create alias for columns bound to database?

2012-05-18 Thread D. Dante Lorenso


I'd like to be able to create column aliases which are bound to the 
database itself.  I have an assortment of columns without naming 
standards which i'd like to migrate to a better naming scheme.

Is there a feature in MySQL that would allow me to give a database 
column multiple names?  I'm thinking that for SELECT * statements, you 
would use the default column name, but for insert, delete, update, etc, 
it would be fine to use the aliased name or default.

Doing this would *really* help to allow me to migrate the database to 
the new naming convention without breaking existing code.  I would then 
be able to refactor at a more leisurely pace.

Does the feature exist, or can it be created?

-- Dante

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Trying to avoid bulk insert table locking

2010-02-06 Thread D. Dante Lorenso
I have a system that imports about 40 million records every 2 days into 
a single table in MySQL.  I was having problems with LOAD DATA 
CONCURRENT LOCAL INFILE where the table I was importing into would lock 
until the import was complete.  Locks would prevent SELECTs also.

I converted the table to MyISAM and removed the AUTO_INCREMENT key and 
that seemed to help a little bit, but apparently not enough because I 
still get locks for my larger file imports (maybe I just don't see the 
locks for the smaller imports).

So, I think I want to test a new strategy:

1) import records into a temporary table

2) have a merge stored procedure loop through a cursor and migrate 
batches of records from the temp table to the permanent table in groups 
of perhaps 500-10,000 records.

3) make sure any acquired locks are released between each batch merged.

Has anyone built logic like this already?  Care to share your results 
and findings?  Would this approach work, and is it fairly simple to do?

-- Dante

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Re: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

2010-02-01 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Johan De Meersman wrote:
First things first: You *are* on InnoDB, which has row-level locking 
instead of table-level ?

Yes, both cli_lock and queue tables are InnoDB.  The server is 
running MySQL 5.1.36.

I find it strange that I would have so many of these deadlocks 
throughout a day when these queries run from 3 processes every 20 
seconds.  What's the chance that 2 scripts should be executing these 
queries simultaneously, and even if the probability exists, why is it 
causing this deadlock error each time?

If I break the query into 2 parts ... like SELECT FOR UPDATE followed by 
the INSERT/UPDATE, would that help fix the errors?

What is this error exactly, anyhow?  Where is the deadlock ... is it on 
the select or the insert?

-- Dante

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Michael Dykman wrote:

The query is probably fine..  that is just the lock doing it's job.
Take that advice literally..  when you fail with that class of
exception, delay a milli-second or two and retry.  For a large PHP
site I designed, we had that behaviour built-in: up to three attempts
waits 5, then 10 ms between trys.  In spite of 1M+ user/day we rarely
made it to the third attempt.

 - michael dykman

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Dante Lorenso wrote:
  I am trying to create an atomic operation in MySQL that will manage a
  queue.  I want to lock an item from a table for exclusive
access by one of
  my processing threads.  I do this by inserting the unique ID of
the record I
  want to reserve into my cli_lock table.  The following query is
what I am
  using to lock a record in my queue:
  INSERT INTO cli_lock (lock_id, object_id, lock_type, expire_dt)
  SELECT $LOCK_ID, q.queue_id, 'parse', DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1
  FROM queue q
   LEFT JOIN cli_lock l ON l.object_id = q.queue_id AND l.lock_type
= 'parse'
  WHERE l.object_id IS NULL
   AND q.status = 'parse'
  ORDER BY q.file_size ASC, q.created ASC, q.queue_id ASC
  However, as I execute this query several times each minute from
  applications, I frequently get these messages:
  DB ERROR: SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock
found when
  trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
  Am I writing my query wrong or expecting behavior that MySQL doesn't
  -- Dante

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Re: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

2010-02-01 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Michael Dykman wrote:

The query is probably fine..  that is just the lock doing it's job.
Take that advice literally..  when you fail with that class of
exception, delay a milli-second or two and retry.  For a large PHP
site I designed, we had that behaviour built-in: up to three attempts
waits 5, then 10 ms between trys.  In spite of 1M+ user/day we rarely
made it to the third attempt.

Sounds like the answer is that's just the way MySQL is.  I don't 
usually like those kinds of answers.  I've written similar queries in 
another DB and never got these types of errors.  Perhaps there is a 
better way to create a queue system that avoids this problem entirely? 
 I feel like if MySQL is throwing out this wanring to me, that I 
should be doing to correct it.

