Re: table conversion problems

2004-08-27 Thread Michael Stassen

Sergei Skarupo wrote:
Hi Donny,
Thanks for your reply. This table only uses ints and floats, but the
floats are allowed to be null, which means, as far as I understand,
that it's not a fixed row length...
What makes you think that?  VARCHAR, TEXT, and BLOB are the variable-length 
column types

By the way, Paul DuBois writes about the 4G limit in MySQL, second
edition, and does not mention that fixed rows make a difference as
far as the size limit is concerned.
The 4Gb limit for MyISAM tables is a matter of pointer size.  It is easily 
overcome with the AVG_ROW_LENGTH and MAX_ROWS options.  Practically, MyISAM 
tables can be as large as your OS/filesystem can handle.  This is documented 
in the manual, which 
nakes no mention, that I can see, of variable-length rows changing the 
situation.  In fact, AVG_ROW_LENGTH would be pointless if only tables with 
fixed-length rows need apply.

Could you please point me to a page about copying data in chunks on
InnoDB website?
In any case, it's kind of too late now -- my alter command is already
running :)
-- Sergei

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replication config without stopping master server

2004-08-27 Thread Naveen C Joshi

I have MySQL-4.0.5a-beta installed on my RH9.0 Linux  machine. This machine is as a 
replication master server.  I have configured the other machine as replication slave 
with same version of MySQL and OS.

Now, I want to start replication slave server without stopping the master server. Is 
it possible?

What I did,-- I configured the slave server and started the slave replication. 
Also gave the command LOAD DATA FROM MASTER. This starts replication but the log 
files ( taking to much space and the disk being 100% full. The 
database is InnoDB.

Actual data for replication=1500MB (at master replication server)
Disk space available=25GB  (at slave server)

After starting the slave the logfiles taking 24.5GB and only 0.5GB the actual data.

What is wrong with my configuration??  I have the limitation that I have not to stop 
the master replication server.

Please suggest me the solution.



Getting rid of duplicates

2004-08-27 Thread Patrick Connolly
I read CSV files into a table using 

mysqlimport  --fields-terminated-by=',' --replace .

That would work fine and, by using the appropriate unique index, it
would deal with the fact that some of the data appears in multiple CSV
files.  However, though the same data is in several files, the date
format is not the same in all of them.  The result is that there are
duplicate records in the resulting table without violating unique

I devised a way of adding an additional column and converting the
dates into a proper date format thereby making the duplicates
detectable.  There are several ways I can get rid of them:

a) Write out the table using SELECT * DISTINCT INTO OUTFILE with the
appropriate GROUP BY.  Then truncate the table and read back from the

b) Create a new table with the same structure but with a slightly
different multiple-column unique key.  Use REPLACE INTO the new table
and the new key will remove the duplicates.  Truncate the original
table, and copy back to the records from the interim table.

There's a major hassle with method a).  The OUTFILE has to be removed
before the same file name can be used again and that requires access
privileges to the database directory.  I'm not entirely happy with
method b) either since it is not particularly scalable nor generic.

I'd have thought this would be an FAQ, but it appears not so from my
searching.  I normally work with a language called S (dialect R) which
handles matrices in a multitude of ways.  Removing duplicates is
straightforward in that language, but from what I know about SQL so
far, it is rather complicated in MySQL.

What do other people do with duplicates?


   ___ Patrick Connolly  
 _( Y )_  Good judgment comes from experience 
(:_~*~_:) Experience comes from bad judgment

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Re: DBI and Mysql error 2006

2004-08-27 Thread Yannick Warnier
Le ven 27/08/2004 à 00:37, Yannick Warnier a écrit :
 Hi there,
 I'm having a problem with MySQL within a Perl::DBI usage. I've turned it
 upside-down and cannot find what it's related to.
 My Perl script creates multiple databases and populates them with
 tables. The problem appears when creating the second database (in the
 foreach statement):
 # Get a database connection to use to create new databases
 my $tempDSN = 'DBI:mysql:database=test:host=localhost';
 our $tempDBH =DBI-connect($tempDSN,$login,$password)
 || die Could not connect to test database: $! ;
 # Go through a list of databases and create them one by one
 foreach my $db ( keys(%$list_of_DBs) ) {
   # Create a DB with the handler we have
   my $create = $tempDBH-func('createdb',$db,'admin')
   ||die Could not create database $db : $!;
   # Connect to the newly created database
   my $dbDSN = DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=localhost;
   my $dbDBH = DBI-connect($dbDSN,$login,$password)
 || die Could not connect to database $db : $!;
   # Create a set of tables in this database
   foreach my $table ( keys(%$list_of_tables) ) {
   $dbDBH-do(CREATE TABLE ... );
   # Disconnect from the newly created database
   $dbDBH-disconnect() || die ...;
 # Disconnect from the temporary database connection
 So the first database is created with all it's table, but when I get to
 the second, I get this error:
 Could not create database ...
 And when asking more detail with $DBI::errstr:
 ERROR: 2006 'MySQL server has gone away'
 I've really searched this down in my doc, on the net, and with
 DBI-trace(5) but the only thing I figured out is that somehow the
 temporary database connection is shut down by something without asking.
 But I'm not sure... How could I?
 Anyway, if somebody has any idea what this might come from or has come
 to something similar in the past, please give me a hint.

I've taken another path and decided to execute mysqladmin to create my

I find it awful but it works, so...

Thanks anyway,


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Re: replication config without stopping master server

2004-08-27 Thread Naveen C Joshi
The replication slave server has the Physical memory 3.6 GB and the my.cnf
file is as below :

port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
datadir = /data1/mysql
basedir = /
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=512
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
set-variable= thread_stack=256k
server-id   = 1
master-user= yyy
master-password= zzz
master-port= 3306

innodb_data_home_dir = /data1/mysql/
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:800M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /data1/mysql/
innodb_log_arch_dir = /data1/mysql/
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=2000M
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=20M
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=300M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=150M
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50

set-variable= innodb_file_io_threads=4
transaction-isolation   = READ-COMMITTED
innodb_thread_concurrency   = 4

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M

# Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL

set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= sort_buffer=256M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M

set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= sort_buffer=256M
set-variable= read_buffer=2M
set-variable= write_buffer=2M



- Original Message -
From: Naveen C Joshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:04 PM
Subject: replication config without stopping master server


I have MySQL-4.0.5a-beta installed on my RH9.0 Linux  machine. This machine
is as a replication master server.  I have configured the other machine as
replication slave with same version of MySQL and OS.

Now, I want to start replication slave server without stopping the master
server. Is it possible?

What I did,-- I configured the slave server and started the slave
replication. Also gave the command LOAD DATA FROM MASTER. This starts
replication but the log files ( taking to much space
and the disk being 100% full. The database is InnoDB.

Actual data for replication=1500MB (at master replication server)
Disk space available=25GB  (at slave server)

After starting the slave the logfiles taking 24.5GB and only 0.5GB the
actual data.

What is wrong with my configuration??  I have the limitation that I have not
to stop the master replication server.

Please suggest me the solution.



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Need help for error 123

2004-08-27 Thread Unreal HSHH
`table` is HEAP type table

Sometimes,I do a query of select in `table`,I got the error,
mysql error: Record has changed since last read in table 'table'

I check the mysql log file,
040827  8:28:06  Got error 123 when reading table './db/table'

I need help for this

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Trouble with prepared select statements with parameters in where clause

2004-08-27 Thread Sven Riedel
I'm having serious trouble getting prepared statements with bound parameters
in the where clause to work over the C API with MySQL 4.1.3. The Bugtracker on has similar bugs for 4.1.2, which are marked as closed and fixed in
4.1.3 so I wanted to make sure that I'm doing things correctly in my code
before fileing an official bug report. Operating system is Linux 2.6.

The query is declared as 
SELECT UserID FROM users WHERE Login=? AND Password=?.
I should be getting exactly one row back from mysql, but mysql_stmt_fetch() 
just returns MYSQL_NO_DATA.

The same prepared query but with explicitly hardcoded parameters works.

Thanks for any help.

The table in question looks like the following:
mysql show create table users\G
*** 1. row ***
   Table: users
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `UserID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Login` char(64) NOT NULL default '',
  `Password` char(128) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`UserID`,`Login`,`Password`),
  UNIQUE KEY `Login` (`Login`)

And the code looks like this (altered from the example in section

#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include mysql/mysql.h

#define STRING_SIZE 50

#define SELECT_SAMPLE SELECT UserID, Login, Password FROM users WHERE Login=? AND 

int main(void)
MYSQL *mysql;
MYSQL_BINDbind[3]; /* results */
unsigned long length[3];
int   row_count;
long long int   int_data;
char  login[STRING_SIZE];
char password[STRING_SIZE];
my_bool   is_null[3];

MYSQL_BINDpbind[2]; /* parameters */
unsigned long plength[2];
char *pdata[2];
my_bool  p_is_null[2];

mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
mysql_real_connect( mysql, localhost, myuser, mypassword, 
   mydb, 0, /tmp/mysql-4.1.sock, 0 ); 

/* Prepare a SELECT query to fetch data from test_table */
stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
if (!stmt)
  fprintf(stderr,  mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n);
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, SELECT_SAMPLE, strlen(SELECT_SAMPLE)))
  fprintf(stderr,  mysql_stmt_prepare(), SELECT failed\n);
  fprintf(stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
fprintf(stdout,  prepare, SELECT successful\n);

plength[0] = plength[1] = STRING_SIZE * sizeof(char);
p_is_null[0] = p_is_null[1] = 0;
pdata[0] = (char*)malloc( STRING_SIZE * sizeof(char) );
pdata[1] = (char*)malloc( STRING_SIZE * sizeof(char) );

pbind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
pbind[0].buffer= (char *)pdata[0];
pbind[0].buffer_length=STRING_SIZE * sizeof(char);
pbind[0].is_null= p_is_null[0];
pbind[0].length= plength[0];

pbind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
pbind[1].buffer= (char *)pdata[1];
pbind[1].buffer_length= STRING_SIZE * sizeof(char);
pbind[1].is_null= p_is_null[1];
pbind[1].length= plength[1];

if( mysql_stmt_bind_param( stmt, pbind ) ) {
   fprintf( stderr,  mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed\n );
   fprintf( stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error( stmt ) );
mysql_real_escape_string( mysql, pdata[0], testuser1, 
strlen(testuser1)*sizeof(char) );
plength[0] = strlen( pdata[0] ) + 1;
mysql_real_escape_string( mysql, pdata[1], bla, strlen(bla)*sizeof(char) );
plength[1] = strlen( pdata[1] ) + 1;

printf( Executing query with parameters %s and %s\n, pdata[0], pdata[1] );
/* Execute the SELECT query */
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
  fprintf(stderr,  mysql_stmt_execute(), failed\n);
  fprintf(stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

/* Bind the result buffers for all 4 columns before fetching them */

bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG;
bind[0].buffer= (char *)int_data;
bind[0].is_null= is_null[0];
bind[0].length= length[0];

bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[1].buffer= (char *)login;
bind[1].buffer_length= STRING_SIZE;
bind[1].is_null= is_null[1];
bind[1].length= length[1];

bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
bind[2].buffer= (char *)password;
bind[2].buffer_length= STRING_SIZE;
bind[2].is_null= is_null[2];
bind[2].length= length[2];

/* Bind the result buffers */
if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind))
  fprintf(stderr,  mysql_stmt_bind_result() failed\n);
  fprintf(stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

/* Now buffer all results to client */
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt))
  fprintf(stderr,  mysql_stmt_store_result() failed\n);
  fprintf(stderr,  %s\n, mysql_stmt_error(stmt));

/* Fetch all rows */
row_count= 0;
fprintf(stdout, Fetching results ...\n);
while (!mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt))
  fprintf(stdout,   row %d\n, row_count);

  /* column 1 */
  fprintf(stdout,column1 (bigint)  : );
  if (is_null[0])
fprintf(stdout,  NULL\n);
fprintf(stdout,  %lld(%ld)\n, int_data, length[0]);

  /* column 2 */

Re: huge innodb data files

2004-08-27 Thread Ronan Lucio

Well, I´m not a MySQL expert, but I think that a good
configuration in the file can make it better.


- Original Message -
From: Mayuran Yogarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: huge innodb data files

Our DB in production currently has 2 innodb data files,
the second one (which is marked autoextend) has now
grown past 26 gigs.  We are experiencing weird speed
problems with one of the tables.  Even though there are
no rows in this table, performing any kind of select takes
about 2 minutes to execute.  Has anyone had a similar
problem before ? What can I do to speed up queries to
this table ?


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Sort by COUNT(field_name) ?

2004-08-27 Thread Dialogcentret
Example: I have a search box on my webpage and all searchstring are saved in a 

$foresp = mysql_query(SELECT string, COUNT(string) FROM searchstat GROUP BY string 

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($foresp)) { 
 echo br($data[1])  . str_replace('', 'lt;', $data[string]) .  ;

However, I would like to write the result out with the most popular search strings 
first. Is it possible to sort the output by count(field_name) ?

Med venlig hilsen
Birger Langkjer

Re: Slow Queries on Fast Server?

2004-08-27 Thread JVanV8
Thanks Brent and Donny, hopefully this info will help get to the root of the problem 
with the fulltext search.
The table structure is very, very simple:

mysql describe product_fulltext;
| Field   | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| product_id  | int(9) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| search_text | text   |  | MUL | |   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Space usage :
Data502,455 KB
Index   440,412 KB
Total   942,867 KB

Row Statistic :
Statements  Value
Format  dynamic
Row length ø158
Row size  ø 298 Bytes

MySQL 4.0.20-standard-log  Official MySQL RPM

I also calculated the average text feild length: 
mysql SELECT AVG(LENGTH(search_text)) AS avg_length FROM product_fulltext;
| avg_length |
|   147.2239 |
1 row in set (33.34 sec)

Is my average text length too long?  Is MySQL 4.0.20 really that slow for fulltext 
searching?  If so, how much will performance increase by upgrading to 4.1.x?  Is 
upgrading difficult?

You may try doubling or tripling your sort_buffer and myisam_sort_buffer settings 
and maybe you read_buffer.

