Custom agregate functions

2009-06-30 Thread Dainis Polis

Hi MySQL  fans!

Is there way to  create  subj ?

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Where is the utf8_general_ci collation in sources?

2004-06-28 Thread Dainis Polis
Hi  All!
Where to find  subj.?
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collate utf8_bin vs utf8_general_ci

2004-06-08 Thread Dainis Polis
Hi  again!
This query  is ok:
create table TEST (id int,saturs char(255) charset utf8  )
alter table TEST add fulltext (saturs);
drop table TEST;
create table TEST (id int,saturs char(255) charset utf8 collate utf8_bin )
alter table TEST add fulltext (saturs)
Can't create table './likumi/#sql-240_4E.frm' (errno: 140)
but  while  this get error ?
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Boolean mode, Fulltext,utf8

2004-06-07 Thread Dainis Polis
Hi All!
Does works fulltext index  on  utf8  columns  on boolean  mode  
correctly  on
MySql  4.1.2 ?

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fulltext in boolean mode with utf8

2004-06-02 Thread Dainis Polis
Hi All!
May be anyone can help in this situation:
Version: 4.1.2-alpha-nightly-20040523-log
OS : Linux
Show create table TEST:
`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`saturs` char(255) default NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY `sat` (`saturs`)
insert into TEST (ID,saturs) values (1, _cp1257 'pa-r par par')
insert into TEST (ID,saturs) values (2, _cp1257 'par par par')
select * from TEST:
ID saturs
1 pÄ?r par par
2 par par par
select * from TEST where match(saturs) against('par' in boolean mode) :
no rows
So while no rows in last search?

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