[Nagios-users-br] Monitorando o PepLink

2009-06-19 Thread Enio Herenio de Alcântara
Pessoal alguem tem algum plugin snmp para monitorar o PepLink pelo nagios.



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Nagios-users-br@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list
Wiki: http://nagios-br.sf.net/wiki

Re: [Nagios-users-br] NagiosQL

2009-06-19 Thread Jose Oliveira
Olá a todos

Mudei o assunto da mensagem para o real assunto do momento.

Depois de alguma análise, desfiz as alterações que fiz, na tentativa de
fazer o HTML_Template_IT funcionar e a coisa fuiu bem.

Encontrei ainda uma dica no vivaolinux sobre permissões para o mesmo, que
ajudou bastante:

Só tem duas coisas que não estão funcionando:
Dentro do tools, nagios control, botões check configuration files e
restart nagios.
Com certeza é alguma jogada entre o usuário do nagios (nagios) e o do apache
Sei que não é muito importante estes botões, mas gostaria que eles

2009/6/18 Jose Oliveira jotag...@gmail.com


 Estamos melhorando

 Consegui instalar o HTML_Template_IT .

 Posso vê-lo com pearl list
 [r...@csubhtst12 nagios]# pear list
 Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
 Package  Version State
 Archive_Tar  1.3.1   stable
 Console_Getopt   1.2 stable
 HTML_Template_IT 1.3.0a1 alpha
 PEAR 1.4.9   stable
 XML_RPC  1.5.0   stable

 Restartei o httpd mas o NagiosQL não acha o danado...

 Mais alguma ideia?

 2009/6/18  benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br:

  Também apanhei para instalar o bichinho.
  Faça o seguinte:
  Verifique se o pacote php-pear  está instalado no sistema:
  #aptitude search pear
  Senão estiver instalado:
  #aptitude install php-pear
  Após isso, numa estação que tem acesso à internet (pode ser no Ruindows
 mesmo), faça download do pacote HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz ou similar (tem
 uns posteriores, mas me parece que esse é o último estável). Peguei lá em
  Transfira o pacote para para o Linux e descompacte num diretório
 temporário (ex: /tmp).
  #cd /tmp
  #gzip -d HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz
  Vai criar um arquivo único chamado HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1 e deletar
 automaticamente o .gz
  Ainda no diretório /tmp, execute:
  #pear install HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1
  Pronto. É prá funcionar.
  Eu fiz um teste aqui e desinstalei o pacote. Resultado: a página de login
 do NagiosQL fica em branco. heheheh :P.
  Instalei de novo conforme acima e voltou na boa.
  Eu aconselho usar o NagiosQL. É uma mão na roda.
  E já tem a tradução lá feita por nós. hehehe
  Dê retorno prá ver se funcionou ou senão, prá gente tentar ajudar..
  -Mensagem original-
  De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com]
  Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 16:04
  Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
  Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Centreon
  O caso do Centreon e do nagiosql é que eles são em php...  O pessoal do
 php faz uma jogada bacana entre labels de desenvolvedor e acesso a um
 arquivo de tradução em tempo de execução, de maneira que fica facil
 traduzir. É só alguém pegar uma tradução estável e alterar para uma lingua
 nova. Como os cgi´s com Nagios são em C, é muito mais dificil... Tinha um
 projeto do Ethan de migrar para PHP na versão 3, mas ele deve ter
 desistido... Muito provavelmente porque teria que jogar tudo o que está
 feito em C fora...
  Aproveitando a carona da carona, quero perguntar uma coisa sobre o
  Estou apanhando deste carinha porque ele quer um tal de HTML_Template_IT
 support (pear module) Como o servidor não acessa a internet eu não posso dar
 o simples comando # pear install HTML_Template_IT
  Voce tem alguma ideia de como habilitar este trem?
  2009/6/18 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br
  Falando nisso, estive pensando:
  Sem menosprezar o Centreon, que é um software de primeiríssima
 qualidade, que melhora em muito a organização do Nagios, será que existe
 algum projeto em andamento para tradução do próprio Nagios, para pt_BR?
  Por exemplo, o NagiosQL, um front-end para administração do Nagios
 (criação de hosts, serviços, etc via web, que dispensa a edição manual dos
 arquivos .cfg) (vide site e documentação em http://nagiosql.org/) tem um
 esquema para tradução na linguagem que se quiser. E o próprio desenvolvedor
 disponibiliza um arquivo com extensão .po para a comunidade traduzir nas
 diversas líguas. Esse arquivo depois é compilado para extensão .mo e é só vc
 colocar no diretório do NagiosQL que ele traduz todo o sistema. Eu, por
 exemplo, colaborei com a tradução para pt_BR e o desenvolvedor (um cara
 alemão) vai incluir na próxima versão. Inclusive, no setup do sistema, você
 já escolhe a linguagem que quer utilizar, facilitando a instalação.
  Isso posto, eu pergunto: alguém conhece algum projeto ou esquema que
 faça essa tradução?
  Eu aqui, utilizei o método luzitano (heheheh) e traduzi quase por
 completo a versão 3.0 do Nagios. Mas dá um trampo danado, pois tem que abrir
 os arquivos CGI, traduzir e recompilar o Nagios. E tem a inconveniência
 também que qualquer upgrade de versão, você tem que traduzir tudo 