My sort_buffer is 10Mb, the read_buffer is 2Mb and the myisam_sort_buffer is 64Mb ... 
are these still too low?

I'm think I'm going to try to install mytop to get more performance info.  
Currently, my temporary solution is to limit the query to 2000 rows but it still takes 
4-5 seconds and doesn't give a complete picture for search results.

Thanks for any help on this,
- John

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Re: AVG Function

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen
Hi Craig,

Sorry this is such a slow response but I have been swamped and I didn't 
see where anyone else has responded yet.

First, we need to calculate the average ID per user but round the average 
to the nearest whole number.

SELECT  cast((AVG(id)+ .5) as integer) as average,u.user_id, u.username
FROM users u
INNER JOIN routes rt
ON u.user_id = rt.user_id
INNER JOIN ranking rnk
ON rnk.rating = rt.rating
WHERE username='$username'
GROUP BY u.user_ID, username

Now, maybe we can give you the results you wanted.

SELECT rnk.rating as user_avg, tr.username, tr.user_id
FROM tmpResults tr
INNER JOIN ranking rnk
ON tr.average =

OR if you wanted to see all of the Routes with the average information and 
user information all in the same query

SELECT rnk.rating as user_avg, tr.username, tr.user_id, r.rating, r.route
FROM tmpResults tr
INNER JOIN ranking rnk
ON tr.average =
INNER JOIN routes r
ON r.user_id = tr.user_id

As always, we need to clean up after ourselves: 

DROP TABLE tmpResults

Hope this helped...

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Craig Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/24/2004 09:24:55 PM:

 Hey Everyone,
 I can you some assistance on this query.
 I have three tables one is called ranking and the other is called 
 routes and finally the users table. The users table is not really 
 The ranking table looks like this:
 id   rating
 2   5.1
 3   5.2
 4   5.3
 5   5.3a
 6   5.3b
 and so on...
 The routes table looks like this:
 user_id   route  rating
 1  somename   5.2
 1   5.3 
 1   5.3a
 Here's my query:
 SELECT ranking.rating, AVG(id), users.username, users.user_id, 
 routes.rating, routes.user_id FROM ranking, routes, users WHERE 
 username='$username' AND users.user_id = routes.user_id AND 
 ranking.rating = routes.rating GROUP BY username
 What I am trying to do is find the average rating for this user.  For 
 5.2 = 3
 5.3 = 4
 5.3a = 5
 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 / 3 = 4
 So 4 = 5.3
 The average for this user would be 5.3.  Any help would be most 
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Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I've hit on this subject before but I want to redefine
and get some feedback. 

Right now I have a table called Member_Titles
Members having multiple titles can put them in the
datbases. I allow up to 5 to be held by the user and
have a count() by ID to test before allowing

Here's my problem.  For the web side of things (and
this is a database related question), I'm using a RAD
tool. Meaning it's point and click on fields and
tables and the code is generated automagically.  The
one problem I've run into is the RAD tool doesn't have
the auto capabilities to allow multiple insert
transactions into the same table on one page.  To
allow 5 titles I need 5 pages.  From a users
standpoint, it's not horrible, but not the best.

So, now I'm podering a Many to Many, but I realize
there would need to be multiple Member_Title tables, 
Member_Title1, Member_Title2, Member_Title3, etc.

From a join angle, I guess I can live with it,
provided the smoke and mirrors for my users are there.
 My concern is the query part.
With only the one Member_Title table, the search is
relatively simple, 

select title from member.title 
where title = jerl;

from the M2M, 
I gather it's going to be 
select title from member.title1,member.title2, etc
where title = jerk;

Anything else I should be considering here and does it
make sense to change the schema in this way ?
I have 2 other similar forms with one holding 5

Thank you,

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Re: Sort by COUNT(field_name) ?

2004-08-27 Thread Dobromir Velev
You can use a query like this one

SELECT string, COUNT(string) as co FROM searchstat GROUP BY string order by co 


Dobromir Velev

On Friday 27 August 2004 16:03, Dialogcentret wrote:
 Example: I have a search box on my webpage and all searchstring are saved
 in a database.

 $foresp = mysql_query(SELECT string, COUNT(string) FROM searchstat GROUP
 BY string ,$db);

 while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($foresp)) {
  echo br($data[1])  . str_replace('', 'lt;', $data[string]) .  ;

 However, I would like to write the result out with the most popular search
 strings first. Is it possible to sort the output by count(field_name) ?

 Med venlig hilsen
 Birger Langkjer

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RE: Sort by COUNT(field_name) ?

2004-08-27 Thread Paul Ardeleanu

SELECT string, COUNT(string) AS length FROM searchstat GROUP BY string ORDER
BY length

You can DESC at the end if you want the longest string first.

tel: 020 7446 7536
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:-Original Message-
:From: Dialogcentret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:Sent: 27 August 2004 14:04
:Subject: Sort by COUNT(field_name) ?
:Example: I have a search box on my webpage and all 
:searchstring are saved in a database.
:$foresp = mysql_query(SELECT string, COUNT(string) FROM 
:searchstat GROUP BY string ,$db);
:while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($foresp)) {  echo 
:br($data[1])  . str_replace('', 'lt;', $data[string]) .  ; }
:However, I would like to write the result out with the most 
:popular search strings first. Is it possible to sort the 
:output by count(field_name) ?
:Med venlig hilsen
:Birger Langkjer

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Re: One form multiple inserts

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen
I did that as a convenience. Basically it provided me two ways of uniquely 
identifying any row in a table(an auto_inc integer, and some unique text 
column). The autoincremented values should never repeat. HOWEVER because I 
did not put a UNIQUE constraint on them, it is possible for someone to 
come back later and change one to match another. In a production 
environment, I would have created the UNIQUE constraint.  The other thing 
that did for me is to provide numeric values for my table relationships. 
Otherwise I would have had to duplicate my primary keys (text columns) in 
every child table. Having all of that text in the database multiple times 
would take up much more room than just the integers.

You are correct in saying that I could have written my tables to look 

ID int auto_increment primary key,
login varchar(25) not null,
... other columns...
, UNIQUE(login)

and achieved the same basic structure.

You asked about the wisdom of normalizing on Titles. If you want each 
person to have their own list of titles, you are in a one-to-many 
situation. Between lists, titles can duplicate but each person will have 
their own list.  This structure requires only 2 tables, member and 
title. The difference is that you put a member_id column on the title 
table so that you can keep up with which titles a person has held and for 
what dates.  Otherwise you could have a blank field on just the member 
table and the user is limited to only 1 title, ever.  The problem with the 
single-field design is that you would not have any history of the other 
titles a person held because every time the title changes, the old title 
is wiped out and replaced by the new one. With the two-table model, you 
will be able to keep a running history of all titles held by a member. 

Which model you choose depends on your application needs and what you need 
to do with the information. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/25/2004 05:11:07 PM:

 Too funny! I'm slowly coming to grips on the M2M. I
 decided not to opt for it in this situation as I still
  believe it would not address my issues.
 My problem, or a better to phrase it , my solution is
 that I am not supplying titles.  They are, to the user
 , blank fields , left to them to supply their title.
 Now I may have missed your point.  Though it was 1-3
 that held the same title twice. That much I grasped. 
 Anyway, because there are literally a few thousand
 titles I'd need to insert I opted not to at this point
 unless or until I start seeing a trend of common ones.
 Does this make any sense ?  Please tell me if I'm
 Also another quick question:
 In your example tables I noticed you have an ID for
 the member plus a Primary Key ID ?
 Is this also common ? In particular with my tables for
 members I have 1 primary key column which is also the
 member ID .
 Is that okay ?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  CREATE TABLE member (
  MemberID int auto_increment
  , Login varchar(25) not null primary key
  , Name varchar(30) not null
  #   , (other fields as necessary)
  , KEY(ID)
  CREATE TABLE title (
  TitleID int auto_increment
  , TitleName varchar(25) not null primary key
  #   , (other fields as needed)
  , KEY (ID)
  CREATE TABLE member_title (
  ID int auto_increment
  , member_ID int not null
  , title_ID int not null
  , startdate datetime
  , enddate datetime
  , KEY(ID)

Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Peter Brawley

I'm using a RAD
tool. Meaning it's point and click on fields and
tables and the code is generated automagically.  The
one problem I've run into is the RAD tool doesn't have
the auto capabilities to allow multiple insert
transactions into the same table on one page.  To
allow 5 titles I need 5 pages.  From a users
standpoint, it's not horrible, but not the best.

So, now I'm podering a Many to Many, but I realize
there would need to be multiple Member_Title tables,
Member_Title1, Member_Title2, Member_Title3, etc.

Sounds like a dreadul idea, breaks several relational rules and will make
more problems down the road c. Why not lose the RAD tool, find a better


  - Original Message -
  From: Stuart Felenstein
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:33 AM
  Subject: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

  I've hit on this subject before but I want to redefine
  and get some feedback.

  Right now I have a table called Member_Titles
  Members having multiple titles can put them in the
  datbases. I allow up to 5 to be held by the user and
  have a count() by ID to test before allowing

  Here's my problem.  For the web side of things (and
  this is a database related question), I'm using a RAD
  tool. Meaning it's point and click on fields and
  tables and the code is generated automagically.  The
  one problem I've run into is the RAD tool doesn't have
  the auto capabilities to allow multiple insert
  transactions into the same table on one page.  To
  allow 5 titles I need 5 pages.  From a users
  standpoint, it's not horrible, but not the best.

  So, now I'm podering a Many to Many, but I realize
  there would need to be multiple Member_Title tables,
  Member_Title1, Member_Title2, Member_Title3, etc.

  From a join angle, I guess I can live with it,
  provided the smoke and mirrors for my users are there.
   My concern is the query part.
  With only the one Member_Title table, the search is
  relatively simple,

  select title from member.title
  where title = jerl;

  from the M2M,
  I gather it's going to be
  select title from member.title1,member.title2, etc
  where title = jerk;

  Anything else I should be considering here and does it
  make sense to change the schema in this way ?
  I have 2 other similar forms with one holding 5

  Thank you,

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Re: Slow Queries on Fast Server?

2004-08-27 Thread Brent Baisley
If you are sorting the result, setting a limit only speeds things up 
for data transfer of the result set since MySQL still has to find all 
the records, sort them, then deliver only the first X records. You can 
usually tell how much time is spent on the transfer of the result set 
vs. finding the result by doing a select count(*) rather than actually 
selecting data.

As for average length, I don't think that's the issue. The system I'm 
designing searches resumes, so while there are only about 15k records, 
the average length is about 3 pages of text. My data size is actually 
about the same size as yours. My response time on a test machine is 
about 6-8 seconds, but the test machine is woefully underpowered for 
real use (Mac 350Mhz G4 256MB RAM).

I would definitely try increasing your buffer variables. Double them 
and see what happens. Many times on this list people have gotten 
significant performance boosts from setting high sort buffers. Please 
post results if it works.

On Aug 27, 2004, at 9:28 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks Brent and Donny, hopefully this info will help get to the root 
of the problem with the fulltext search.
The table structure is very, very simple:

mysql describe product_fulltext;
| Field   | Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| product_id  | int(9) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| search_text | text   |  | MUL | |   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Space usage :
Data502,455 KB
Index   440,412 KB
Total   942,867 KB
Row Statistic :
Statements  Value
Format  dynamic
Row length ø158
Row size  ø 298 Bytes
MySQL 4.0.20-standard-log  Official MySQL RPM
I also calculated the average text feild length:
mysql SELECT AVG(LENGTH(search_text)) AS avg_length FROM 
| avg_length |
|   147.2239 |
1 row in set (33.34 sec)

Is my average text length too long?  Is MySQL 4.0.20 really that slow 
for fulltext searching?  If so, how much will performance increase by 
upgrading to 4.1.x?  Is upgrading difficult?

You may try doubling or tripling your sort_buffer and 
myisam_sort_buffer settings and maybe you read_buffer.
My sort_buffer is 10Mb, the read_buffer is 2Mb and the 
myisam_sort_buffer is 64Mb ... are these still too low?

I'm think I'm going to try to install mytop to get more performance 
Currently, my temporary solution is to limit the query to 2000 rows 
but it still takes 4-5 seconds and doesn't give a complete picture for 
search results.

Thanks for any help on this,
- John
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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Thank you for the stop sign.  
As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions, but I
think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL platform.

--- Peter  Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm using a RAD
 tool. Meaning it's point and click on fields and
 tables and the code is generated automagically. 
 one problem I've run into is the RAD tool doesn't
 the auto capabilities to allow multiple insert
 transactions into the same table on one page.  To
 allow 5 titles I need 5 pages.  From a users
 standpoint, it's not horrible, but not the best.
 So, now I'm podering a Many to Many, but I realize
 there would need to be multiple Member_Title
 Member_Title1, Member_Title2, Member_Title3, etc.
 Sounds like a dreadul idea, breaks several
 relational rules and will make
 more problems down the road c. Why not lose the RAD
 tool, find a better
   - Original Message -
   From: Stuart Felenstein
   Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:33 AM
   Subject: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
   I've hit on this subject before but I want to
   and get some feedback.
   Right now I have a table called Member_Titles
   Members having multiple titles can put them in the
   datbases. I allow up to 5 to be held by the user
   have a count() by ID to test before allowing
   Here's my problem.  For the web side of things
   this is a database related question), I'm using a
   tool. Meaning it's point and click on fields and
   tables and the code is generated automagically. 
   one problem I've run into is the RAD tool doesn't
   the auto capabilities to allow multiple insert
   transactions into the same table on one page. 
   allow 5 titles I need 5 pages.  From a users
   standpoint, it's not horrible, but not the best.
   So, now I'm podering a Many to Many, but I realize
   there would need to be multiple Member_Title
   Member_Title1, Member_Title2, Member_Title3, etc.
   From a join angle, I guess I can live with it,
   provided the smoke and mirrors for my users are
My concern is the query part.
   With only the one Member_Title table, the search
   relatively simple,
   select title from member.title
   where title = jerl;
   from the M2M,
   I gather it's going to be
   select title from member.title1,member.title2,
   where title = jerk;
   Anything else I should be considering here and
 does it
   make sense to change the schema in this way ?
   I have 2 other similar forms with one holding 5
   Thank you,
   MySQL General Mailing List
   For list archives:
   To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread matt ryan
Mikhail Entaltsev wrote:
insert into 321st_stat select * from stat_in group by primary key fields
from 321st_stat table;
did you try to use this query?
Best regards,

Ran it, it took at least 24 hours, it finished but never gave me the 
total time, when I checked the server mysql dropped me back to the 
command prompt, with no time or number of records :(

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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread Mikhail Entaltsev
Could you execute show create table 321st_stat and show create table
and send results back?

