Re: questions about timestamps and DST

2015-03-31 Thread Mark Goodge

On 31/03/2015 12:20, Larry Martell wrote:

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 1:13 AM, Andrew Moore wrote:

When you use a timezone with DST there is no such thing as 2.30am on the
date of changeover. That hour doesn't exist.

I am using UCT - I am not using a timezone.

In MySQL 5 and above, TIMESTAMP values are converted from the local 
server time to UTC at storage and then back again at select. So if the 
local server is using a DST timezone, then your TIMESTAMP value will 
always reflect local DST.

Look up the difference between timestamp and datetime data types.

I did do that before I posted, but it wasn't really clear to me, but I
think I need to use a DATETIME instead of a TIMESTAMP. Correct?


As a highly-rated comment on StackOverflow puts it:

Timestamps in MySQL generally used to track changes to records, and are 
often updated every time the record is changed. If you want to store a 
specific value you should use a datetime field.

As a more general rule of thumb, use DATETIME unless you have a specific 
application for which you know that TIMESTAMP is more appropriate. 
They're not interchangeable, and not intended to be.


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Re: forum vs email

2014-12-11 Thread Mark Goodge

On 10/12/2014 23:40, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 10.12.2014 um 18:38 schrieb

2014/12/10 09:00 +0100, Johan De Meersman 

 One of the (for me, at least) defining features of a forum, is
that the subjects tend to be divided up into a tree structure, which
has it's own benefits 

Something more sophisticated than grouping messages by trimmed
maybe involving such header lines as were used in the old netnews (if
e-mail is part of it)?

every sane MUA supports threading
see attached screenshot

Indeed. That, to me, is one of the key arguments in favour of a mailing 
list: people can choose how to view the list according to their own 
preference (some like it threaded, others prefer a flat view based 
simply on message date). Other arguments in favour of email include:

* Email is a push medium. I don't have to continually re-check a website 
to see if there's any new messages, they simply arrive in my list 
mailbox and I view them at my convenience.

* Individual emails can be forwarded and/or saved independently of the 

* Email gives me a local archive of messages in addition to any central 

having said that, I think that web-based archives of mailing lists can 
be very useful, particularly for a public list where the archive is open 
to search engines. That makes them a valuable historical resource as 
well as merely a for-the-moment discussion forum. And, if you're going 
to have a web-based archive, it isn't a huge step from there to add the 
ability to post to the list via the web as well. That can be helpful for 
people on corporate email systems who don't easily have the ability to 
subscribe to a list (or filter mail from it into a separate folder), as 
well as people who only need to contribute very infrequently and don't 
want to have to subscribe in order to do so. But all this should, IMO, 
be in addition to the core features of an email mailing list, rather 
than a replacement for them.



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Unique index - opinions sought

2012-07-16 Thread Mark Goodge
I have a MySQL table (call it, say, item_spine) which contains three 
fields which, together, form a unique key. These three fields are a 
guid, a start date and an end date. The guid is alphanumeric (a 
fixed-length six characters) and the dates are ISO format dates 

I also have another table (item_detail) containing data which is keyed 
to the first in that the unique key here is the unique key from 
item_spine plus a line id (which is numeric).

At the moment, I simply have the three fields in the item_spine set as a 
unique key, and replicate those three columns in item_detail and have 
those plus line_id as the unique key, thus making a four-column key.

But, for performance reasons, I was wondering if it might make more 
sense to create a single column in item_spine containing data which is 
generated from the original three and use that as a unique key instead. 
I then only need a single column in item_detail to link to item_spine, 
and thus my unique key there can be only two columns.

Another option is to have an autoincrement column as a primary key for 
item_spine, and then use that as the link key for item_detail. But I'd 
prefer to avoid that, because the content of item_spine has to be 
updated on a regular basis from external data and using autoincrement 
means I can't do that using REPLACE INTO while still maintaining a key 
association with item_detail.

Any thoughts? How would you do it?

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Re: Unique index - opinions sought

2012-07-16 Thread Mark Goodge

On 16/07/2012 17:39, Rick James wrote:

How many rows?  If 1K, it does not matter.   If 1 billion, we need to
discuss in more detail.  Let's assume 1M...

Around 1M in the item_spine table and 10M in item_detail.

Dates should be stored in DATE datatype, which is 3 bytes. Your GUID
is non-standard, but should probably be stored in CHAR(6) CHARACTER
SET ascii, unless it is expected to have non-ascii characters.  Is
case folding important? Given those, the PRIMARY KEY is 6+3+3=12
bytes long.  This is not bad for a million-row table.  If bigger,
then the AUTO_INCREMENT should be considered.

The guid is case-insensitive. ISO dates map directly to MySQL's internal 
DATE type, so that's already taken care of. All data is ascii, and all 
alpha data is not case-sensitive.

I should maybe have mentioned earlier that this is external data over 
which I have no control (but do have a specification which I expect to 
be honoured).  My task is to store it and make it searchable for display.

Is this InnoDB or MyISAM?  (Please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE, not
English, for describing tables.)

It's MyISAM. I don't actually have a CREATE yet, as this is still just 
hypothetical :-)

Let's see the SELECTs that will be hitting the tables.  Then we can
discuss in more detail.

A typical select would be something like this:

FROM item_spine
WHERE start_date = NOW()
AND end_date = NOW()
AND location_code = '$query'

followed by

FROM item_detail
WHERE guid = '$guid'
AND start_date = NOW()
AND end_date = NOW()
ORDER BY sequence

where $query is the initial query from the user and $guid is the result 
of the first query. location_code is VARCHAR(10) and is an alphanumeric 

(I'm avoiding joins because doing multiple selects in the code is 
usually much faster)


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Re: Postal code searching

2012-04-25 Thread Mark Goodge

On 24/04/2012 17:24, Tompkins Neil wrote:

How about if I want to only return postal codes that are like W1U 8JE
not W13 0SU.

Because in this example I have W1 as the postal code and W13 is the other
postal code

No, you don't. In this example you have W1U as one outbound code and W13 
as the other.

W1U postcodes are not a subset of W1 postcodes, any more than IP27 
postcodes are a subset of IP2 postcodes. The fact that in W1U the 
district segment is in the form of NA rather than NN doesn't change the 
fact that it's an indivisible two-character code.

So I think the first question has to be, why do you want to get W1 as a 
particular substring from the postcode W1U 8JE?

British postcodes have a structure which is easy for humans to 
understand, although (unfortunately) rather hard to parse automatically. 
Essentially, every full postcode contains four elements:

Area code: one or two alpha characters, either A or AA
District code: one or two alphanumeric characters the first of which is 
always numeric, either N, NN or NA

Sector code: single numeric character, always N
Walk code: two alpha characters, always AA

It's customary, but not part of the formal specification, to insert 
whitespace between the District and Sector codes.