I have a queue with several states in it:

state1 --- processing1 -- state2 --- processing2 --- state3

I want to find a record that is in state1 and reserve the right to 
process it.  After it is done being processed, the code will set it's 
state to state2 which allows the next application to pick it up and work 
on it.  I am actually using PHP/MySQL and this problem sounds like a job 
for a message queue.  So, in essence, my solution is like a message 
queue built using MySQL tables to store and manage the queue.

Has this problem already been solved in a way I can just leverage the 
existing solution? ... er, without the deadlock issue.

Are you saying I should just ignore the message about deadlock and let 
the app run as if the message never occurred (since there's not a 
problem with seeing that message)?

-- Dante

 - michael dykman

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Dante Lorenso wrote:


I am trying to create an atomic operation in MySQL that will manage a
queue.  I want to lock an item from a table for exclusive access by one of
my processing threads.  I do this by inserting the unique ID of the record I
want to reserve into my cli_lock table.  The following query is what I am
using to lock a record in my queue:

INSERT INTO cli_lock (lock_id, object_id, lock_type, expire_dt)
SELECT $LOCK_ID, q.queue_id, 'parse', DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
FROM queue q
 LEFT JOIN cli_lock l ON l.object_id = q.queue_id AND l.lock_type = 'parse'
WHERE l.object_id IS NULL
 AND q.status = 'parse'
ORDER BY q.file_size ASC, q.created ASC, q.queue_id ASC

However, as I execute this query several times each minute from different
applications, I frequently get these messages:

DB ERROR: SQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when
trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

Am I writing my query wrong or expecting behavior that MySQL doesn't

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Is anything ever equal to NULL?

2009-12-28 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Will anything ever be equal to NULL in a SELECT query?

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = NULL;

I have a real-life query like this:

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = NULL OR somecolumn = 'abc';

The 'sometable' contains about 40 million records and in this query, it 
appears that the where clause is doing a sequential scan of the table to 
 find a condition where 'somecolumn' = NULL.  Shouldn't the query 
parser be smart enough to rewrite the above query like this:

  FROM sometable
  WHERE FALSE OR somecolumn = 'abc';

And therefor use the index I have on 'somecolumn'?  When I manually 
rewrite the query, I get the performance I expect but when I leave it as 
it was, it's 100 times slower.

What's so special about NULL?

-- Dante

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Re: Is anything ever equal to NULL?

2009-12-28 Thread D. Dante Lorenso
Well, if nothing can ever equal null, then why isn't MySQL query parser 
smart enough to reduce my queries to something more sensible?  If I'm 
saying this:

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = NULL OR somecolumn = 'abc';

Why isn't it able to reduce the query to something more like this:

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = 'abc';

Since it already should know that somecolumn = NULL will always evaluate 
to FALSE (or is it NULL? ... either way, it's not TRUE)?  If I run the 
first query above, the query takes about 15 seconds to run against 40 
million records, but if I run the second query, it takes about .050 
seconds.  The test for NULL seems to cause the query to skip use of an 
index because I doubt NULL values are indexed.

Am I expecting too much of the parser?

-- Dante

Martijn Tonies wrote:


Will anything ever be equal to NULL in a SELECT query?

No, never.

Null also means unknown, if you design your tables well enough,
there should be no NULLs -stored- (different from a resultset,
where there can be nulls, for example in LEFT JOINs), because it's no 
use to store what you don't know. The only case when you want to store a 
null is when you do want to -know- you don't know a value.

A column can have two states: null or not null. It either has
data (a value, depending on the datatype), or no data (null),
which is where column IS NULL (has no data) or
column IS NOT NULL (has data) comes into play.

Null is not the same as empty. An empty string, for example, is not 
equal to null (which is unknown), you cannot compare

anything to what you don't know, which is why your comparison

NULL = NULL fails, so does NULL  NULL in the strict

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = NULL;

I have a real-life query like this:

  FROM sometable
  WHERE somecolumn = NULL OR somecolumn = 'abc';

The 'sometable' contains about 40 million records and in this query, 
it appears that the where clause is doing a sequential scan of the 
table to  find a condition where 'somecolumn' = NULL.  Shouldn't the 
query parser be smart enough to rewrite the above query like this:

You mean the optimizer, perhaps it should, perhaps it shouldn't. Yet,
your query is not really the smartest, as you should avoid writing
column = NULL, as this doesn't make sense.

  FROM sometable
  WHERE FALSE OR somecolumn = 'abc';

And therefor use the index I have on 'somecolumn'?  When I manually 
rewrite the query, I get the performance I expect but when I leave it 
as it was, it's 100 times slower.