[Nagios-users-br] RES: NagiosQL

2009-06-19 Thread benedito.ramos

Também utilizei o tutorial citado para instalar o NagiosQL. Ajudou bastante 
quanto às permissões.
Seguinte: esse proplema de não restartar o nagios é também devido as permissões.
O comando responsável pelo restart é o nagios.cmd, que no meu caso está em 
Você tem que mudar as permissões dele, para permitir que o usuário do apache 
(no meu caso é o www-data) execute o comando.
Deixei assim o arquivo nagios.cmd:
Proprietário: gisutcp (usuário do nagios)
Grupo: www-data (apache)
Permissões: 0660
Ou seja, você tem que dar permissão de escrita para o usuário do apache nesse 
arquivo aí.
Vê se funciona.
E depois, se quiser, te passo o esquema para instalar os arquivos que traduzem 
por completo o sistema.


-Mensagem original-
De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] 
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009 09:53
Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] NagiosQL

Olá a todos

Mudei o assunto da mensagem para o real assunto do momento.

Depois de alguma análise, desfiz as alterações que fiz, na tentativa de fazer o 
HTML_Template_IT funcionar e a coisa fuiu bem.

Encontrei ainda uma dica no vivaolinux sobre permissões para o mesmo, que 
ajudou bastante:

Só tem duas coisas que não estão funcionando:
Dentro do tools, nagios control, botões check configuration files e restart 
Com certeza é alguma jogada entre o usuário do nagios (nagios) e o do apache 
Sei que não é muito importante estes botões, mas gostaria que eles 

2009/6/18 Jose Oliveira jotag...@gmail.com


 Estamos melhorando

 Consegui instalar o HTML_Template_IT .

 Posso vê-lo com pearl list
 [r...@csubhtst12 nagios]# pear list
 Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
 Package  Version State
 Archive_Tar  1.3.1   stable
 Console_Getopt   1.2 stable
 HTML_Template_IT 1.3.0a1 alpha
 PEAR 1.4.9   stable
 XML_RPC  1.5.0   stable

 Restartei o httpd mas o NagiosQL não acha o danado...

 Mais alguma ideia?

 2009/6/18  benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br:

  Também apanhei para instalar o bichinho.
  Faça o seguinte:
  Verifique se o pacote php-pear  está instalado no sistema:
  #aptitude search pear
  Senão estiver instalado:
  #aptitude install php-pear
  Após isso, numa estação que tem acesso à internet (pode ser no 
 mesmo), faça download do pacote HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz ou similar 
 (tem uns posteriores, mas me parece que esse é o último estável). 
 Peguei lá em
  Transfira o pacote para para o Linux e descompacte num diretório
 temporário (ex: /tmp).
  #cd /tmp
  #gzip -d HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz
  Vai criar um arquivo único chamado HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1 e deletar
 automaticamente o .gz
  Ainda no diretório /tmp, execute:
  #pear install HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1 Pronto. É prá funcionar.
  Eu fiz um teste aqui e desinstalei o pacote. Resultado: a página de 
 do NagiosQL fica em branco. heheheh :P.
  Instalei de novo conforme acima e voltou na boa.
  Eu aconselho usar o NagiosQL. É uma mão na roda.
  E já tem a tradução lá feita por nós. hehehe
  Dê retorno prá ver se funcionou ou senão, prá gente tentar ajudar..
  -Mensagem original-
  De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] Enviada em: 
  quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 16:04
  Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
  Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Centreon
  O caso do Centreon e do nagiosql é que eles são em php...  O pessoal 
 php faz uma jogada bacana entre labels de desenvolvedor e acesso a um 
 arquivo de tradução em tempo de execução, de maneira que fica facil 
 traduzir. É só alguém pegar uma tradução estável e alterar para uma 
 lingua nova. Como os cgi´s com Nagios são em C, é muito mais 
 dificil... Tinha um projeto do Ethan de migrar para PHP na versão 3, 
 mas ele deve ter desistido... Muito provavelmente porque teria que 
 jogar tudo o que está feito em C fora...
  Aproveitando a carona da carona, quero perguntar uma coisa sobre o
  Estou apanhando deste carinha porque ele quer um tal de 
 support (pear module) Como o servidor não acessa a internet eu não 
 posso dar o simples comando # pear install HTML_Template_IT
  Voce tem alguma ideia de como habilitar este trem?
  2009/6/18 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br
  Falando nisso, estive pensando:
  Sem menosprezar o Centreon, que é um software de primeiríssima
 qualidade, que melhora em muito a organização do Nagios, será que 
 existe algum projeto em andamento para tradução do próprio Nagios, para pt_BR?
  Por exemplo, o NagiosQL, um front-end para administração do Nagios
 (criação de hosts, serviços, etc via 

Re: [Nagios-users-br] Ndoutils e problemas de performance

2009-06-19 Thread Leonardo Neves
O negocio eh ir para um opsview, op5, icinga, zabbix, pandora, zenoss, etc.
Nagios ultimamente nao tem evolido tanto quanto deveria. A tranqueira e
mudar todo o ambiente ja montado, alem dos 4000 services, tenho alguns
scripts feitos em casa, tem uns que ateh chamam cobol.
Alguem esta utilizando o icinga em produçao? ta valendo a pena?