So, given the postcode WC1H 8EJ, we have:

Area: WC
District: 1H
Sector: 8
Walk: EJ

Taken together, the first two sections form the outbound part of the 
postcode, and the second two form the inbound. (That is, the first two 
identify the destination sorting depot that the originating depot will 
send the post to, and the second two are used by the destination depot 
to make the actual delivery).

The reason for mentioning this is that postcodes, having a wide range of 
possible formats, are not easy to handle with simple substring searches 
if you're trying to extract outbound codes from a full postcode. It can 
be done with regular expressions, but you have to be wary of assuming 
that the space between District and Sector will always be present as, 
particularly if you're getting data from user input, it might not be.

In my own experience (which is quite extensive, as I've done a lot of 
work with systems, such as online retail, which use postcodes as a key 
part of the data), I've always found it simpler to pre-process the 
postcodes prior to inserting them into the database in order to ensure 
they have a consistent format (eg, inserting a space if none exists). 
That then makes it easy to select an outbound code, as you can use the 
space as a boundary. But if you want to be able to go further up the 
tree and select area codes (eg, distinguishing between EC, WC and W) 
then it's harder, as you have to account for the fact that some are two 
characters and some are only one. You can do it with a regular 
expression, taking everything prior to the first digit, but it's a lot 
easier in this case to extract the area code prior to inserting the data 
into the database and store the area code in a separate column.

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Re: One inst has 39 columns- the other 40

2012-03-22 Thread Mark Goodge

On 22/03/2012 04:41, Brown, Charles wrote:

Look man, there has to be someone out there that can tell me why one
user table has 5 extra columns.

As far as I can see, plenty of people already have told you.

Is it version related or my sysprog person missed out on a step.

Yes, it's related to your version.

You probably have different versions of MySQL on different nodes of the

Your sysprog person has missed out the step of ensuring that all nodes
are upgraded at the same time in order to maintain consistency.

Its hard to believe that this problem is unique to my site.

No, the problem is not unique to your site. It's an easy mistake to make.

Please could you now give some indication of having read and understood
this reply.

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Re: In case you all missed it.

2011-11-11 Thread Mark Goodge

On 11/11/2011 16:29, Curtis Maurand wrote:

mysql  select date_format(now(),'%m-%d%-%y
%h:%i:%s') AS time;
| 11-11-11 11:11:11 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Actually, it should be select date_format(now(),'%y-%m%-%d
%h:%i:%s') :-)

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Re: Databasename/Tablename is marked as crashed and should be repaired

2011-10-14 Thread Mark Goodge

On 14/10/2011 08:07, James wrote:


I have the following error on my mysql server log and managed to repaired
the broken table. However, it keeps occurring by time to time. I am using
MyISAM storage engine to all database and having some locking table which I
know / aware about the disadvantage of MyISAM.

'./Databasename/Tablename' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Are there any ways to solved permanently? Any advise would be appreciated.

If it's happening repeatedly, and the MySQL server itself is running 
without any problems (ie, it isn't crashing and restarting) then you may 
have problems with the hardware - with the disk itself.

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Allowing all users to access a specified database

2011-06-03 Thread Mark Goodge


I have a database server with multiple users and multiple databases. I 
have a situation where I want to allow any user to connect to a 
specified database.

Unfortunately, the documentation has this to say:

MySQL does not support wildcards in user names.

Which means, that, although I can use this syntax to grant access for a 
user to all databases:


I can't do something like this to grant all users access to a database:


So, my question is this: How can I allow any user to use a specific 
database, without individually granting them all access?

The reason I want to be able to do this is that the server hosts a large 
number of individual ecommerce sites running on the same core software. 
Each site has its own database for products, customer data, etc, which 
is only accessible to that site. But each site also needs to be able to 
access a single, server-wide database which both stores configuration 
information for the software that the sites run on and store usage 
statistics for each site which can be accessed by the server admins 
without needing to have access to each site's own database.

Clues, anyone?

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Re: Allowing all users to access a specified database

2011-06-03 Thread Mark Goodge

On 03/06/2011 11:24, John Daisley wrote:

The reason

does not work is because that command would be suicidal in terms of

If you are hosting a large number of ecommerce sites and granting any user
access to those databases then you would want security to be far tighter.
Allowing that sort of access is about as secure as publishing the data on

That's not a problem in this case - the data is *intended* to be shared 
between all users of the system. It's data required by the software that 
the sites run on - which is simple, non-confidential stuff like basic 
settings as well as data which each site deliberately exports for 
copying by the others. The end users are not different organisations, 
they are different trading divisions within the same organisation.

What version of MySQL are you using?


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Re: ` vs '

2011-03-30 Thread Mark Goodge

On 30/03/2011 09:05, Brent Clark wrote:


Im wondering if someone could help me understand this. If you look at my
two queries below. By the ORDER BY one is using ` and the other ', as a
result, if you do an explain you will see that the top query does a
filesort, while the other does not.

Because column names either need to be unquoted or enclosed in 
backticks. If you put a string inside ordinary quotes (either single or 
double) then it's treated as a string variable. And you can't sort by a 
string variable.

As a demonstration, try these:

SELECT * FROM contacts LIMIT 10
SELECT * FROM `contacts` LIMIT 10
SELECT * FROM 'contacts' LIMIT 10

The first two will work. The third will fail, as you can't select from a 

Alternatively, try this:

SELECT id FROM contacts LIMIT 10
SELECT `id` FROM contacts LIMIT 10
SELECT 'id' FROM contacts LIMIT 10

and all will be even more clear :-)


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Re: Auto-Increment Values in Mysql

2011-02-09 Thread Mark Goodge

On 09/02/2011 11:41, Adarsh Sharma wrote:

Dear all,

I have an auto-increment column in Mysql database table. Let's say the
column has below values :


Now if i deleted some rows where id= 3 ,5 and 8

The data look like as :


I want to have it id's as
and next data is inserted right at 8

Please help how to achieve it.

Firstly, if this matters to you then an autoincrementing value is 
probably not what you should be using in the first place. The main point 
of autoincrement is that it doesn't matter what the actual value is, 
it's just a way of achieving a unique key for the table. If you care 
what the values are, then just use an INT field and generate the numbers 

That said, if you want to renumber an autoincrementing field then the 
simplest way is to drop it and re-add it:

ALTER TABLE `mytable` DROP `myfield`;



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Re: CURRENT insert ID

2011-01-24 Thread Mark Goodge

On 24/01/2011 15:42, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Donovan Brooke []
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: CURRENT insert ID

Just an idear..

