Re: Support for subqueries in V 4.1.1

2004-01-29 Thread Kim G. Pedersen
Had the same problem

Are u calling the query from the MysqlCC ???
, it is adding some info to server about limited the query .

Try from a sql prompt on server
or set the
automatically limited Select Queries  to  - unlimited
maximum join size  - unlimited
on the tab : mysql options   (right click on ur server , and choose edit)

Kim Pedersen

 I've upgraded a MySQL 4.0.14 server to 4.1.1-alpha version because I
 wanted to experiment with the support for subqueries.  Not being an expert
 on SQL at this point, I tried a couple of simple subqueries and got the
 following error message:

 ERROR 1235: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT 
 IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'

 That doesn't seem to fit with what I've read in the MySQL 4.1.1
 documentation.  I also tried some queries using a sample database from a
 MySQL book (which presumably reduces the possibility that I made some
 mindless error with my queries) and got the same response.  When I issue a
 SELECT version(); SQL command, I get 4.1.1-alpha-standard as I would

 Could something have gone wrong with the upgrade or am I missing something
 obvious about the subquery support in 4.1.1?

 Thanks for any pointers you can provide.


 Michael Greis
 Office: (781) 449-8017
 Home: (781) 449-8007

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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Locks dont lock

2003-12-10 Thread Kim G. Pedersen


I try in my program to make a lock.

I try to prevent another session to read and write from the whole table
I tried both

but no success.

I put in a breakpoint in my program to be sure the lock are held
and then I try to make a select from another session.

It dont lock me up :(

What am I doing wrong ,,is it some settings on server ??

   8128 Query   LOCK TABLES pstockx READ
031211  0:22:058133 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on elprint
   8133 Query   SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1
   8133 Query   select amount from pstockx where
productID =
   8133 Query   EXPLAIN select amount from pstockx
where pro
ductID = 1
031211  0:23:068128 Query   SHOW COLUMNS FROM pstockx
   8128 Query   SHOW INDEX FROM pstockx
   8128 Query   select amount from pstockx where


Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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Re: Locking one table blocks others

2003-12-10 Thread Kim G. Pedersen


U lucky man ,,, I can't make my locks work at all :(

 just a little hint , u sure it not ur _ (underscore) in table name  which
is  a kind of wildcard that give u trouble ??

Kim Pedersen


 First of all I'd like to welcome myself to this list. Have been here
 but now that I need your help again I decided to return. For the
following question I've of course read the Manual, googled some .. Even
checked the archives. Found no answer that satisfied me.

 For a website I'm writing some kinda stock-market game, really fun. You
should check it out when it's done. Of course, while updating stuff on
certain tables I want to do some things to prevent lost updates, dirty
 and stuff like that. Would pretty much spoil the game for my dear users.
Therefor I request a lock

LOCK TABLES eurostoq_units WRITE;

 That's the only table I really need a lock on. I am inserting in one other,
 and updating to again one other but since I know beforehand for sure nobody
 else is changing or reading from there I thought I didn't need to lock
it. But now, when I do something like:

INSERT INTO eurostoq_transactions (walletid, unitid, value, what)
 VALUES (9, 22, 400.3, 's');

 Mysql starts Yelling at me, stating:

ERROR 1100: Table 'eurostoq_transactions' was not locked with LOCK

 Now, please .. Of course I can request locks on other tables too. In fact I
 did, as a workaround. But can anybody explain me why I cannot do
anything (just found out I can't even do 'describe TABLENAME' anymore
when there's
 one table locked) else with any other table?


 MySQL General Mailing List
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Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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[SQL]how to delete record where I reference to other table

2003-11-20 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

Has look alot around , and tried a lot without success

how to do this :
 Delete  from  pproductMix PM  where PM.mixID in (select ID from pmix
where mixno=72000)

I would like a solution with and without subqueries


Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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Re: Load Data Infile confusion

2003-11-18 Thread Kim G. Pedersen
Hello Robert ,,

I have no explanation , just a dummy question ,
1) Are all values u try to put into column 5 a float with .   ?
2) what if u try with integer ?? without .  ?
3) can u input float values in column 3 ?
4) are u running mysqlcc from same pc ?
5 could it be some settings with decimal point is set to something
diff than .  depending of ur enviroment ?

Not much help , only a kind of maybe list :)
Kim G. Pedersen

 This one has had me scratching my head all afternoon.

 I have a comma delimited text file that I am using to import data from a
 legacy system into a MyISAM table.  My server is 4.0.16 as is my client.
 Both run on Redhat 8.0.