Best regards, Mikhail.

- Original Message - 
From: matt ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: 1 day 28 min insert

 Mikhail Entaltsev wrote:

 insert into 321st_stat select * from stat_in group by primary key fields
 from 321st_stat table;
 did you try to use this query?
 Best regards,

 Ran it, it took at least 24 hours, it finished but never gave me the
 total time, when I checked the server mysql dropped me back to the
 command prompt, with no time or number of records :(


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino

- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

 Thank you for the stop sign.
 As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions, but I
 think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL platform.

I don't have an alternate RAD tool to suggest since I don't know what's out
there. Let me suggest a different *design* that may work well with your
existing RAD tool.

Most database designers would never implement a true many-to-many
relationship in a real database. Instead, they would break the many-to-many
relationship into two one-to-many relationships based centered on something
called an association table (or sometimes an intersection table).

For example, in your case, I would create these tables:

Members (1 row per member)

Primary key(member_id)

Titles (1 row per title)
2Serpico ...
Primary key(title_id)

Member_title (1 row for each title associated with a member)
Primary key(member_id, title_id)
Foreign key #1 (member_id)
Foreign key #2 (title_id)

In other words, Jones owns both movies while Smith owns only Serpico.

This design is not using mnemonic codes - it's a lot harder to think of good
mnemonics for people and movie titles than for airlines - so you will
usually have to join back to the Members and Titles tables to find out the
name of the member or the title of his movie. The tables are small and the
joins should be very efficient so this shouldn't be a problem for you.

This design allows any member to own as many movies as they want. If you
want to limit it to 5 movies per member, your application code can simply
count how many the member currently has before allowing an insert of a new

In this way, your RAD tool only needs to come up with a form that allows one
row to be inserted into each table. It sounds as if it can already do this.
Of course users will have to invoke that form once for each title that they
want so they may find this tedious. Then again, how many people will really
want 5 movies in one go? Aren't they more likely to pick one or two at a
time? In that case, they'd only be invoking that form once or twice, not
five times, so they might not object too much.

Do you see why this design is a better approach?


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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I think this design is a better approach but only if
it's based on human tendencies (aka max 2 movies at a
Othewise (and if I'm missing something tell me please)
if they should decide to enter 5 or 10 then the form
comes at them 5 or 10 times.

Your right though my RAD will allow it.  Right now
I've created a series of pages, with options to either
enter another one (next page), or proceed to the next

In effect that would be similar. Fortunately unlike
movies, this form is probably going to be used
infrequently. Once they've maxed out , the only option
after this is replace or delete.

Finally I don't think M2M or 12M make total sense to
me.  I'm not sure about the interim table.  A query
with some joins would net back the same results.  What
I think is it's necessary to the 12M process.

Thank you,

--- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message - 
 From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Peter Brawley
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:06 AM
 Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
  Thank you for the stop sign.
  As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions, but I
  think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL
 I don't have an alternate RAD tool to suggest since
 I don't know what's out
 there. Let me suggest a different *design* that may
 work well with your
 existing RAD tool.
 Most database designers would never implement a true
 relationship in a real database. Instead, they would
 break the many-to-many
 relationship into two one-to-many relationships
 based centered on something
 called an association table (or sometimes an
 intersection table).
 For example, in your case, I would create these
 Members (1 row per member)
 Primary key(member_id)
 Titles (1 row per title)
 2Serpico ...
 Primary key(title_id)
 Member_title (1 row for each title associated with a

 Primary key(member_id, title_id)
 Foreign key #1 (member_id)
 Foreign key #2 (title_id)
 In other words, Jones owns both movies while Smith
 owns only Serpico.
 This design is not using mnemonic codes - it's a lot
 harder to think of good
 mnemonics for people and movie titles than for
 airlines - so you will
 usually have to join back to the Members and Titles
 tables to find out the
 name of the member or the title of his movie. The
 tables are small and the
 joins should be very efficient so this shouldn't be
 a problem for you.
 This design allows any member to own as many movies
 as they want. If you
 want to limit it to 5 movies per member, your
 application code can simply
 count how many the member currently has before
 allowing an insert of a new
 In this way, your RAD tool only needs to come up
 with a form that allows one
 row to be inserted into each table. It sounds as if
 it can already do this.
 Of course users will have to invoke that form once
 for each title that they
 want so they may find this tedious. Then again, how
 many people will really
 want 5 movies in one go? Aren't they more likely to
 pick one or two at a
 time? In that case, they'd only be invoking that
 form once or twice, not
 five times, so they might not object too much.
 Do you see why this design is a better approach?
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Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

2004-08-27 Thread Lehman, Jason \(Registrar's Office\)
I am switching from a Windows computer to a Linux computer and when I
dump the data from Windows to Linux I have no problem except for the
fact that some of my characters have been converted to strange
characters and when the data is displayed on a web page they show up as
?.  I am sure that it has to do with character sets but I am not sure
what to do about it.  Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Add new database into existing MYSQL database

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen
I could write the statement for you if you could answer these three 

1) which user account would you like to modify the permissions of.
2) which database are you granting access to
3) what permissions do you want the user account of 1) to have on the 
database of 2)

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Yong Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/27/2004 11:38:31 AM:

 Hi, Shawn:
  Thank you very much for you point out the privileges problem. I
 just read the mysql document.
 There are several privilege level, global, database, table, column. I
 guess I only need do in global lelvel.
 We have three databases, two exist before and work fine.  Could you
 please give me an example how to use
 grant command ? I only add one database to an existing username (with
 oow databses before) ? Do I have to 
 use revoke command . I need to be very careful not screw up the
 existing databases.
  Thanks a lot.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2004-8-25 15:00:25 
 If you do not use the GRANT, REVOKE, and DROP USER statements to create
 and destroy user accounts, you must manually FLUSH PRIVILEGES.  It's
 documented in the manual: 
 and in even more detail here: 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Yong Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/24/2004 03:15:39
  Hi, all:
   I use root login to create a new databse in the existing
  Then I use the existing user name in the mysql user table as user
  add the database and username .. info into mysql db table. Then
  mysqladmin to load the table. When I login the database using the
  existing user name, I
  only can see previously existing database without seeing the new
  database. What is the problem ?
  Thanks a lot.
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives: 
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

2004-08-27 Thread andy thomas
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) wrote:

 I am switching from a Windows computer to a Linux computer and when I
 dump the data from Windows to Linux I have no problem except for the
 fact that some of my characters have been converted to strange
 characters and when the data is displayed on a web page they show up as
 ?.  I am sure that it has to do with character sets but I am not sure
 what to do about it.  Any help would be appreciated.

I suspect you are using MySQL version 4 or later?  I'm not sure how/what
you are using to extract the data and display it on a web page but we had
a similar problem after we upgraded from MySQL 3.23.18 to 4.0.18 and our
experiences may be of some help to you.

We use Macromedia Cold Fusion MX 6.1 with apache on Linux - as Cold Fusion
is an ODBC-oriented environment, they supply the Merant ODBC driver for
MySQL to connect the two. After the upgrade, things like the UK pound
symbol and apostrophes in text fields were being displayed as black
squares or '?' on a web page even though they appeared correctly if viewed
with the mysql command-line client. After a lot of investigation I eventually
found that I had to add a parameter like:


to the ODBC/MySQL driver which solved the problem.

It sounds to me as if you have a similar problem in your environment
although the fix in your case will be different.


MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

2004-08-27 Thread Lehman, Jason \(Registrar's Office\)
I should have added what I was using to do the transfer.  I am using
phpmyadmin to do a dump to a gzipped file and then I am importing.
Thanks for the info.

-Original Message-
From: andy thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 12:29 PM
To: Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office)
Subject: Re: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) wrote:

 I am switching from a Windows computer to a Linux computer and when I
 dump the data from Windows to Linux I have no problem except for the
 fact that some of my characters have been converted to strange
 characters and when the data is displayed on a web page they show up
 ?.  I am sure that it has to do with character sets but I am not sure
 what to do about it.  Any help would be appreciated.

I suspect you are using MySQL version 4 or later?  I'm not sure how/what
you are using to extract the data and display it on a web page but we
a similar problem after we upgraded from MySQL 3.23.18 to 4.0.18 and our
experiences may be of some help to you.

We use Macromedia Cold Fusion MX 6.1 with apache on Linux - as Cold
is an ODBC-oriented environment, they supply the Merant ODBC driver for
MySQL to connect the two. After the upgrade, things like the UK pound
symbol and apostrophes in text fields were being displayed as black
squares or '?' on a web page even though they appeared correctly if
with the mysql command-line client. After a lot of investigation I
found that I had to add a parameter like:


to the ODBC/MySQL driver which solved the problem.

It sounds to me as if you have a similar problem in your environment
although the fix in your case will be different.


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen

Both Rhino and I have suggested the same basic data storage structure to 
you. What you need to understand is that your RAD tool is not supporting 
your application design. You can use a form with 5 or 10 blanks on it 
where the user can list all of their choices. Then when the user submits 
the multiple field input form, your handling code will need to go down the 
list of fields and make the appropriate database entries.  1 form with 5 
fields. User is happy, database is happy. You have kept the user from 
entering too many choices because you only gave them as many fields as you 
wanted them to have. In this case, the application's user interface is 
enforcing a business rule through its design. Your data base doesn't care 
how many titles each member has (from 0 to several billion) but your 
application requirements need the user to have no more than 5. That's a 
business rule and you code for that above the database (either in your 
validation code or, in this case, through UI design)

I would stick with the many-to-many database design as you don't want 
people mis-typing titles all of the time:Godfather is not The 
Godfather which is different than The God Father and wouldn't match 
The Godfather I ...(can you see where I am going?).  Keep a separate 
table of titles, even if they are used only once or never at all. That way 
if anyone needs to look one up, you already have a list. You could also 
add titles to the list BEFORE any members wants to see them and you can 
make sure they are spelled correctly. I only trust users to type in things 
that the users are expert at and I don't think that your users are going 
to be a bunch of film historians. I would pre-enter what I could and 
review any new entries they make (nobody said your users can't add to the 
list, did they...). 

Let us know if any of this makes sense or not, please. This is an 
important topic in database design and you are not the first person, nor 
will you be the last, to make this design decision. The more we discuss 
this, the better off the next person with this problem will be.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/27/2004 11:47:33 AM:

 I think this design is a better approach but only if
 it's based on human tendencies (aka max 2 movies at a
 Othewise (and if I'm missing something tell me please)
 if they should decide to enter 5 or 10 then the form
 comes at them 5 or 10 times.
 Your right though my RAD will allow it.  Right now
 I've created a series of pages, with options to either
 enter another one (next page), or proceed to the next
 In effect that would be similar. Fortunately unlike
 movies, this form is probably going to be used
 infrequently. Once they've maxed out , the only option
 after this is replace or delete.
 Finally I don't think M2M or 12M make total sense to
 me.  I'm not sure about the interim table.  A query
 with some joins would net back the same results.  What
 I think is it's necessary to the 12M process.
 Thank you,
 --- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Peter Brawley
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:06 AM
  Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
   Thank you for the stop sign.
   As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions, but I
   think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL
  I don't have an alternate RAD tool to suggest since
  I don't know what's out
  there. Let me suggest a different *design* that may
  work well with your
  existing RAD tool.
  Most database designers would never implement a true
  relationship in a real database. Instead, they would
  break the many-to-many
  relationship into two one-to-many relationships
  based centered on something
  called an association table (or sometimes an
  intersection table).
  For example, in your case, I would create these
  Members (1 row per member)
  Primary key(member_id)
  Titles (1 row per title)
  2Serpico ...
  Primary key(title_id)
  Member_title (1 row for each title associated with a
  Primary key(member_id, title_id)
  Foreign key #1 (member_id)
  Foreign key #2 (title_id)
  In other words, Jones owns both movies while Smith
  owns only Serpico.
  This design is not using mnemonic codes - it's a lot
  harder to think of good

Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino
As I said in my reply, if you go with the association table design, you will
likely write your code so that the movie information will be prompted 5
times if the member chooses 5 movies (or 3 times if they choose 3 movies,
etc.). However, you don't HAVE to do it that way. You could always create a
form that asks them for up to 5 movies. You'd probably have to create that
form manually though, unless your RAD tool has the ability to do that.

You say that this design doesn't completely make sense to you. What are your
questions about it? I assure you, I'm not making this design up out of thin
air; much smarter people than I have created this design and it is very
widely used in relational databases around the world. I'm just trying to
tell you how the pros do things.

If you have specific questions, I'll do my best to explain why the design is
the way it is.

- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Peter Brawley
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

 I think this design is a better approach but only if
 it's based on human tendencies (aka max 2 movies at a
 Othewise (and if I'm missing something tell me please)
 if they should decide to enter 5 or 10 then the form
 comes at them 5 or 10 times.

 Your right though my RAD will allow it.  Right now
 I've created a series of pages, with options to either
 enter another one (next page), or proceed to the next

 In effect that would be similar. Fortunately unlike
 movies, this form is probably going to be used
 infrequently. Once they've maxed out , the only option
 after this is replace or delete.

 Finally I don't think M2M or 12M make total sense to
 me.  I'm not sure about the interim table.  A query
 with some joins would net back the same results.  What
 I think is it's necessary to the 12M process.

