RE: [Possible Spam]Php programmer

2012-09-18 Thread Steven Staples
 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: September 18, 2012 7:31 AM
 Subject: [Possible Spam]Php programmer
 I need help, I'm working on a project that need time query in Mysql. I
 to display a time in php page, that took mysql to execute 100 000 records
 Sent from my BlackBerryR wireless device
 S naMlgi
 oltrishp/s.s.mylTuucb  t/isylomq

Taken from the PHP website:

function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode( , microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

$time_start = microtime_float();

# do your query here

$time_end = microtime_float();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;

echo It took $time seconds to do whatever you just did\n;


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RE: function INTERVAL in view

2012-09-17 Thread Steven Staples
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick James []
 Sent: September 17, 2012 3:04 PM
 Subject: RE: function INTERVAL in view
 INTERVAL is a keyword.  This is probably the root of the hiccup.
 Is that your Stored Function?  Or UDF?
 on 2012-09-17 12:58 PM, wrote:
  My MySQL is of version 5.5.8-log. I find I cannot save a query with
  INTERVAL in a view: redundant round brackets are added. If the query is
  SELECT INTERVAL(1, 2, 3, 4)
  within the frm file there is the expression
  interval((1, 2, 3, 4))
  which is wrong.
  What is known about this?

It is also a function:

as for why it does that?  I have no idea.

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RE: Mysql is toying me... why sometimes an insert or update can be slow!? I getting bald cuz this

2012-05-14 Thread Steven Staples
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrés Tello []
 Sent: May 12, 2012 10:08 AM
 To: mysql
 Subject: Mysql is toying me... why sometimes an insert or update can be
 slow!? I getting bald cuz this
 While doning a batch process...
 show full processlist show:
 | 544 | prod | | tmz2012 | Query   |6 |
 end  | update `account` set `balance`= 0.00 +
 '-4000' where accountid='2583092'
 No other process, lo locking no nothing...
 so you take this same query... run it isolated, and the mufu... is
 just...f fast!
 update `account` set `balance`= 0.00 + '-4000' where accountid='2583092'
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0
 ARRRG!  I have seen this type of query take as long as 100+ seconds.. and
 don't have a F*** clue...

2 things come to mind here...

1)  indexes could not be set, so it may cause huge slowdowns on bigger

2)  it could have been fast because of query caching, so it may have cached
the index you were updating for, which may make it work fast.  Also, if
you run it manually, the first time may be slow, and subsequent attempts are
faster (again, caching)

I may be wrong here, but something to check out.

Try this:

Explain SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE accountid='2583092';

That will tell you what indexes it is using, if any


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RE: How to quickly detect if there are any crashed tables

2012-05-10 Thread Steven Staples
 AFAIK the tables will be locked one by one until checked/repaired.
 On May 10, 2012, at 3:07 PM, Adrian Fita wrote:
  On 10/05/12 21:51, Mihail Manolov wrote:
  You can enable check/recovery automatically by using
  myisam_recover. Look it up in the documentation.
  There is no way to repair them faster, though.
  Thanks for the quick response. This definetly looks like a useable
  solution. Do you know if during the auto-repair at startup, the server
  with all the tables will be available and answering to queries? Or
  will it make the tables available as it progresses with the repair?
  Fita Adrian

I think you can scan the syslog for the mysql daemon, and it will show you
any crashed, or problematic tables?

If this is in fact the case, you could try that, and then run though the
tables to check them later?

Just pushing out a thought...


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Group_Concat help...

2012-03-19 Thread Steven Staples

I am trying to do something, but I can't seem to figure out how...

My query is as follows:
SELECT `user_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `login_ip`) AS 'login_ips',
COUNT(`id`) AS 'connections'
FROM `mysql_test`
WHERE `login_datetime` BETWEEN '2012-03-19 00:00:00' AND '2012-03-19
GROUP BY `user_id`
LIMIT 0, 15;

This query works, it gives me results like:
user_id  login_ipsconnections  
---  ---  -
  1,  5

But what I am looking to add, is the number of connections per IP, so it
would look kinda something like this:
user_id  login_ipsconnections  
---  ---  -
  1 (1), (3)  5

Is this possible to do with just 1 query?  If so, how would I go about doing

And the table schema:
CREATE TABLE `mysql_test` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `login_datetime` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `login_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

here is the data in my table:
id  user_id  login_datetime   login_ip   
--  ---  ---  ---
 11  2012-03-19 11:57:38  
 21  2012-03-19 11:57:40  
 31  2012-03-19 11:57:42  
 41  2012-03-19 11:57:43  
 51  2012-03-19 11:57:45  

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RE: Group_Concat help...

2012-03-19 Thread Steven Staples
 -Original Message-
 From: Mihail Manolov []
 Sent: March 19, 2012 12:44 PM
 To: Steven Staples
 Subject: Re: Group_Concat help...
 Try this
 SELECT `user_id`, `login_ip`,
 COUNT(`id`) AS 'connections'
 FROM `mysql_test`
 WHERE `login_datetime` BETWEEN '2012-03-19 00:00:00' AND '2012-03-19
 GROUP BY `user_id`, `login_ip`
 HAVING COUNT(`id`)  2
 LIMIT 0, 15;
 On Mar 19, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Steven Staples wrote:
  SELECT `user_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `login_ip`) AS 'login_ips',
  COUNT(`id`) AS 'connections'
  FROM `mysql_test`
  WHERE `login_datetime` BETWEEN '2012-03-19 00:00:00' AND '2012-03-19
  GROUP BY `user_id`
  HAVING COUNT(`id`)  2
  LIMIT 0, 15;

Thanks for the reply Mihail.
I was initially doing it that way, but if you look at the example of what I
wanted as a reply, it doesn't work.
I was hoping for a result that I could just plop into the PHP code, and I
wouldn't have to manipulate it at all, but so far, it looks like I am going
to have to do that... unless anyone else here has another idea... 

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MySQL Session Variables with PHP

2012-02-22 Thread Steven Staples
Good [insert time of day here] all!

I am trying to reorder my auto-inc field in my database, and I have
successfully done it with my front end that I use (SQLYog) with the
following code:

SET @var_name = 0; 
UPDATE `my_database`.`my_table` SET `id` = (@var_name := @var_name +1);

Now, when I try this within PHP... I can't get it to work at all.  I assume
that the SET is the issue, but I am not 100% sure.

I use the PEAR MDB2 class, and I have tried it in 1 statement, but it
failed, and I tried it with 2 statements, it didn't puke on it, but it
didn't work either.