 An example line of imput looks like


 with my table format being

   FileNumber  VARCHAR( 50 ) BINARY NOT NULL,
   AppraiserCode   VARCHAR( 08 ) BINARY NOT NULL,
   SplitNumber FLOAT DEFAULT 0.00,
   SplitDesignator CHAR( 01 ) DEFAULT '$',
   CalculatedSplitAmt  FLOAT DEFAULT 0.00,
   DateFeePaid DATE,
   DateTimeRecordAdded DATETIME,
   PersonDesignatorCHAR( 01 ),
   SplitComments   TEXT,
   LastModifiedBy  VARCHAR( 08 ),
   PRIMARY KEY ( FileNumber, AppraiserCode, SplitNumber, SplitDesignator,
 CalculatedSplitAmt, DateFeePaid, DateTimeRecordAdded ),
   INDEX FileNumberDesignatorIndex ( FileNumber, PersonDesignator ),
   INDEX AppraiserDesignatorIndex ( FileNumber, AppraiserCode,
   INDEX AppraiserCodeIndex ( AppraiserCode ),
   INDEX FileNumberIndex ( FileNumber );

 To load my data, I execute the following commands

 mysql --user=xxx --password=xxx -e USE Live_Tables; DELETE QUICK FROM
 mysql --user=xxx --password=xxx -e USE Live_Tables; LOAD DATA INFILE
 'Converted_FeeSplit.txt' INTO TABLE FeeSplit FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','

 When these commands have completed, the value of field 5 is *always* 0.00.
 This in and of itself has had me confused - especially since I can execute
 the same SQL commands in MySQLCC and the contents of field 5 will be
 is in my input file.

 I had this problem with 4.0.13 as well as now with 4.0.16.

 Has anyone seen this before?  And possibly has a cure or fix?



 MySQL General Mailing List
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Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

MySQL General Mailing List
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Next release of 4.1x , any release plans

2003-11-16 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

Since it quite buggy using 4.1 in combination with subselect
it could be nice to know next planned release of 4.1.x

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development

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Re: ORDER BY DESC order different when using LIMIT

2003-11-16 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

I am not sure how this limit works , but in oracle
if you use a rownum100 (guess it is some of the same),

the sorting are done After the limitation so...
if u say rownum100 , it gives u 100 lines abitrary order and then it
sorts that 100 lines

Kim G. Pedersen


 When using ORDER BY column DESC the lines are shown in one order but when
 I use LIMIT 0,1 the second line insted of the first line are shown.
 And when I use LIMIT 2,1 the same line as if use LIMIT 3,1 are shown.
 The table has 4 rows.

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC;
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 2 | 2002-11-22  |
 | 3 | 2002-11-22  |
 | 1 | 2002-11-21  |
 | 4 | 2002-11-21  |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 3 | 2002-11-22  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 2 | 2002-11-22  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 4 | 2002-11-21  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 4 | 2002-11-21  |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT ImgId,CreatedDate FROM dogge ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT
 | ImgId | CreatedDate |
 | 2 | 2002-11-22  |
 | 3 | 2002-11-22  |
 | 1 | 2002-11-21  |
 | 4 | 2002-11-21  |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql DESCRIBE dogge;
 | Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default| Extra
 | ImgId   | int(10) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL   |
 auto_increment |
 | CreatedDate | date |  | MUL | -00-00 |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql SELECT * FROM dogge\G
 *** 1. row ***
   ImgId: 1
 CreatedDate: 2002-11-21
 *** 2. row ***
   ImgId: 4
 CreatedDate: 2002-11-21
 *** 3. row ***
   ImgId: 2
 CreatedDate: 2002-11-22
 *** 4. row ***
   ImgId: 3
 CreatedDate: 2002-11-22
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 Don't know
Submitter-Id: submitter ID
Originator:   Martin Gillstrom

MySQL support: none
Synopsis: ORDER BY DESC order different when using LIMIT
Severity: serious
Priority: medium
Category: mysql
Release:  mysql-4.0.16-standard (Official MySQL RPM)

C compiler:2.95.3
C++ compiler:  2.95.3

 System: Linux 2.4.20-20.7 #1 Mon Aug 18 14:56:30 EDT
 2003 i686 unknown
 Architecture: i686

 Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc
 GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/specs
 gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-113)
 Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=i486 -fno-strength-reduce'
 CXX='g++'  CXXFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=i486 -fno-strength-reduce
 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti  '  LDFLAGS=''
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Mar 21  2003 /lib/ -
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1260480 Mar  5  2003 /lib/
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  2312442 Mar  5  2003 /usr/lib/libc.a
 -rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Mar  5  2003 /usr/lib/
 Configure command: ./configure '--disable-shared'
 '--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static' '--with-client-ldflags=-all-static'
 '--with-server-suffix=-standard' '--without-embedded-server'
 '--without-berkeley-db' '--with-innodb' '--without-vio'
 '--without-openssl' '--enable-assembler' '--enable-local-infile'
 '--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--prefix=/'
 '--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--exec-prefix=/usr'
 '--libexecdir=/usr/sbin' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
 '--datadir=/usr/share' '--localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql'
 '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--includedir=/usr/include'
 '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--enable-thread-safe-client'

Re: Sql - Problem with Left Join

2003-11-13 Thread Kim G. Pedersen
Thanks to You Brent  and Bill Easton

and Sorry

Hrmm , that what happen when not clipping direct into mail program ,
here is the Original :-) :

Select A.DepartmentName,A.Address,P.Postcode,P.cityname,CP.firstname
from caddress A,cpostinfo P
 left Join   CContactPerson CP , caddresscontactperson CACP ,ccontactinfo
CCI on  CP.ID =1001  and CACP.ContactpersonID=CP.ID and
CACP.AddressID=A.ID and
 CACP.ID=CCI.AddressContactPersonID and CCI.AddressID=-1  and
where A.ID=10 and A.PostInfoID=P.ID

Something was wrong in this query above , so I did rewrite the query :

Select A.DepartmentName,A.Address,P.Postcode,P.cityname
 from caddress A,cpostinfo P

Left join CContactPerson CP
  on   CP.ID=1001
left join caddresscontactperson CACP ,ccontactinfo CCI
  on  CACP.ContactpersonID=1001 and  CACP.AddressID=10 and
  CCI.AddressID=-1 and CCI.AddressContactpersonID=CACP.ID and

where A.ID=10 and A.PostInfoID=P.ID

but I still do not understand :

if I just have one record in caddresscontactperson the query return
a the correct answer but I caddresscontactperson are a empty table
it give my empty answer - why not

 --company , streeet ,2000,copenhagen , NULL

I know I use addresscontactperson in my left join , but why does that
influent other that giving me a NULL  for the CP.firstname value

 Your syntax is wrong, or at least not standard, if you are trying to do
 multiple left joins.
 Your ordering is not your typical for a query.
 And you say there instead of where.

 Your query should be structure like this:

 SELECT fields
 FROM table, table,...
 LEFT JOIN table ON join condition
 LEFT JOIN table ON join condition
 LEFT JOIN table ON join condition
 WHERE filter condition

 I'm surprised your query worked at all.

 On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 05:20 PM, Kim G. Pedersen wrote:

 the little Query1 works until I add the left join :

 Query 1 )
   Select A.DepartmentName,A.Address,P.Postcode,P.cityname
   from caddress A,cpostinfo P
   there A.ID=10 and A.PostInfoID=P.ID

 Query 2)
   Select A.DepartmentName,A.Address,P.Postcode,P.cityname,

  left Join   CContactPerson CP , caddresscontactperson CACP
  CCI on  CP.ID =1001  and CACP.ContactpersonID=CP.ID and
 CACP.AddressID=A.ID and CACP.ID=CCI.AddressContactPersonID and
 CCI.AddressID=-1  and CCI.ContactInfoTypeID=1

   from caddress A,cpostinfo P
   there A.ID=10 and A.PostInfoID=P.ID

 Query1 return :
  -  company , streeet ,2000,copenhagen

 Query2 return :
 - Empty

 I know that the jeft join will give zero result ,
 since the table caddresscontactperson are empty.

 But I do not Understand Why I not get
  -  company , streeet ,2000,copenhagen , NULL

 Normally a left join should not effect ur result.

 Brent Baisley
 Systems Architect
 Landover Associates, Inc.
 Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
 p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

MySQL General Mailing List
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[SubQuery] BUG ??