Leonardo Neves Bernardo
Linux/Unix Specialist
LPIC3 (core+mixed environment+security) + RHCT

2009/6/18 Marcel mits...@gmail.com

 o ndoutils é beta há uns 4 anos. ele não vai ser atualizado enquanto
 existirem empresas pagando o Ethan para não fazê-lo. Essas empresas,
 preferem ter seus produtos baseados no nagios vendidos do que retornarem os
 patches para a comunidade.

 por isso que forkaram o nagios (eu acho).

 assim, o ndo2fs é não é blocante ao nagios porque ele não espera retorno do
 filesystem indicando que o arquivo foi gravado. Mas o design do NEB é
 blocante sim, ele precisa que o mod retorne para a continuidade da execução
 do nagios. por isso que se o banco atrasa o mod atrasa e o nagios atrasa.
 Por ser um arquivo, não tem que esperar retorno. Então é rápido mesmo.


 2009/6/9 Leonardo Neves leonardo.ne...@gmail.com

  Cristiano e Marcel,
  Achei a soluçao para o problema. O ambiente comum eh assim:
  nagios - ndo2db (- mysql) - nagvis
  Instalei o ndo2fs no meio do caminho, ficando assim:
  nagios - ndo2fs - ndo2db (- mysql) - nagvis
  O ndo2fs nao eh bloqueante e dessa forma o nagios nao fica lento. Nos
  testes com o ndo2fs o nagios ficou 5x mais rapido.
  Com o nagvis 1.4 tambem eh possivel acessar o ndo2fs diretamente e deve
  mais rapido ainda, mas nao testei.
  Meu sentimento eh que o ndo2db foi muito mal feito, ainda bem que ja
  criando e usando alternativas :(
  Leonardo Neves Bernardo
  Linux/Unix Specialist
  LPIC3 (core+mixed environment+security) + RHCT
  2009/5/18 Leonardo Neves leonardo.ne...@gmail.com
   Eu acho que algum dos patches do nagios, disponibilizados pelo pessoal
   opsview, deve resolver o problema:
   Ainda nao tive tempo para testar.
   Leonardo Neves Bernardo
   Linux/Unix Specialist
   LPIC3 (core+mixed environment+security) + RHCT
   2009/5/15 Marcel mits...@gmail.com
   amigos, o ndo2db + ndomod são blocantes ao nagios (o nagios espera o
   do mod, e se o banco demora, o mod demora e o nagios demora), tentem
   desacoplar o input ao banco de dados. sei que pode ser feito, mas
   diz como. ;)
   2009/5/12 Leonardo Neves leonardo.ne...@gmail.com
Tenho um ambiente bem parecido, atualmente sao 4300 services e os
problemas de performance acontecem com o ndoutil. Pelo que li, ele
eh sequencial. Quando eh necessario um reload o nagios ainda tem que
atualizar todos os dados no mysql antes do nagvis ficar disponivel.
Pelo jeito a solucao eh esperar uma alternativa ao ndoutil ou uma
do mesmo.
A unica coisa que fiz e que voce nao fez ainda eh agendar manutencao
no bd:
echo USE $db; DELETE FROM nagios_servicechecks WHERE start_time =
INTERVAL 1 DAY) | mysql $MYSQL_LOGIN /dev/null
echo USE $db; DELETE FROM nagios_hostchecks WHERE start_time =
INTERVAL 1 DAY) | mysql $MYSQL_LOGIN /dev/null
for db in $(echo SHOW DATABASES; | mysql $MYSQL_LOGIN | grep -v -e
Database -e information_schema -e test)
   TABLES=$(echo USE $db; SHOW TABLES; | mysql $MYSQL_LOGIN |
-v Tables_in_)
   echo Switching to database $db
   for table in $TABLES
   echo -n  * Optimizing table $table ... 
   echo USE $db; OPTIMIZE TABLE $table | mysql
   echo done.
As tabelas nagios_servicechecks e nagios_hostchecks sao apenas de
e os dados antigos podem ser deletados ja que os logs ja tem a
Se voce teve algum progresso, favor nos reportar.
Leonardo Neves Bernardo
Linux/Unix Specialist
LPIC3 (core+mixed environment+security) + RHCT
2009/5/7 Cristiano Casado co.cas...@gmail.com
 Olá a todos.

 Estou utilizando em ambiente de laboratório o Nagios 3.0.6 com
 1.4b7 e MySQL 5.0 em uma máquina Linux CentOS 5.2 (2.6.18) x64 com
 processador Intel Xeon 2.50GHz.
 Optei em utilizar o ndoutils para manter informacoes históricas de
 banco de dados (tables nagios_servicechecks e nagios_hostcheks),
 utilizar o NagVis para representacao gráfica das minhas redes.