Don't auto_increment the main table.. create a unique Id table,
auto_increment that, and grab that value first for use with both fields
in your main table.

[JS] I've thought of that, but it creates another problem.

Let's say I add a record to the ID table, thereby auto-incrementing its key.
Now I need to retrieve that key value. How do I do that while retaining some
semblance of data integrity? I'd have to do something like SELECT MAX(),
which fails to retrieve my value if someone else has inserted a record in
the meantime.

That's what LAST_INSERT_ID() is for:

This is on a per-connection basis, so even if another connection inserts 
a line in the meantime your query will return the auto-increment value 
of the line you inserted.

Most programming languages with an interface to MySQL, either built-in 
or via a module, implement this natively. For example, in PHP:

mysql_query(insert into mytable set name = 'foo');
$id = mysql_insert_id();

the value of $id will be the auto-increment number from the line you 
just inserted.


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Lowest non-zero number

2010-12-03 Thread Mark Goodge
Given a table containing a range of INT values, is there any easy way to 
select from it the lowest non-zero number?

Obviously, MAX(column) will return the highest, but MIN(column) will 
return 0 if any row contains a 0, which isn't what I want.

Any clues?


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Re: Lowest non-zero number

2010-12-03 Thread Mark Goodge

On 03/12/2010 16:56, Paul Halliday wrote:

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Mark  wrote:

Given a table containing a range of INT values, is there any easy way to
select from it the lowest non-zero number?

SELECT number FROM table WHERE number  0 ORDER BY number ASC LIMIT 1;

Sorry, I should have said that I need to do this as part of a query 
which returns other data as well, including data from the rows which 
have a 0 in this column. So I can't exclude them with the WHERE clause.

What I'm actually doing is something like this:

AVG(score) as average,
count(score) as taken
FROM tests GROUP BY name

and I want to extend it to something like this:

AVG(score) as average,
COUNT(score) as attempts,
SUM(score = 0) as failed,
SUM(score  0) as passed,
MAX(score) as best_pass,
. as lowest_pass
FROM tests GROUP BY name

and I need an expression to use in there to get the lowest non-zero 
value as lowest_pass.

Does that make sense? And, if so, is there any easy way to do it?


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Possible causes of table crashing

2010-11-30 Thread Mark Goodge


I have a very strange problem whereby one particular table in our 
database is repeatedly (on average, every couple of days) generating 
errors stating that the table is crashed and needs to be repaired. 
Running a repair fixes it.

What makes it strange (and something that I've never encountered before) 
is the following:

1. There is one particular table which it happens to a lot, and a few 
other tables where it happens occasionally. Everything else is fine.

2. None of the tables where it happens are among the most heavily used 
or commonly updated.

3. There is no shortage of disk space.

4. The disk system reports no errors.

5. We have multiple databases with an identical structure but different 
content (we are an online retailer and each database is a separate 
storefront), but the problem occurs in all the databases - but the same 
tables in each database. It doesn't always happen to each database at 
the same time - it seems to be random.

6. (This is the really strange one) We have two separate servers with 
identical copies of the databases, one for production use and one for 
development use, and it happens independently on both of them - but 
still the same tables (and, specifically, the same table that it happens 
to more often than any other).

7. And, of course, the obvious statement: we haven't changed the 
structure of this database recently (it hasn't changed for months, if 
not years).

We are running MySQL 5.0.77 on Centos. All the databases use MyISAM 

Given the above, can anyone suggest any possible causes?



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Re: backfill results for the same month and year

2010-11-11 Thread Mark Goodge

On 11/11/2010 09:00, HaidarPesebe wrote:

Dear All,

I have the following data

1  Chigago10 11   2010
1  NewYork   22 11   2010
1  London 54 11   2010
1  Chigago7  10   2010
1  NewYork   26 10   2010
1  London 33 10   2010


How can I backfill results with the same ID by month and year, with results 
like this:

and etc.

select ID, concat(MONTH,'/',YEAR) as MONTHYEAR, sum(QTY) as TOTAL
group by concat(ID,MONTH,YEAR)


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Order by in clause

2010-11-09 Thread Mark Goodge


I have a query like this:

select id, title from product where id in (1,3,5,8,10)

What I want it to do is return the rows in the order specified in the 
in clause, so that this:

select * from product where id in (10,3,8,5,1)

will give me results in this order:

| id   | title   |
|  10  |foo  |
|   3  |baz  |
|   8  |bar  |
|   5  | wibble  |
|   1  | flirble |

Is this possible? If so, how?


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2010-09-21 Thread Mark Goodge

On 21/09/2010 16:44, Tompkins Neil wrote:

Thanks for the quick reply.  Basically in (3,4,5,6,7,3) the record_id of 3
only exists once in the table my_table.  However, because 3 exists twice
within  (3,4,5,6,7,3), I want it to return two records for record_id 3.  Is
it possible ?

No, that isn't possible.

Why do you want a duplicate record to be retrieved? There may be a 
better way of doing it.


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Re: Best method to keep totals

2010-09-03 Thread Mark Goodge

On 03/09/2010 16:32, Arthur Fuller wrote:

While I agree with the general take on this subject (Never store totals
without a good reason and where there is duplication there is the
opportunity for skew), I must say that there are exceptions. A couple of
years ago I worked on an inherited database in which the operant principle
was sum don't store; the problem was that many of the rows summed dated
back a year or two or more, and as an accountant friend of mine loved to
say, A paid transaction is history; an unpaid transaction is fiction.

The other exception is also where financial data is being stored. If you 
have, say, a database containing sales order records, then as well as 
storing the individual values of each item in each order, you also need 
to store the total value of the order, the total price charged to the 
customer and the total paid by the customer. These three should, of 
course, be not only identical to each other but also to the sum of the 
individual items, so there is not only duplication but the potential for 
skew. But that, of course, is precisely *why* you store them, as any 
discrepancy indicates an error which needs to be investigated.


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Re: Performing subtraction between fields

2010-08-21 Thread Mark Goodge

On 21/08/2010 07:25, wrote:


For simplicity's sake, let's say I have three fields, A, B and C, all
of which are integers. I'd like the value of C to be equal to A less B
(A-B). Is there a way I can perform this calculation? I'm guessing it
would happen when I INSERT a row and specify the values for A and B.
Feel free to direct me to the fine manual I should have read.