What's so special about NULL?

Quite a bit ;-)

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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How to not lock anything?

2009-12-14 Thread D. Dante Lorenso


I am using MySQL currently, but am starting to think that maybe I don't 
really need to use an RDBMS.  The data I am storing ends up getting 
indexed with Sphinx because I have full-text indexes for about 40 
million records.

I have an items table that is heavily updated with 40 million records 
every 1 or 2 days and I need all those items indexed so they can be 
searched.  The problem that I'm having is that the table is constantly 
locked because an insert or delete is being performed.

I am playing with InnoDB vs MyIsam and have been trying to figure out 
how to get the best performance.  I actually don't care about dirty 
reads, however, and wouldn't mind if all the 40 mm records could be 
read/inserted/updated/deleted without any locking at all.  Are there 
known solutions for the kind of storage I am looking for?  Anyone have 
any pointers?  Is there a MySQL Storage Engine designed for this kind of 
usage, or is there a another server that is commonly used along with 
MySQL for this type of thing?

-- Dante

D. Dante Lorenso

D. Dante Lorenso

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Re: stored procedure and random table name - temp table, merge, prepared statement

2009-12-10 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Gavin Towey wrote:

Creating a temporary merge table works fine for me on 5.0.
Your table isn't innodb is it?  That will fail with an error like you're 

Strange.  Now that I am on my home network and trying this again, it 
seems to be working.

mysql SELECT version();
| version()|
| 5.1.41-community |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE `test_massage_table`(IN in_table_name VARCHAR(64)) 

-- remove temp table

-- clone table structure from submitted table
SET @s = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE test_temp LIKE ', in_table_name);

-- convert table type to MERGE.  Pass through to original table
in_table_name, ')');


-- test query 1
UPDATE test_temp SET value = value * value;

-- test query 2
UPDATE test_temp SET modified = NOW();

-- test query 3
DELETE FROM test_temp WHERE value  10;

-- test query 4
FROM test_temp;

Then, here is the code I used to test it:

-- destroy tables
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_odds;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_evens;
-- create new tables
CREATE TABLE `test_table_odds` (
  `value` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL
CREATE TABLE test_table_evens LIKE test_table_odds;
-- add sample data
INSERT INTO test_table_odds (value) VALUES (1), (3), (5);
INSERT INTO test_table_evens (value) VALUES (2), (4), (6);
-- check table
SELECT * FROM test_table_odds;
SELECT * FROM test_table_evens;
-- run new procedure stuff
CALL test_massage_table('test_table_odds');
CALL test_massage_table('test_table_evens');

And here is my output:

mysql -- destroy tables
mysql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_odds;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table_evens;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_temp;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql --
mysql -- create new tables
mysql CREATE TABLE `test_table_odds` (
-   `value` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
-   `modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL
CREATE TABLE test_table_evens LIKE test_table_odds;
-- add sample data
INSERT INTO test_table_odds (value) VALUES (1), (3), (5);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql CREATE TABLE test_table_evens LIKE test_table_odds;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql --
mysql -- add sample data
mysql INSERT INTO test_table_odds (value) VALUES (1), (3), (5);
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql INSERT INTO test_table_evens (value) VALUES (2), (4), (6);
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql --
mysql -- check table
mysql SELECT * FROM test_table_odds;
| value | modified |
| 1 | NULL |
| 3 | NULL |
| 5 | NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM test_table_evens;
| value | modified |
| 2 | NULL |
| 4 | NULL |
| 6 | NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql --
mysql -- run new procedure stuff
mysql CALL test_massage_table('test_table_odds');
| value | modified|
| 1 | 2009-12-10 21:18:59 |
| 9 | 2009-12-10 21:18:59 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)

mysql CALL test_massage_table('test_table_evens');
| value | modified|
| 4 | 2009-12-10 21:19:01 |
1 row in set (0.15 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)


So, thanks for the reply.  I hope someone can review what I've done here 
and let me know if there is a smarter way to accomplish what I'm trying 
to do.  Otherwise, I'll have to review what I was working on at the 
office and figure out why that wasn't working for me.  It might be a 
mysql version difference, but I'm guessing it was something to do with 
the original table being too complex for the Merge table to work.  Maybe 
indexes not matching?

