RE: Weeding out duplicates

2004-07-10 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 10:25 -0600 on 07/09/2004, Jonathan Duncan wrote about Re: Weeding 
out duplicates:

I want to identify the entries in the table where the email addresses
are the same as another entry.  Whatever else is in the record does not
matter to me.
However, a second requirement for the query is that it show me the last
duplicate instead of the first.  This way I keep the first entries and
remove subsequent ones.
Jonathan Duncan
If you are willing to go with a PHP/MySQL solution as opposed to a 
pure MySQL one, try this:

 1) Use that query to get a list of what Email Addresses are duplicated.
 2) Now do a query with a WHERE Email=Duplicate-Email-Address and 
fetch the Primary Key.
 3) Do a Delete by Primary Key for all rows fetched in 2 EXCEPT for 
those keys fetched in 1.

The sequence is that you do step 1, loop though the results one at a 
time (step 2) doing step 3 in that loop.

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RE: Weeding out duplicates

2004-07-10 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 17:25 -0600 on 07/09/2004, Jonathan Duncan wrote about Re: Weeding 
out duplicates:

For the information of someone who may need it in the future.  I used
Jeffrey's idea for determining duplicates.  Then I created a temporary
table, and used to put the id's of the duplicates in the
temporary table.  Then it was a simple delete from table where
Thanks for the help.
Jonathan Duncan
I responded to your query earlier with a PHP/MySQL solution that was 
equivalent to this. I only saw your reply after sending my 
suggestion. Sorry for giving you an answer you had already discovered.

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2004-06-27 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 15:30 -0400 on 06/23/2004, Michael Stassen wrote about Re: INDEX DESC:
The manual says An
index_col_name specification can end with ASC or DESC. These keywords are
allowed for future extensions for specifying ascending or descending index
value storage. Currently they are parsed but ignored; index values are
always stored in ascending order.
Something that is VERY easy to fix and implement. So long as you KNOW 
that the Index is being defined as DESC, just STORE the Index value 
as Field XOR xFF..FF (FF..FF being the length of the Keyed Field). 
The Index is then AUTOMATICALLY in Descending order and you just need 
to XOR to recover the actual key value if/when you need it.

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2004-06-27 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 16:38 -0400 on 06/23/2004, Michael Stassen wrote about Re: INDEX DESC:
  For example, I want to read ranges of values from my db in the opposite
 order of how they are currently being indexed without using an extra
 ORDER BY in my select. This ORDER BY forces an internal sort to put the
 result set in DESC order which slows my SELECT.
You cannot count on rows being returned in any order unless you explicitly
True. What you are ignoring is that if you ORDER BY an INDEXED 
column, the Index is used to read the records directly without an 
intervening Sort (so long as both the ORDER BY and the INDEX are 
ASC). If the Index were defined (and stored) as DESC, then an ORDER 
BY DESC would likewise just use the Index without the need for the 
sort that currently must get used.

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Re: How do you deal with URL's?

2004-06-22 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 22:38 -0300 on 06/21/2004, Sergio Salvi wrote about Re: How do you 
deal with URL's?:

Separate data from how it's displayed. I mean, create a table called
states with the fields state_id, state_name and state_url. Put
the data in the according field:
state_id state_name state_url
1 Alabama
2 Washington
...and so on
Instead of a auto_increment state_id, go with the USPS 2 letter code 
(AL, WA, etc). That way you can pull up the state name from an 

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Re: AUTO_INCREMENT problem... ER_DUP_ENTRY? (No, it's not a one byte index :)

2004-06-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 13:37 -0400 on 06/19/2004, Michael Stassen wrote about Re: 
AUTO_INCREMENT problem... ER_DUP_ENTRY? (No, it's not a:

Finally, just to cover all the bases, that really is 87 million inserts, not
8.7 million, right?  I only ask because a MEDIUMINT column runs out a little
past 8.3 million.
It goes to 16+ Million if you say UNSIGNED. Why lose half the range 
by allowing the negative numbers that will never be used?

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RE: Full Text Index on Large Tables - Not Answered

2004-06-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 19:02 -0700 on 06/18/2004, Paul Chu wrote about Re: Full Text 
Index on Large Tables  - Not Answered:

Appreciate any help at all
Thanks, Paul

-Original Message-
From: Paul Chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 10:16 AM
Subject: Full Text Index on Large Tables
If I have a table with 100 - 200 million rows and I want to search
For records with specific characteristics.
Skills varchar(300)
Skill id's 10   15
Accounting finance etc.
Is it advisable to created a field with skill ids and then use the
Skills column in a full text index
Thanks for your help, Paul
The best way of doing this is to create 2 additional tables for the 
skills. One table has as its PK a skill number and as a separate 
indexed column a text description. The second table has as its PK 
(and total content) the Skill Number and the UserID (in that order). 
To search for the skills, you just search the 2nd table on Skill 
Number (after getting it from the first table) and Join the result to 
the User Table.