Given two variables, $a and $b:

INSERT INTO mytable SET A = $a, B = $b, C = $a - $b


INSERT INTO mytable (A, B, C) VALUES ($a, $b, $a - $b)

or, if you've previously inserted A and B:

UPDATE mytable SET C = A - B

Simples :-)


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Re: searching serialized data stored in mysql

2010-08-10 Thread Mark Goodge

On 09/08/2010 18:33, Norman Khine wrote:

hello, i have a table called checkout, this has a row called products
which has contains a python dictionary data, like

{products: [{productId: 123, productName: APPLE,
 productPrice: 2.34, productUrl:,
productDescription: nice juicy apples},
  {productId: 333, productName: ORANGE,
 productPrice: 4.21, productUrl:,
productDescription: nice juicy oranges},

what will be the correct way to make a search on this data, for
example if i want to search for a range of products with a price
between €2 - €4

is this the correct way to store this type of data?

No, it isn't, not if you're going to be searching for individual 
elements of the array. Your products table should really have separate 
columns for productId, productName, productPrice, productUrl and 
ProductDescription. If you want to be able to store arbitrary key=value 
pairs then a separate table with columns for productId, keyName and 
keyValue would be a useful way of doing it.

Storing serialized data in single MySQL column is really only useful if 
that data will never be directly manipulated by MySQL itself - that is, 
if its only ever being used as the input to a separate program that 
handles all the searching and manipulation.

Having said that, I've just looked at the URL you link to 
( and what that's demonstrating isn't an 
example of a products table, it's an example of a ecommerce checkout 
table where the cart contents are a single column of serialized data 
within the cart line. Personally, that's not the way I'd do it[1], but 
it is a perfectly valid method if you start from the assumption that 
you're never going to want to find individual orders by searching the 
contents of the order. If you're looking at this as an example of a 
product table that you would use to search for products, then you're 
misunderstanding the example being given.

[1] I'd have a cart table with one line per cart, and then a separate 
cart_contents table with one line per product and a cart_id column which 
links it to the cart table. That also allows a separate cart_address 
table which can have multiple addresses per cart (eg, billing address, 
delivery address).


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Re: Help me

2010-07-21 Thread Mark Goodge

On 21/07/2010 16:33, Karthik Pr wrote:

I have created a table as follows but i was not able to use full text search on
a specific data.
create table racebike  (id int auto_increment not null primary key, name
varchar(10), user text,fulltext(name,user));


The query is
mysql  select * from racebike where match (user) against ('speed');

It should be:

mysql select * from racebike where match (name,user) against ('speed');

When using a fulltext index, the query has to name all the fields 
included in the index, unless you're performing the search in Boolean mode.


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Re: Decimal points

2010-07-19 Thread Mark Goodge

On 19/07/2010 10:04, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

  Is there a way to tell MySql to only return '2' in the first select as
opposed to '2.0'?  The second select is correct and should remain as such.

Not easily, no.

  Basically I have two columns, one with an integer and another with a
decimal.  And I'm adding the two, but for those where the decimal has a .0,
I just want the result to not have the .0 and for those that do have
anything other than .0, to display it accordingly.

This is the sort of thing that is far better handled in the application 
layer, rather than the database layer. PHP, for example, even has a 
built-in function which will do this:


for example:

$val = 2.1;
echo $val;

= 2.1

$val = 2.0;
echo $val;

= 2

Even if other languages don't have built-in functions to do this, it's a 
trivial piece of code to recreate it.


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Re: MySQL Replication

2010-06-24 Thread Mark Goodge

On 24/06/2010 09:18, Tompkins Neil wrote:


We have set-up MySQL Community Server 5.1.46 with Master to Slave
replication and everything appears to be working correctly, however I have a
couple of questions which I hope somebody can shed some light.

(1) When the network connection goes down between the master and slave
servers, it would appear that the updates are only sent from the master to
the slave, but not from the slave to the master when the connect is
re-established.  Is this correct ?

Yes. Replication is one-way by default. If you want two-way replication 
you have to set it up explicitly with both servers simultaneously acting 
as both master and slave.

(2) What is the situation regarding conflicts if the same master and slave
record is edited at the same time ?

You shouldn't normally edit records on the slave while it's acting as a 
slave. Replication has two main functions: to provide a hot backup of 
the master so that you can switch to the slave as the new master 
instantly should the master fail, and to allow load balancing by 
performing all reads on the slave (or multiple slaves) and updating only 
the master (eg, where you have a web cluster with each web server having 
its own MySQL instance acting as a slave from a central master updated 
from your CMS).

Two-way replication is possible, but there are rarely any significant 
benefits from it. If you do use two-way replication, you have to 
implement locking at the application level as MySQL doesn't provide it 

See the replication FAQ for more information:


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Re: substring query

2010-06-10 Thread Mark Goodge

On 10/06/2010 16:55, Aaron Savage wrote:

I am looking for some guidance on creating a substring query.  I have
a column that stores a path to a file.  I would like to extract that
file extension and that is it and display it on my results.  However,
the paths are different lengths and some extensions are 3 letter and
some are 4, eq 'html'.  The only common they all have is the period
before the extension.  Anyone created a nested substring query that
can do what I am looking to do?

SUBSTRING_INDEX should do what you want.

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('myfile.path','.',-1)
= 'path'

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('myfile.pth','.',-1)
= 'pth'

or, in a version that's closer to real life usage:

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(myfield,'.',-1) from mytable


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Re: Master - master replication

2010-05-24 Thread Mark Goodge

On 24/05/2010 13:40, Walter Heck wrote:


if you want to be secure, do not use the internet to transfer your
data. SSH, VPN and SSL can not give you the kind of security a private
line can give you. That is a tad expensive though :)

That's true, but again that's not really answering the question which 
was asked. Plenty of sites use PCI-compliant transmission of data across 
the Internet, there's no reason why that should be an issue provided 
it's done correctly. The question here is whether MySQL natively 
supports the tools necessary to do it correctly, and if so how to 
implement them.


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Re: Array data type

2010-05-16 Thread Mark Goodge

On 14/05/2010 09:54, Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Hi Samrat, all!

Samrat Kar wrote:


How to store multiple values in a single field? Is there any array data type
concept in mysql?

Multiple values in a single field would be an explicit violation of
the relational model (on which the SQL language is based) and cause all
kinds of trouble in your queries.

Ever and again, developers use some kind of encoding to store a
combination of values (like flags in a bit field) in one database field,
but in many cases this makes queries very hard to write, and may prevent
optimization of the SQL statement.

It depends on your application, especially on whether this field will be
used in search conditions (... WHERE combined_field has flag_X ...),
to decide about a sensible approach.
In general, I would prefer separate fields for different flags, and a
separate table for a truly multi-valued field (like multiple postal or
mail addresses for a person).