 Thank you,

 --- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Peter Brawley
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:06 AM
  Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
   Thank you for the stop sign.
   As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions, but I
   think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL
  I don't have an alternate RAD tool to suggest since
  I don't know what's out
  there. Let me suggest a different *design* that may
  work well with your
  existing RAD tool.
  Most database designers would never implement a true
  relationship in a real database. Instead, they would
  break the many-to-many
  relationship into two one-to-many relationships
  based centered on something
  called an association table (or sometimes an
  intersection table).
  For example, in your case, I would create these
  Members (1 row per member)
  Primary key(member_id)
  Titles (1 row per title)
  2Serpico ...
  Primary key(title_id)
  Member_title (1 row for each title associated with a
  Primary key(member_id, title_id)
  Foreign key #1 (member_id)
  Foreign key #2 (title_id)
  In other words, Jones owns both movies while Smith
  owns only Serpico.
  This design is not using mnemonic codes - it's a lot
  harder to think of good
  mnemonics for people and movie titles than for
  airlines - so you will
  usually have to join back to the Members and Titles
  tables to find out the
  name of the member or the title of his movie. The
  tables are small and the
  joins should be very efficient so this shouldn't be
  a problem for you.
  This design allows any member to own as many movies
  as they want. If you
  want to limit it to 5 movies per member, your
  application code can simply
  count how many the member currently has before
  allowing an insert of a new
  In this way, your RAD tool only needs to come up
  with a form that allows one
  row to be inserted into each table. It sounds as if
  it can already do this.
  Of course users will have to invoke that form once
  for each title that they
  want so they may find this tedious. Then again, how
  many people will really
  want 5 movies in one go? Aren't they more likely to
  pick one or two at a
  time? In that case, they'd only be invoking that
  form once or twice, not
  five times, so they might not object too much.
  Do you see why this design is a better approach?

Re: huge innodb data files

2004-08-27 Thread Bill Easton
Hmm, well...  It really shouldn't take 2 min to select from an empty table,
no matter what you have in my.cnf.

So, something else is happening.

One way that InnoDB can take forever to read from an empty table is if
there's a transaction still in progress that was started some time ago.
Perhaps there's a process that's looking at the database, having started a
transaction, and has never committed.  Are you sure this isn't the case?
Or, perhaps you have many transactions which get interval locks on your
empty table?  Does the problem go away if you stop and restart the server?
How about if you do a TRUNCATE TABLE on your offending empty table, which
will discard it and recreate it?

If that's not it, perhaps something is wrong with the InnoDB database files.
Can you dump the data with mysqldump, delete the InnoDB database files, and
recreate the database?

If that doesn't help, or if the problem returns, you should post the result
of a SHOW INNODB STATUS when the problem is happening.  You may need to pay
MySQL AB or InnoDB Oy for some help.

= original message follows =

From: Ronan Lucio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mayuran Yogarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: huge innodb data files
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:49:51 -0300


Well, I´m not a MySQL expert, but I think that a good
configuration in the file can make it better.


- Original Message -
From: Mayuran Yogarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: huge innodb data files

Our DB in production currently has 2 innodb data files,
the second one (which is marked autoextend) has now
grown past 26 gigs.  We are experiencing weird speed
problems with one of the tables.  Even though there are
no rows in this table, performing any kind of select takes
about 2 minutes to execute.  Has anyone had a similar
problem before ? What can I do to speed up queries to
this table ?


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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino
My remarks are interspersed below for reasons which will probably be obvious.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Stuart Felenstein 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Peter Brawley ; Rhino 
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 12:33 PM
  Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?


  Both Rhino and I have suggested the same basic data storage structure to you. What 
you need to understand is that your RAD tool is not supporting your application 
design. You can use a form with 5 or 10 blanks on it where the user can list all of 
their choices. Then when the user submits the multiple field input form, your handling 
code will need to go down the list of fields and make the appropriate database 
entries.  1 form with 5 fields. User is happy, database is happy. You have kept the 
user from entering too many choices because you only gave them as many fields as you 
wanted them to have. In this case, the application's user interface is enforcing a 
business rule through its design. Your data base doesn't care how many titles each 
member has (from 0 to several billion) but your application requirements need the user 
to have no more than 5. That's a business rule and you code for that above the 
database (either in your validation code or, in this case, through UI design) 

I'm fine with what you've said so far.

  I would stick with the many-to-many database design 

Really? Have you *ever* seen a true many-to-many relationship implemented in a real 
database? I don't recall seeing one in over 20 years of system work and some rather 
large databases. I've heard a lot of reasons why a pure many-to-many relationship is a 
very bad thing to implement and have always stayed clear of them myself. I'm very 
reluctant to suggest implementing a many-to-many, especially to a newbie who doesn't 
fully grasp the consequences of doing so

  as you don't want people mis-typing titles all of the time:Godfather is not The 
Godfather which is different than The God Father and wouldn't match The Godfather 
I ...(can you see where I am going?).  Keep a separate table of titles, even if they 
are used only once or never at all. That way if anyone needs to look one up, you 
already have a list. You could also add titles to the list BEFORE any members wants to 
see them and you can make sure they are spelled correctly. I only trust users to type 
in things that the users are expert at and I don't think that your users are going to 
be a bunch of film historians. I would pre-enter what I could and review any new 
entries they make (nobody said your users can't add to the list, did they...). 
I think you're off on a bit of a tangent here. You're talking about validation edits 
here, not many-to-many relationships. I agree that it would probably be better to have 
users pick movies from an existing list rather than typing the names in themselves; 
the reasons you give are perfectly valid for doing so. But I don't see where this ties 
in directly to the question of implementing a many-to-many relationship.

If I were building Stuart's system, I'd create the Titles table and put all of the 
rows in it before the user ever used the system; the user would be allowed to see the 
contents of the Titles table and then click on whichever movies they wanted, up to 
their limit of 5. That way, they couldn't request Godfather, The God Father, or 
some other movie that doesn't exist in the real world. 

Of course, you'd still need a mechanism to add movies to the list; you could go 
several different ways on that. If you were routinely adding most new releases to the 
Titles table already, you might get by with a simple request form where the user 
identifies a movie he'd like to see in the list and you eventually acquire it and add 
it to the list on his behalf. But if users were making a lot of requests, particularly 
for obscure titles, you might handle that differently. Let's set that issue aside for 
now though; it's off topic in my view.
  Let us know if any of this makes sense or not, please. This is an important topic in 
database design and you are not the first person, nor will you be the last, to make 
this design decision. The more we discuss this, the better off the next person with 
this problem will be. 

Agreed!! No one was born knowing database design and even experts can learn new tricks 
or new reasons for doing - or not doing - things. Newbies can learn a lot from 
experts. Experts even learn from newbies sometimes. So continuing to discuss important 
topics like this can benefit all concerned. 

No one wants to browbeat you into doing something you don't understand or believe in. 
I think everyone concerned wants you to do the right things for the right reasons and 
wants you to know why you are doing them so that you can justify it in your own mind.


Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
I don't see the bigger picture yet.  I'm 3 weeks in
database design :).  What I understand and perceive to
be of value in this design is the reinforcement of the
foreign keys.  Related to that, the control over
record deletion, cascading, etc.

I mentioned earlier that the interim table that must
exist in the many to many / one to many design makes
no sense to me.  I guess it serves as some type of
support structure ?

I agree that it would be better to have a list
prepared for users to choose from.  I'm working on a
job board. Looking out on the vast sea of careers and
positions it's pretty staggering as to the amount of
job titles out there.  My plan was to track the more
common ones and start building a list from there.
As it relates to the many to many issue, well I am
still confused.  I promise to read more and hit my
head with the book.  

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Both Rhino and I have suggested the same basic data
 storage structure to 
 you. What you need to understand is that your RAD
 tool is not supporting 
 your application design. You can use a form with 5
 or 10 blanks on it 
 where the user can list all of their choices. Then
 when the user submits 
 the multiple field input form, your handling code
 will need to go down the 
 list of fields and make the appropriate database
 entries.  1 form with 5 
 fields. User is happy, database is happy. You have
 kept the user from 
 entering too many choices because you only gave them
 as many fields as you 
 wanted them to have. In this case, the application's
 user interface is 
 enforcing a business rule through its design. Your
 data base doesn't care 
 how many titles each member has (from 0 to several
 billion) but your 
 application requirements need the user to have no
 more than 5. That's a 
 business rule and you code for that above the
 database (either in your 
 validation code or, in this case, through UI design)
 I would stick with the many-to-many database design
 as you don't want 
 people mis-typing titles all of the time:Godfather
 is not The 
 Godfather which is different than The God Father
 and wouldn't match 
 The Godfather I ...(can you see where I am
 going?).  Keep a separate 
 table of titles, even if they are used only once or
 never at all. That way 
 if anyone needs to look one up, you already have a
 list. You could also 
 add titles to the list BEFORE any members wants to
 see them and you can 
 make sure they are spelled correctly. I only trust
 users to type in things 
 that the users are expert at and I don't think that
 your users are going 
 to be a bunch of film historians. I would pre-enter
 what I could and 
 review any new entries they make (nobody said your
 users can't add to the 
 list, did they...). 
 Let us know if any of this makes sense or not,
 please. This is an 
 important topic in database design and you are not
 the first person, nor 
 will you be the last, to make this design decision.
 The more we discuss 
 this, the better off the next person with this
 problem will be.
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 08/27/2004 11:47:33 AM:
  I think this design is a better approach but only
  it's based on human tendencies (aka max 2 movies
 at a
  Othewise (and if I'm missing something tell me
  if they should decide to enter 5 or 10 then the
  comes at them 5 or 10 times.
  Your right though my RAD will allow it.  Right now
  I've created a series of pages, with options to
  enter another one (next page), or proceed to the
  In effect that would be similar. Fortunately
  movies, this form is probably going to be used
  infrequently. Once they've maxed out , the only
  after this is replace or delete.
  Finally I don't think M2M or 12M make total sense
  me.  I'm not sure about the interim table.  A
  with some joins would net back the same results. 
  I think is it's necessary to the 12M process.
  Thank you,
  --- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - Original Message - 
   From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Peter Brawley
   Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:06 AM
   Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense
Thank you for the stop sign.
As for the RAD tool I'm open to suggestions,
 but I
think I've read about them all.  PHP - MySQL
   I don't have an alternate RAD tool to suggest
   I don't know what's out
   there. Let me suggest a different *design* that
   work well with your
   existing RAD tool.
   Most database designers would never implement a
   relationship in a real database. Instead, they
   break the many-to-many
   relationship into two one-to-many relationships
   based centered on something

Good book

2004-08-27 Thread Scott Hamm
Since I'm new with MySQL, I want to apologize for asking questions that
should've been answered by googling, RTFM and such. However, I'm looking for
a good book that deals with MySQL and PHP whether it be single book
(combined with PHP and MySQL) or separate books for each. I am intensive in
Linux Operating System and bash shell scripting, C++, Access and html + css
(using notepad only). With my knowledge, which book(s) do you recommend the
most? (prefably with execrises)

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RE: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

2004-08-27 Thread James
I had a situation you are seeing, what I ended up doing was create the
db's in the new mysql server, setup replication, do LOAD DATA FROM
MASTER let that run for a bit (while the first server is not in
production of course) then after it synched up, shut down them both,
removed the replication information and it started to work again. I may
have copied the tables' files over, but I do not recall (~1.5years ago)



-Original Message-
From: Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

I should have added what I was using to do the transfer.  I am using
phpmyadmin to do a dump to a gzipped file and then I am importing.
Thanks for the info.

-Original Message-
From: andy thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 12:29 PM
To: Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office)
Subject: Re: Moving MySQL data from Windows 4.0.12 to Linux 4.0.18

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) wrote:

 I am switching from a Windows computer to a Linux computer and when I
 dump the data from Windows to Linux I have no problem except for the
 fact that some of my characters have been converted to strange
 characters and when the data is displayed on a web page they show up
 ?.  I am sure that it has to do with character sets but I am not sure
 what to do about it.  Any help would be appreciated.

I suspect you are using MySQL version 4 or later?  I'm not sure how/what
you are using to extract the data and display it on a web page but we
a similar problem after we upgraded from MySQL 3.23.18 to 4.0.18 and our
experiences may be of some help to you.

We use Macromedia Cold Fusion MX 6.1 with apache on Linux - as Cold
is an ODBC-oriented environment, they supply the Merant ODBC driver for
MySQL to connect the two. After the upgrade, things like the UK pound
symbol and apostrophes in text fields were being displayed as black
squares or '?' on a web page even though they appeared correctly if
with the mysql command-line client. After a lot of investigation I
found that I had to add a parameter like:


to the ODBC/MySQL driver which solved the problem.

It sounds to me as if you have a similar problem in your environment
although the fix in your case will be different.


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Re: AVG Function

2004-08-27 Thread Michael Stassen
Craig Hoffman wrote:
Yes its close and thank you.  The problem I am having is I am able to 
generate the correct  for that particular user but I can't 
seem to make it equal the ranking.rating.

ID  ranking.rating
9   =  5.6 (example)
Here's my query:
SELECT routes.user_id, ranking.rating, ROUND(AVG(, 0) 
avg_ranking, users.username, users.user_id, routes.rating FROM ranking, 
routes, users WHERE username='$username'  AND routes.user_id = 
users.user_id AND ranking.rating = routes.rating GROUP BY routes.user_id

//echo some stuff out
echo(td  align='right'.$row[ranking.rating]. /td);
I know I need to make the avg_ranking or the = ranking.rating 
but I can't seem to get it work.  Any more suggestions?  Again thanks 
for all your help.

-- Craig
rant9 is never equal to 5.6./rant
Sorry, but I teach math and that sort of thing drives me nuts.
I mention this because I think it is part of why this is causing you 
trouble.  For every row of ranking you've shown us, does not 
equal ranking.rating, so you cannot make it equal the ranking.rating. 
Yes, I know what you meant.  You're using that as shorthand for getting the 
corresponding ranking.rating for the  But that shorthand 
obscures the problem.  You need to select the rows for the given user to 
look at them to calculate the average.  You need the resulting average id to 
look up the corresponding rating.  You see?  By avoiding the shorthand, I 
think it is a little more obvious that this takes 2 steps.  You cannot 
magically select the row with the average id at the same time you are 
selecting the rows to be averaged.