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Re: How to monitor that slave is not working because of user rights?

2004-06-20 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 09:10 -0500 on 06/17/2004, gerald_clark wrote about Re: How to 
monitor that slave is not working because of use:

The master will be trying to serve binlogs to the old address, but 
the slave won't know this.
You could monitor the IP address, and stop and start the slave when 
it changes,
but how will the master know about the address change?
There are free DNS services that will assign a domain name to a 
dynamic address (all you need to do is run a daemon on your slave 
that monitors its current IPN and tells the DNS Server when it 
changes). The master would just use the domain name to talk to the 
slave (or it can periodically monitor the A record to tell when to 
change IPNs for the slave's address).

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Re: AUTO_INCREMENT problem... ER_DUP_ENTRY? (No, it's not a one byte index :)

2004-06-19 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 17:16 -0700 on 06/18/2004, Kevin Brock wrote about AUTO_INCREMENT 
problem... ER_DUP_ENTRY? (No, it's not a one:

We have a table with a primary index which is INT NOT NULL
After inserting ~87,000,000 entries, we started seeing error 1062,
You are wasting half your range by not saying UNSIGNED. Not your 
problem (I think) but still an error.

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Re: Query Help

2004-06-15 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 12:22 +0100 on 06/11/2004, Andrew Dixon - wrote about Query Help:
Hi Everyone.
I have the following a table with a varchar column that contains a comma
delimited list of id's from another table that relates the item keywords in
the other table.
The table keywords contains
keyword_id (int/auto increment/primary key)
Keyword (varchar/normal key)
The galleries table contains:
gallery_id (int/auto increment/primary key)
gallery_name (varchar)
keywords (varchar)
I didn't design the database and I know it is not a good design, but I'm
stuck with it and I need a query to get the gallery_id when I have a certain
For example:
gallery_id | gallery_name | keywords
1  | test | 1,2,3,4
2  | test2| 3,4,5,6
And I won't to get all the galleries with where the have the keywords 2,
which in this case would be record 1 or keyword 4 which would be both
SELECT  gallery_id, gallery_name
WHERE   keywords 
Hope that makes sense, thanks in advanced.
Best Regards,
Andrew Dixon.
I have two suggestions for your problem.
You can remove the Keywords Column and create a table with gallery_id 
and keyword as its content (IOW: A table with 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 
2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 2/6 rows) with the Primary key as Keyword, gallery_id 
[so it can use the index to read only the correct group).

As an alternative, you can alter the keywords from Varchar (or Char) 
to SET. To do this, just do a dump of the table, alter the keywords 
definition in the CREATE TABLE to SET(1,2,3,4,5,6) and then feed the 
commands back in. It will parse the 1,2,3 in the INSERT into 
the correct bits.

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Re: not unique table/alias

2004-06-12 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:40 -0400 on 06/07/2004, Jack Tanner wrote about not unique table/alias:
I have two complex subqueries that I need to join. I suspect this
problem is due to using aliases instead of table names, but I don't
know how to work around it (temporary tables?). Please help.
SELECT col FROM (subquery-1) AS t1, (subquery-2) AS t2
JOIN t1 ON t2.col = t1.col;
Not unique table/alias: 't1'.
SELECT col FROM (subquery-1) AS t1, (subquery-2) AS t2
WHERE t2.col = t1.col;
Works fine! (But this query is different, because it doesn't get
the rows that are NULL in one of the tables.)
Using MySQL 4.1.2. Thanks in advance for your help.
I think it is screaming about a syntax error since you do not have 
two tables for the Join. Try:

SELECT col FROM (subquery-1) AS t1
JOIN (subquery-2) AS t2
ON t2.col = t1.col;
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Re: Advice on Database Schema Design

2004-06-09 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 15:53 +1000 on 06/07/2004, Ligaya Turmelle wrote about Re: Advice 
on Database Schema Design:

I think I get what you are trying to do and it sounds good (though I am
still a beginner).  The only thing I can think that might cause a problem is
since you have more then a couple of tables you MAY have to write joins for
all of them .  Only you would know if you can do that and/or be comfortable
doing it.
To get a stronger idea though of your design I would need to see either a
logical ER diagram or all of the creates (I am very visual so I like
pictures). *shrugs*  whether or not you want to pass those along is up to
Ligaya Turmelle
Thanks for the reply. I'm still at the stage where I am deciding what 
I want the tables to look like before doing the CREATE TABLE 
statements. I do not think I will need JOINS since it is going to be 
more of a WHERE t1.x=t2.x (and SELECT t2.y [from the t2.x selected 
row]) type situation where I am selecting the fields form the support 
tables based on the link (Foreign Key) field not actually 
merging/matching tables.