# db connection is already set up #
echo $db-exec('SET @var_name = 0;')
echo 'br /';
echo $db-exec('UPDATE `my_database`.`my_table` SET `id` =
(@var_name:= @ var_name +1);');

Does anyone know how I can do this within PHP?  Worst case scenario, is that
I just write a php shell() command instead, but I would rather avoid that if
at all possible.

Thanks in advance!

Steven Staples

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RE: MySQL Session Variables with PHP

2012-02-22 Thread Steven Staples
 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Brawley []
 Sent: February 22, 2012 11:07 AM
 To: Steven Staples;
 Subject: Re: MySQL Session Variables with PHP
 On 2/22/2012 9:47 AM, Steven Staples wrote:
  Good [insert time of day here] all!
  I am trying to reorder my auto-inc field in my database, and I have
  successfully done it with my front end that I use (SQLYog) with the
  following code:
  SET @var_name = 0;
  UPDATE `my_database`.`my_table` SET `id` = (@var_name := @var_name +1);
  Now, when I try this within PHP... I can't get it to work at all.  I
  that the SET is the issue, but I am not 100% sure.
  I use the PEAR MDB2 class, and I have tried it in 1 statement, but it
  failed, and I tried it with 2 statements, it didn't puke on it, but it
  didn't work either.
  # db connection is already set up #
  echo $db-exec('SET @var_name = 0;')
  echo 'br /';
  echo $db-exec('UPDATE `my_database`.`my_table` SET `id` =
  (@var_name:= @ var_name +1);');
  Does anyone know how I can do this within PHP?  Worst case scenario, is
  I just write a php shell() command instead, but I would rather avoid
  at all possible.
 The manual warns us not to rely on repeat user var assignments, but your
 approach works for me:
 $conn=mysql_connect( ... );
 mysql_query( drop table if exists t ) or exit(mysql_error());
 mysql_query( create table t (id int) ) or exit(mysql_error());
 for( $i=0; $i10; $i++ ) mysql_query( insert into t values(0) ) or
 mysql_query( set @var=0 ) or exit(mysql_error());
 mysql_query( update t set id=(@var:=@var+1) ) or exit(mysql_error());
 $res = mysql_query( select id from t ) or exit(mysql_error());
 while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $res )) echo $row[0],  ;
 Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I feel like a TOTAL newb here...

If you look at my php example, I forgot the ; at the end of the first db
query... so it failed out silently (my php errors are off, changed that too)

Now it works... lol

As for why I want to do this?  I have a table that I constantly add, and
remove items from, and I do it by looking up, and then deleting them (it is
a long story/process).   Anyways, the script stops every 8 hours, and
restarts.  So what I want to do, is reset all the auto-inc counters back to
starting at 1, so that they don't get too large and out of control.   I
don't need to reference the ID's anywhere else, just when I go through each
iteration.   I know that this *could* be bad for most databases/tables, but
in my case, it is not going to be an issue.

Thanks, and sorry for my ID10T error, since it works just fine!


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Relication Issues

2011-11-10 Thread Steven Staples
Good morning list,

I am having issues with my replication setup. it seems that every few
weeks/months something happens, and I have to restart it, skip a row, or
delete, rsync and restart replication from scratch.

The databases that are being replicated, are rather large... there are about
12 new tables every year, each consisting of about 2-4g in size each
(today's total database size is 83g).

Again, things work fine for a while, and then there are issues.  The
backup/slave is on the same network/datacenter, so network speed isn't an
issue.  I just don't understand why inconsistencies keep arising.   Is there
a better way to do live backups, or have a hot space in the event of a
catastrophe?   Is there 3rd party software that would better achieve data
integrity or something?

Any help here would be appreciated.



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RE: Relication Issues

2011-11-10 Thread Steven Staples
My Apologies,

The tables are all MyISAM, most of the inserts/updates/deletes are done
through stored procedures on the master.  There are about 2 stored procedure
calls per second, consisting of a whole bunch of queries, updates, and
inserts within them.

The latest issue(s) we're having, are:

Could not execute Write_rows event on table xxx.x; Duplicate entry
'20-1016792' for key 'PRIMARY', Error_code: 1062; handler error
HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event's mas
Could not execute Write_rows event on table xxx.x; Duplicate entry
'44870420' for key 'PRIMARY', Er 

Update_rows event on table xxx.x; Can't find record in 'x',
Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY

(Where xxx is the databse, and x is the table)

The replication broke yesterday morning for some reason, and the primary key
index was at around 900,000.  When we found out it was down, and ended up
getting to work on it, we tried to restart it and the next ID it was
inserting for was 1,016,792.   So we're missing about 100,000 enteries, and
they are not in the bin log (as far as I can see).


 -Original Message-
 From: Reindl Harald []
 Sent: November 10, 2011 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: Relication Issues
 replication is buggy sometimes
 but without any outputs desribing your problem nobody can really help you
 memory tables as example are making much more troubles as myisam
 Am 10.11.2011 14:26, schrieb Steven Staples:
  Good morning list,
  I am having issues with my replication setup. it seems that every few
  weeks/months something happens, and I have to restart it, skip a row,
  or delete, rsync and restart replication from scratch.
  The databases that are being replicated, are rather large... there are
  12 new tables every year, each consisting of about 2-4g in size each
  (today's total database size is 83g).
  Again, things work fine for a while, and then there are issues.  The
  backup/slave is on the same network/datacenter, so network speed isn't
  issue.  I just don't understand why inconsistencies keep arising.   Is
  a better way to do live backups, or have a hot space in the event of a
  catastrophe?   Is there 3rd party software that would better achieve
  integrity or something?
  Any help here would be appreciated.

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RE: dynamic alias?

2010-08-27 Thread Steven Staples
DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) will give you tomorrow...

Not sure if that is what you're looking for or not...

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Bloomquist []
 Sent: August 27, 2010 12:17 PM
 Subject: dynamic alias?
 Hi all,
 I'm wondering if it's possible to have a dynamic alias in MySQL.  The
 result I'm looking for is essentially:
 | Provider Name   | Facility Name | Appts on 8/28/2010 | ==
 | Mildred Ratched | Oregon State Hospital | 12 |
 | Henry Jekyll| London Internal Medicine  |  3 |
 | ... |   ||
 Where Appts on 8/28/2010 instead includes whatever tomorrow's date is
 when the query is run.
 Is it possible to do something like this in a MySQL query?
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RE: Reduce dataset but still show anomalies

2010-08-20 Thread Steven Staples
I am not too good with charting (even though I would like to be), but what 
about getting the max, min and avg, if the max/min is greater than x% of the 
avg, show that... ?