If you want the average for a particular user, say user_id = 1, as in your 
example, you can do it in 2 steps with a user variable (see sample data at 
the end):

  SELECT @avg_rank_id:=ROUND(AVG(, 0) avg_rank_id
  FROM ranking, routes
  WHERE routes.user_id = 1
  AND ranking.rating = routes.rating;
  | avg_rank_id |
  |   4 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  SELECT * FROM ranking WHERE id = @avg_rank_id;
  | id | rating |
  |  4 | 5.3|
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If you want to get the average for each user_id, you can do it in 2 steps 
with a temporary table:

  SELECT user_id, ROUND(AVG(, 0) AS avg_rank_id
  FROM ranking, routes
  WHERE ranking.rating = routes.rating
  GROUP BY routes.user_id;
  SELECT rank_avg.user_id, ranking.rating
  FROM rank_avg, ranking
  WHERE = rank_avg.avg_rank_id;
  | user_id | rating |
  |   1 | 5.3|
  |   2 | 5.3a   |
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  DROP TABLE rank_avg;
{I see that Shawn has sent you a solution equivalent to this as I was typing.}
If you have mysql 4.1, you can use a (correlated) subquery to combine both 
steps in one query:

  SELECT rt.user_id, rnk.rating
  FROM routes rt, ranking rnk
  FROM ranking, routes
  WHERE ranking.rating = routes.rating
  AND routes.user_id = rt.user_id)
  GROUP BY rt.user_id;
  | user_id | rating |
  |   1 | 5.3|
  |   2 | 5.3a   |
  2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
This will be inefficient, however, so I don't recommend it.
Finally, as a mathematician, I must point out that calling this the average 
ranking is almost certainly misleading.  Aside from the rounding, you are 
treating your ratings as if they were on a linear scale, but their values 
imply otherwise.  That is, what you are doing assumes that the difference 
between 5.3a and 5.3b is the same as the difference between 5.1 and 5.2.  I 
don't know anything about your data other than what you've told us, but I'd 
be surprised if that assumption were accurate.


Data for the above examples:
USE test;
  rating VARCHAR(5)
VALUES (1, '5.0'), (2, '5.1'), (3, '5.2'),
   (4, '5.3'), (5, '5.3a'), (6, '5.3b'),
   (7, '5.4'), (8, '5.5'), (9, '5.6');
  user_id INT(3) UNSIGNED,
  route CHAR(7),
  rating CHAR(4)
VALUES (1, 'Route 1','5.2'), (1, 'Route 2', '5.3'), (1, 'Route 3', '5.3a'),
   (2, 'Route 1','5.2'), (2, 'Route 2', '5.3'), (2, 'Route 3', '5.6');
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RE: Good book

2004-08-27 Thread Chinchilla Zúñiga, Guillermo
I suggest:

For PHP and MySQL:

PHP and MySQL Web Development (Sams Publishing) by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson

For MySQL:

MySQL (second edition) by Paul Dubois

-Mensaje original-
De: Scott Hamm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Viernes, 27 de Agosto de 2004 11:16 a.m.
Para: 'Mysql ' (E-mail)
Asunto: Good book

Since I'm new with MySQL, I want to apologize for asking questions that
should've been answered by googling, RTFM and such. However, I'm looking for
a good book that deals with MySQL and PHP whether it be single book
(combined with PHP and MySQL) or separate books for each. I am intensive in
Linux Operating System and bash shell scripting, C++, Access and html + css
(using notepad only). With my knowledge, which book(s) do you recommend the
most? (prefably with execrises)

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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen

You and I are on the same page. I also never seen a true many-to-many 
relationship in database design. The closest approximation I have seen is 
the 3 table design like you and I have both proposed. It's the only way I 
have ever seen to model a many-to-many design, that's why I called it 
that. Sorry for my semantic faux pas (You say po-tay-to, I say 
po-tah-to. ;-)

As to the subject at hand, relational data structures:
The one-to-many relationship. This is what typically exists between 
items that are in a parent-child relationship. Examples of this could be a 
person and their phone numbers, a business and it's employees, a 
discussion topic and its responses.  Notice how there is always one item 
relating to several other items?  Hence the name one-to-many. Let's say 
you wanted a database that can store peoples names and all of their phone 
numbers. You could create one table with every possible column for each 
type of phone this person has. (I am leaving out the column type 
definitions to save space)


But what happens when you need to add a new type of phone number? You 
would be forced to change your table design and possibly several sections 
of code.  This is a BAD design and should never happen.  What you need are 
two tables, one for personal information, and one for phone numbers.


CREATE TABLE PhoneNumber (

Each entry in the PhoneNumber table will equate a person to a number and 
identify what type of phone number it is. Can you see any reasonable 
limits to how many different numbers you can store for each person with 
this type of design?(of course there are limits to how many records a 
database can hold be we aren't talking about those). Where the 
single-table model limited you to just a few, very particular, phone 
numbers the two-table model allows you complete flexibility. 

Let's examine your case of members and titles.  Basically you will have 
certain people with common job titles (Database Analyst, Janitor, 
Receptionist, etc.) and duplicating that information over and over again 
in your database takes up lots of space but it could fit into a two-table 
model. It would look basically  like this:

... other fields ...


To avoid storing the same JobTitle multiple time in your title table, you 
would need to change your design so that all titles are stored only once 
and create an association table to link members to their titles.

... other fields ...


CREATE TABLE title_member(

This kind of design will allow each JobTitle to be associated with 
multiple members and each member can be associated with multiple JobTitles 
(many items of one kind can associate with many items of another kind, or 
the items participate in a many-to-many relationship). Each association 
of a member to a job title (or job title to a member, depending on how you 
want to look at it) is an entry in the title_member table. Here is a 
sample of how some data might look.

member  title_membertitle
++--+   +--+---++++
| ID | Name |   | title_id | member_id || ID | JobTitle   |
++--+   +--+---++++
|  1 | John |   |1 | 1 ||  1 | Janitor|
|  2 | Mary |   |1 | 2 ||  2 | Secretary  |
|  3 | Sam  |   |2 | 3 ||  3 | Dog Walker |
|  4 | Jane |   |3 | 3 ||  4 | Astronaut  |
++--+   |3 | 4 |+++

Two people have been Janitors, John and Mary. Sam has been a Secretary and 
a Dog Walker. Jane has also been a Dog Walker. So far, nobody has been an 
Astronaut. This type of design gives you both flexibility and control as 
each element (a member or a title) exists only once in your data 
structures.  To be more descriptive, we could call the title_member 
table something else like WorkHistory or PositionsHeld or 
PreviousTitles (imagination encouraged). 

Does this help you with the bigger picture? I know I can ramble off-topic 
and into the wrong direction (I have done it before) so let me know where 
I missed, please?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino

Yes, we *are* on the same page, now that I understand that you didn't mean to 
implement the many-to-many relationship in a single table.


Read what Stuart has described in this note. The association table is the one he calls 
TItle_Member. This table is *crucial* to the design, not just a nice-to-have. It 
gets one new row every time a member gets an additional job and records the member_id 
of the member and the title_id of the job. This is the *heart* of the many-to-many 
relationship; it's how you know which jobs are held by which people and which people 
hold which jobs.

With this table, you can get the member_id of every person who has a particular job 
and the job_id of every job ever done by a given member_id. If you need to know the 
name of the person rather than their member_id, you simply join to the Member table 
using the member_id foreign key of Member_Title. By the same token, if you need to 
know the job name, you join to the Title table using the title_id. Naturally, you do 
both joins if you want to know both the job name and the member name.

If you use this design, you should be able to store any information you want very 
concisely and get back anything you want to know very easily. Your primary and foreign 
keys will make sense and will be easily enforced. 

Is everything clear now?

Believe me, the Systems community has a lot of experience with the issues raised by 
many-to-many relationships and this is the way we've been handling those issues for 
many years now. 


  - Original Message - 
  To: Rhino 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Stuart Felenstein 
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?


  You and I are on the same page. I also never seen a true many-to-many relationship 
in database design. The closest approximation I have seen is the 3 table design like 
you and I have both proposed. It's the only way I have ever seen to model a 
many-to-many design, that's why I called it that. Sorry for my semantic faux pas (You 
say po-tay-to, I say po-tah-to. ;-) 

  As to the subject at hand, relational data structures: 
  The one-to-many relationship. This is what typically exists between items that are 
in a parent-child relationship. Examples of this could be a person and their phone 
numbers, a business and it's employees, a discussion topic and its responses.  Notice 
how there is always one item relating to several other items?  Hence the name 
one-to-many. Let's say you wanted a database that can store peoples names and all of 
their phone numbers. You could create one table with every possible column for each 
type of phone this person has. (I am leaving out the column type definitions to save 

  CREATE TABLE person ( 

  But what happens when you need to add a new type of phone number? You would be 
forced to change your table design and possibly several sections of code.  This is a 
BAD design and should never happen.  What you need are two tables, one for personal 
information, and one for phone numbers. 

  CREATE TABLE person ( 

  CREATE TABLE PhoneNumber ( 

  Each entry in the PhoneNumber table will equate a person to a number and identify 
what type of phone number it is. Can you see any reasonable limits to how many 
different numbers you can store for each person with this type of design?(of course 
there are limits to how many records a database can hold be we aren't talking about 
those). Where the single-table model limited you to just a few, very particular, phone 
numbers the two-table model allows you complete flexibility. 

  Let's examine your case of members and titles.  Basically you will have certain 
people with common job titles (Database Analyst, Janitor, Receptionist, etc.) and 
duplicating that information over and over again in your database takes up lots of 
space but it could fit into a two-table model. It would look basically  like this: 

  CREATE TABLE member ( 
  ... other fields ... 

  CREATE TABLE title ( 

  To avoid storing the same JobTitle multiple time in your title table, you would need 
to change your design so that all titles are stored only once and create an 
association table to link members to their titles. 

  CREATE TABLE member ( 
  ... other fields ... 

  CREATE TABLE title ( 

Clarifying the MySQL Licensing Policy Documents Pt. II

2004-08-27 Thread Zak Greant
Hash: SHA1
Greetings All,
Sorry for the long delay in following up!
First, I have resigned from my position as MySQL AB Community Advocate 
for personal reasons.

If you have concerns regarding licensing and community issues that you 
wish to directly engage MySQL in, you should write to either 

Also, rather than create a separate request tracker for the licensing 
issues, our webmaster has (smartly) added a category in the standard 
MySQL bug tracker (

So, let us recap where we left off in these discussions with a slightly 
modified version of the notes from my prior message on this issue:

As a way to cooperatively work to address some of the licensing 
concerns held by members of the MySQL community and the broader Free 
Software/Open Source community, we are initiating a community review of 
our licensing policy documents.

This means that we are soliciting feedback about issues in the policy 
documents that people find inaccurate or unclear. From this feedback we 
will work to improve the policy documents.

Please note that we cannot guarantee that we will address or accept all 
of the issues raised or suggestions made. The licensing is both complex 
and is the cornerstone of our business. Past experience shows that we 
must work carefully, incrementally and with community involvement in 
this area. As with development of the FLOSS exception though, I hope 
that we can reach a compromise that is satisfactory for almost 

If you wish to participate, the process for doing so is simple.
Review some or all of the following documents:
When you encounter an issue that you find confusing or inaccurate, 
please file a bug report in the MySQL bug tracking system at Please check to see if the bug has already been 
reported - if so, consider commenting on the existing bug. If creating 
a new bug, please make sure to set the category of the bug to 

Additionally, it would be optimal if you could send a note to the MySQL 
community list on the issue - forwarding the message provided by the 
bug tracking system should be an easy way to do this.

I would like the discussion to take place on the MySQL community list, 
as it is easier to keep track of the issues in a single, low-traffic 
setting. I prefer not to Cc the MySQL General list beyond this initial 
email, so as to avoid cluttering an already busy mailing list.

As for the policy documents, MySQL CEO Mårten Mickos made a small set 
of alterations to the docs that he noted at

Thanks to everyone for their input and effort here! It has been good 
working with you!

- -- 
Zak Greant

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (Darwin)
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Re: huge innodb data files

2004-08-27 Thread David Griffiths
We had a similar problem (though not quite as bad).
I re-organized the datafiles (and fixed some indexes, etc) and we got a 
vast speed improvement.

I'd suggest you shutdown the database, use mysqldump to take a dump of 
the database, move the old datafiles out of the way, fix your my.cnf to 
create new datafiles of about the same size (and if you can, on 
different disks), and then reimport the dump. Note that it would be much 
faster on the import if you used the new extended insert (-e or 
--extended-insert), assuming the version of MySQL you are using supports it.

You didn't indicate the version, which might be helpful.

Ronan Lucio wrote:
Well, I´m not a MySQL expert, but I think that a good
configuration in the file can make it better.
- Original Message -
From: Mayuran Yogarajah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: huge innodb data files
Our DB in production currently has 2 innodb data files,
the second one (which is marked autoextend) has now
grown past 26 gigs.  We are experiencing weird speed
problems with one of the tables.  Even though there are
no rows in this table, performing any kind of select takes
about 2 minutes to execute.  Has anyone had a similar
problem before ? What can I do to speed up queries to
this table ?
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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Now I am totally clear on it! Took a few reiterations
but I'm there.  Even more I'm going to abandon the
idea of titles.  To implement it correctly, per the
examples, you provided is an impossibility.  At least
something when weighed out doesn't mean enough to the
effort it would take.  Plus the lack it would still

I'm going to go over my schema though and see where
the many to many relationships will work well for me. 
I'm assuming telephone numbers (SL Green's example)
that are specific to the user / member need not
necessarily be broken out ?  Perhaps they should be.

--- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, we *are* on the same page, now that I
 understand that you didn't mean to implement the
 many-to-many relationship in a single table.
 Read what Stuart has described in this note. The
 association table is the one he calls TItle_Member.
 This table is *crucial* to the design, not just a
 nice-to-have. It gets one new row every time a
 member gets an additional job and records the
 member_id of the member and the title_id of the job.
 This is the *heart* of the many-to-many
 relationship; it's how you know which jobs are held
 by which people and which people hold which jobs.
 With this table, you can get the member_id of every
 person who has a particular job and the job_id of
 every job ever done by a given member_id. If you
 need to know the name of the person rather than
 their member_id, you simply join to the Member table
 using the member_id foreign key of Member_Title. By
 the same token, if you need to know the job name,
 you join to the Title table using the title_id.
 Naturally, you do both joins if you want to know
 both the job name and the member name.
 If you use this design, you should be able to store
 any information you want very concisely and get back
 anything you want to know very easily. Your primary
 and foreign keys will make sense and will be easily
 Is everything clear now?
 Believe me, the Systems community has a lot of
 experience with the issues raised by many-to-many
 relationships and this is the way we've been
 handling those issues for many years now. 
   - Original Message - 
   To: Rhino 
   Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Stuart Felenstein 
   Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:05 PM
   Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
   You and I are on the same page. I also never seen
 a true many-to-many relationship in database
 design. The closest approximation I have seen is the
 3 table design like you and I have both proposed.
 It's the only way I have ever seen to model a
 many-to-many design, that's why I called it that.
 Sorry for my semantic faux pas (You say po-tay-to, I
 say po-tah-to. ;-) 
   As to the subject at hand, relational data
   The one-to-many relationship. This is what
 typically exists between items that are in a
 parent-child relationship. Examples of this could be
 a person and their phone numbers, a business and
 it's employees, a discussion topic and its
 responses.  Notice how there is always one item
 relating to several other items?  Hence the name
 one-to-many. Let's say you wanted a database that
 can store peoples names and all of their phone
 numbers. You could create one table with every
 possible column for each type of phone this person
 has. (I am leaving out the column type definitions
 to save space) 
   CREATE TABLE person ( 
   But what happens when you need to add a new type
 of phone number? You would be forced to change your
 table design and possibly several sections of code. 
 This is a BAD design and should never happen.  What
 you need are two tables, one for personal
 information, and one for phone numbers. 
   CREATE TABLE person ( 
   CREATE TABLE PhoneNumber ( 
   Each entry in the PhoneNumber table will equate a
 person to a number and identify what type of phone
 number it is. Can you see any reasonable limits to
 how many different numbers you can store for each
 person with this type of design?(of course there are
 limits to how many records a database can hold be we
 aren't talking about those). Where the single-table
 model limited you to just a few, very particular,
 phone numbers the two-table model allows you
 complete flexibility. 
   Let's examine your case of members and titles. 
 Basically you will have certain people with common
 job titles (Database Analyst, 

powerpoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread redhat
I'm new to the list.
I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I have
a small database of simple text entries that I want to create whereby I
can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so I
don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?

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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread matt ryan
Mikhail Entaltsev wrote:
Could you execute show create table 321st_stat and show create table
and send results back?

I have no key's on the temp table, stat_in, do you think adding keys on 
the whole primary key would be faster?

I wasnt sure if you could join mysql keys, the key is called primary 
key so would it be a.primary key = b.primary key ?

mysql explain select a.* from stat_in a left outer join 321st_stat b on 
a.don=b.don and a.dic=b.dic and a.niin=b.niin and a.sta=b.sta and 
a.qty=b.qty and a.fr_ric=b.fr_ric and a.suf=b.suf and a.dte_txn 
=b.dte_txn where isnull(b.don);

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys| 
key | key_len | ref| rows | 
Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | a | ALL| NULL | 
NULL|  NULL | NULL| 77269086 
| |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | b | eq_ref | PRIMARY,don,niin,dic,dte_txn | 
PRIMARY |39 | 
| 1 | Using where; Not exists |
2 rows in set (0.11 sec)

| 321st_stat | CREATE TABLE `321st_stat` (
 `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
 `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
 `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
 `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
 `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
 `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
 `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
 `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
 `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
 `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`dic`,`niin`,`fr_ric`,`don`,`suf`,`dte_txn`,`sta`),
 KEY `don` (`don`),
 KEY `niin` (`niin`),
 KEY `stor` (`stor`),
 KEY `dic` (`dic`),
 KEY `ctasc` (`ctasc`),
 KEY `dte_txn` (`dte_txn`)
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
| stat_in | CREATE TABLE `stat_in` (
 `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
 `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
 `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
 `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
 `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
 `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
 `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
 `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
 `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
 `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
 `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default ''
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RE: powerpoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread Victor Pendleton
How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database? If you
are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current connection
information to point to your MySQL database.

-Original Message-
From: redhat
To: mysql
Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
Subject: powerpoint and mysql

I'm new to the list.
I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I have
a small database of simple text entries that I want to create whereby I
can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so I
don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?

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mysqlimport - HP-UX 11.11 bus error (coredump)

2004-08-27 Thread Gary F Lehr

Subject: HP-UX 11.11/4.0.20 mysqlimport BUS ERROR

Installed mysql from the binary download on
according to the INSTALL-BINARY instructions. Attempted
to use mysqlimport as described in the online documentation
( using
simple two line file imptest.txt. Received bus error and coredump
as follows:

mysql describe imptest;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id| int(11) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| n | varchar(30) | YES  | | NULL|   |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 mysql exit

 % cat imptest.txt
 100 Max Sydow
 101 Count Dracula

 % mysqlimport --local test imptest.txt
 Bus error(coredump)

 % file core
 core:   core file from 'mysqlimport' - received SIGBUS

 % uname -a
 HP-UX myhost B.11.11 U 9000/800 547706587 unlimited-user license

%  getconf KERNEL_BITS

See above. Same problem occurs with either of these binaries.
I need one. My data loader depends on mysqlimport!

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Originator:Gary Lehr
 Computer Sciences Corporation
MySQL support: none
Synopsis:  mysqlimport bus error on HP-UX 11.11
Severity:  Serious. I can't deploy my app without this.
Priority:  High
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release:   mysql-4.0.20-standard (Official MySQL-standard binary)
Server: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.20, for
hp-hpux11.11 on hppa2.0w
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.20-standard-log
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 20 hours 25 min 40 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 30  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 12  Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 3  Queries per second avg: 0.000
C compiler:
C++ compiler:

System: HP-UX ndceqign B.11.11 U 9000/800 547706587 unlimited-user license

Some paths:  /usr/contrib/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gcc
GCC: Reading specs from /opt/gcc/lib/gcc-lib/hppa2.0n-hp-hpux11.00/3.0.1
Configured with: ./configure  : (reconfigured) ./configure  :
(reconfigured) ./configure  : (reconfigured) ./configure  : (reconfigured)
Thread model: single
gcc version 3.0.1
Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='+DAportable'  CXX='aCC'
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   root 8 Mar  6  2002 /lib/libc.0 -
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1867776 Dec  7  2001 /lib/libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1814528 Jun 27  2003 /lib/libc.2
-r--r--r--   1 binbin2537200 Jun 27  2003 /lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   root15 Mar  6  2002 /lib/ -
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   root 8 Mar  6  2002 /usr/lib/libc.0
- ./libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1867776 Dec  7  2001 /usr/lib/libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1814528 Jun 27  2003 /usr/lib/libc.2
-r--r--r--   1 binbin2537200 Jun 27  2003 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   root15 Mar  6  2002 /usr/lib/
- /usr/lib/libc.2
Configure command: ./configure '--prefix=/usr/local/mysql'
'--localstatedir=/usr/local/mysql/data' '--libexecdir=/usr/local/mysql/bin'
'--with-comment=Official MySQL-standard binary'
'--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--with-server-suffix=-standard'
'--enable-thread-safe-client' '--enable-local-infile' '--disable-shared'
'--with-embedded-server' '--with-innodb' 'CC=cc' 'CFLAGS=+DAportable'
'CXXFLAGS=+DAportable' 'CXX=aCC'
Perl: This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for PA-RISC2.0

Gary F. Lehr, PhD.
Technical Lead, North America
GIS GPES Unix Engineering
Newark, DE

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RE: powerpoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread redhat
On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 14:30, Victor Pendleton wrote:
 How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database? If you
 are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current connection
 information to point to your MySQL database.
 -Original Message-
 From: redhat
 To: mysql
 Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
 Subject: powerpoint and mysql
 I'm new to the list.
 I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I have
 a small database of simple text entries that I want to create whereby I
 can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
 generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
 change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so I
 don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?
That is part of the equation.  I know that in ppt I can add objects
but I don't see anywhere for any kind of datasource.  I didn't know if
anyone was working on a possible plugin or maybe knew of a way to make
it work.  Here's what I am doing.  I handle all of the music at my
church.  Every week we use a projector and a laptop to put the words to
the songs on a screen.  I am taking the task of putting the songs on the
laptop and realized that for the past two years they were creating new
presentations for each week.  I think this is a waste of time.  At a
bare minimum I am going to dump all of the songs into some sort of text
document in a single directory - named by the title of the song.  I use
mysql (I'm not a programmer) on some very simple php/mysql stuff at work
and am familiar with inputting data and then retrieving it again.  If I
could have a db with just two columns (title, song) I and a way to
actually import this data to ppt I could make it work.  In a perfect
world I would create a much larger db with song keys, dates of last
play, etc.  I hope this clears my request up.  As for MS Query or
DSN, I don't use MS Query (not sure what it is) and I have no clue
what DSN is either.  Sorry.  Thanks for the input.

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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen
I see two things I would change:

First, the column 321st_stat.dic is the first column of your primary key 
and has a second index on just it. That second index is redundant and 
could be deleted.

Second, in your WHERE clause you say : WHERE isnull(b.don) .  That forces 
the engine to run a function on every row of the b.don column to return a 
logical value. The simpler and faster thing to have said is :  WHERE b.don 
is null . That is a direct, native comparison and will use an index if one 
is available.

You _could_ try adding an identical primary key to the stat_in table as 
you have on the 321st_stat table. However, since we need all of the rows 
from stat_in in the results, I am not sure that it will help speed up the 
join (because it's a left join). Even though I think the index would be 
ignored, it is worth a try to see if it would make a difference with a new 

Have you considered wrapping your insert with :

matt ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/27/2004 03:25:58 PM:

 Mikhail Entaltsev wrote:
 Could you execute show create table 321st_stat and show create table
 and send results back?
 I have no key's on the temp table, stat_in, do you think adding keys on 
 the whole primary key would be faster?
 I wasnt sure if you could join mysql keys, the key is called primary 
 key so would it be a.primary key = b.primary key ?
 mysql explain select a.* from stat_in a left outer join 321st_stat b on 

 a.don=b.don and a.dic=b.dic and a.niin=b.niin and a.sta=b.sta and 
 a.qty=b.qty and a.fr_ric=b.fr_ric and a.suf=b.suf and a.dte_txn 
 =b.dte_txn where isnull(b.don);
 | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys| 
 key | key_len | ref| rows | 
 Extra   |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | a | ALL| NULL | 
 NULL|  NULL | NULL| 77269086 
 | |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | b | eq_ref | PRIMARY,don,niin,dic,dte_txn | 
 PRIMARY |39 | 
 | 1 | Using where; Not exists |
 2 rows in set (0.11 sec)
 | 321st_stat | CREATE TABLE `321st_stat` (
   `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
   `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
   `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default '',
   PRIMARY KEY  (`dic`,`niin`,`fr_ric`,`don`,`suf`,`dte_txn`,`sta`),
   KEY `don` (`don`),
   KEY `niin` (`niin`),
   KEY `stor` (`stor`),
   KEY `dic` (`dic`),
   KEY `ctasc` (`ctasc`),
   KEY `dte_txn` (`dte_txn`)
 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
 | stat_in | CREATE TABLE `stat_in` (
   `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
   `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
   `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default ''
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RE: PowerPoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread James
Looking quickly at PowerPoint, you *can* do what you want to do,
however, here's the catch, there is no quick way to pull from a file or
data source and have it write to the field in pp. You can do some VB
trickery with the built in VBA in it, where you can use the MySQL ODBC
driver and could read from a db and write to the screen.  Another
(probably better) way would have a standalone app read the db, and with
some GUI (could be VB) take over the screen (such as pp does) and
display the music. I'm not sure how your church is setup with the pp
presentation, but these are my initial thoughts on the matter. I realize
you aren't a programmer, however, from a quick run through, I don't see
a way to do what you are asking with out any programming.
MSQuery is a program that usually comes with office that allows you to
connect to db's inside of office apps. 
A DSN is a way for programs to connect to DBs (simple description). You
can setup DSNs in systems under Data Sources (ODBC) under administrative
tools (windows 2k/xp).


-Original Message-
From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:45 PM
To: mysql
Subject: RE: powerpoint and mysql

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 14:30, Victor Pendleton wrote:
 How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database? If
 are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current
 information to point to your MySQL database.
 -Original Message-
 From: redhat
 To: mysql
 Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
 Subject: powerpoint and mysql
 I'm new to the list.
 I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I
 a small database of simple text entries that I want to create whereby
 can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
 generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
 change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so I
 don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?
That is part of the equation.  I know that in ppt I can add objects
but I don't see anywhere for any kind of datasource.  I didn't know if
anyone was working on a possible plugin or maybe knew of a way to make
it work.  Here's what I am doing.  I handle all of the music at my
church.  Every week we use a projector and a laptop to put the words to
the songs on a screen.  I am taking the task of putting the songs on the
laptop and realized that for the past two years they were creating new
presentations for each week.  I think this is a waste of time.  At a
bare minimum I am going to dump all of the songs into some sort of text
document in a single directory - named by the title of the song.  I use
mysql (I'm not a programmer) on some very simple php/mysql stuff at work
and am familiar with inputting data and then retrieving it again.  If I
could have a db with just two columns (title, song) I and a way to
actually import this data to ppt I could make it work.  In a perfect
world I would create a much larger db with song keys, dates of last
play, etc.  I hope this clears my request up.  As for MS Query or
DSN, I don't use MS Query (not sure what it is) and I have no clue
what DSN is either.  Sorry.  Thanks for the input.

