Weird problem for TIMESTAMP feild

2004-07-26 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Hi All,
I am getting very weired problem after shifting our server. here is the 

I have a table with two columns
   1-TimeStamp timestamp(14)
   2- SID bigint(20)
when inserting  _INSERT INTO _/_TABLENAME values (1258975462,125987)_ 
results in /_INSERT INTO _/_TABLENAME values (00,125987)_
Timestamp entry gets zeros.

Any idea? whats happening

stuck with simple query..... Plz have a look

2004-04-07 Thread Tariq Murtaza
We have two tables

ID |Name

1   |name1
2   |name2
3   |name3
4   |name4
PL  |  PC   |PA| Description
1|  2   |  4| Some description 
for Project 1
2|  3   |  1| Some description 
for Project 2
1|  2   |  4| Some description 
for Project 3
4|  1   |  3| Some description 
for Project 4
3|  1   |  4| Some description 
for Project 5
2|  3   |  1| Some description 
for Project 6

I need the output like..

PL-Name|  PC-Name| PA-Name
name1 | name2   |name4
name2 | name3   |name1
name1 | name2   |name4
name4 | name1   |name3
name3 | name1   |name4
name2 | name3   |name1

Please guide me how can i achieve this kind of result set.

Guru's advice needed ........[Security: SQL injection]

2004-03-18 Thread Tariq Murtaza
*Dear Friends!*

Can someone shed some light  on how SQL injection attack occurs when 
*magic_quotes_gpc *isON and how it prevents when its OFF. To my 
understanding  apostrophise are escaped automatically in POST/GET/COOKIE 
when its ON, so how it tends towards SQL Injection.

Someone suggested to keep magic_quotes_qpc OFF through .htaccess file 
and use following line of codes to prevent attacks at start of the file...

* Checks for magic_quotes_gpc = On and strips them from incoming
* requests if necessary
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
 $_GET= array_map('stripslashes', $_GET);
 $_POST   = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST);
 $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes', $_COOKIE);
But unfortunately it does not work for nested POST requests. do anyone 
have better idea?
Secondly why we have to stripslashes while DB (mysql for example) is 
doing it for us on execution and another question arises doesn't it 
prevent from SQL injection attack when apostrophise are escaped in query.

*What is the best practices handling 'quotation marks'  in input string 
and how to prevent SQL injection.

*Looking forward for some advice from panel of experts on forum.
Thanks and have a nice day!*

Best practices for sharing members database between different portals

2003-12-09 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Dear All,

Please comment on Best Practices for sharing members database between 
different portals.

Suppose we have 3 portals running on different networks.
Assignment is to make a single Login/Pass for all portals, means once 
LogedIn in one of the portal, could able to access the other portals 
without loging In.
Constraints are, every portal have different Database structure and also 
have different Global / Session variables.

Please share your experience and which approach is the best practice.



Re: How much user LOAD can Mysql bear???

2003-09-03 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Thanks Fortuno, Adam

Actually, I was thinking about concurrent users that mysql can handle, 
provided with reasonable hardware.
Looking for comments / suggestions.



Fortuno, Adam wrote:


Check the list's history - this is actually a frequent question. The answer
everyone is about to give you is generic. MySQL's ability is havily based
on the hardware and OS it runs on. Therefore, a multi-processor machine with
lots of memory can handle more than a single processor workstation with 256
MB of RAM. The faster the machine the faster MySQL... etc.
Be more specific, whats the hardware and software. How much information are
you storing in the DB? Any replication?
-Original Message-
From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: How much user LOAD can Mysql bear???
Hi All!

How much user LOAD can Mysql bear before die.



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How much user LOAD can Mysql bear???

2003-09-02 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Hi All!

How much user LOAD can Mysql bear before die.



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Unicode support?

2003-04-02 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Dear All
Hope you are all fine and doing well.
I would  like to know the status of unicode support for mysql.
I will appreciate if someone share his/her experience regarding data 
manipulation in unicode on mysql.

Best Regards,

Tariq Murtaza

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Select and Sort?

2002-12-10 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Hi All,

I am wondering how to do that.
Suppose we have data like this below

ID	Category
1	Software Engg	
2	Engg
62	Commerce
87	Ecommerce
45	physics
95	chemistry
6	biochemistry
7	math
5	Others

I want to achieve recordset like below (sorting category by Name and 
including 'Others' at the end),
I want to do that by single query ;), any idea???

ID	Category

6	biochemistry
62	Commerce
95	chemistry
2	Engg
87	Ecommerce
7	math
45	physics
1	Software Engg	
5	Others

Looking forward,

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Re: Select and Sort?

2002-12-10 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Thanks for help.
here is another solution for that...

SELECT if (Category = 'others', '999', 0) as priority, ID, Category FROM 
ORDER BY priority, Category


Fred van Engen wrote:
On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 03:32:13PM +0500, Tariq Murtaza wrote:

I want to achieve recordset like below (sorting category by Name and 
including 'Others' at the end),
I want to do that by single query ;), any idea???

ID	Category

6	biochemistry
62	Commerce
95	chemistry
2	Engg
87	Ecommerce
7	math
45	physics
1	Software Engg	
5	Others

Try something like this:

SELECT id, category from mytable order by concat(if(id=5,'B','A'),category);

Only problem is that it won't optimize, so use this on small tables only.



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