 Os testes funcionais 

[Nagios-users-br] RES: RES: Centreon

2009-06-19 Thread benedito.ramos

Não entendi.
O NagiosQL não acha o que?


-Mensagem original-
De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] 
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 18:16
Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: Centreon


Estamos melhorando

Consegui instalar o HTML_Template_IT .

Posso vê-lo com pearl list
[r...@csubhtst12 nagios]# pear list
Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package  Version State
Archive_Tar  1.3.1   stable
Console_Getopt   1.2 stable
HTML_Template_IT 1.3.0a1 alpha
PEAR 1.4.9   stable
XML_RPC  1.5.0   stable

Restartei o httpd mas o NagiosQL não acha o danado...

Mais alguma ideia?

2009/6/18  benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br:

 Também apanhei para instalar o bichinho.
 Faça o seguinte:
 Verifique se o pacote php-pear  está instalado no sistema:
 #aptitude search pear
 Senão estiver instalado:
 #aptitude install php-pear
 Após isso, numa estação que tem acesso à internet (pode ser no 
mesmo), faça download do pacote HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz ou similar (tem uns 
posteriores, mas me parece que esse é o último estável). Peguei lá em
 Transfira o pacote para para o Linux e descompacte num diretório
temporário (ex: /tmp).
 #cd /tmp
 #gzip -d HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz
 Vai criar um arquivo único chamado HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1 e deletar
automaticamente o .gz
 Ainda no diretório /tmp, execute:
 #pear install HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1
 Pronto. É prá funcionar.
 Eu fiz um teste aqui e desinstalei o pacote. Resultado: a página de 
do NagiosQL fica em branco. heheheh :P.
 Instalei de novo conforme acima e voltou na boa.
 Eu aconselho usar o NagiosQL. É uma mão na roda.
 E já tem a tradução lá feita por nós. hehehe

 Dê retorno prá ver se funcionou ou senão, prá gente tentar ajudar..


 -Mensagem original-
 De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] Enviada em: 
 quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 16:04
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Centreon


 O caso do Centreon e do nagiosql é que eles são em php...  O pessoal 
php faz uma jogada bacana entre labels de desenvolvedor e acesso a um arquivo 
de tradução em tempo de execução, de maneira que fica facil traduzir. É só 
alguém pegar uma tradução estável e alterar para uma lingua nova. Como os cgi´s 
com Nagios são em C, é muito mais dificil... Tinha um projeto do Ethan de 
migrar para PHP na versão 3, mas ele deve ter desistido... Muito provavelmente 
porque teria que jogar tudo o que está feito em C fora...

 Aproveitando a carona da carona, quero perguntar uma coisa sobre o

 Estou apanhando deste carinha porque ele quer um tal de 
support (pear module) Como o servidor não acessa a internet eu não posso dar o 
simples comando # pear install HTML_Template_IT

 Voce tem alguma ideia de como habilitar este trem?


 2009/6/18 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br


 Falando nisso, estive pensando:
 Sem menosprezar o Centreon, que é um software de primeiríssima 
que melhora em muito a organização do Nagios, será que existe algum projeto em 
andamento para tradução do próprio Nagios, para pt_BR?
 Por exemplo, o NagiosQL, um front-end para administração do Nagios
(criação de hosts, serviços, etc via web, que dispensa a edição manual dos 
arquivos .cfg) (vide site e documentação em http://nagiosql.org/) tem um 
esquema para tradução na linguagem que se quiser. E o próprio desenvolvedor 
disponibiliza um arquivo com extensão .po para a comunidade traduzir nas 
diversas líguas. Esse arquivo depois é compilado para extensão .mo e é só vc 
colocar no diretório do NagiosQL que ele traduz todo o sistema. Eu, por 
exemplo, colaborei com a tradução para pt_BR e o desenvolvedor (um cara
alemão) vai incluir na próxima versão. Inclusive, no setup do sistema, você já 
escolhe a linguagem que quer utilizar, facilitando a instalação.

 Isso posto, eu pergunto: alguém conhece algum projeto ou esquema que 
essa tradução?
 Eu aqui, utilizei o método luzitano (heheheh) e traduzi quase por
completo a versão 3.0 do Nagios. Mas dá um trampo danado, pois tem que abrir os 
arquivos CGI, traduzir e recompilar o Nagios. E tem a inconveniência também que 
qualquer upgrade de versão, você tem que traduzir tudo de novo.
Portanto fica inviável.
 No NagiosQL, uma vez traduzido, vale para todas as novas versões novas.
 Se alguem souber, dê um toque, please.

 Um abraço a todos.


 -Mensagem original-
 De: Cleiton Souza [mailto:cleiton.bra...@gmail.com] Enviada em:
 quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 14:03
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Centreon

 Geraldo, o Centreon é só um front-end para o Nagios, em outras 

Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: RES: Centreon

2009-06-19 Thread Jose Oliveira
Já resolvi este. O danado, no caso, era o HTML_Template_IT.


2009/6/19 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br


 Não entendi.
 O NagiosQL não acha o que?