Robert A. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am converting a form that was originally designed to be Email
 Submitted into a Submit-to-PHP-Page Form (which will then insert the
 data into a MySQL Database).
 I expect no problems in actually scanning the submission to extract
 the data but I have some questions on the design of the Tables that I
 will need to define to store the data.
 I have done some research and have come up with a tentative design
 that I want to post here for critiquing. Here is what I have come up
 Each form will get assigned a sequence number (SubmitterID) that will
 identify the form submission in all the tables (thus linking them).
 There are a number of TextAreas where the user is requested to enter
 free form replies to questions. I am thinking that these should go
 into a separate table as Text fields of the correct size with
 SubmitterID as the Primary Key. That keeps the data away from the
 main table and thus only accessed when needed/requested as well as
 not bloating the size of the main table or slowing its
 There are a number of blocks of CheckBoxes on the form. While I
 could, in theory, use a SET column type to store them, I get the
 impression that a better way is to create a Many-to-One table for
 each block with the total contents of each row being the CheckBoxID
 and SubmitterID (in that order) as the Primary Key. A Index for
 SubmitterID would also be defined. This way I can do a WHERE on
 either Column and get Index Usage as opposed to needing to do a
 row-by-row lookup. I have the impression that doing a WHERE over a
 SET Column (especially when I'm looking for more than one value) is
 not a good or efficient idea. The CheckBoxID would map to a 3rd table
 to get the actual CheckBoxName.
 There are also two Select Tables (one for US States and one for
 Countries). While the States are passing the USPS 2-Letter State
 Codes, the Countries are passing the full Country Name as their
 OPTION VALUE=. I want to make a State Table and a Country Table using
 respectively the 2-Letter Code and a sequential reference number
 (which I will revise the Country OPTION tags to use as their VALUE)
 as the Primary Key with the State or Country Name as the other column.
 To create the reference key and populate the OPTION pages with it I
 plan to take the current HTML for these tags and read them into a
 Text Editor where I will then alter them into MySQL Insert Commands
 to populate the Table. Then using a one-shot QuickDirty PHP page, I
 will read the table and recreate the Option Statements which would
 the be CutPasted into the original HTML code replacing the old
 versions of the tags. The states go though the same Turn into INSERT
 Commands but there is no need for post processing or HTML Tag
 Of course all the Table Pointers would be defined as Foreign Keys to
 insure Referential Integrity.
 Am I making any mistakes in my design or am I on the correct track. I
 welcome any critique of my design or advice on how to improve it.
 Thank you.
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RE: DELETE from more than one table

2004-06-07 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:01 + on 06/07/2004, shaun thornburgh wrote about Re: DELETE 
from more than one table:

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the reply.
I actually need to delete data from about 10 tables, is this possible?
If the field in the tables is defined as a Foreign Key (with ON 
DELETE CASCADE), deleting the root key will do this (you can then 
insert it if you did not want to delete it but only the records that 
pointed at it). I do not know how helpful this is.

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Re: OT: Errors from Extra Spaces in Spreadsheets

2004-06-07 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 22:33 -0700 on 06/06/2004, David Blomstrom wrote about OT: Errors 
from Extra Spaces in Spreadsheets:

I've been having a tough time importing
comma-delimited files into my database tables. I just
discovered that most of the errors are similar to this
060  is not a valid integer value
I checked my spreadsheet - Microsoft Works - and
discovered that there's a space after many of my
numerals. I'm not sure how to remove these spaces. I
didn't see anything in the Help files. I could do a
search and replace, but that would also wipe out
spaces between words  - like...
I just wondered if there's a simple trick anyone knows
of for getting rid of spaces like these or preventing
them in the first place. Thanks.
Assuming that these are not the last fields in the record a simple 
Search/Replace operation in a Text Processor would handle this:

 Find = space, - note that space is an actual space not the word
 Replace = ,
I note you mention S/R but you need to be more specific on what you 
are searching for (as I listed above) and not just look for spaces.

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Advice on Database Schema Design

2004-06-05 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
 I am converting a form that was originally designed to be Email 
Submitted into a Submit-to-PHP-Page Form (which will then insert the 
data into a MySQL Database).