Anyhow, let me know what you think of this strategy for sidestepping the 
need for prepared statements when working with MyISAM tables passed to 

Re: which solution is better for $count and @cols

2008-10-23 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Fayland Lam wrote:

well, we have a where $where, and I want some @cols depends on $start,
$rows. besides, I want $count too.
so we have two solution here.
A, two SQLs.
1, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE $where
2, SELECT col FROM table WHERE $where LIMIT $start, $rows.

B one SQLs with some operation
SELECT col FROM table WHERE $where
while $count is scalar @cols and real cols is splice(@cols, $start, $rows)

which solution is better? or it depends on the $count, big count A is
better and small is B?

Use A always.  You might get away with using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, but 
I've always found that I need to know the total row count before I run 
the query because if you are asking for a $start which is beyond the 
$count, I want to modify $start before running the second query.

It ends up being like this:

A, two SQLs
1, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE $where
1.5, if ($count  $start) { $start = 1; }
2, SELECT col FROM table WHERE $where LIMIT $start, $rows.

Option B is horrible for large result sets.  Only drawback to A is the 
tediousness of having 2 queries, but you get over that once you develop 
a pattern for writing them that way.

-- Dante

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How to build sub-sequence ... AUTO_INCREMENT on a sub-key starting with a specific offset?

2008-10-15 Thread D. Dante Lorenso


I am developing a service in MySQL that models a service I've already 
built in PostgreSQL.  I'm trying to port over some of my ideas from that 
platform to MySQL.  Here's the setup:

Let's say I have 2 tables: 'account' and 'widget'.  Each of these tables 
have a primary key but the widget table references the account table 
with a foreign key on account_id:

CREATE TABLE `account` (
  `label` VARCHAR(64) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `account_id` (`account_id`)
CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';

CREATE TABLE `widget` (
  `label` VARCHAR(64) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `account_id` INTEGER(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `widget_number` INTEGER(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`widget_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `widget_id` (`widget_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `widget_number` (`account_id`, `widget_number`),
  KEY `account_id` (`account_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `widget_fk_account_id` FOREIGN KEY (`account_id`)
REFERENCES `account` (`account_id`)
CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';

The problem is that I don't want customers to see the 'widget_id' column 
on the url like this:


Because if they see this, they can use this information to deduce how 
many widgets exist in my database.  Instead, I want to add another 
column to the widget table called 'widget_number' that contains an 
AUTO_INCREMENT column which is based on the 'account_id' in that table.

What this means is that every account contains a widget number 1000. 
And if you add another widget, you get widget number 1001, etc.  This 
way, the url will look like this:


And if I combine widget number 1000 with the account_id, I can uniquely 
identify an entry in the database.  In other words, I have a new primary 
key candidate of (account_id, widget_number).

I would use this combo as the primary key, but I hate doing joins with 
multiple primary keys, so I'll also keep the widget_id for the purpose 
of making joins easier.

My question is how can I get MySQL to automatically assign the 
widget_number values?  I want the first value for every account ID to be 
1000 and increment from there.  I almost need a trigger that does 
something like this:

  SELECT COALESCE(MAX(widget_number) + 1, 1000)
  INTO NEW.widget_number
  FROM widget
  WHERE account_id = NEW.account_id;

I don't think the 'MAX' is optimized, though and maybe there is a 
better, more robust way to do this which is already built into MySQL 
that I don't know about.

I am using InnoDB, so the solution needs to be transaction safe.  Help 
would be appreciated.

-- Dante

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Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread D. Dante Lorenso
There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back 
called RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE 
statement behave like a SELECT statement.  You can do something like this:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something')
  RETURNING any_column_you_want;

This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

  INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
  VALUES (1, 'something');

  SELECT any_column_you_want
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = 1;

Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

  UPDATE mytable SET
value = 'something'
  WHERE id = 1
  RETURNING id, other_number;

The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any 
column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the 
INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't 
always want to get the primary key returned to me.  Sometimes I want 
another column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid 
the round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the 
TODO list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put 
on there?

-- Dante

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Re: Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Rob Wultsch wrote:

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:25 PM, D. Dante Lorenso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back called
RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statement
behave like a SELECT statement.  You can do something like this:

 INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
 VALUES (1, 'something')
 RETURNING any_column_you_want;

This would be equivalent to running something like this in MySQL:

 INSERT INTO mytable (id, value)
 VALUES (1, 'something');

 SELECT any_column_you_want
 FROM mytable
 WHERE id = 1;

Here is another example with an UPDATE query:

 UPDATE mytable SET
   value = 'something'
 WHERE id = 1
 RETURNING id, other_number;

The nice thing about this is that every insert or update can return any
column you want (even multiple columns) without having to do the
INSERT/UPDATE then turn around and perform another SELECT query.