 -Mensagem original-
 De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com]
 Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 18:16
 Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
 Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] RES: Centreon


 Estamos melhorando

 Consegui instalar o HTML_Template_IT .

 Posso vê-lo com pearl list
 [r...@csubhtst12 nagios]# pear list
 Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
 Package  Version State
 Archive_Tar  1.3.1   stable
 Console_Getopt   1.2 stable
 HTML_Template_IT 1.3.0a1 alpha
 PEAR 1.4.9   stable
 XML_RPC  1.5.0   stable

 Restartei o httpd mas o NagiosQL não acha o danado...

 Mais alguma ideia?

 2009/6/18  benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br:
  Também apanhei para instalar o bichinho.
  Faça o seguinte:
  Verifique se o pacote php-pear  está instalado no sistema:
  #aptitude search pear
  Senão estiver instalado:
  #aptitude install php-pear
  Após isso, numa estação que tem acesso à internet (pode ser no
 mesmo), faça download do pacote HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz ou similar (tem
 uns posteriores, mas me parece que esse é o último estável). Peguei lá em
  Transfira o pacote para para o Linux e descompacte num diretório
 temporário (ex: /tmp).
  #cd /tmp
  #gzip -d HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1.gz
  Vai criar um arquivo único chamado HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1 e deletar
 automaticamente o .gz
  Ainda no diretório /tmp, execute:
  #pear install HTML_Template_IT-1.2.1
  Pronto. É prá funcionar.
  Eu fiz um teste aqui e desinstalei o pacote. Resultado: a página de
 do NagiosQL fica em branco. heheheh :P.
  Instalei de novo conforme acima e voltou na boa.
  Eu aconselho usar o NagiosQL. É uma mão na roda.
  E já tem a tradução lá feita por nós. hehehe
  Dê retorno prá ver se funcionou ou senão, prá gente tentar ajudar..
  -Mensagem original-
  De: Jose Oliveira [mailto:jotag...@gmail.com] Enviada em:
  quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009 16:04
  Para: Unofficial Brazilian (Portuguese) Nagios Users List
  Assunto: Re: [Nagios-users-br] Centreon
  O caso do Centreon e do nagiosql é que eles são em php...  O pessoal
 php faz uma jogada bacana entre labels de desenvolvedor e acesso a um
 arquivo de tradução em tempo de execução, de maneira que fica facil
 traduzir. É só alguém pegar uma tradução estável e alterar para uma lingua
 nova. Como os cgi´s com Nagios são em C, é muito mais dificil... Tinha um
 projeto do Ethan de migrar para PHP na versão 3, mas ele deve ter
 desistido... Muito provavelmente porque teria que jogar tudo o que está
 feito em C fora...
  Aproveitando a carona da carona, quero perguntar uma coisa sobre o
  Estou apanhando deste carinha porque ele quer um tal de
 support (pear module) Como o servidor não acessa a internet eu não posso
 dar o simples comando # pear install HTML_Template_IT
  Voce tem alguma ideia de como habilitar este trem?
  2009/6/18 benedito.ra...@caixa.gov.br
  Falando nisso, estive pensando:
  Sem menosprezar o Centreon, que é um software de primeiríssima
 que melhora em muito a organização do Nagios, será que existe algum projeto
 em andamento para tradução do próprio Nagios, para pt_BR?
  Por exemplo, o NagiosQL, um front-end para administração do Nagios
 (criação de hosts, serviços, etc via web, que dispensa a edição manual dos
 arquivos .cfg) (vide site e documentação em http://nagiosql.org/) tem um
 esquema para tradução na linguagem que se quiser. E o próprio desenvolvedor
 disponibiliza um arquivo com extensão .po para a comunidade traduzir nas
 diversas líguas. Esse arquivo depois é compilado para extensão .mo e é só vc
 colocar no diretório do NagiosQL que ele traduz todo o sistema. Eu, por
 exemplo, colaborei com a tradução para pt_BR e o desenvolvedor (um cara
 alemão) vai incluir na próxima versão. Inclusive, no setup do sistema, você
 já escolhe a linguagem que quer utilizar, facilitando a instalação.
  Isso posto, eu pergunto: alguém conhece algum projeto ou esquema que
 essa tradução?
  Eu aqui, utilizei o método luzitano (heheheh) e traduzi quase por
 completo a versão 3.0 do Nagios. Mas dá um trampo danado, pois tem que
 abrir os arquivos CGI, traduzir e recompilar o Nagios. E tem a
 inconveniência também que qualquer upgrade de versão, você tem que traduzir
 tudo de novo.
 Portanto fica inviável.
  No NagiosQL, uma vez traduzido, vale para todas as novas versões novas.
  Se alguem souber, dê um toque, please.
  Um abraço a todos.
  -Mensagem original-
  De: Cleiton Souza [mailto:cleiton.bra...@gmail.com] Enviada 

[Nagios-users] alarms not showing data

2009-06-19 Thread Thomas S. Larsen
Hello, i got a problem im having some issues with, I've tried different things 
in the alarm settings and experimenting, but I cant seem to get around it.


