Hallo Matěj, 
I did not read your script but I want to answer your shell question:

On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 11:15:32AM -0400, Matěj Cepl wrote:
> > [...mail archival script...]

> I have divided script into two, because I was not able to debugg 
> your find command. However, I have now problem with bash. 
> Consider following screenshot:
>     mail $ test -f ./sluzebni/; echo $?
testing if an ordinary file ./sluzebni/ exists
>     1

>     mail $ test -d ./sluzebni/; echo $?
testing if  ./sluzebni/ is a directory.
>     0
>     mail $ ll
>     total 332
>     -rw-rw-r--    1 matej    matej           0 kvě  3 19:30 drafts
>     drwxrwxr-x    2 matej    matej        4096 zář  9 15:54 list
>     drwxrwxr-x    2 matej    matej        4096 zář 25 10:26 pratele
>     -rw-rw-r--    1 matej    matej      270658 kvě  2 06:03 sent-200104
>     -rw-rw-r--    1 matej    matej       45374 kvě  3 20:58 sent-200105
>     drwxrwxr-x    2 matej    matej        4096 zář 25 10:48 sluzebni
> If understand my bash manpage well, the second command should 
> produce 1 too. Have you any idea why it doesn't? I am using bash 
> 2.04.11(1)-release on RedHat GNU/Linux 7.0.

two things, very general in unix:
in the shell a return code 0 means "OK, no errors, true"
in opposite to most programming and scripting languages where
0 is associated with false and values different from 0 with true.

what test (a shell builtin for bash) does, I wrote above.
ask your shell: help test 
to get a full list of it's behaviour.

extra for you switched my font to iso8859-2

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