Just throwing out ideas... prolly not useful... but may cause a better idea ;)

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan Cantwell []
 Sent: August 20, 2010 11:24 AM
 To: mysql
 Subject: Re: Reduce dataset but still show anomalies
 Yes, but I DON'T want eh spikes smoothed out
 On Fri, 2010-08-20 at 17:16 +0200, Jangita wrote:
  On 20/08/2010 5:12 p, Bryan Cantwell wrote:
   I am trying to produce charts for large amounts of data. I already
   the user to a smaller time frame in order to reduce the possible data
   points, but still can end up with far more data points than are clearly
   plottable on a chart.  Does anyone have an idea of how I can drop
   insignificant points, or average the data or do something to end up
   no more than about 3k points and still show spikes and dips in the
   charts so my users can still clearly identify anomalies in their
   I don't want to smooth out the spikes and dips if at all possible.
   I considered running through the dataset and doing a compare of point 2
   to point 1 and if it is close in value throw it away, otherwise keep
   That probably would not work on a 'noisy' chart however...
  Have you tried instead of showing per minute, show the average per hour,
  or per day; this will generally smoothen the points out a little; In my
  case if i show registrations per day i get dips every Saturday and
  Sunday so it looks all jagged, But per week doesn't show the
  Saturday/Sunday dips...
  Jangita | +256 76 91 8383 | Y!  MSN:
  Skype: jangita | GTalk:
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RE: Reduce dataset but still show anomalies

2010-08-20 Thread Steven Staples
On another thought,  what about if you group it by whatever, if the MIN()/MAX() 
is greater than X times STDDEV(), show MIN() or MAX() ?

I just recalled a conversation with my boss the other week about the STDDEV()

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Staples []
 Sent: August 20, 2010 11:32 AM
 To:; 'mysql'
 Subject: RE: Reduce dataset but still show anomalies
 I am not too good with charting (even though I would like to be), but what
 about getting the max, min and avg, if the max/min is greater than x% of
 the avg, show that... ?
 Just throwing out ideas... prolly not useful... but may cause a better idea
 Steven Staples
  -Original Message-
  From: Bryan Cantwell []
  Sent: August 20, 2010 11:24 AM
  To: mysql
  Subject: Re: Reduce dataset but still show anomalies
  Yes, but I DON'T want eh spikes smoothed out
  On Fri, 2010-08-20 at 17:16 +0200, Jangita wrote:
   On 20/08/2010 5:12 p, Bryan Cantwell wrote:
I am trying to produce charts for large amounts of data. I already
the user to a smaller time frame in order to reduce the possible data
points, but still can end up with far more data points than are
plottable on a chart.  Does anyone have an idea of how I can drop
insignificant points, or average the data or do something to end up
no more than about 3k points and still show spikes and dips in the
charts so my users can still clearly identify anomalies in their
I don't want to smooth out the spikes and dips if at all possible.
I considered running through the dataset and doing a compare of point
to point 1 and if it is close in value throw it away, otherwise keep
That probably would not work on a 'noisy' chart however...
   Have you tried instead of showing per minute, show the average per
   or per day; this will generally smoothen the points out a little; In my
   case if i show registrations per day i get dips every Saturday and
   Sunday so it looks all jagged, But per week doesn't show the
   Saturday/Sunday dips...
   Jangita | +256 76 91 8383 | Y!  MSN:
   Skype: jangita | GTalk:
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RE: Moving from one MySQL server to three MySQL servers?

2010-08-05 Thread Steven Staples
Have you double checked the hardware?   Are you using 5400rpm drives, or 15k
rpm drives?   I/O bottlenecks are common, if you can't read the data fast
enough, then it will definitely be slower, and appear to have more issues
that it really does.   If the client can't/won't change/alter the code, then
maybe looking at changing the hardware would be better.  Having a smaller
drive size raid array with faster harddrives may solve the I/O bottleneck if
that is the case.

And maybe it is just poorly written queries with crappy indexing? Maybe look
at the slow query log, and ensure that the RIGHT indexes are there
(140gb/21gb index doesn't mean that the indexes are the correct ones)

Going to a replication setup may not be the solution to your problems, and
could just be a bandaid (and prolly cause you many sleepless nights
maintaining data integrity).   Find out the cause of the problem, before
adding to it.

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Nunzio Daveri []
 Sent: August 4, 2010 2:40 PM
 Subject: Moving from one MySQL server to three MySQL servers?
 Hello Gurus :-)  I was running a simple load generator against our 16GB
 Quad core server and it pretty much came down to it's knees within two
 hours of
 running tests.  The customer DOES NOT WANT to change any code, they just
 want to
 throw hardware at it since it took them a year to create all of the code.
 It is
 a 140GB database with 21GB of indexs all using InnoDB - currently doing
 reads and 30% writes.
 My question is what is the best way of distributing the load without
 any of the php / perl code that their web server uses?  This is what I am
 thinking but need someone to tell me it is a good idea or bad please?
 1. Setup a single master and 2 slaves.  The question is how to tell the
 servers to get all the read data from the slaves and to only write to the
 2. Install a MySQL proxy box and let mysql proxy handle the load, problem
 is now
 it is the SPOF!
 3. Use DNS round robin, BUT how to tell round robin to ONLY go to master
 writes and ONLY use one of the 2 slaves for reads?
 Any links, ideas or suggestions is most appreciated.
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RE: [MySQL] Re: Decimal points

2010-07-20 Thread Steven Staples
Just out of curiosity, why not do it in the application layer?

Or maybe, you can try:
=  2.2
= 2
= 2
= 3 (so I guess rounding happens here)

And then I guess ultimately, you could also use FLOOR() CEIL() or ROUND()
SELECT ROUND(1+1.6, 0);
= 3
= 2
= 3

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Ashley M. Kirchner []
 Sent: July 20, 2010 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [MySQL] Re: Decimal points
 On 7/20/2010 10:07 AM, Chris W wrote:
  I try to avoid asking why but in this case I have to.  I can't imagine
  wanting to have a list of numbers displayed and not have them all
  aligned right with the sane number of digits after the decimal
  point.   So why would you even want to do this is?
  Wish I can give you an answer, but it's a requirement from the
 client.  Their application needs it displayed that way.  '101' and
 '101.0' appear to have completely different meanings.  Especially since
 more often than not, it's followed by a letter.  I don't know, I'm just
 the programmer here.
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RE: Why is MySQL always linked to Php?