My setup is like this, I have 90 hosts, they all have the same service called 
ping that I made. 

What I want, is for nagios to send email on all status changes for these hosts, 
and it is too.


My problem is the following.



* Nagios 2.9 *


Notification Type: RECOVERY


Service: $

Host: [censored]

Address: [censored]

State: $


Date/Time: Thu Jun 18 13:06:35 CEST 2009


Additional Info:





It send email when it's supposed too. But it doesn't show the service nor the 

But if I log in to nagios and force send a notification, it shows the correct 
data, I suspect this to be because I send the notification from the servce. So 
im thinking it's something with the host reporting.

Any ideas anyone ?



Med vennlig hilsen

Thomas Skaret Larsen



8037 Bodø

Telefon 75 55 05 88

Mobil48 14 46 33



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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO Util 1.3.1

2009-06-19 Thread Michael Friedrich


if it helps do the following:

# mysql -u root -p

CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';

GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nagios` . * TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';


# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 18.06.2009 22:50:

Thanks for the reply Marc...
I am using ver 2.11 Nagios the most recent version of ndo utils said I 
had to have a higher version of nagios to use (2.5?) which is why I 
selected 1.3.1
On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:09 AM, Natalie Aloi wrote:

 Hello I am attempting to install NDO Utils - I am at the Create NDO
 Database section...except I don't have this installdb file in my db
 directory I have what is below:
 as you can see I am installing ndoutils 1.3.1 since I am using
 nagios 2.11

1.3.1 is almost 2.5 years out-of-date. You're following instructions
for 1.4b7; is there a reason you're not installing that more recent
Network Operations Center Manager
Experis Data Center LLC
8209 Valley Pike
PO Box 535
Middletown,VA 22645

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.


Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
Tel: +43 1 4277 14359

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 
A-1010 Vienna, Austria  

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO Util 1.3.1

2009-06-19 Thread Natalie Aloi
Thanks, I did that without a problem, but when I got to the section about 
creating the NDO database I am supposed to run a script called installdb which 
doesn't exist...Do you know how to create the NDO Database and the tables?

-Original Message-
From: Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 05:47 AM
To: 'Natalie Aloi'
Cc: 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO 
Util 1.3.1


if it helps do the following:

# mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 
'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 
TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';quit

# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 18.06.2009 22:50:Thanks for the reply 

I am using ver 2.11 Nagios the most recent version of ndo utils said I had to 
have a higher version of nagios to use (2.5?) which is why I selected 1.3.1

On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:09 AM, Natalie Aloi wrote:

 Hello I am attempting to install NDO Utils - I am at the Create NDO
 Database section...except I don't have this installdb file in my db
 directory I have what is below:
 as you can see I am installing ndoutils 1.3.1 since I am using
 nagios 2.11

1.3.1 is almost 2.5 years out-of-date. You're following instructions
for 1.4b7; is there a reason you're not installing that more recent

Network Operations Center Manager
Experis Data Center LLC
8209 Valley Pike
PO Box 535
Middletown,VA 22645

 Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day TrialCheck out the new simplified 
licensing option that enables unlimitedroyalty-free distribution of the report 
engine for externally facing server and web 

___Nagios-users mailing 
 Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any 
issue. ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null
-- DI (FH) Michael friedrichmichael.friedr...@univie.ac.attel: +43 1 4277 
14359Vienna University Computer CenterUniversitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, 
Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] alarms not showing data

2009-06-19 Thread Marc Powell

On Jun 19, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Thomas S. Larsen wrote:

 My problem is the following.

 * Nagios 2.9 *

 Notification Type: RECOVERY

 Service: $
 Host: [censored]
 Address: [censored]
 State: $

 Date/Time: Thu Jun 18 13:06:35 CEST 2009

 Additional Info:


 It send email when it’s supposed too. But it doesn’t show the  
 service nor the state.
 But if I log in to nagios and force send a notification, it shows  
 the correct data, I suspect this to be because I send the  
 notification from the servce. So im thinking it’s something with the  
 host reporting.
 Any ideas anyone ?

If this is a host notification, it makes perfect sense. Any $SERVICE*  
macro used in the notification isn't valid because there's no specific  
service for the notification. I suspect that your  
host_notification_commands and service_notification_commands are the  
same when they should be different. The host notification command  
should use $HOST*$ macros.


A typical host notification command might look like --

define command {
 command_name   host-notify-by-email
 command_line   /bin/echo -e Subject:  
Nagios *\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$ 
\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n 
\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n\nAcknowledged By: $HOSTACKAUTHOR$ 
\nAcknowledgement: $HOSTACKCOMMENT$ | /bin/mail $CONTACTEMAIL$


Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO Util 1.3.1

2009-06-19 Thread Michael Friedrich

That's just what I told you with these commands.

For what I've seen from your dirlisting, you have afile called mysql.sql

So after these steps you should have your datebase created and waiting 
for input.

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 19.06.2009 15:02:
Thanks, I did that without a problem, but when I got to the section 
about creating the NDO database I am supposed to run a script called 
installdb which doesn't exist...Do you know how to create the NDO 
Database and the tables?