I want to use this because when I insert a value into a table, I don't
always want to get the primary key returned to me.  Sometimes I want another
column which may contain a candidate key and I'd like to avoid the
round-trip and additional logic incurred with running multiple queries.

Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the TODO
list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put on there?

-- Dante

D. Dante Lorenso

You can do your insert through a stored procedure and then at the end
do a select of those values.
22.4.14:  Can MySQL 5.0 stored routines return result sets?

Stored procedures can, but stored functions cannot. If you perform an
ordinary SELECT inside a stored procedure, the result set is returned
directly to the client. You need to use the MySQL 4.1 (or above)
client-server protocol for this to work. This means that — for
instance — in PHP, you need to use the mysqli extension rather than
the old mysql extension. 

This is an interesting strategy in that all your queries would turn into 
CALL statements.

There are several reasons why I would NOT want to turn all my queries 
into stored procedures, though.  The main problem I have is that it is 
difficult to deploy stored procedures from DEV to PROD environments and 
have those deployments synchronized with the deployment of the web code. 
 SQL which is kept with the application is easily deployed when the 
application is deployed and the same goes for version control of the SQL 
if you are using something like Subversion to maintain change history.

So, I suppose you CAN perform an UPDATE and run a SELECT from a stored 
procedure, but this strategy is not much better than doing both calls 
from the client and still does not act like the RETURNING feature I was 
hoping for.

-- Dante

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Re: Does MySQL have RETURNING in the language?

2008-10-15 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
There's an awesome feature that was added to PostgreSQL a while back 
called RETURNING that allows you to make an INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE 
statement behave like a SELECT statement.

Does RETURNING exist in any current release of MySQL or is it on the 
TODO list even?  If it's not, how can I go about asking to have it put 
on there?

For more information on RETURNING for INSERT statements, read a little 
of this from the PostgreSQL documentation:

From what I can tell this is unique to PostgreSQL.  I really want this 
functionality in MySQL.  Where do I go to ask for it?

-- Dante

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Re: Why different engines in one database?

2008-10-11 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

How about ...

Use InnoDB for all the transaction important data.  Maybe you want to 
create a powerful search for your stock table, though and maybe that 
table contains millions of records.

You can't use full-text search with InnoDB but you can with MyISAM.  You 
  could put some of the not-so-important text in the MyISAM table and 
enable full-text searches there.  Sure, the MyISAM table doesn't do 
cascading deletes, foreign keys, or transactions, but it's just used for 
searches and isn't a high-priority table.  It can be updated once a 
night at 3am when the database load is lowest.

-- Dante

hezjing wrote:

When and why we create tables in different storage engines within a same

Take for example a normal inventory application that provides CRUD operation
- USER table (e.g. create new user)
- STOCK table (e.g. when there is new stock arrives)
- CUSTOMER table (e.g. create new customer)
- SALE table (e.g. when a stock is bough by a customer)

I think it is always a best choice to use InnoDB since many applications are

How would one wants to create a USER table in MyISAM engine and SALE table
in InnoDB engine?

Can you give some example?

Thank you!

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Current state of CONNECT BY support in MySQL?

2008-10-08 Thread D. Dante Lorenso
Many people seem to ask this question periodically but I wanted the most 
recent answer...

What's the current state of having support for CONNECT BY in MySQL?  I'm 
using MySQL 5.0.45 on CentOS 5.2 and noticed in the documentation that I 
can't write my own recursive functions:

  Stored functions cannot be recursive.

... so I guess I can't build my own recursive tree-traversing stored 

Is there support in MySQL 5.x, or MySQL 6.x for doing heirarchical 
queries?  Does MySQL now ... or will it later ... support CONNECT BY 
syntax?  Help would be appreciated.

-- Dante

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Re: Any easier way to compare mysql schema of 50 databases?!

2008-10-06 Thread D. Dante Lorenso

Uma Bhat wrote:

We are in progress of *optimizing* and designing the existing mysql database
enviromnent on *linux*. And need help in comaparing schema of 50
databases from the same mysql instance.

If you can afford to spend a few dollars to get the right tool, you want 
to get DB Comparer for MySQL from the folks at EMS:

This tool will compare the schemas of 2 MySQL Databases and allow you to 
selectively choose which changes to make in order to synch to the master 
or the target DB.

I've been using the PostgreSQL version of this tool for many years and 
just recently started using their MySQL one.

-- Dante

D. Dante Lorenso

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