2010-07-15 Thread Steven Staples
MySQL and PHP go together very well in the web development world.  Almost
all of PHP websites use MySQL as their database storage engine, as almost
all hosting companies have installed PHP and MySQL on their servers.

Maybe the jobs you're looking at, are for programmers/developers, who can
take care of the mysql as well?

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: alba.albetti []
 Sent: July 15, 2010 10:00 AM
 To: mysql
 Subject: Why is MySQL always linked to Php?
 Browsing the Web I've seen that usually companies look for developers
 working on MySQL and Php. Why are the two things linked? I mean I've not
 found any requests for just a MySQL developer or DBA (as for example it
 happens for Oracle), but it's always requested a MySQL/Php expert.
 I ask for it 'cause I've always been a developer/DBA on RDBMS (Oracle and
 DB2) and as I've been learning MySQL for few weeks, I'd like to know
 whether and why it's so important to learn Php as well. It would be so
 difficult to find a job as MySQL developer/DBA without knowing Php as
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RE: phpMyAdmin and other management tools

2010-07-02 Thread Steven Staples
I personally use SQLYog, and as for it not having the query creation... it
has a fairly decent query builder, but it is in the paid version, not the
community one.

I like all the features it has, and I use most of them.  Granted, it is
always a good idea to know how to use the command line, just incase you're
locked out of it somehow, or if you need to repair, backup or create users.
But if you're a windoze user, 99% of them don't know what a command line is

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Krishna Chandra Prajapati []
 Sent: July 1, 2010 7:58 AM
 To: David Stoltz
 Subject: Re: phpMyAdmin and other management tools
 Hi Dave,
 I recommend you to use Toad for MySQL.
 It has wizard for query creation phpMyAdimn, mysql workbench, sqlyog lack
 this feature.
 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 5:08 PM, David Stoltz wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  I'm currently using phpMyAdmin to manage the mySQL databases. I'm
  wondering what most people like to use? I know there is mySQL
  Workbench, which I haven't really fooled with yet
  Can anyone comment on what they use and why?
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RE: Two Primary Keys

2010-06-29 Thread Steven Staples
@Dušan Pavlica;

I must say thank you.  
This is really interesting, and in the 7 years I've been using mysql and sql, 
I've never know this (or had, but didn't realize what I had done).
This little bit of information could make for some interesting changes to a 
couple of my projects I am working on, where I've done this, but done it in 
code, rather than in mysql.

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Dušan Pavlica []
 Sent: June 29, 2010 11:26 AM
 To: Victor Subervi
 Subject: Re: Two Primary Keys
 try this and you will see exactly how autoincrement behaves in MyISAM
 tables when it is part of primary key.
 1) declare table like this:
 CREATE TABLE  `test_tbl` (
   `field1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `field2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `field3` char(10) NOT NULL default '',
   PRIMARY KEY  (`field1`,`field2`)
 2) then insert some values
 INSERT INTO test_tbl (field1, field3)
 3) see what's in the table
 SELECT * FROM test_tbl ORDER BY field1;
 result is:
 1, 1, 'test1'
 1, 2, 'test3'
 2, 1, 'test2'
 2, 2, 'test4'
 field2 is unique only in context of  field1.
 Victor Subervi napsal(a):
  2010/6/29 João Cândido de Souza Neto
  As far as I know, if you have an auto_increment primary key, you cant
  any other field in its primary key.
  Makes sense. Actually, I was just copying what someone else gave me and
  adding the auto_increment, then I got to wondering, what is the purpose
  having two primary keys?
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MySQL Upgrading

2010-06-23 Thread Steven Staples

I am looking at upgrading my servers Debian version from Etch to Lenny, and
in doing that, I think it will upgrade MySQL from 5.0.32 to the lenny
version, which is  5.0.53 (I think).

I have also been thinking about using the 'dotdeb' packages, which will
upgrade it even further to 5.1.47.  I have done this on a test server, and
it all my stored procedures and stuff work fine, so now to my question.

Will this break any replication if I don't upgrade my replication server
that is still running 5.0.32 (until I upgrade that server as well, which
could be a few weeks due to timing)?

The other issue, is that the replication server is running multiple
instances of the same MySQL on different ports, so that I can replicate
multiple sources to a single server (that has attached tape drives for
backup purposes), is it possible to run both versions of mysql (the 5.0.32
and the 5.1.47)?granted, this is not the debian mailing list, just
thought I would ask that last part ;)

Steven Staples

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Table Consistency/analize/check/repair

2010-06-18 Thread Steven Staples

I had an issue yesterday, where one of my tables ended up being closed
improperly, and needed to be repaired.   This isn't really an issue in
itself, but I didn't know about it until 2 hours after it happened, and a
script was trying to write to that table, and it failed, which caused a
backup on that script for inserting into another table.

ANYWAY, what I am wondering is, is what would be the best way to check all
my tables for errors/issues, and then run a repair on the table if it finds
an issue?

I have at least 30 tables, each having about 3-6 million rows in each, and
each table is about 2-3gigabytes in size.   So, I would like to be able to
check them only if they have anything that has changed (there is a table
created for each month of the year, for the last 2 years), it would be nice
if I didn't have to stop or put a lock on each table if I didn't have to,
and it would also be great if it was quick (running at like 2am, and
completing before 6am would be my time frame, and then Sunday morning from
2am to 8-10am is ok)

Any ideas for scripts, or premade scripts would be great.  Also, if this
would traverse to the slave mysql server too, that would be ideal.

Thanks in advance,

Steven Staples

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analyze table issue

2010-06-18 Thread Steven Staples
Ok, I know I am an idiot sometimes, and I think this falls into that

I use SQLYog as my MySQL front end editor.   I was looking to do some
things, and was going to run a check table command, and clicked the
analyze button, and didn't realize that all the tables in the database
were selected.

Long story short, that was at 9am this morning, and it is 230pm now, and it
is still running.  What are the ramifications of killing that process?

The database is only a total of 8 tables, and consuming about 20gb, but it
is approaching home time, and I don't want this to run all weekend long...

Can I just kill it, or will it corrupt the table it is currently on?

Steven Staples

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RE: analyze table issue

2010-06-18 Thread Steven Staples
Nevermind, it just finished... holy uggh!