If you're merely *storing* the data in the table, and will only ever 
retrieve it based on other factors - that is, you'll never use that 
field for any operands including joins and 'where' clauses - then it's 
often useful to store a flattened array (eg, one created by PHP's 
serialize() function, javascript JSON or even XML) as a string and then 
expand it to an array again after retrieving it. That can often be a 
useful way of storing meta-data about a data object (eg, EXIF data from 
a photograph), especially where you can't know in advance what the array 
structure will be when you create the database.

However, that's not really an array datatype in MySQL, it's simply a 
method of storing an array as a string. So it's of fairly limited 
application, there are cases where it's very useful but it's not a 
substitute for storing the array values separately using the appropriate 
table design where you do need to run queries against it.


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Re: Fulltext Match BOOLEAN MODE not searching integers

2010-03-31 Thread Mark Goodge

On 31/03/2010 16:52, Tompkins Neil wrote:


I have the following fulltext search which appears to work fine for string
phrases.  However if I search like just 51 which is part of the string
name like 51 Blue Widget in the table it doesn't return any results.
However if I search like bl it returns the 51 Blue Widget result.  My
query is as follows :

SELECT  Name MATCH (Name) AGAINST ('51*') as Relevance
FROM Products

Any ideas what the problem might be ?

51 is too short to be included in the index by default, so will never 
match. Blue, on the other hand, is indexed and therefore is returned 
by a search.

The default minimum word length is four characters. See for 
more information on how to change that if necessary.


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Re: Possible to find this duplicate?

2010-02-13 Thread Mark Goodge

On 13/02/2010 16:12, Brian Dunning wrote:

Hey all -

I have a table listing references for chapters in a book. I'm trying to find 
all the cases where a single chapter lists more than one reference from the 
same author. In this example table, I want it to find IDs 1 and 2, because 
they're both from the same author, and both in chapter 1 of the book. It should 
not return ID 4, because that's in a different chapter.

Note that J. and John have to be considered the same. For my purposes, it's 
sufficient to look at the first word, Smith, and consider that a duplicate.

| ID | Author   | Chapter |
|  1 | Smith, John  |1|
|  2 | Smith, J.|1|
|  3 | Williams, B. |1|
|  4 | Smith, John  |2|

I haven't been able to even get a start on this. Any suggestions?

Try this:

  count(id) as total,
  concat(substring_index(Author,,,1),Chapter) as my_reference
  from my_table
  group by my_reference
  having total  1

That may or may not work straight off, I haven't tested it. But the 
thing you're looking for is something involving a substring_index on the 
Author column.


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Re: Good source for sample data?

2010-01-29 Thread Mark Goodge

On 29/01/2010 03:18, John Meyer wrote:

If I may recommend:

That's brilliant. The only minor issue is that, at least for UK data, it 
won't validate for mapping purposes - the postcodes are syntactically 
correct, but non-existent. I don't know if it would have the same 
problem for US or Canadian data.


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Re: Good source for sample data?

2010-01-29 Thread Mark Goodge

On 29/01/2010 15:20, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

That's brilliant. The only minor issue is that, at least for UK data, it
won't validate for mapping purposes - the postcodes are syntactically
correct, but non-existent. I don't know if it would have the same
problem for US or Canadian data.

[JS] Sorry, my suggestion won't work either: I didn't notice that you are from
the UK.

Well, the name part will work; and perhaps the UK has databases similar to
what the USPS (US Postal Service) makes available. I'd think they would, since
they are accountable to the public.

You might think so; you'd be wrong! In the UK, postcode data - even a 
comprehensive list of allocated postcodes - is the copyright of Royal 
Mail and only available under license.

(Off-topic, but relevant to UK-based developers: please take a look at 
my blog at 
for a topical twist on this)


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Re: Record old passwords ?

2010-01-21 Thread Mark Goodge

On 21/01/2010 11:07, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Tompkins Neil wrote:

I can enforce that the user can't use the same password as the
previous four
- when they change their password. However, the user can manipulate
this by
changing the password four times and then resetting back to there
password. How would I overcome this problem ? Any thoughts or
recommendations ?

Probably if your users do that, it means they (rightfully) consider A
DAMN NUISANCE the fact to be compelled to change password. Abandon the

I share their feeling about forcing this change of passwords, and cannot
see almost no real life application (unless perhaps one is a spy) which
really require this degree of security !

The real life application most commonly encountered where this is 
necessary is where your organisation wishes to process credit card or 
other financial data, and needs to be certified as PCI compliant by the 
banks and card companies in order to be able to process payments via 
their systems. One of the requirements of PCI compliance is that any 
login which has access to financial data must have the password changed 
regularly, with restrictions on reusing recent passwords.

Now, you may well argue that the PCI requirements are wrong in this 
respect, and if so then a lot of people may well agree with you :-) 
However, unless you are a huge multinational and able to negotiate your 
own terms with the banks, disagreeing with the requirements doesn't 
alter the need to comply with them - at least, not if you want to be 
able to use their payment APIs.


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Re: Record old passwords ?

2010-01-19 Thread Mark Goodge

On 19/01/2010 14:44, Tompkins Neil wrote:

Hi All,

Following on from my earlier email - I've the following question now :

I can enforce that the user can't use the same password as the previous four
- when they change their password.  However, the user can manipulate this by
changing the password four times and then resetting back to there original
password.  How would I overcome this problem ? Any thoughts or
recommendations ?

Store the date/time that the password was changed, and as well as not 
alllowing one within the past four passwords you can also disallow one 
that was last used within the past N days, for whatever value of N you 


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Re: Record old passwords ?

2010-01-19 Thread Mark Goodge

On 19/01/2010 09:14, Tompkins Neil wrote:

I think I will go with the four additional column
approach as I proposed (in the current table) - since this need is a PCI
compliancy security requirement.

Do you have a reference for that? Storing past passwords as additional 
fields like that is inflexible and generally bad database design. I'd be 
somewhat surprised if PCI compliance really did require it.

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Re: last_insert_id

2009-12-27 Thread Mark Goodge

Gary Smith wrote:

Steve Edberg wrote:
(2) autoincrement values are not reused after deletion, so if you 
deleted the record with ID=1000 inserted in (1), the next 
autoincrement would still be 1001, even if the existing records are 
IDs 1,2,3. This is usually the desired behavior, but again, may not be 
what *you* need.

Aah... I'd mis-remembered on this. Is there an SQL mode or somesuch 
which changes this behaviour, or is my mind dribbling out of my ears?

As far as I'm aware there's no mode to change the default behaviour, but 
you can always reset the autoincrement value:


Do that, and the next inserted record will have id = n, provided that n 
is greater than the current maximum value. If, on the other hand, n is 
lower than or equal to the current maximum value, the next id will be 
the next value higher than the current maximum. So


on a non-empty table is functionally equivalent to


(which isn't valid SQL, so don't try it!)