-Original Message-
*From:* Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
*Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2009 05:47 AM
*To:* 'Natalie Aloi'
*Cc:* 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
*Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database
error for NDO Util 1.3.1


if it helps do the following:

# mysql -u root -p

CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';

GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nagios` . * TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';


# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 18.06.2009 22:50:

Thanks for the reply Marc...
I am using ver 2.11 Nagios the most recent version of ndo utils

said I had to have a higher version of nagios to use (2.5?) which
is why I selected 1.3.1
On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:09 AM, Natalie Aloi wrote:

 Hello I am attempting to install NDO Utils - I am at the Create
 Database section...except I don't have this installdb file in
my db
 directory I have what is below:
 as you can see I am installing ndoutils 1.3.1 since I am using
 nagios 2.11

1.3.1 is almost 2.5 years out-of-date. You're following instructions
for 1.4b7; is there a reason you're not installing that more recent
Network Operations Center Manager
Experis Data Center LLC
8209 Valley Pike
PO Box 535
Middletown,VA 22645

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.


Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Tel: +43 1 4277 14359

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 
A-1010 Vienna, Austria  

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
Tel: +43 1 4277 14359

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 
A-1010 Vienna, Austria  

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO Util 1.3.1

2009-06-19 Thread Michael Friedrich

# mysql -u root -p

 open database shell

CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';

creates the user nagios with localhost (where it will coem from) and is 
identified by password 'nagios'

GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 

there was a typo by myself, identified by has to be the passwword with '' and 

this grants usage on the database


creates the database called nagios needed for ndo (you have to set those params 
in ndo2db.cfg)

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nagios` . * TO 'nagios'@'localhost';

grants insert, create, delete, select, update, etc sql privileges for user 
nagios (forgot to replace that too), onto the database nagios


 leave mysql shell

# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

 -u root -p -- login with user root
 nagios -- import to which database
  mysql.sql -- file where the database definitions, table 
definitions are within create statements, those will be imported into 
the database

And cocnernign your db layout - yep, it's the nagios db.

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 19.06.2009 15:40:
hmmm ok maybe I am a little confused because the first part of the 
how to creates a database using these same commands you listed...Is 
the NDO database name nagios? I also did the GRANT ALL on nagios.*
see snipet below:

mysql show databases;
| Database   |
| information_schema |
| cactidb|
| mysql  |
| nagios |
| test   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
*From:* Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
*Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2009 09:13 AM
*To:* 'Natalie Aloi'
*Cc:* 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
*Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database
error for NDO Util 1.3.1

That's just what I told you with these commands.

For what I've seen from your dirlisting, you have afile called

So after these steps you should have your datebase created and
waiting for input.

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 19.06.2009 15:02:

Thanks, I did that without a problem, but when I got to the
section about creating the NDO database I am supposed to run a
script called installdb which doesn't exist...Do you know how to
create the NDO Database and the tables?

-Original Message-
*From:* Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
*Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2009 05:47 AM
*To:* 'Natalie Aloi'
*Cc:* 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
*Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO
database error for NDO Util 1.3.1


if it helps do the following:

# mysql -u root -p

CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';

GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nagios` . * TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';


# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 18.06.2009 22:50:

Thanks for the reply Marc...
I am using ver 2.11 Nagios the most recent version of ndo

utils said I had to have a higher version of nagios to use
(2.5?) which is why I selected 1.3.1
On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:09 AM, Natalie Aloi wrote:

 Hello I am attempting to install NDO Utils - I am at the
Create NDO
 Database section...except I don't have this installdb file
in my db
 directory I have what is below:
 as you can see I am installing ndoutils 1.3.1 since I am
 nagios 2.11

1.3.1 is almost 2.5 years out-of-date. You're following
for 1.4b7; is there a reason you're not installing that more
Network Operations Center Manager
Experis Data Center LLC
8209 Valley Pike
PO Box 535
Middletown,VA 22645

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited

Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO Util 1.3.1

2009-06-19 Thread Natalie Aloi
hmmm ok maybe I am a little confused because the first part of the how to 
creates a database using these same commands you listed...Is the NDO database 
name nagios? I also did the GRANT ALL on nagios.*

see snipet below:
mysql show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| cactidb |
| mysql |
| nagios |
| test |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 09:13 AM
To: 'Natalie Aloi'
Cc: 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO 
Util 1.3.1

That's just what I told you with these commands.

For what I've seen from your dirlisting, you have afile called mysql.sql

So after these steps you should have your datebase created and waiting for 

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 19.06.2009 15:02: Thanks, I did that 
without a problem, but when I got to the section about creating the NDO 
database I am supposed to run a script called installdb which doesn't 
exist...Do you know how to create the NDO Database and the tables?