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Steven Staples []
 Sent: June 18, 2010 2:31 PM
 Subject: analyze table issue
 Ok, I know I am an idiot sometimes, and I think this falls into that
 I use SQLYog as my MySQL front end editor.   I was looking to do some
 things, and was going to run a check table command, and clicked the
 analyze button, and didn't realize that all the tables in the database
 were selected.
 Long story short, that was at 9am this morning, and it is 230pm now, and
 is still running.  What are the ramifications of killing that process?
 The database is only a total of 8 tables, and consuming about 20gb, but it
 is approaching home time, and I don't want this to run all weekend long...
 Can I just kill it, or will it corrupt the table it is currently on?
 Steven Staples
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RE: Strange GREATEST() result in 5.0.32

2010-06-16 Thread Steven Staples

Out of curiosity, do you (or anyone else) know what could be an issue with
upgrading to even 5.0.93?  or even the 5.1 branch?

There are a lot of stored procedures/functions, as well as the fact that it
is being replicated (the backup server is running multiple instances, and
is replicating 3 other servers).   So, all the sql databases will have to
be updated/upgraded, but is there anything I/we should be made aware of
before we go ahead? (there is a lot of release notes to sift through)

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Baron Schwartz
 Sent: June 15, 2010 4:56 PM
 Subject: Re: Strange GREATEST() result in 5.0.32
 On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Steven Staples wrote:
  Hello all
  I have a stored procedure that probably does a lot more than it should,
  it works fine on my test server (which is running 5.0.67).   When I
  over to the production server, (which is running 5.0.32 and I never
  to check that the versions were the same before) it works almost
 It sounds like you're running into a bug, simply put.  5.0.32 is very
 old and an amazing amount of bugs have been fixed since then.  I would
 not even consider running it in production.  I know it'll be tough to
 upgrade, but if you don't, my experience is that another of the
 unfixed bugs is going to cause you serious pain anyway, such as
 crashing your server.
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RE: WHERE clause from AS result

2010-06-11 Thread Steven Staples
Putting the 'HAVING' in there, works perfectly :)


Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 Sent: June 10, 2010 8:03 PM
 To: Steven Staples
 Cc: 'MySql'
 Subject: Re: WHERE clause from AS result
 On 6/10/2010 4:38 PM, Steven Staples wrote:
  Ok, I have done it before, where I have used the AS result in an ORDER
  but now, I can't figure out why I can't use it in a WHERE clause?
  SELECT `email`, (SELECT CONCAT(`phone_pref`, '-', `phone_suff`) FROM
  WHERE `id`=`usertable`.`id`) AS pnum FROM `usertable` WHERE pnum LIKE
  It gives me this error:
  Error Code : 1054
  Unknown column 'pnum' in 'where clause'
 It has to do with the order in which things happen in the query. The
 results of the subquery are computed in the FROM...WHERE... part of the
 query. There is no way that the results could be named so that the WHERE
 clause could handle them. This is why aliases are available for use in
 the clauses processed after the WHERE clause - the GROUP BY and HAVING
 Try this as an alternative:
 SELECT `email`, (SELECT CONCAT(`phone_pref`, '-', `phone_suff`) FROM
 WHERE `id`=`usertable`.`id`) AS pnum FROM `usertable` HAVING pnum LIKE
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WHERE clause from AS result

2010-06-10 Thread Steven Staples
Ok, I have done it before, where I have used the AS result in an ORDER BY,
but now, I can't figure out why I can't use it in a WHERE clause?

SELECT `email`, (SELECT CONCAT(`phone_pref`, '-', `phone_suff`) FROM `pnums`
WHERE `id`=`usertable`.`id`) AS pnum FROM `usertable` WHERE pnum LIKE

It gives me this error:
Error Code : 1054
Unknown column 'pnum' in 'where clause'

Any ideas?

Steven Staples

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RE: Help needed on query on multiple tables

2010-06-03 Thread Steven Staples
How about this?

, `first_table`.`version`
   FROM `other_table`
   WHERE `other_table`.`this_id` = `first_table`.`id`) AS 'count'
FROM `first_table`
WHERE `first_table`.`progress`  0;

Granted, you have not provided structure or names of the tables so this is
just my interpretation, but maybe something like this could give you a
starting point?

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stroh []
 Sent: June 3, 2010 11:24 AM
 To: MySql
 Subject: Help needed on query on multiple tables
 Hi everyone. I'm trying to create a certain MySQL query but I'm not sure
 how to do it. Here is a stripped down version of the result I'm aiming
 I'm pretty new to queries that act on multiple tables, so apologize if
 is a very stupid question.
 I have one table (data) that has two columns (names and progress). I have
 second table (items) that has two columns (names and version). I'd like to
 do a query that produces the name of every record in data that has
 set to 0 and the number of records in the items table that have the same
 value in each table.names field.
 I can perform this by using two sets of queries, one that queries the data
 table and then loop through the names to do a count(names) query, but I'm
 not sure if I can somehow do it in one query.
 Thanks in advance!
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RE: Help needed on query on multiple tables

2010-06-03 Thread Steven Staples
I am glad that I was able to help someone finally :)

There may be other ways to do this, but that was what first came to mind.
I would maybe run an explain on that query to ensure that it is using

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Stroh []
 Sent: June 3, 2010 11:55 AM
 To: Steven Staples
 Cc: 'MySql'
 Subject: Re: Help needed on query on multiple tables
 Thanks! That did it perfectly!
 On Jun 3, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Steven Staples wrote:
  How about this?
 , `first_table`.`version`
FROM `other_table`
WHERE `other_table`.`this_id` = `first_table`.`id`) AS 'count'
  FROM `first_table`
  WHERE `first_table`.`progress`  0;
  Granted, you have not provided structure or names of the tables so this
  just my interpretation, but maybe something like this could give you a
  starting point?
  Steven Staples
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Stroh []
  Sent: June 3, 2010 11:24 AM
  To: MySql
  Subject: Help needed on query on multiple tables
  Hi everyone. I'm trying to create a certain MySQL query but I'm not
  how to do it. Here is a stripped down version of the result I'm aiming
  I'm pretty new to queries that act on multiple tables, so apologize if
  is a very stupid question.
  I have one table (data) that has two columns (names and progress). I
  second table (items) that has two columns (names and version). I'd like
  do a query that produces the name of every record in data that has
  set to 0 and the number of records in the items table that have the
  value in each table.names field.
  I can perform this by using two sets of queries, one that queries the
  table and then loop through the names to do a count(names) query, but
  not sure if I can somehow do it in one query.
  Thanks in advance!
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Strange GREATEST() result in 5.0.32

2010-06-01 Thread Steven Staples
Hello all

I have a stored procedure that probably does a lot more than it should, but
it works fine on my test server (which is running 5.0.67).   When I moved it
over to the production server, (which is running 5.0.32 and I never thought
to check that the versions were the same before) it works almost perfectly.