I expect no problems in actually scanning the submission to extract 
the data but I have some questions on the design of the Tables that I 
will need to define to store the data.

I have done some research and have come up with a tentative design 
that I want to post here for critiquing. Here is what I have come up 

Each form will get assigned a sequence number (SubmitterID) that will 
identify the form submission in all the tables (thus linking them).

There are a number of TextAreas where the user is requested to enter 
free form replies to questions. I am thinking that these should go 
into a separate table as Text fields of the correct size with 
SubmitterID as the Primary Key. That keeps the data away from the 
main table and thus only accessed when needed/requested as well as 
not bloating the size of the main table or slowing its 

There are a number of blocks of CheckBoxes on the form. While I 
could, in theory, use a SET column type to store them, I get the 
impression that a better way is to create a Many-to-One table for 
each block with the total contents of each row being the CheckBoxID 
and SubmitterID (in that order) as the Primary Key. A Index for 
SubmitterID would also be defined. This way I can do a WHERE on 
either Column and get Index Usage as opposed to needing to do a 
row-by-row lookup. I have the impression that doing a WHERE over a 
SET Column (especially when I'm looking for more than one value) is 
not a good or efficient idea. The CheckBoxID would map to a 3rd table 
to get the actual CheckBoxName.

There are also two Select Tables (one for US States and one for 
Countries). While the States are passing the USPS 2-Letter State 
Codes, the Countries are passing the full Country Name as their 
OPTION VALUE=. I want to make a State Table and a Country Table using 
respectively the 2-Letter Code and a sequential reference number 
(which I will revise the Country OPTION tags to use as their VALUE) 
as the Primary Key with the State or Country Name as the other column.

To create the reference key and populate the OPTION pages with it I 
plan to take the current HTML for these tags and read them into a 
Text Editor where I will then alter them into MySQL Insert Commands 
to populate the Table. Then using a one-shot QuickDirty PHP page, I 
will read the table and recreate the Option Statements which would 
the be CutPasted into the original HTML code replacing the old 
versions of the tags. The states go though the same Turn into INSERT 
Commands but there is no need for post processing or HTML Tag 

Of course all the Table Pointers would be defined as Foreign Keys to 
insure Referential Integrity.

Am I making any mistakes in my design or am I on the correct track. I 
welcome any critique of my design or advice on how to improve it.

Thank you.
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Re: Where do exported SQL files go?

2004-06-03 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 22:17 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote about Re: Where 
do exported SQL files go?:

--- Robert A. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 20:13 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote
 about Re: Where
 do exported SQL files go?:
 (I'm using Mozilla Firefox, which downloads
 everything to the desktop, though I don't
 why it considers this a download when it's a
 on my computer.)
 Might it be doing this due to PHPAdmin being a
 WebPage application
 and thus being served by your Web Server making the
 file need to be a
 FTP Download g?
Well, that's as good an explanation as any. :) It
isn't that big a deal; at least I know where I can
find everything I download, and I can always copy and
rename them and move them somewhere else if necessary.
It just confused me this time around.

I apologize if I seemed to have been flippant in my wording instead 
of just saying Here's Why. I am 100% sure of the correctness of my 
solution (ie: PHPMyAdmin IS a Web Application running on the Web 
Server not an application running on the user's machine [even if the 
Server is running on the user's machine it us still the Server not 
the user who is running the program]). I phrased it that way since it 
is one of those Can't see the Forest for the Trees situations where 
the answer is obvious once you look at the problem the correct way 
and want'ed to inject some humor to downplay an offence at pointing 
out the obvious. If it had been mysqladmin, the file would just be 
saved since you would be on your machine doing the query not using a 
Web Browser to issue it to a Web Application.

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Re: Exporting/Importing Databases

2004-06-03 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 21:54 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote about Re: 
Exporting/Importing Databases:

--- Robert A. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 20:36 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote
 Exporting/Importing Databases:
 Third, my practice database includes half a dozen
 tables, but only one made it online, followed by
 error message:
 Database USERNAME  running on localhost
 SQL-query :
 CREATE TABLE `counties` (
 `SCode` varchar( 6 ) NOT NULL default '',
 `NameC` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
 `TypeC` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
 `Seat` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
 `Area_MI` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
 `Area_KM` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
 `Pop_2000` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Pop_1990` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Pop_MI` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
 `Pop_KM` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
 `Race1` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Race2` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Amerindian` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `White` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Black` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Asian` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Pacific_Island` int( 6 ) default NULL ,
 `Some_Other_Race` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `Hispanic` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
 `id` int( 6 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
 PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
 KEY `SCode` ( `SCode` ) ,
 `statesarticles` ( `SCode` ) ON UPDATE CASCADE
 MySQL said:
 #1005 - Can't create table
 (errno: 150)
 Do you know what this means?
 You just got caught with the old Referential
 Integrity Gotcha. It
 will not allow you to create countries since
 statesarticles does not
 (yet) exist.
 The fix is to temporally turn off RI during the
 load. Put this
 command at the start of your file:
 and this one at the end:
 and it will work.
OK, is this something I can do in phpMyAdmin or
another software program, or do I have to open the
MySQL file itself?
Yes you need to edit the dumped file.
BTW: As of 4.1, mysqldump will automatically add these statements. I 
am thinking of filing a bug report against PHPMyadmin to add the 