If you want to reuse autoincrement values above the current maximum, 
therefore, you can achieve that in practice by resetting the 
autoincrement value prior to any insertion.

What you can't do, though, is get autoincrement to insert values into 
the middle of a sequence. So if you have, say, ids 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 and you 




then the next inserted id will still be 10, not 6.


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Re: Join Statement

2009-12-14 Thread Mark Goodge

Victor Subervi wrote:

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 a

mysql select SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, t.sizes,
t.colorsShadesNumbersShort from tem126080739853 t join products p on
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql select ID, SKU, Name, Price from products;
| ID | SKU  | Name  | Price  |
|  2 | prodSKU1 | name1 | 555.22 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

t.ProdID == 2
p.ID == 2
That's a match.
So why does my select join fail?

Because you're using a minus sign where you should be using an equals 
sign. This is what you're doing:

SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, t.sizes,t.colorsShadesNumbersShort
from tem126080739853 t
join products p on

This is what you should be doing:

SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, t.sizes,t.colorsShadesNumbersShort
from tem126080739853 t
join products p on


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Re: Update Doesn't Update!

2009-12-11 Thread Mark Goodge

Jørn Dahl-Stamnes wrote:

On Friday 11 December 2009 10:38, Victor Subervi wrote:


mysql update products set sizes=('Small', 'Large') where ID=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 1

Look at the message, 0 rows changed and 1 warning.
You cannot have ID=0 if ID is an index.

You can, but not if it's an auto-increment field.


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Re: mysqldump vs phpmyadmin dump

2009-11-20 Thread Mark Goodge

Wang Zi Feng wrote:

Hi everyone,

Here is a rookie question.

The problem what I found is that mysqldump and phpmyadmin generate different
size of backup file against same database.

I try to dump same database with the 2 different methods, the original
database is 2.8mb, phpmyadmin export 1.5mb file, and mysqldump export only
941kb file.

mysqldump has a number of different settings, and the file size will 
vary according to which you use. For example, using extended insert 
syntax will significantly increase the size of the output, and that 
could easily account for the difference between your two files.

What's probably happening is that the settings you're using when running 
mysqldump from the command line are different to those used by 
phpMyAdmin, so you end up with differently formatted files.

I know there must be some difference between the two export method, but
after I import the 941kb file which mysqldump created into a new database,
it just works fine.

So I'm not sure if I can use mysqldump as the best option to do mysql
backup, can someone can help me to figure out why phpmyadmin would generate
twice big file? And I see some post that address it is not recommend to
import mysqldump file by using phpmyadmin, because it will cause problem.

Importing any large file via phpMyAdmin is likely to have problems, as 
you'll find yourself limited by the maximum upload file size of the web 
server where phpMyAdmin is running (that's typically 2Mb for PHP on 
Apache, although the administrators can change that). But the source of 
the file is irrelevant; so long as it's within the file upload limit 
then it doesn't matter whether it was exported by phpMyAdmin itself or 
created using mysqldump from the command line.


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Re: Another Join Problem

2009-10-02 Thread Mark Goodge

Victor Subervi wrote:

I get the following error:

*SQL query:*

FROM products
JOIN categories ON categories.ID = products.Category
LIMIT 0 , 30;

 *MySQL said:*
 #1052 - Column 'ID' in field list is ambiguous

Please note the error is about ambiguity. products has an ID field and so
does categories. If I run the statement taking out the ID from the
select, it runs. So, where is the ambiguity??

The ambiguity is that the select clause doesn't know which table you're 
referring to, since you're joining two of them that both have an 'ID' 
field. This will work:

SELECT products.ID, Item
FROM products
JOIN categories ON categories.ID = products.Category
LIMIT 0 , 30;


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Re: Wierd PHP/MySQL result

2009-09-22 Thread Mark Goodge

Mogens Melander wrote:

Well, no typos.

The relevant piece of code:

if (! $cust = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
echo {success: false, errors: { reason: 'Fetch Customer failed:  .
htmlspecialchars(mysql_error(),ENT_QUOTES) .
br . htmlspecialchars($sql,ENT_QUOTES) . '}};
echo {success: true, total: 1, results:[ . json_encode($cust) . ]};

What happens if you simplify the PHP?

$cust = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

That will tell you what PHP is seeing from MySQL. If the results have 
the correct values, then the problem is elsewhere in the code.

I suspect that the problem is in the json_encode() function. According 
to the PHP documentation this requires utf8-encoded data. If your values 
in oname are not utf8, then that may explain why the function is 
returning a 'null' where it should have a string.


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Re: How to compare 2 columns in different tables.

2009-09-15 Thread Mark Goodge

John Furlong wrote:

My question is, can the argument in AGAINST() refer to a column in
another table or does it have to be a specific string you are
searching for? If  the MATCH() function won't work, any suggestions
on how else to compare against The columns
are defined as VARCHAR.

Does anyone have an answer to this? I, too, would like to know how to 
use fulltext to compare data between two columns (as opposed to 
comparing data between a column and a pre-defined string). Is there any 
way to do this?


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Fulltext query expansion query

2009-08-17 Thread Mark Goodge


I'm currently working on a project which uses fuulltext searching. The 
with query expansion feature is useful, but I was wondering if there's 
any way to obtain the list of terms that the expanded query uses (other 
than those originally input, of course). Is that possible, and, if so, how?



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Re: Mysqld fails to start

2009-01-27 Thread Mark Goodge

JD wrote:

Hello List,

mysqld fails to start, and emits the following
error messages in /var/log/mysqld.log

090127 10:00:30 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 

/usr/libexec/mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist
090127 10:00:30 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
mysql_upgrade to create it.
090127 10:00:30  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 

InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.

That's most likely to be the real error. Or, at least, the most 
important one.

InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: File operation call: 'open'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
090127 10:00:30 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file 
/var/run/mysqld/ ended

So, I tried to run mysql_upgrade:
# mysql_upgrade
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
Running 'mysqlcheck'...
mysqlcheck: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through 
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) when trying to connect

FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed

So, it seems like a chicken and egg thing???
Cannot run mysql_upgrade bcause the server is not running.
Cannot run the server because I must first run mysql_upgrade.

I think you're being misled by the fact that there are two errors: A 
missing table and a file system that mysqld doesn't have access to. Fix 
the file permissions first, and then try starting mysqld. You'll then be 
able to run mysql_upgrade to fix the missing table problem (which is a 
warning, not a fatal error, hence why you need to have the server 
running to be able to fix it).