The issue is when this runs:

The value is '2010-05-21 20:26:18' and not '2010-05-26 21:49:51' even though
it is greater.

Both of these variables are declared in the top of the procedure:

When I put this in, to see the values of the variables, I get the right

---  ---
2010-05-26 21:49:51  2010-05-21 20:26:18

So if I ran this from the command line:
SELECT GREATEST('2010-05-26 21:49:51', '2010-05-21 20:26:18');

I get:
2010-05-26 21:49:51

So it works perfectly fine when it runs outside of the stored procedure, but
inside the procedure, it returns the wrong date :(

Is there something I am doing wrong?   I can't seem to see anything wrong.
Also, upgrading from 5.0.32 would require upgrading both the master and
slave, and right now, that is not a good idea (we are discussing it though)

Steven Staples

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RE: Using RAND to get a unique ID that has not been used yet

2010-05-28 Thread Steven Staples
If you wanted to use/go that route, then why not select a random limit 1
from that table, and then delete that row?

SELECT `column` FROM `table` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;

On a side note, I would use the auto-inc field still, and store this number
in another field.

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Lyons []
 Sent: May 28, 2010 11:49 AM
 To: Andre Matos
 Subject: Re: Using RAND to get a unique ID that has not been used yet
 If your specs are that specific (IDs must be between 1 and 99)
 then you could create a 99-row table with one integer column and
 prefill it with the numbers 1 to 99 in random order.
 Then you could write a function that would select and return the first
 number in the table, then delete that record so you would not reuse
 Once you've done the work of sorting 99 numbers in random order
 (which can be done anywhich way) it's easy and you don't have to loop
 an indeterminant number of times.  You would be looping an increasing
 number of times as you begin to fill up the table.
 On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Andre Matos
  Hi All,
  I have a table that uses auto_increment to generate the Id automatically
 working fine. However, I need to create a new table where the Id must be a
 number generated randomly, so I cannot use the auto_increment.
  MySQL has a function RAND. So I could use something like this:
  SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * COUNT(*)) AS RandId FROM mytable
  But, let's suppose that the RandId is a number that was already used in
 the table. Then I need to run the SELECT again and again until I find a
 number that hasn't been used.
  Is there a way to have this SELECT to loop until it finds a number that
 hasn't been used?
  The RandId must be only numbers and length of 6 (from 1 to 99). No
 other character is allowed.
  Thanks for any help!
  Andre Matos
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RE: Obtain week number between years

2010-04-29 Thread Steven Staples
You could also try it this way, and then in the application, you can find
out what the dates are, that they are between.

SELECT YEARWEEK(`datefield`) AS 'week', 
COUNT(`visits`) AS 'visits'
FROM `mytable` WHERE YEAR(`datefield`) = '2009'
GROUP BY YEARWEEK(`datefield`);

(this was just taken off the top of my head, but it should give something
that you're looking for... hopefully ;) )

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Baron Schwartz
 Sent: April 29, 2010 8:34 AM
 To: MySql
 Subject: Re: Obtain week number between years
 I would start with something like this, assuming the date column is
 called d:
 SELECT count, or sum, or whatever aggregate function
 FROM table
 - Baron
 On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Tompkins Neil wrote:
  We need to produce a query to return the total number of user visits
  two date ranges that span over two year e.g from 2009-04-29 to 2010-
  My question is how can I compute the totals for each week within a
 query ?
  for example
  2009-04-29 to 2009-05-06   100 visits
  2009-05-07 to 2009-05-14   250 visits etc
 Baron Schwartz
 Percona Inc
 Consulting, Training, Support  Services for MySQL
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RE: Join syntax problem

2010-04-27 Thread Steven Staples
As Tom Worster said, print($query); would show you what the query was trying
to run.

Without testing it, you also have some other whitespace issues between the
hw.wildlife and FROM, and also, i m unsure of the asterix infront of the

On another note, when I do my JOINs, I tend to write ON
(table1.field=jointable.field) rather than just ON (field).

And on a final thought, the where cause, seems to be the join clause as
well, so isn't that redundant? (or is would that only be in the way that i
said i do my joins?)

| Steven Staples |
| I may be wrong, but at least I tried...|

 -Original Message-
 From: Gary []
 Sent: April 26, 2010 10:29 PM
 Subject: Re: Join syntax problem
 Thanks for the replies.  It was my understanding that whitespace is
 and I did not think that not having space, in particular with . would
 result in an error message.
 Gary wrote in message
 I cant seem to get this working.
  $query=SELECT im.image_id, im.caption, im.where_taken,
  im.image_file, im.submitted,, kw.wolves, kw.wildlife,
  kw.scenic, kw.birds,, kw.eagles, kw.hunter .
  FROM *images AS im.JOIN keywords AS kw USING (image_id) .
  WHERE ky.image_id = im.image_id;
  Gets me this error message.
  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
 corresponds to
  your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'keywords
 AS kw
  USING (image_id)WHERE ky.image_id = im.image_id' at line 1
  Anyone see where I am going wrong?
  Thank you.
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RE: subquery multiple rows

2010-04-12 Thread Steven Staples
If i may add (and I am no expert), but just be careful of how much you're
group_concat does, as there is a group_concat_max_len value (you can
override it though).  I have run into this once, and couldn't figure out why
i wasn't getting all my data.

-- taken from the mysql site:

SET [GLOBAL | SESSION] group_concat_max_len = val;

Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: kalin m []
 Sent: April 7, 2010 12:59 PM
 To: Nathan Sullivan
 Subject: Re: subquery multiple rows
 yea..  almost. but it helped a lot. now i know about those functions
 too. thank you...
 Nathan Sullivan wrote:
  I think you want to do something like this:
  select prod, group_concat(category separator ', ')
  from products
  group by prod;
  Hope this helps.
  On Wed, Apr 07, 2010 at 08:37:04AM -0700, kalin m wrote:
  hi all...
  i have a bit of a problem with this:
  table products:
  prod  |  category |
  boots |  winter|
  boots | summer  |
  boots | spring |
  shoes | spring |
  shoes | winter|
  shoes | fall |
  shoes | summer  |
  when i do this:
select distinct prod as m, (select category from products where
  = m) as n from products;
  i get:
  ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
  i know that the subquery returns more than one rows. i hope so...
  what i'd like to see as result is:
  m | n |
  boots   |  winter, summer, spring  |
  shoes   |  spring, winter, fall , summer  |
  or at least:
  m | n  |
  boots   |  3  |
  shoes   |  4  |
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Table Length Question...