I've scarcely touched MySQL files,
but I found the file counties.frm, which I assume I
would open with Notepad, right?
And then I can make SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; the
very first line and SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; the
very last line, after which I would EXPORT my
database, then import it, right?
They do into the EXPORTED file after you create it.
And since I like to plan ahead, is it OK to insert
these two lines in ALL my MySQL documents, just to be
prepared for this error? If I inadvertently stick
these lines in a file that doesn't have a foreign key,
will it cause a problem?
No it will not cause a problem. You are just turning off the check 
for RI (just like the If Exits clause on the DROP TABLE command 
turns off the check to see if there is a table to delete before doing 

Finally, after I've imported my database online, do I
have to go back and remove these two lines, or can I
just leave them there indefinitely as a safeguard?
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Re: Exporting/Importing Databases

2004-06-02 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 20:36 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote about 
Exporting/Importing Databases:

Third, my practice database includes half a dozen
tables, but only one made it online, followed by this
error message:
Database USERNAME  running on localhost
SQL-query :
CREATE TABLE `counties` (
`SCode` varchar( 6 ) NOT NULL default '',
`NameC` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
`TypeC` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
`Seat` varchar( 255 ) default NULL ,
`Area_MI` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
`Area_KM` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
`Pop_2000` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Pop_1990` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Pop_MI` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
`Pop_KM` decimal( 10, 1 ) default NULL ,
`Race1` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Race2` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Amerindian` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`White` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Black` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Asian` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Pacific_Island` int( 6 ) default NULL ,
`Some_Other_Race` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
`Hispanic` int( 10 ) default NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ,
KEY `SCode` ( `SCode` ) ,
`statesarticles` ( `SCode` ) ON UPDATE CASCADE
MySQL said:
#1005 - Can't create table './[USERNAME]/counties.frm'
(errno: 150)
Do you know what this means?
You just got caught with the old Referential Integrity Gotcha. It 
will not allow you to create countries since statesarticles does not 
(yet) exist.

The fix is to temporally turn off RI during the load. Put this 
command at the start of your file:

and this one at the end:
and it will work.
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Re: Where do exported SQL files go?

2004-06-02 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 20:13 -0700 on 06/02/2004, David Blomstrom wrote about Re: Where 
do exported SQL files go?:

(I'm using Mozilla Firefox, which downloads
everything to the desktop, though I don't understand
why it considers this a download when it's a database
on my computer.)
Might it be doing this due to PHPAdmin being a WebPage application 
and thus being served by your Web Server making the file need to be a 
FTP Download g?

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Reloading Database with Foreign Keys

2004-06-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
I just tried to reload a mysqldump created dump to a new server and 
got rejected due to lack of referential integrity. I remember the 
existence of a command I can insert in the file that will turn off 
the checking of the Foreign Keys while the recreation is being done 
but I can not locate it in the Docs.

Can someone help me by supplying me with the correct command (which I 
remember as setting some switch to False/Off at the start of the 
recreation and resetting it to True/On [or vice-versa] at the end of 
the recreation)?

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Reloading Database with Foreign Keys

2004-06-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
I just tried to reload a mysqldump created dump to a new server and 
got rejected due to lack of referential integrity. I remember the 
existence of a command I can insert in the file that will turn off 
the checking of the Foreign Keys while the recreation is being done 
but I can not locate it in the Docs.

Can someone help me by supplying me with the correct command (which I 
remember as setting some switch to False/Off at the start of the 
recreation and resetting it to True/On [or vice-versa] at the end of 
the recreation)?