2003-10-21 Thread Kim G. Pedersen


I have a very strange case where the my result depend
on the fields I want return from query :-(

A simplified query (Extracted the Sub queries out for read easyness):

select POL1.*,PRO.ID from oPositionLine   POL1 , (SUB2) T4
join pproduct PRO on POL1.ProductID=PRO.ID
wherePOL1.positionID = T4.PositionID

this works perfect, BUT if I just  change to

select POL1.*,PRO.ID from oPositionLine   POL1 , (SUB2) T4
join pproduct PRO on POL1.ProductID=PRO.ID
wherePOL1.positionID = T4.PositionID

I get empty result

SUB2 = Select OPOL.PositionID  from oPositionLine OPOL,oeventtype OET
, (SUB1)  t3 where OPOL.PositionID = t3.positionID and
group by OPOL.PositionID,OPOL.ProductID
having sum(OET.SignValue*OPOL.LocalPrice) 0

Sub1 = select PositionID  from opositionline OPOL ,oeventtype OET
,oposition POS
where OET.ID=OPOL.EventtypeID and OET.kind=1 and POS.ID=OPOL.positionID
and POS.finish='false' group by OPOL.PositionID  having
sum(OET.signvalue*OPOL.ProductAmount) =0


select POL1.ID,PRO.ID from oPositionLine   POL1 ,

(Select OPOL.PositionID  from oPositionLine OPOL,oeventtype OET
,(select OPOL.PositionID  from opositionline OPOL ,oeventtype OET
,oposition POS
where OET.ID=OPOL.EventtypeID and OET.kind=1 and POS.ID=OPOL.positionID
and POS.finish='false' group by OPOL.PositionID  having
sum(OET.signvalue*OPOL.ProductAmount) =0)  t3

where OPOL.PositionID = t3.positionID and OET.ID=OPOL.EventtypeID

group by OPOL.PositionID,OPOL.ProductID
having sum(OET.SignValue*OPOL.LocalPrice) 0 ) T4

POS2.InvoiceAddrID = A.ID
 join pproduct PRO on POL1.ProductID=PRO.ID

wherePOL1.positionID = T4.PositionID


Using 4.1.0-alfa-log

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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from char to Date routine

2003-10-16 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

I looking for a way to convert a datestring to date value
 UnknowFunction('23.03.68','') - unixtimestamp

In oracle we have

I have search the net for hours without luck.

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Truncate do not reset auto increment counter

2003-09-16 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

 Kim G. Pedersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I once red that using truncate table xx instead of delete from xx
 should reset autoincrement , but it seem not to happend.

 but when I try to insert data with  insert or load data in 
 it remember the old autoincrement value.

 from manual :
 Truncate operations drop and re-create the table, which is much faster
 than deleting rows one by one. 

 seems not , when I drop table and the create table again it works

 What table type do you use? TRUNCATE TABLE reset auto_increment value for
 MyISAM table, but not for InnoDB.

thanks Egor

I use InnoDB , so that  explains it :-)

what Are the most easy way to reset the value in innodb 4.014


Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

MySQL General Mailing List
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Truncate do not reset auto increment counter

2003-09-15 Thread Kim G. Pedersen


I once red that using truncate table xx instead of delete from xx 
should reset autoincrement , but it seem not to happend.

but when I try to insert data with  insert or load data in 
it remember the old autoincrement value.

from manual :
Truncate operations drop and re-create the table, which is much faster
than deleting rows one by one. 

seems not , when I drop table and the create table again it works perfect.

Mysql Linux 4.014

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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Re: insert ... select .. order by, problem

2003-09-02 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

Hi Alejondro

 I use ORDER BY, because I want that order in PTemp
 table, so I do not have to order them later (because
 they are retrieved several times later).

If I understand correct ,,,
U can never trust the order ur records get return from DB
(it is indepented of the order u insert records )

with other words , I u are interest in a specific order when
selecting , u MUST use Order By

hope this help


Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

MySQL General Mailing List
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Help with SQL Query

2003-09-01 Thread Kim G. Pedersen

Having 2 tables


ProductID   Amount
4008 -5
4110  7
4110  2
4110 -4
4110  1

ProductID Count
4110   3
4110   2

What I want Is a sum of product need to be produced.

I try without the stock first :-)

  Select O.ProductID , Sum(Amount) from TOrders O
  group by O.ProductID having sum(O.Amount)0

work nice so I try include the stock:

  Select O.ProductID , Sum(Amount) from TOrders O
  left join Tstock S on S.ProductID=O.ProductID
  group by O.ProductID having sum(O.Amount)-Sum(S.Count)0

result -

ProductIDSUM(Amount)  Sum (count)
411012 #6*2 20   #(2+3)*4  should have been 6 and 5

Hope u can see problem (some kind of Cartesian product ) , please help

using mySQL 4.014

Kim Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development

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How To See Sql Statements send to server ?

2003-08-22 Thread Kim G. Pedersen


How can I see the lastest Sql Commands/statements which
has been send to my mySql server ??

Are there Any Logfile or command to use ???

Thanks in advance

Kim G. Pedersen
macaos/elprint Development
+45 35373808

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