problem, but I'm really out of my league here
 Probably best to ask on a gpg list.

Yeah, I think you're right, unless someone here knows how ...
*looks hopefully around on the listmembers* :-)

I'd better go find some GnuPG list somewhere.



UNIX, reach out and grep someone!