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RE: Reloading Database with Foreign Keys

2004-06-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 18:01 -0400 on 06/01/2004, Bartis, Robert M (Bob) wrote about Re: 
Reloading Database with Foreign Keys:

mysql SOURCE dump_file_name;
Thanks - that was it and it fixed my problem.
-Original Message-
From: Robert A. Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: Reloading Database with Foreign Keys
I just tried to reload a mysqldump created dump to a new server and
got rejected due to lack of referential integrity. I remember the
existence of a command I can insert in the file that will turn off
the checking of the Foreign Keys while the recreation is being done
but I can not locate it in the Docs.
Can someone help me by supplying me with the correct command (which I
remember as setting some switch to False/Off at the start of the
recreation and resetting it to True/On [or vice-versa] at the end of
the recreation)?
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RE: Feature Request: UPDATE 'error codes' or mysql_affected_rows() to be more accurate

2004-05-31 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 12:38 -0700 on 05/27/2004, Daevid Vincent wrote about Re: Feature 
Request: UPDATE 'error codes' or mysql_affected:

REPLACE INTO won't work, as I need the previous record (hence the update). I
store the first and last time I saw a node, amongst other info. REPLACE
would delete that data.
REPLACE would (might?) also fail if the Primary Key is some other 
table's Foreign Key (although this may be a permissible deletion 
since the record is not actually getting deleted but just the fields 
getting updated).

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Re: DATETIME question

2004-05-26 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 11:01 +0300 on 05/26/2004, Egor Egorov wrote about Re: DATETIME question:
John Mistler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Given a column DATETIMEcolumn (-MM-DD HH:MM:SS), is there a SELECT
 statement that will:
 select all entries whose (TIME) of DATETIMEcolumn is BETWEEN 'HH:MM:SS' AND
 'HH:MM:SS', but whose (DATE) is anything?
SELECT .. FROM t1 WHERE DATE_FORMAT(datetime_column, '%T') BETWEEN 

or from version 4.1.1 you can use TIME() function for this purpose.
Description of DATE_FROMAT() and TIME function you can see at:
Note: This is the correct solution for your current setup. One minor 
caveat on going this route - Since you are looking at something past 
the start of the field, you must read every row for the check and can 
not use an index over that column. Depending on the number of rows 
and how often you do the select (and how hard it would be to alter 
the code that inserts new rows), you might want to look into adding a 
new column that has only the time in it and make it an Index. Then 
you can use the index column in your select.

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Re: need help with a complicated join

2004-05-26 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 14:07 -0500 on 05/25/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about need 
help with a complicated join:

I am trying to come up with a query that takes two tables, one with
non-split-adjusted historical stock prices, and one with information on
splits, for instance:
symbol  VARCHAR(127)NOT NULL,
quote   FLOAT   NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (symbol, date),
INDEX (date),
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-01, 3);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-02, 3);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-03, 3);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-04, 3);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-05, 2);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-06, 2);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-07, 2);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-08, 1);
INSERT quotes VALUES (A, 2004-01-09, 1);
symbol  VARCHAR(127)NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (symbol, date),
INSERT splits VALUES (A, 2004-01-05, 2, 3);
INSERT splits VALUES (A, 2004-01-08, 1, 2);
I need to be able to pull out split-adjusted quotes, like this:
SELECT symbol, date, ...some magic... FROM quotes WHERE symbol = A ORDER
BY date;
| symbol | date   | quote | adjusted_quote |
| A  | 2004-01-01 | 3 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-02 | 3 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-03 | 3 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-04 | 3 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-05 | 2 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-06 | 2 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-07 | 2 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-08 | 1 |  1 |
| A  | 2004-01-09 | 1 |  1 |
Split-adjusting means that on a split date all previous prices are
multiplied by split_from/split_to ratio. In my example two splits took
place, one on 2004-01-05, which multiplied all previous prices by 2/3 and
another one on 2004-01-08, which multiplied all previous prices (including
those already affected by first split) by 1/2.
Any help would be appreciated.
Question: Are you doing this direct in MySQL or is it being done as a 
Web Inquiry that is doing the MySQL Select Under the Covers and 
then displaying the result? If the latter, then you can do it by 
first building a Temp Table of all records where symbol=A (fill in 
the requested symbol from the user query) AND date=as-of-date (again 
supplied by user) creating an adjusted field equal to the quote. The 
temp table now has only the requested table rows and ends at the 
as-of-date. You then read the splits table for all records dated 
before or on the as-of-date and do the updates to the adjusted field 
for each adjusted row (you can have the loop update the factor as 
needed so you only need to run the table once). Then just read and 
display the temp table.

One additional question. From your definition when you say 
non-split-adjusted historical stock prices I assume that you mean 
that on the day a split occurs, that day's quote HAS BEEN adjusted 
for the split and all subsequent quotes are based on the status of 
the latest split. What you are trying to do with the adjusted column 
is adjust for the splits and have the quotes reflect the quote in 
terms of a block of stock quoted on day one in the table. IOW: If the 
first quote in the table was for 1 share and due to splits that block 
is now 5 shares, you want to multiple the todays (1-share) quote by 5 
to get a constant based price and do the same on the other day by 
using the then current block size as the adjustment factor.