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mysql c-api 1064 mysql_real_query: issue with upgrade to 4.1.3

2004-08-27 Thread VY

 For some reason, all my sql queries fail with a 1064;
These were all working under mysql-4.0 but had to
upgrade to 4.1 so i could use nested subqueries

i have attached a simple 10 line c-code as proof of
concept.  Obviously there is nothing wrong with the

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
#include string.h
#include mysql.h
static MYSQL handle;
int main() {
  char query[1500];
  int c;
  if (!mysql_real_connect(handle, localhost,
mysql, mysql, honey_db, 0, NULL, 0)) {
 fprintf(stderr, connect failed %s\n,
  sprintf(query, select * from test);
  printf(%s\n, query);
  c = mysql_real_query(handle, query,
  if (c)
 printf(query failed...%d %d\n, c,

The output is as follows (the first two lines are my
debug output)

 select * from test  
 query failed...1 1064
 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1:

I have tried both FreeBSD 
and the linux-4.1.3 rpm with identical results.

Please let me know what im doing wrong  The table
test exists in honey_db and is accessible by the
mysql user.


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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread Mikhail Entaltsev
First of all, IMHO  index 321st_stat.dic is  useless since you have dic as
the first field in 321st_stat.PRIMARY KEY.
Second, I would recommend add KEY
(`dic`,`niin`,`fr_ric`,`don`,`suf`,`dte_txn`,`sta`) on stat_in table
and set PACK_KEYS=0 for stat_in table.

Then measure execution time of

select * from stat_in group by dic,niin,fr_ric,don,suf,dte_txn,sta;

If it is relatively short then the problem is in number of keys and
PACK_KEYS for 321st_stat table.
Please, let me know about your results.

Best regards,

- Original Message - 
From: matt ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: 1 day 28 min insert

 Mikhail Entaltsev wrote:

 Could you execute show create table 321st_stat and show create table
 and send results back?

 I have no key's on the temp table, stat_in, do you think adding keys on
 the whole primary key would be faster?

 I wasnt sure if you could join mysql keys, the key is called primary
 key so would it be a.primary key = b.primary key ?

 mysql explain select a.* from stat_in a left outer join 321st_stat b on
 a.don=b.don and a.dic=b.dic and a.niin=b.niin and a.sta=b.sta and
 a.qty=b.qty and a.fr_ric=b.fr_ric and a.suf=b.suf and a.dte_txn
 =b.dte_txn where isnull(b.don);

 | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys|
 key | key_len | ref| rows |
 Extra   |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | a | ALL| NULL |
 NULL|  NULL | NULL| 77269086
 | |
 |  1 | SIMPLE  | b | eq_ref | PRIMARY,don,niin,dic,dte_txn |
 PRIMARY |39 |

 | 1 | Using where; Not exists |
 2 rows in set (0.11 sec)

 | 321st_stat | CREATE TABLE `321st_stat` (
   `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
   `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
   `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default '',
   PRIMARY KEY  (`dic`,`niin`,`fr_ric`,`don`,`suf`,`dte_txn`,`sta`),
   KEY `don` (`don`),
   KEY `niin` (`niin`),
   KEY `stor` (`stor`),
   KEY `dic` (`dic`),
   KEY `ctasc` (`ctasc`),
   KEY `dte_txn` (`dte_txn`)
 1 row in set (0.03 sec)

 | stat_in | CREATE TABLE `stat_in` (
   `dic` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `fr_ric` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `niin` char(11) NOT NULL default '',
   `ui` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `qty` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `don` char(14) NOT NULL default '',
   `suf` char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   `dte_txn` char(5) NOT NULL default '',
   `ship_to` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `sta` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
   `lst_sos` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `esd` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `stor` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
   `d_t` char(4) NOT NULL default '',
   `ctasc` char(10) NOT NULL default ''

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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino
My replies are interspersed below.


- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

 Now I am totally clear on it! Took a few reiterations
 but I'm there.  Even more I'm going to abandon the
 idea of titles.

I was breathing a sigh of relief that we'd finally articulated the idea
clearly enough. But now I'm not so sure

What do you mean you are going to abandon the idea of titles?

 To implement it correctly, per the
 examples, you provided is an impossibility.  At least
 something when weighed out doesn't mean enough to the
 effort it would take.  Plus the lack it would still

Huh? I don't think we proved that it was impossible to implement titles. In
fact, I think we proved the exact opposite, that the right way to implement
them was with association tables.

Maybe you should show us your revised database design before you try to
implement it, just to be sure that you aren't missing something important.

 I'm going to go over my schema though and see where
 the many to many relationships will work well for me.
 I'm assuming telephone numbers (SL Green's example)
 that are specific to the user / member need not
 necessarily be broken out ?  Perhaps they should be.

I think Shawn's example (correct me if I'm wrong, Shawn) was meant to show
that if you have a variable number of types of phone numbers and new types
of phone numbers appearing regularly, it would make more sense to store them
as he showed than to keep adding new phone number columns to the member

When I was a kid, back in the early mists of time, most people had one and
only one phone number. (There were still even people that had no phones at
all.)  The phone, if you had one, probably sat in your kitchen. Very few
people even had extension phones and it was almost unheard of for people to
have a second phone line in the house; it might happen if the house was both
a residence and the site of a small business. In those days, it was pretty
rare for people to call you at the office about something that had to do
with your personal life; for example, if your cheque to the hydro company
was overdue, they'd call you at home. So, if you wanted to record
information about people in a database, you'd probably just record their
home phone number.

Today, things have changed a great deal. Now it is very common for a home
phone to have many extensions. Many people have two or more phone lines; one
might be for faxes, the other for voice calls and DSL. Many people have cell
phones so that you can reach them when they are out. Many companies are far
more tolerant of their employees discussing personal matters on company
time. Many people have pagers, Blackberries, etc. So what information would
you store for a person if you were building a database today?

Well, depending on how urgently you wanted to talk to them, you might store
every number they had. If you are building an employee database and one
particular employee was utterly critical to your operations, you might want
to store his home phone number, his cell number, his work number, the number
of his cottage in case he was on vacation, a pager number, and so on, on the
theory that you could just keep dialing numbers in the case of a crisis and
find him.

So how do you implement that in the database? Well, you *could* simply add a
new column for each type of phone number: one for home number, one for
office number, one for fax number, one of pager, one for the cottage number,
etc. etc. Or, you could use Shawn's idea and store the phone numbers in a
separate table. If you stored the phone numbers the way Shawn described, you
wouldn't have to change the Member table at all, even if several new types
of phone numbers emerged over the years; in that case, you'd just add the
code for the new phone number type, say 'STCB' for Star Trek Comm Badge, and
then store all STCB numbers in the Phone Number table, right along with the
home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, etc.

Whether to break out the phone numbers that way or just keep adding new
phone number columns to the Member table is up to you; both are valid and
both have their positive and negative consequences.

Speaking strictly for myself, I tend to break things like that out into
their own tables as soon as I anticipate that the situation might happen.
But others might prefer to keep things like phone numbers in the Member
table until they see a real increase in phone number types. That's a
judgement call based on your experience.

You don't have a lot of experience yet so you might settle for flipping a
coin ;-) But seriously, you should try to reason through the consequences,
positive and negative, of each approach and then choose the one that you
think best in light of what you expect will happen in 

RE: PowerPoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread redhat
On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 15:06, James wrote:
 Looking quickly at PowerPoint, you *can* do what you want to do,
 however, here's the catch, there is no quick way to pull from a file or
 data source and have it write to the field in pp. You can do some VB
 trickery with the built in VBA in it, where you can use the MySQL ODBC
 driver and could read from a db and write to the screen.  Another
 (probably better) way would have a standalone app read the db, and with
 some GUI (could be VB) take over the screen (such as pp does) and
 display the music. I'm not sure how your church is setup with the pp
 presentation, but these are my initial thoughts on the matter. I realize
 you aren't a programmer, however, from a quick run through, I don't see
 a way to do what you are asking with out any programming.
 MSQuery is a program that usually comes with office that allows you to
 connect to db's inside of office apps. 
 A DSN is a way for programs to connect to DBs (simple description). You
 can setup DSNs in systems under Data Sources (ODBC) under administrative
 tools (windows 2k/xp).
 -Original Message-
 From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:45 PM
 To: mysql
 Subject: RE: powerpoint and mysql
 On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 14:30, Victor Pendleton wrote:
  How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database? If
  are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current
  information to point to your MySQL database.
  -Original Message-
  From: redhat
  To: mysql
  Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
  Subject: powerpoint and mysql
  I'm new to the list.
  I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I
  a small database of simple text entries that I want to create whereby
  can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
  generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
  change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so I
  don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?
 That is part of the equation.  I know that in ppt I can add objects
 but I don't see anywhere for any kind of datasource.  I didn't know if
 anyone was working on a possible plugin or maybe knew of a way to make
 it work.  Here's what I am doing.  I handle all of the music at my
 church.  Every week we use a projector and a laptop to put the words to
 the songs on a screen.  I am taking the task of putting the songs on the
 laptop and realized that for the past two years they were creating new
 presentations for each week.  I think this is a waste of time.  At a
 bare minimum I am going to dump all of the songs into some sort of text
 document in a single directory - named by the title of the song.  I use
 mysql (I'm not a programmer) on some very simple php/mysql stuff at work
 and am familiar with inputting data and then retrieving it again.  If I
 could have a db with just two columns (title, song) I and a way to
 actually import this data to ppt I could make it work.  In a perfect
 world I would create a much larger db with song keys, dates of last
 play, etc.  I hope this clears my request up.  As for MS Query or
 DSN, I don't use MS Query (not sure what it is) and I have no clue
 what DSN is either.  Sorry.  Thanks for the input.
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the info.  What resource did you use to come up with this
information - can you share that?  I suppose it may be worth checking to
see if Access might work more readily than mysql??  I have limited
exposure to Access and don't really like it but it may be an easier
route??  I would like to view your resources though.

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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread Mikhail Entaltsev
 You _could_ try adding an identical primary key to the stat_in table as
 you have on the 321st_stat table. However, since we need all of the rows
 from stat_in in the results, I am not sure that it will help speed up the
 join (because it's a left join). Even though I think the index would be
 ignored, it is worth a try to see if it would make a difference with a new

But it should speed up grouping by PRIMARY KEY in:

insert into 321st_stat select * from stat_in group by


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Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread SGreen
If that were a valid SQL statement, I would agree with you. What you wrote 
**only** functions through a MySQL-specific SQL extension that permits 
non-aggregated, non-grouped columns to exist in the SELECT clause. 

I do not understand why you believe that a GROUP BY test will prove any 
sort of performance gain for his original INSERT problem.  It took just 
over 24 hours to do an INSERT IGNORE to add just about 1000 rows to a 77 
million row table. What metric of that performance will your GROUP BY test 
help to prove?

Respecfully puzzled,
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Mikhail Entaltsev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/27/2004 
04:36:43 PM:

  You _could_ try adding an identical primary key to the stat_in table 
  you have on the 321st_stat table. However, since we need all of the 
  from stat_in in the results, I am not sure that it will help speed up 
  join (because it's a left join). Even though I think the index would 
  ignored, it is worth a try to see if it would make a difference with a 
 But it should speed up grouping by PRIMARY KEY in:
 insert into 321st_stat select * from stat_in group by

Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Stuart Felenstein
Let me answer the first part now and then continue

You absolutely gave me some great ideas / examples.  
I understand it very well now.  I'm abandoning it
solely because creating that association list -1) may
take forever and still come up way short 2)I see how
others have implemented the same type of application
and have not provided specific job title allocation.

I hope that gets you settled back again!
--- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My replies are interspersed below.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Stuart Felenstein
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:05 PM
 Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
  Now I am totally clear on it! Took a few
  but I'm there.  Even more I'm going to abandon the
  idea of titles.
 I was breathing a sigh of relief that we'd finally
 articulated the idea
 clearly enough. But now I'm not so sure
 What do you mean you are going to abandon the idea
 of titles?

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RE: PowerPoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread James
I didn't look on the net, I used PowerPoint, to come to this conclusion:
Now, I'm not sure of your office install, so let me summarize what I
have installed:
Office XP fully patched, when I installed it, I installed everything
except ms office toolbar and the stupid paperclip ;^D
Ok, inside PowerPoint, I went to Tools--Macro--Visual Basic Editor
This opens up a new window (vb editor)
From here I deduced that you can access slide properties (hit F2, then
where it says All Libraries there is a thing there that says
PowerPoint) that you can set the slide(s) properties, ie: text,
location of text boxes, etc.  I am no way able to help you with this
part, I try to steer clear of Office and DB's (other than access).
Access may work, but again, I'm a VB programmer, and I steer clear of
using any office type dependencies.  I have done large display news
tickers where they would in effect take over a screen, read information
from a DB and post the information on a Label in a Form. There was also
a separate app that did the updating of the db. 

Sorry I couldn't give you a definite How-To, but this is the best advice
I can give. 


