I’ve been trying to set up OfflineIMAP to sync my mail to my machine into a 
Maildir set of folders.  So far, mostly works, but I can’t access nested 
folders — only the top-level folders.  I used ‘/’ as the seperator so that 
OfflineIMAP would create local nested folders.
      My .muttrc has the following:

    set   mbox_type     =    Maildir   
    set   pager_stop                   
    set   folder       =    "~/.mail"  
    set   spoolfile    =    "+INBOX"   
    set   record       =    "+Sent Messages"
    set   postponed    =    "+Drafts"  
    set   mask         =    "!^\\.[^.]" 

I think the problem is with the mask, but I’ve tried mucking around with it to 
no avail.
      Anyone know what it should read?  Or if it’s not the mask, then what the 
problem is?


     __                 __     __
    / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /    Raconteur, Mostly
  /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/     <http://koralatov.com/>

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