
2000-11-04 Thread root

I am just a test mail
Please ignore me...

hooks and patterns

2000-05-22 Thread root

Hi all,

As suggested, I am taking a look at the mutt manual, and there are a lot of  things I 
don't quite understand, and answers to any of them are greatly appreciated :-)

0- I accidentaly deleted the "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE" mail message ... should I 
reinstall mutt? What should I do?

1- to set my own email address when sending email: should I use my_hdr From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? Or will that just create a new "From:" field in the header?

2- To have all messages from the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] moved to a mailbox called 
"mailbox1", must I use procmail for that? Or does mutt do that? (I had a look at 
mbox-hook but it doesn't seem to make any distinction between the messages inside a 
particular mailbox based on the "From:" field; am I right?)

3- to save a certain message to a file, what command should I use? If I press "s", 
mutt asks for a mailbox to save the message in... 

4- what is the path of the mailboxes mutt creates? At the main index mutt says it is 
looking at "/var/spool/mail/manel", but where is the other mailbox ("mailbox2") I 
created inside mutt?

Thank you for any tips.



Thank you all.

2000-05-21 Thread root

Thank you all.



2000-05-21 Thread root

Hi Emily,

thank you for all the tips! Now everything works fine: I had accidentally deleted 
/usr/sbin/sendmail, but now postfix already sends my messages correctly (hopefully it 
will also send this one...! :-).

I would just like to know how the "email-gurus" :-) retrieve their email, enter their 
MUA and then have it sent to their ISP without using as many commands as I do:

#.send (name of a small script that came with postfix)

Is their any straightforward way of getting your email, editing any reply and sending 
it out?

Oh, and just one last question: do you know of any way in which I can a leave mutt 
running in one virtual terminal, and have it watch for any new messages retrieved 
(automatically) by fetchmail in the meantime? I mean, if fetchmail is programmed to 
download any new messages from my ISP every 10 minutes and I am running mutt for 15 
minutes now, how can I have mutt show the new messages (i.e., the ones that arrived 
after I started mutt) without having to restart mutt?

Thank you for any tips on these more complicated questions (at least for me..!)!



Success! Do you know which MUA I am using for sending this email??

2000-05-21 Thread root

Hi all/Emily,

Success! I just discovered that I had accidentally deleted the symlink in 
/usr/sbin/sendmail which called postfix, so that was why the messages weren't being 
sent at all.

Then I called a small script (copied from the postfix docs) which flushes the mail 
queue and 

In the mean time I had installed fetchmail and it revealed itself to be very easy to 
use: one command line

fetchmail -p POP3 -u username POP.server.address

retrieved my messages, and there it was: the test message I had just sent to myself!!

It all works flawlessly; I am very gratefull for your help! Just one question, though:

Right now, I must use all this commands to retrieve my messages and send any replies:

.email (name of the script which flushes the queue)

How do you "gurus" :-) do it?