-Original Message-
From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 4:36 PM
To: mysql
Subject: RE: PowerPoint and mysql

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 15:06, James wrote:
 Looking quickly at PowerPoint, you *can* do what you want to do,
 however, here's the catch, there is no quick way to pull from a file
 data source and have it write to the field in pp. You can do some VB
 trickery with the built in VBA in it, where you can use the MySQL ODBC
 driver and could read from a db and write to the screen.  Another
 (probably better) way would have a standalone app read the db, and
 some GUI (could be VB) take over the screen (such as pp does) and
 display the music. I'm not sure how your church is setup with the pp
 presentation, but these are my initial thoughts on the matter. I
 you aren't a programmer, however, from a quick run through, I don't
 a way to do what you are asking with out any programming.
 MSQuery is a program that usually comes with office that allows you to
 connect to db's inside of office apps. 
 A DSN is a way for programs to connect to DBs (simple description).
 can setup DSNs in systems under Data Sources (ODBC) under
 tools (windows 2k/xp).
 -Original Message-
 From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:45 PM
 To: mysql
 Subject: RE: powerpoint and mysql
 On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 14:30, Victor Pendleton wrote:
  How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database?
  are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current
  information to point to your MySQL database.
  -Original Message-
  From: redhat
  To: mysql
  Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
  Subject: powerpoint and mysql
  I'm new to the list.
  I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I
  a small database of simple text entries that I want to create
  can pull a title up and have the rest of the slide dynamically
  generated.  The reason for this is that the presentation data will
  change weekly but over time the data will be used over and over - so
  don't want to lose it or have to re-enter it.  Any ideas?
 That is part of the equation.  I know that in ppt I can add objects
 but I don't see anywhere for any kind of datasource.  I didn't know if
 anyone was working on a possible plugin or maybe knew of a way to make
 it work.  Here's what I am doing.  I handle all of the music at my
 church.  Every week we use a projector and a laptop to put the words
 the songs on a screen.  I am taking the task of putting the songs on
 laptop and realized that for the past two years they were creating new
 presentations for each week.  I think this is a waste of time.  At a
 bare minimum I am going to dump all of the songs into some sort of
 document in a single directory - named by the title of the song.  I
 mysql (I'm not a programmer) on some very simple php/mysql stuff at
 and am familiar with inputting data and then retrieving it again.  If
 could have a db with just two columns (title, song) I and a way to
 actually import this data to ppt I could make it work.  In a perfect
 world I would create a much larger db with song keys, dates of last
 play, etc.  I hope this clears my request up.  As for MS Query or
 DSN, I don't use MS Query (not sure what it is) and I have no clue
 what DSN is either.  Sorry.  Thanks for the input.
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the info.  What resource did you use to come up with this
information - can you share that?  I suppose it may be worth checking to
see if Access 

Re: 1 day 28 min insert

2004-08-27 Thread Mikhail Entaltsev
 If that were a valid SQL statement, I would agree with you. What you wrote
**only** functions through
 a MySQL-specific SQL extension that permits non-aggregated, non-grouped
columns to exist in the SELECT clause.

He is working with MySQL and that query is working in MySQL. So everything
should be fine. :)
But I agree that it is MySQL-specific query.

 I do not understand why you believe that a GROUP BY test will prove any
sort of performance gain
 for his original INSERT problem.  It took just over 24 hours to do an
 to add just about 1000 rows to a 77 million row table.
 What metric of that performance will your GROUP BY test help to prove?

Yes, it is unclear from my previous email. Let's look at that query:

insert into 321st_stat
select * from stat_in group by dic,niin,fr_ric,don,suf,dte_txn,sta;

Why it could be slow? Either select part is slow, either insert or both.
If select part is slow then adding KEY
(`dic`,`niin`,`fr_ric`,`don`,`suf`,`dte_txn`,`sta`) on stat_in table
should help.
If select part is fast then IMHO the problem is in number of keys and
PACK_KEYS for 321st_stat table.

Best regards,

- Original Message - 
To: Mikhail Entaltsev
Cc: matt ryan ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: 1 day 28 min insert

If that were a valid SQL statement, I would agree with you. What you wrote
**only** functions through a MySQL-specific SQL extension that permits
non-aggregated, non-grouped columns to exist in the SELECT clause.

I do not understand why you believe that a GROUP BY test will prove any sort
of performance gain for his original INSERT problem.  It took just over 24
hours to do an INSERT IGNORE to add just about 1000 rows to a 77 million row
table. What metric of that performance will your GROUP BY test help to

Respecfully puzzled,
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: PowerPoint and mysql

2004-08-27 Thread NPARRAY
One way to get started on this is to record a macro in PowerPoint where you
are adding a textbox with some text in it to a slide

I tried this and this was the code (VBA) 

ntal, 72#, 120#, 540#, 36#).Select
ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.TextFrame.WordWrap = msoTrue
With ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange
.Text = Some Song Title
With .Font
.Name = Times New Roman
.Size = 24
.Bold = msoFalse
.Italic = msoFalse
.Underline = msoFalse
.Shadow = msoFalse
.Emboss = msoFalse
.BaselineOffset = 0
.AutoRotateNumbers = msoFalse
.Color.SchemeColor = ppForeground
End With
End With

Basically what you have here is the base code to add a textbox to a blank
slide, position it and add some text to it. Where the text is being added,
you read data from your database and output that text. 

I am assuming there is going to be some standard format to all the
presentations, the only change being the text displayed. You can have the
slides created with the textboxes and simply set the text based on some
initial selection from the user (song name or some such).

This is not a complete solution to your problem but should point you to the
right direction. 

Start of simple first. Forget about reading from a database for the moment.
First get dynamic slides created. Once you have that working move on to
retrieving the text from the database and displaying on trhe slides.


-Original Message-
From: James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 27 August 2004 04:58
To: 'redhat'; 'mysql'
Subject: RE: PowerPoint and mysql

I didn't look on the net, I used PowerPoint, to come to this conclusion:
Now, I'm not sure of your office install, so let me summarize what I
have installed:
Office XP fully patched, when I installed it, I installed everything
except ms office toolbar and the stupid paperclip ;^D
Ok, inside PowerPoint, I went to Tools--Macro--Visual Basic Editor
This opens up a new window (vb editor)
From here I deduced that you can access slide properties (hit F2, then
where it says All Libraries there is a thing there that says
PowerPoint) that you can set the slide(s) properties, ie: text,
location of text boxes, etc.  I am no way able to help you with this
part, I try to steer clear of Office and DB's (other than access).
Access may work, but again, I'm a VB programmer, and I steer clear of
using any office type dependencies.  I have done large display news
tickers where they would in effect take over a screen, read information
from a DB and post the information on a Label in a Form. There was also
a separate app that did the updating of the db. 

Sorry I couldn't give you a definite How-To, but this is the best advice
I can give. 


-Original Message-
From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 4:36 PM
To: mysql
Subject: RE: PowerPoint and mysql

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 15:06, James wrote:
 Looking quickly at PowerPoint, you *can* do what you want to do,
 however, here's the catch, there is no quick way to pull from a file
 data source and have it write to the field in pp. You can do some VB
 trickery with the built in VBA in it, where you can use the MySQL ODBC
 driver and could read from a db and write to the screen.  Another
 (probably better) way would have a standalone app read the db, and
 some GUI (could be VB) take over the screen (such as pp does) and
 display the music. I'm not sure how your church is setup with the pp
 presentation, but these are my initial thoughts on the matter. I
 you aren't a programmer, however, from a quick run through, I don't
 a way to do what you are asking with out any programming.
 MSQuery is a program that usually comes with office that allows you to
 connect to db's inside of office apps. 
 A DSN is a way for programs to connect to DBs (simple description).
 can setup DSNs in systems under Data Sources (ODBC) under
 tools (windows 2k/xp).
 -Original Message-
 From: redhat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:45 PM
 To: mysql
 Subject: RE: powerpoint and mysql
 On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 14:30, Victor Pendleton wrote:
  How did you plan on using the information pulled from the database?
  are currently using MS Query or a DSN you can modify the current
  information to point to your MySQL database.
  -Original Message-
  From: redhat
  To: mysql
  Sent: 8/27/04 2:21 PM
  Subject: powerpoint and mysql
  I'm new to the list.
  I was wondering if it is possible to user mysql and powerpoint?  I
  a small database of simple 


2004-08-27 Thread Seena Blace
I have one mysql database and one oracle database.I want to fetch data from mysql db 
to oracle db in realtime.How to do this? 
I also wanted to tarnsfer 14 tables from one mysql database to Oracle how to do this?

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Database connectivity

2004-08-27 Thread Seena Blace
I wanted to copy setup some procedure which pickup data from mysql and load into 
oracle database.How to do this?
I would also like to know how to establish a connection between mysql and oracle 

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Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

2004-08-27 Thread Rhino
I guess I'll have to wait until you've had a chance to mull the whole note
over ;-)

I really don't know what you're saying. I can't think of anything I said
that would have discouraged you from creating the association table.
Certainly the number of columns in the table shouldn't discourage you since
there are typically only two columns and they are usually both short codes.

The number of rows *may* be a concern though; if you have a lot of job
titles and a keep track of every job every member has had, you could end up
with a lot of rows. Maybe that's your concern.

In any case, I hope you can explain what you are going to do instead of the
association table if you have definitely abandoned it. Maybe we can critique
that design for you and help you improve it or at least avoid the most
common pitfalls.


- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?

 Let me answer the first part now and then continue

 You absolutely gave me some great ideas / examples.
 I understand it very well now.  I'm abandoning it
 solely because creating that association list -1) may
 take forever and still come up way short 2)I see how
 others have implemented the same type of application
 and have not provided specific job title allocation.

 I hope that gets you settled back again!
 --- Rhino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My replies are interspersed below.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Stuart Felenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Stuart Felenstein
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 3:05 PM
  Subject: Re: Many to Many: Does this make sense ?
   Now I am totally clear on it! Took a few
   but I'm there.  Even more I'm going to abandon the
   idea of titles.
  I was breathing a sigh of relief that we'd finally
  articulated the idea
  clearly enough. But now I'm not so sure
  What do you mean you are going to abandon the idea
  of titles?

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Problems Upgrading from 3.23 to 4.0

2004-08-27 Thread Keith Brownmiller

I have a couple of questions that were not covered in the upgrade documentation.

1)  The documentation discusses creating the new mysql database with the new 
privledges incorporated.  Not a problem with that concept.
2)  I can move my other database directories to the new data directory - Not a problem 
with that move.

3)  My problem is how does one get the information that is contained in the old mysql 
database into the the new mysql database other than having to manually enter all of 
the information again, such as create database, grant user etc.  Is there some script 
or something that I seem to be missing.

Have spent a tremendous amount of time digging thru the scripts and documentation but 
to no avail.

Please advise


Re: Problems Upgrading from 3.23 to 4.0

2004-08-27 Thread Paul DuBois
At 17:06 -0700 8/27/04, Keith Brownmiller wrote:
I have a couple of questions that were not covered in the upgrade 

1)  The documentation discusses creating the new mysql database with 
the new privledges incorporated.  Not a problem with that concept.
You don't need to create a *new* mysql database for an upgrade.  You
use your old one.  After installing the upgrade, run the
mysql_fix_privilege_tables script to modify your existing grant tables
to add the new privileges to them.
2)  I can move my other database directories to the new data 
directory - Not a problem with that move.

3)  My problem is how does one get the information that is contained 
in the old mysql database into the the new mysql database other than 
having to manually enter all of the information again, such as 
create database, grant user etc.  Is there some script or something 
that I seem to be missing.

Have spent a tremendous amount of time digging thru the scripts and 
documentation but to no avail.

Please advise

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Prepared statements C API 4.1.3

2004-08-27 Thread Rick Robinson
Is anyone using the new prepared statements C API in MySQL 4.1.3 with
success?  I see a number of people having issues - I'd like to hear about
someone (anyone) actually using them successfully (platforms, compilers,
issues, un-documented/mis-documented usage, etc.).  I haven't been able to
get it working (Sparc Solaris 9, 32 bit, binary-max 4.1.3beta).

For me, it's one of the compelling reasons to upgrade, but I have yet to see
it work, and given 4.1 is already to beta, I'm surprised by how problematic
it seems to be at this point.

If you've had success, please share.


c api and creating looped queries

2004-08-27 Thread Larry Brown
I know this is more along the lines of a c question; however, I am
trying to write a loop to iterate insertions into a mysql database and
was hoping someone would have a quick fix for this.

I am used to using php with the luxury of the following syntax

 some loop giving values $column1 and $column2 usually from some array 
or parsing of a file

$query = mysql_query( insert into my_table values ( null, '$column1',
'some description $column2' );

 next iteration 

Can anyone just show a one liner of how to do this in c where the values
are column1 and column2?  I know there is a string concatenation
function, it just seems so clumsey to write it out, get the string
length of each of the two variables and create a new longer line.  I
won't be suprised if that is what I have to do though.  ( being new to c
and finding out how much more work it entails:-) ).

Hope this make since at nearly 1 am.  Been a long day...


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Re: c api and creating looped queries

2004-08-27 Thread Larry Brown
On Sat, 2004-08-28 at 00:48, I wrote:
 I know this is more along the lines of a c question; however, I am
 trying to write a loop to iterate insertions into a mysql database and
 was hoping someone would have a quick fix for this.
 I am used to using php with the luxury of the following syntax
  some loop giving values $column1 and $column2 usually from some array 
 or parsing of a file
 $query = mysql_query( insert into my_table values ( null, '$column1',
 'some description $column2' );
  next iteration 
 Can anyone just show a one liner of how to do this in c where the values
 are column1 and column2?  I know there is a string concatenation
 function, it just seems so clumsey to write it out, get the string
 length of each of the two variables and create a new longer line.  I
 won't be suprised if that is what I have to do though.  ( being new to c
 and finding out how much more work it entails:-) ).
 Hope this make since at nearly 1 am.  Been a long day...

OK, hate to answer my own question but sprintf is what I was looking
for.  It is hard to switch languages!  Especially in this direction. ;-)

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bug report!!

2004-08-27 Thread IT Arabesque Piatra Neamt
server not starting beginnig two-three days ago. All went well until then, when i had 
some large queries on server, and i think that was the moment when it crashed. I tried 
increasing the amount of innodb_buffer_pool_size from 8 to 16M , it started now, but 
the same list of errors appears in the log.
Notice: same server, exactly same configuration runs as master on a different machine, 
and didn't cause such problems. I had some trouble (sometimes it stucks when i try to 
connect from console with mysql).

i'd like someone who handles bug to take a look on this error log: 

MySQL: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.0-alpha-max-debug-log'  socket: ''  port: 3306
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\sql_lex.cpp:144'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\mulalloc.c:51'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\client.c:1824'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\client.c:1825'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_alloc.c:181'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\sql_base.cpp:869'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_alloc.c:99'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:100'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_open.c:132'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:804'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:815'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:834'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:835'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_alloc.c:99'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:834'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:835'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_open.c:91'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_alloc.c:99'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\table.cpp:647'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\ha_innodb.cpp:4766'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\mulalloc.c:51'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\lock.cpp:414'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\mysys\my_alloc.c:99'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\sql_lex.cpp:152'
Error: Memory allocated at C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\log_event.cpp:1196 
was overrun, discovered at 'C:\build500\build\mysql-5.0.0-alpha\sql\sql_lex.cpp:153'
Error: Memory allocated at