* Gerhard Hring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020312 02:11]:
> Le 11/03/02 à 17:15, Gerhard Häring écrivit:
> > Le 11/03/02 à 15:54, Simon White écrivit:
> > > [mutt & imap is slow]
> > Reading the ~5000 emails from my mutt-user folder takes approx. 18
> > seconds. That's really slow, IMNSHO.
> Apparently, such a best doesn't exist and it wouldn't solve
> our problem, either. If I run mutt from my imap server machine,
> it's equally slow.  Mozilla seems to be faster, though.
> Apparently it caches the overview data on disk. kmail seems
> to also cache overview data, but its lost after restart.

"Dann geht doch rueber!"  ;-)


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