2010-03-30 Thread Steven Staples
Hi there,

I currently store some information about a users daily habits in a table.
The table has 4 fields per day, and another 4 fields as the keys.  This
table, depending on the month, can be from (4 keys + (28 days * 4 fields per
day)) fields, to (4 keys + (31 days * 4 fields per day)) fields long... 

The table layout is like such:
|name |id |id2 |type |d01f1 |d01f2 |d01f3 |d01f4 |d02f1 |d02f2 |.and so

Performance wise, would it be better to have it laid out in a manner such as
|name |id |id2 |type |day |f1 |f2 |f3 |f4 |
So that each row, contains a single days details, rather than have a single
row, contain the entire months details?

Also, when i would do a select, if i wanted say d02f1, would it load the
entire row first, and then just give me that field?
-Select `d02f01` from `mytable` where [where clause]
Or would it jsut load that field... 

Does these questions make sense?  (they do in my head)

Steven Staples

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MySQL Slave is almost 1 day behind

2010-03-26 Thread Steven Staples
Good day :)

We've had our master/slave server running for a while now, and just
yesterday, we started getting behind.
Not entirely sure what happened, but it is getting further and furhter

(master server)
mysql show master status\G
*** 1. row ***
File: mysql-bin.000280
Position: 58090245
Binlog_Do_DB: admin_server,baf,freeradius,radius
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

(slave server)
mysql show slave status\G
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_User: slave_user
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000280
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 55208258
 Relay_Log_File: backup-relay-bin.000530
  Relay_Log_Pos: 96663109
  Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000259
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: admin_server,baf,freeradius,radius
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 96662972
Relay_Log_Space: 2211376614
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 77473
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Now, we are logging the freeradius packets into mysql, and like I said, it
has been running fine, up until yesterday.   Any idea how the slave would
get this far behind, and not be generating any errors?

It is my understanding, that the slave only does update/insert/delete
queries, so even if there was a lot of select queries on the master, the
slave wouldn't see them.  We are not running any queries on the slave (it
was set up for backup purposes, so we could stop the slave and backup
completely), and we haven't done a backup on the slave in a couple of days
(yeah, i know... bad bad) so there is really no reason for this.

Can anyone help/assist/point me in the right direction to figure out how to
catch the slave back up to the master?  The master is not being overloaded,
it is keeping up no problem, and the backup server is 8x the server than the
application server, so it shoulnd't even be an i/o or cpu issue.

Please help! :)

Thanks in advance
Steven Staples

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RE: Master/Slave - trucate master table

2010-03-08 Thread Steven Staples
I don't have the error anymore, but the slave will start, but when you show
slave status, it shows that there is a failure, and the failure was, a
duplicate primary key.

What i did to fix/bandaid it, was i truncated the table on the slave, and
restarted the slave again... then i did a delete on the master, where ID 

Steven Staples

-Original Message-
From: Johnny Withers [] 
Sent: March 5, 2010 1:11 PM
To: Steven Staples
Subject: Re: Master/Slave - trucate master table

Does START SLAVE fail?

If so, what is the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS?


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Steven Staples wrote:

 Good day everyone...

 I am working with a master/slave set up, and of course, we started it once
 the database tables were a combined size of 60gb+

 We've got it running and in sync now, (stopped the master, deleted the bin
 files, rsync'd the database tables and restarted the master) and all has
 been fine for the last week... until today.

 We stopped the mysql process on the slave, and did a backup (due to size,
 just rsync and backup the rsync) of the table files.  Took about 40
 to do (still not sure why it was that long, but anyway), and then we
 restarted the slave mysql.  We're getting an error now.  Apparently one of
 the tables is out of sync now?   What appears to have happened, is that
 the slave was down, i truncated a table on the master.

 I've read that this sometimes causes errors, is this a bug? Or a is there
 something I should do differently?

 Steven Staples

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RE: Master/Slave - trucate master table

2010-03-08 Thread Steven Staples
Technically, shouldn't the slave be able to shutdown and then catch back
What if the slave lost power and shut down... and when the power came back,
shouldn't the slave restart, get the bin logs, and catchup?

From now on, I wont truncate any tables, i will just delete from the table
where the ID   and then reset the ID to 0 or 1... and then delete
everything from  and beyond

I was just wondering if this was a bug, or if there was something wrong with
what I did?

Steven Staples

-Original Message-
From: Ananda Kumar [] 
Sent: March 8, 2010 11:45 AM
To: Steven Staples
Cc: Johnny Withers;
Subject: Re: Master/Slave - trucate master table

did u stop the slave process before stopping mysql on slave.
Did u do the below before stopping the mysql on slave?
slave stop;
show slave status\G;


On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Steven Staples wrote:

 I don't have the error anymore, but the slave will start, but when you
 slave status, it shows that there is a failure, and the failure was, a
 duplicate primary key.

 What i did to fix/bandaid it, was i truncated the table on the slave, and
 restarted the slave again... then i did a delete on the master, where ID 

 Steven Staples

 -Original Message-
 From: Johnny Withers []
 Sent: March 5, 2010 1:11 PM
 To: Steven Staples
 Subject: Re: Master/Slave - trucate master table

 Does START SLAVE fail?

 If so, what is the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS?


 On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Steven Staples wrote:

  Good day everyone...
  I am working with a master/slave set up, and of course, we started it
  the database tables were a combined size of 60gb+
  We've got it running and in sync now, (stopped the master, deleted the
  files, rsync'd the database tables and restarted the master) and all has
  been fine for the last week... until today.
  We stopped the mysql process on the slave, and did a backup (due to
  just rsync and backup the rsync) of the table files.  Took about 40
  to do (still not sure why it was that long, but anyway), and then we
  restarted the slave mysql.  We're getting an error now.  Apparently one
  the tables is out of sync now?   What appears to have happened, is that
  the slave was down, i truncated a table on the master.
  I've read that this sometimes causes errors, is this a bug? Or a is
  something I should do differently?
  Steven Staples
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 Johnny Withers

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Master/Slave - trucate master table

2010-03-05 Thread Steven Staples
Good day everyone...

I am working with a master/slave set up, and of course, we started it once
the database tables were a combined size of 60gb+

We've got it running and in sync now, (stopped the master, deleted the bin
files, rsync'd the database tables and restarted the master) and all has
been fine for the last week... until today.