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Re: Optimizing nullable expiration dates

2008-11-17 Thread Mark Goodge

Norman Elton wrote:

I've got a table that tracks expiration dates. Currently, if the
record hasn't expired, the column is stored as NULL. In order to find
records that haven't expired, I search for WHERE expire_at  NOW() OR
expire_at IS NULL. This seems dirty, and I suspect it makes my
indexes very angry.

I suppose I could pick some arbitrary future date (Dec 31 2999) to use
in place of NULL.

Is there a better way? Surely I'm not the first to run into this!

If the field is only updated when the record expires, then a simple 
where expire_at is NULL will do. You only need to compare expiration 
dates with NOW() if they can be in the future - which, from your 
description, isn't possible.

If an expiry date can be either future, past or non-existent, then your 
existing selector is as good as any.

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Re: normalised designs: customer database

2008-11-14 Thread Mark Goodge

metastable wrote:

Hello all,

I have a question that's been bugging me for quite some time.
Let's say we have a small business that has both private and corporate
We want to store contact and address data about these customers, as well
as invoicing data. Off course, only companies have VAT numbers.

It's more complex than that, because there isn't a clear distinction 
between individuals and companies. A customer may be a company, a 
partnership, a charity, a sole trader or a non-trading individual. All 
but the non-trading individual may have (but are not necessarily 
required to have) a VAT number.

When normalising this design, you would reach something like the following:

- table for contact details (separate, because multiple contact details
may apply)
- table for address  details (separate, because multiple addresses may
- table for people (first name, last name, etc)
- table for companies (company name and vat number)
- tables that link the above data to each other (people-contact,
people-address, people-company, company-address, ...)
- table for customers, i.e. 'entities' that are invoiced

What do you guys think about this ? Which option is most viable ? Which
solution have you chosen ?

What I'd do is have a table for customer, which is essentially the 
invoice information (since that is, effectively, what defines a customer 
to you). I'd have separate tables for alternate addresses and contacts. 
The customer table would have a field defining the customer type, and 
another field containing an id which is the key to further information 
about that customer in the relevant table, where necessary.

I wouldn't try to arbitrarily normalise the database for SQL efficiency. 
In a real-life situation, it's more important that the database design 
reflects your actual workflow and business requirements. Having a field 
that's empty 50% or more of the time is far less of a problem than not 
being able to process a sale because your database structure is too 
inflexible :-)

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Re: Most efficient way of handling a large dataset

2008-10-25 Thread Mark Goodge

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Hi Mark, all!

Mark Goodge wrote:

I'd appreciate some advice on how best to handle a biggish dataset
consisting of around 5 million lines. At the moment, I have a single
table consisting of four fields and one primary key:

partcode varchar(20)
region varchar(10)
location varchar(50)
qty int(11)
PRIMARY KEY (partcode, region, location)

The biggest variable is partcode, with around 80,000 distinct values.
For statistical purposes, I need to be able to select a sum(qty) based
on the other three fields (eg, select sum(qty) from mytable where
partcode ='x' and region = 'y' and location = 'z') as well as
generating a list of partcodes and total quantities in each region and
location (eg, select sum(qty), partcode from mytable where region = 'y'
and location = 'z' group by partcode).

Sorry, I don't get it - I think there is a contradiction in your mail:

Your table has four fields, three of which form the primary key.
This means that for any combination of values for those three fields
(partcode, region, location) there will be at most one row, and so only
one qty value. Why do you want to sum over one value?

Sorry, my mistake. I mean that I need to be able to sum any combination 
of two from three of the first three fields.

And in your second query there is also no need for sum(qty), a plain
qty will do because for each group there will be only one row (region
and location are set to fixed values in your statement).

IMO, the main question is whether all your statements use fixed values
for region and location (like your second statement), but only some do
for partcode (your first statement).

No; any of the three can be fixed or not, as the case may be.

If that holds true for your statements, then your primary key is defined
in the wrong order: it should have partcode as the last field (= the
least significant one). Then, all your statement could use the primary
key, and you need no separate index.


Does anyone have any suggestions? My initial thought is to replace the
region and location varchar fields with int fields keyed to a separate
list of region and location names. Would that help, or is there a better

Well, if your data are integer values, then using integer as column type
should speed up your operations considerably:
Operations (including comparisons) on integers are faster than on
character strings, and reduced data size means shorter (= faster)
transfers and more elements in caches (assuming same cache size).

At the moment, only the qty is an integer value. The others are strings 
(a variable-length alphanumeric for partcode, and county/town names for 
region and location). For presentation reasons, I need to display the 
human-readable names of the region and location, but this could be done 
by means of having the names in a separate table with integer ids that's 
joined to the main table when querying.

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Most efficient way of handling a large dataset

2008-10-24 Thread Mark Goodge
I'd appreciate some advice on how best to handle a biggish dataset 
consisting of around 5 million lines. At the moment, I have a single 
table consisting of four fields and one primary key:

partcode varchar(20)
region varchar(10)
location varchar(50)
qty int(11)
PRIMARY KEY (partcode, region, location)

The biggest variable is partcode, with around 80,000 distinct values. 
For statistical purposes, I need to be able to select a sum(qty) based 
on the other three fields (eg, select sum(qty) from mytable where 
partcode ='x' and region = 'y' and location = 'z') as well as 
generating a list of partcodes and total quantities in each region and 
location (eg, select sum(qty), partcode from mytable where region = 'y' 
and location = 'z' group by partcode).

The selection is done via a web-based interface. Unfortunately, it's too 
slow. So I want to be able to optimise it for faster access. Speed of 
updating is less crucial, as it isn't updated in real-time - the table 
gets updated by a nightly batch job that runs outside normal working 
hours (and, apart from the rare occasion when a location is added or 
removed, the only thing that changes is the value in qty).

Does anyone have any suggestions? My initial thought is to replace the 
region and location varchar fields with int fields keyed to a separate 
list of region and location names. Would that help, or is there a better 

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Re: reset auto increment to a lesser value

2008-08-02 Thread Mark Goodge

abhishek jain wrote:
On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 10:49 
But as per a thread on this link, if the resetted value is less than the

highest value already in table then the effective increment value will start
from highest number and not from 100.
I have deleted some rows and i want the increment to start from those

That can't be done. An auto-increment value must be higher than the 
highest existing value. Otherwise, it would not be an auto-increment 
value at all - it would be an auto-interpolate.

On a more general note, if the actual value of the primary key matters 
for anything other than simply existing as a primary key, then you 
shouldn't be using auto-increment at all. You should generate the value 
through some other means and insert it with the value that you want it 
to be.