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Re: Installing on OS X without installer

2004-05-23 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 08:30 +1000 on 05/24/2004, Chris Curnow wrote about Installing on 
OS X without installer:

I've just downloaded the latest version of MySQL (4.0.20) for OS X.
They seem to have omitted the installer - there's no .dmg file to
download. The manual only covers installing from the .dmg for OS X.
Can anyone help me on how to install without the installer.
You can just drag the folder to /user/local and then update the 
SoftLink for mysql. Or you can just go back to the mysql site and do 
the download again since they fixed their error and now have a dmg 

In either case, do not forget to drag the data folder from your old 
mysql folder to the new one.

best regards
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Re: Running more than one level of MySQL

2004-05-19 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 15:09 -0500 on 05/18/2004, Paul DuBois wrote about Re: Running 
more than one level of MySQL:

At 15:46 -0400 5/18/04, Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:
I have a site that is being hosted by an ISP which is running 
version 3.23.52. When I questioned why that downlevel version and 
not a 4.0 version (such as 4.0.18 or the just released 4.0.20), I 
was told Unfortunately, when versions change on MySQL, they also 
drop features and change security settings. This can cause many 
problems system wide. Before I go further with my discussion and 
renew my request for a 4.0 Database, I would like to know if it is 
even possible to have more than one level active (and if so, what 
is involved in the set-up).
It's perfectly possible.  I have dozens of versions installed, though not
all necessarily running at the same time. :-)
Thank you for your reply. I am passing it on to the ISP in the hope 
that they will use it to provide an option to offer current level 
support to those who need/want it (by just adding the new port number 
to the Host Name in MySQL connection request).

I have one suggestion to be added to the base code to assist in 
running multiple levels - Allow the --port=port_number parameter to 
take a list as opposed to only one number (so the server monitors 
more than one port and treats them as if they were the same). This 
would allow a migration to the newer versions to proceed by having 
the base port number as well as the alternate one be available for 
the use after the migration while those who were using the alternate 
port number in their calls are removing the number so as to again use 
the standard port number. Initially, the downlevel version would have 
ownership of the standard port as well as a private port (for those 
who do not want to be migrated after the move) which would be 
reassigned on Roll Day to the newer version. The alternate port 
could then be scheduled to be removed after a period of time to allow 
for its removal from the Host Name calls by those who were using the 
newer version prior to the Roll.

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Re: check for certain characters

2004-05-11 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 23:51 -0400 on 05/11/2004, Michael Stassen wrote about Re: check 
for certain characters:

Then you could add NOT to Paul's query:

  SELECT * FROM your table WHERE sequence NOT REGEXP '^[atcg]+$';

or, equivalently,

  SELECT * FROM your table WHERE sequence REGEXP '[^atcg]';

I suspect the latter may be faster, but you'd have to try them to be sure.

Note that pattern matching in mysql is case-insensitive by default. 
If that matters to you, then you would need to add the BINARY 
keyword to the WHERE clause:

  WHERE sequence NOT REGEXP BINARY '^[atcg]+$';


  WHERE sequence REGEXP BINARY '[^atcg]';

The need to go BINARY to detect case also requires that sequence be a 
BLOB not a TEXT field (I might have the 
case-sensitive/case-insensitive types reversed),

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Re: Blocking Selects with LOCK TABLES

2004-05-10 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 12:40 -0400 on 05/10/2004, Lou Olsten wrote about Blocking Selects 

x-charset iso-8859-1According to the docs 
( :
If a thread obtains a READ lock on a table, that thread (and all 
other threads) can only read from the table. If a thread obtains a 
WRITE lock on a table, only the thread holding the lock can read 
from or write to the table. Other threads are blocked.

So, I've got two threads going (T1, T2).

T1 issues LOCK TABLES transtest WRITE;

But when I go to T2, I can still issue: SELECT * FROM transtest; and 
retrieve all the data.  I CANNOT update, so I know the command is at 
least partially working. As I understand it, I'm supposed to see a 
message from T2 that says something about This table has been 
locked with the LOCK TABLES command.
Did T2 issue a LOCK TABLES transtest READ; or did you just try doing 
the read without trying to get a READ Lock? If the latter, then that 
is your problem. Once you start locking a table, EVERYONE needs to 
get locks on that table.

It is an InnoDB table, if that matters.




