Unable to connect to foreign data source

2014-03-31 Thread asd asdf
I had a problem why trying Federated Engine.
Creating tables generate no problems but trying inserting raise an error as
Error 1429 (HY000): Unable to connect to a foreign data source: Can't
connect to MySQL server on '' (111).

My OS is newly install with no firewall restriction on the system.
And I'm using 'root' user with all privileges.
I can't seem to find a solution at any sites.

Anyone with suggestion for this problems?

The problem could be recreated as the code below.

drop table if exists test001 ;
create table test001 (
   xx bigint(20) unsigned

drop table if exists test001FE ;
create table test001FE (
   xx bigint(20) unsigned
CONNECTION =  'mysql://root:root@';

insert into test001FE(xx) values (12);

RE: Unable to connect to foreign data source

2014-03-31 Thread Bob Eby
 CONNECTION =  'mysql://root:root@*stripped*:3306/Prelude_copy/test001';

Should be more like:

CONNECTION = 'mysql://root:stripped_password@localhost/penrepository/test001';

Just seems word if you're showing us your password is root but not host...
I ran your example just fine against localhost on MySQL 5.6 Win7-64bit.