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Re: reset auto increment to a lesser value

2008-08-02 Thread Mark Goodge

Chris W wrote:

Mark Goodge wrote:
On a more general note, if the actual value of the primary key matters 
for anything other than simply existing as a primary key, then you 
shouldn't be using auto-increment at all. You should generate the 
value through some other means and insert it with the value that you 
want it to be.

Can you elaborate on that point?  Do you not use auto-increment values 
to link records in a one to many relationship?

Yes, but the relevant factor here is that in the table where the 
auto-increment value is generated it has no meaning other than as a 
unique id. In the other tables that use it as a reference, then it has 
meaning there and needs to be inserted as a known value.

An auto-increment field can only be used where that value never needs to 
be set by reference to an external value. It can be a value that other 
external values are set to (such as in a one-to-many relationship), but 
in the other tables that use it as a reference then it isn't inserted as 
an auto-increment.


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Re: Blocking HTML code in inserts?

2008-08-02 Thread Mark Goodge

Skip Evans wrote:

Hey all,

What is the most effective way to block HTML code in insert statements?

I have a client with a comments form that is being bombarded with people 
inserting references to their own sites, etc, and I need an effective 
way to filter basically any HTML tags at all.

You'll need to do that before inserting it into the database. How you do 
that depends on which scripting language you're using to generate the 


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RE: Trying to find a .zip binary install for Windows 2000 for 4.0.7 gamma

2002-12-30 Thread Mark Goodge
At 11:41 30/12/2002 -0600, Cal Evans wrote:

Is there a problem with your mail server or do you keep re-sending this
message? If the latter, please stop. Those that have read the message do not
have an answer.  Continuing to spam this overloaded list with the same
request will simply make those who may know the answer less likely to help

Not to mention that the requested file is right there on the site! You'd 
have to be pretty dumb to miss it, IMO.

But, for the benefit of the dumb, here it is:


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combine data from two tables

2002-12-12 Thread Mark Goodge

I'm hoping that someone can give me some pointers on this problem. I have 
two tables that contain similar data (eg, people.employees and 
people.volunteers). I need to run a select statement to retrieve names from 
both tables, and then display the data sorted by name so that it doesn't 
matter which table it came from.

For example, if people.employees contains Amy, Charles and Eric, while 
people.volunteers contains Brian, David and Fred, then the resulting output 
needs to be displayed in this order:


I could do this by post-processing the data in the script which retrieves 
it, but I'd prefer to get it in the correct order direct from MySQL. Any 



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RE: Sorting UK Postcodes (WAS Sorting Results)

2002-12-12 Thread Mark Goodge
At 22:53 12/12/2002 +0100, Alliax wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to say that postcode can be one or 2 letters in front of the

 -Message d'origine-
 They can be E1,E2,..,E12,E13
 Order by name would do:
 how can I get with a simple ORDER BY query
 E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,... ?

If sorting by number is important, then split them on input and store them 
in two separate files. But I don't really know why you'd want to sort them 
numerically anyway - UK postcodes aren't sequential in operation: E1 is not 
necessarily adjacent to E2 on the map. So having a sequence of E1,E10,E2, 
etc is no less applicable than E1,E2,E10 would be.


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Time comparisons

2002-11-14 Thread Mark Goodge
Can anyone help with (what I hope is) a pretty simple time function
query? I need to extract a set of records from a table based on
separate date and time columns, where both the date and time are older
or equal to now.

For example, my sql query is going to look a bit like this:

  select ID, Live_Time, Live_Date from schedule
  where TO_DAYS(NOW()) = Live_Date
  and SOMETHING = Live_Time

and it's the SOMETHING that I need to know!

(Before you ask, there are reasons why the date and time are separate
columns rather than being a single datetime column, and I don't want
to rewrite the structure unless I have to)



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select using regexp

2002-11-04 Thread Mark Goodge

I've got a problem that I'm hoping someone can help with. I need to do
a query against a text column in order to extract entries that will
match whole words only - for example, a search for cat should match
any of:

  The cat sat on the mat
  It was a large cat.
  Cat food is interesting.
  Dog. Cat. Fish.

but not match

  in a catatonic state
  it was a catastrophe
 scattergun approach

It looks as if the MySQL REGEXP function is what I need here, but I
can't work out from the documentation how to get what I want. 

Any suggestions?


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Re: Mysql vs. Oracle and concat ||

2002-09-26 Thread Mark Goodge

At 20:46 26/09/2002 +0200, MySQL wrote:
Hi all,

I'm a DBA in the Oracle World.

I want to make a sql query in mysql, with a concat (||) known i Oracle

Like this.

select numer ||','|| text from Table:

You need to specify the keyword CONCAT and enclose it in brackets,
like this:

  select CONCAT(number,,,text) from Table

Life is bigger, it's bigger than you 

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2002-09-17 Thread Mark Goodge

At 10:24 17/09/2002 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
According to the manual, if INSERT IGNORE finds a row already present in
the table, it does not update the row with the new data. How can I get the
opposite behaviour? In my case, there shouldn't be a record with the unique
ID I am inserting. But if there is, my recovery behaviour is to delete the
old one and then do the insert again - I don't care what the old data was,
my new data is correct for the new situation. Can I get MySQL to do that
for me?

The command you're looking for is REPLACE.


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Re: Mysql and Cobalt

2001-07-05 Thread Mark Goodge

At 07:45 05/07/01, dijana cetinic wrote:
Hi all,
just a quick question .. has neone setup mysql on a cobalt RAQ4 
 before? If so ne
recommendations on how to go about doing it?

I've installed it on a Cobalt RAQ. I tried several of the rpm files (from 
both MySQL and Red Hat), but none of them worked, so in the end I 
downloaded the source tarball:

and then followed the instructions on

The chapter in the online manual is

4.7 Installing a MySQL Source Distribution

which you can find at:

I didn't have any problems doing it this way - I accepted all the defaults 
when prompted and it worked first time. It is more timeconsuming than using 
a binary or rpm, but the Cobalt is such an odd environment that the source 
is probably the best option!


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full outer join?

2001-06-26 Thread Mark Goodge

According to the MySQL documentation, it doesn't currently support full 
outer joins and won't do in the immediate future. Does anyone have any 
suggestions for a workaround?

I need to join three tables, only one of which has a common identifier with 
the others, and produce a result which shows not only the matching 
information (eg, where A.first_id = B.first_id and A.second_id = 
C.second_id), but also find any rows in either B or C that don't have a 
matching row in A, as well as any rows in A that don't match either B or C.

Starting with A, I can easily show rows that don't have a corresponding 
match in B or C by means of a left join, but I can't work out how to get 
the reverse information in the same select.

Any ideas? Or am I missing something obvious?


With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. From RFC1925

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