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Re: This thing called MOD

2004-05-09 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 18:27 +0200 on 05/09/2004, Thomas Nyman wrote about This thing called MOD:

Hi All

I'm a bit perplexed..perhaps its a language thing,,but

the MYSQL reference manual says that

..Returns the remainder of N divided by M...
and gives an example SELECT MOD(234,10)
 -- 4
This I do not understand. remainder of N divided by M - isn't that 
simply division?

I mean 234 divided by 10 does not equal 4
Yes it does. It means 23 Tens and a remainder of 4 (ones).

On my own machine..if I do SELECT MOD(23,6) I would expect 3,8333 as 
the result and not 5.

SInce MOD is returning something other than I expect there must be 
something I am missingin other words...what is MOD returning??

As others have explained to you, MOD has to do with INTEGER 
Arithmetic. Thus MOD(234,10) returns 4 since after you have taken 
always the 10s, you have 4 left over.

As a real world example, you have to make up some amount from 1 cent 
to 999 cents (such as $2.34) using ONLY Dimes and Pennies (with the 
rule that you have 9 Pennies and 99 dimes to use). MOD tells you how 
many pennies are required after you have used enough (ie: 23) dimes 
to get to $2.30.

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Re: triggers (or too-many-crappy-questions)

2004-05-01 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 12:22 -0700 on 04/30/2004, Eric wrote about Re: triggers (or 


Can we have list for people who just like to give newbies shit? How 
about [EMAIL PROTECTED] How much have you 
guys paid for your support hmm? This is a free mailing list and I 
don't really see why people have to moan about a few simple 
questions every once in a while. The people who moan about RTFM crap 
are much more of a bother to me than a poor guy who doesn't know his 
way around mysql yet, doesn't get how useful and complete the manual 
is, and needs some basic help.


I've been on mailing lists that have attempted to TRY TO solve this 
problem by sending a Top 10 FAQS Message along with a Welcome - 
You're now Subscribed one to all new subscribers. This seems to help 
keep the RTFM type of questions to a lower level. Putting a mail-to 
link to request a new copy of the Top 10 message in the list 
signature (for those lists that add a footer signature) keeps the 
address visible once the user is on the list.

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Re: varchar 4 = char 4? Why?

2004-04-18 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
At 13:34 -0400 on 04/18/2004, Stormblade wrote about varchar  4 = 
char  4? Why?:

This has been puzzling me. At first I thought it was something that Navicat
was doing but I also tried in EMS MySQL and it does the same.
If I set the type of a field to varchar and set the length to anything less
than 4 it will get converted to a char type of the same length. Now I know
that char is faster. I read it can be up to 50% faster but I am curious why
I am prevented from having a varchar of length less than 4?
Is it prohibitively expensive to do this in MySQL? Is it such a bad idea
that they simply don't allow you to do it? Inquiring minds want to know.
Taking a wild guess here so I might be wrong. Varchar needs a length 
to be appended to the start of the character data so MySQL can tell 
how long it is. This length field is probably 2 bytes long. Thus if 
the max length of the string is 1-3 bytes long, the field will be 
from 3-5 bytes so you might as well bite-the-bullet and just declare 
the field as char(4). If the length field is 4 bytes, then ALL 
Varchars under max=3 will be 5-8 bytes for max=1-3 so again char(4) 
is shorter.

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Query about MySQL and Access Permissions to MySQL Database FILES

2004-04-16 Thread Robert A. Rosenberg
I am talking a PHP+MySQL course at my local community college and 
since this is the first time the course is being offered there are 
some teething problems with the curriculum. I am posting this query 
at the request of the instructor.

We are using a Linux Server and each Student has their own set of 
directories on the Server. The MySQL Databases are created on local 
PCs and then FTP'ed to the user's directory on the server. The files 
get User=RW and Group/World=R permissions due to the FTP being used 
having no way to set some other set of default Permissions and no way 
to update them once uploaded. The Databases are made known to MySQL 
by using a Softlink in the MySQL data folder that points to the 
actual copy in the user's directory. We would like to avoid the need 
to constantly go in and update/correct the permissions to G/W=RW 
after each upload of new copies of the Database Folder or 3 Files 
that comprise a database.

Now that the background has been covered, here is my question.

Since to gain access to a Database from the PHP Code, a mysql login 
request is required, it seems to me that this login can provide the 
MySQL Server the information needed to switch to the respective 
user's UID when accessing the database for update (as opposed to just 
read) purposes (thus getting RW Permission to the files). Does MySQL 
have the setuid authority so it can do so (and if so, does there code 
exist there to do so)? If not, is there some other way to allow 
Update Access to the respective databases based on the Login UserID 
other than go Group/World Writable on the 3 files that comprise the 

Thank you.

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