We stopped the mysql process on the slave, and did a backup (due to size, we
just rsync and backup the rsync) of the table files.  Took about 40 minutes
to do (still not sure why it was that long, but anyway), and then we
restarted the slave mysql.  We're getting an error now.  Apparently one of
the tables is out of sync now?   What appears to have happened, is that when
the slave was down, i truncated a table on the master.

I've read that this sometimes causes errors, is this a bug? Or a is there
something I should do differently?

Steven Staples

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declare multiple 'Definer'

2010-02-22 Thread Steven Staples
Good morning!

I have been struggleing with creating a store procedure, that will allow 2

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RE: declare multiple 'Definer'

2010-02-22 Thread Steven Staples
Well... let me finish... LOL  (hit send some how...)

I want to be able to have 2 different users access to a stored procedure...

I've tried multiple ways to write it, and none of them seem to work.  Does
anyone here know how to do this?

CREATE (definer=`use...@`%`, definer=`sstapl...@`localhost`) PROCEDURE
CREATE definer=`use...@`%` OR definer=`sstapl...@`localhost` PROCEDURE
CREATE definer=`use...@`%` definer=`sstapl...@`localhost` PROCEDURE

I can't think how it would be possible?   Or is it?


-Original Message-
From: Steven Staples [] 
Sent: February 22, 2010 8:42 AM
Subject: declare multiple 'Definer'

Good morning!

I have been struggleing with creating a store procedure, that will allow 2

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sql file system + optimization

2009-12-15 Thread Steven Staples
Ok... in the file system, my MySQL files are located in /var/lib/mysql/
I have a database (lets say 'test') so it gets its own directory
Now, all the tables go in this folder. (I know, we *should* all know

if the database is on another disk, could it increase performance if this
was a large database? If so, could I just 
symlink the test/ directory to another raid array to increase performance?
Or would the increase be negligible?

Steven Staples

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RE: Join Statement

2009-12-14 Thread Steven Staples

As far as I can see... change the '-' to '='.

-- fixed query --
, Quantity
, Name
, Price
, p.sizes
, p.colorsShadesNumbersShort
tem126080739853 t JOIN products p ON
t.ProdID = p.ID
-- end --

I didn't run this, or try to replicate it, it was just my observation on the

Steven Staples

-Original Message-
From: Victor Subervi [] 
Sent: December 14, 2009 11:26 AM
Subject: Join Statement

I have the following:

mysql select SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, p.sizes,
p.colorsShadesNumbersShort from tem126080739853 t join products p on
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from tem126080739853;
| ID | ProdID | Quantity | sizes   | colorsShadesNumbersShort |
|  1 |  2 |2 | Extra-small | navy-blue:CC7722 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql select SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, p.sizes,
p.colorsShadesNumbersShort from tem126080739853 t join products p on
Empty set (0.03 sec)

mysql select SKU, Quantity, Name, Price, t.sizes,
t.colorsShadesNumbersShort from tem126080739853 t join products p on
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql select ID, SKU, Name, Price from products;
| ID | SKU  | Name  | Price  |
|  2 | prodSKU1 | name1 | 555.22 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So I'm at a loss as to why the above select join statement fails. Please

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RE: Stored Proc's

2009-12-11 Thread Steven Staples
They are actual IP's, not domain names.

So it would be like `us...@`` and `us...@``... so
how would I go about putting that in the definer?   Currently, i have this:

USE `tablename`$$
CREATE definer=`us...@`` PROCEDURE `tablename`(... etc etc

Sorry if this is sounding dumb, I've only just started using stored procs
(and i love them), and i have only seen examples with 1 user, or wildcarding
the domain.  I would also like to know how to do it for any/all users (but
that is not what I am needing now)

Steven Staples

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dykman [] 
Sent: December 11, 2009 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: Stored Proc's

of course.  you can have entries

the only caveat is to make sure the reverse lookup of your client
hosts works as expected as those are the names that mysql will apply
at authentication time.

 - mkichael dykman

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Steve Staples wrote:
 Silly question here...

 But can I have multiple definers for a stored proc, rather than allowing
 `us...@`%`?   basically, I want to only allow 1 user name, but from only 2
 or 3 IP's.

 My Googleing didn't turn up anything of use, so now, I am here asking :)

 Thanks in advance!

 Steve Staples.

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 - michael dykman

May you live every day of your life.
Jonathan Swift

Larry's First Law of Language Redesign: Everyone wants the colon.

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Select from remote server from stored procedure

2009-12-09 Thread Steven Staples
Ok, I feel silly for asking this, but I am going to do it anyway.

I have a huge stored procedure that does quite a bit of logic, and
gathering/splitting of data.   I currently have our customer database on one
server, and our logging on another.  What i need to do, is to pull the
customer id from the other server, so that the logs are tied back to the

Is this possible to do?  To make a connection, inside the stored procedure
to a completely different machine and access the mysql there?

Does my question make sense?   Currently what I am doing, is every new
customer that gets created, my php app adds the username/customerid to that
server, then makes a connection to the logging server and creates the same
record, same with deleting and updating... but there just has to be a
simpler way :)

Thanks in advance.

Steven Staples

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RE: Select from remote server from stored procedure

2009-12-09 Thread Steven Staples
So what I am reading, I guess it would be safer to just do it how I am
currently doing it, as it really isn't that slow... it's just duplicating
the data elsewhere (I suppose maybe making this a slave table to the other
server... nah... lots of work there :P)

Thanks, and I did search it before, but I guess my searching keywords were
insufficient ;)

Steven Staples

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: December 9, 2009 2:07 PM
To: Johan De Meersman
Cc: Neil Aggarwal; Steven Staples;
Subject: Re: Select from remote server from stored procedure

Hello Johan,

On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:

 Posted this before, but beware: federated tables do NOT use indices.  
 select is a full table scan, and if you're talking about a logging  
 that could become very expensive very fast.

This is not entirely true.  If you define an index on the local  
federated table, and it makes sense to use it, then a remote WHERE  
clause will be passed through and hence use the remote index.  Not all  
types of index accesses can be passed through such as this, however  
for a single row lookup on a primary key, it should be fine.

It is still not as fast as local access, but it's not as bad as always  
doing a full table scan remotely.

 On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Neil Aggarwal  

 Is this possible to do?  To make a connection, inside the
 stored procedure
 to a completely different machine and access the mysql there?

 The only way I know to access tables from different servers
 from a single connection is federated tables:

 Once you do that, you are accessing it like a local table.

 I hope this helps.



Harrison C. Fisk, MySQL Staff Support Engineer
MySQL @ Sun Microsystems, Inc.,

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