-Original Message-
From: Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 05:47 AM
To: 'Natalie Aloi'
Cc: 'Nagios Users Mail-list'
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] NDO Utilities install NDO database error for NDO 
Util 1.3.1


if it helps do the following:

# mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios';GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 
'nagios'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nagios' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 
TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';quit

# mysql -u root -p nagios  mysql.sql

Kind regards,

Natalie Aloi wrote the following on 18.06.2009 22:50:Thanks for the reply 

I am using ver 2.11 Nagios the most recent version of ndo utils said I had to 
have a higher version of nagios to use (2.5?) which is why I selected 1.3.1

On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:09 AM, Natalie Aloi wrote:

 Hello I am attempting to install NDO Utils - I am at the Create NDO
 Database section...except I don't have this installdb file in my db
 directory I have what is below:
 as you can see I am installing ndoutils 1.3.1 since I am using
 nagios 2.11

1.3.1 is almost 2.5 years out-of-date. You're following instructions
for 1.4b7; is there a reason you're not installing that more recent

Network Operations Center Manager
Experis Data Center LLC
8209 Valley Pike
PO Box 535
Middletown,VA 22645

 Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day TrialCheck out the new simplified 
licensing option that enables unlimitedroyalty-free distribution of the report 
engine for externally facing server and web 

___Nagios-users mailing 
 Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any 
issue. ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null
-- DI (FH) Michael friedrichmichael.friedr...@univie.ac.attel: +43 1 4277 
14359Vienna University Computer CenterUniversitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, 
-- DI (FH) Michael friedrichmichael.friedr...@univie.ac.attel: +43 1 4277 
14359Vienna University Computer CenterUniversitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, 
Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] notification

2009-06-19 Thread Param Srinivas
  Host Status:   UP
 (for 0d 19h 19m 15s) Status Information: FPING OK -
(loss=0%, rta=41.00 ms) Performance Data: loss=0%;80;100;0;100
rta=0.041000s;2.00;5.00;0.00 Current Attempt: 1/3  (HARD
state) Last
Check Time: 06-19-2009 10:13:39 Check Type: ACTIVE Check Latency /
Duration: 56.436 / 2.537
seconds Next Scheduled Active Check:   06-19-2009 10:14:47 Last State
Change: 06-18-2009 14:58:37 Last Notification: N/A (notification 0) Is This
Host Flapping? N/A In Scheduled Downtime?   NO
 Last Update: 06-19-2009 10:17:38  ( 0d 0h 0m 14s ago)

As per above the host is scheduled to check every 1 min. The parameter in
use is check_interval =1   also retry_interval=1
Then when the host went down the  View alert history for this host  at the
left corner says :

[image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:38:40] HOST ALERT:
benroutermr;DOWN;HARD;3;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
[image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:32:56] HOST ALERT:
benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;2;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
[image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:32:40] HOST ALERT:
benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;1;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
Why is it not checking every minutes when retry_interval=1? ?

Because of this notification is getting delayed , i want the notification to
be sent 3 min after the host is down.

Best Regards
Param S
Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] Best Way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with NSClient++

2009-06-19 Thread Derek J. Morris
Anybody have a good way  to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with NSClient++.
Some times nagios misses the reboot due to timing i think.


Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] notification

2009-06-19 Thread Mat W

are there ALOT of checks going on?  eg, when it went down, was there a backlog 
of checks that were firing off?  


for example if I have a network issue to a site, suddenly i have 100s of checks 
firing off in Xmin intervals.  


Check the logs?  up the debug level?

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 10:31:24 -0400
From: prmsr...@gmail.com
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] notification

Host Status:

  UP   (for 0d 19h 19m 15s)

Status Information:
FPING OK - (loss=0%, rta=41.00 ms)

Performance Data:
loss=0%;80;100;0;100 rta=0.041000s;2.00;5.00;0.00

Current Attempt:
1/3  (HARD state)

Last Check Time:
06-19-2009 10:13:39

Check Type:

Check Latency / Duration:
56.436 / 2.537 seconds

Next Scheduled Active Check:  
06-19-2009 10:14:47

Last State Change:
06-18-2009 14:58:37

Last Notification:
N/A (notification 0)

Is This Host Flapping?

In Scheduled Downtime?


Last Update:
06-19-2009 10:17:38  ( 0d 0h 0m 14s ago)

As per above the host is scheduled to check every 1 min. The parameter in use 
is check_interval =1   also retry_interval=1
Then when the host went down the  View alert history for this host  at the 
left corner says :
[06-18-2009 14:38:40] HOST ALERT: benroutermr;DOWN;HARD;3;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )[06-18-2009 14:32:56] HOST ALERT: 
benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;2;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )[06-18-2009 
14:32:40] HOST ALERT: benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;1;FPING CRITICAL - 
(loss=100% )
Why is it not checking every minutes when retry_interval=1? ?
Because of this notification is getting delayed , i want the notification to be 
sent 3 min after the host is down.

Best Regards
Param S

Microsoft brings you a new way to search the web.  Try  Bing™ now
Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] Best Way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with NSClient++

2009-06-19 Thread Mat W

Are you opposed to adding NagEventLog with an NCSA service for the passive 
checks?  You can write an event check filter in NagEventLog to look for the 
specific events in the Event logs.


I don't believe the bult-in UPTIME check supports thresholds but you could 
wrap it in some code to do it.

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com

 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:40:43 -0400
 From: dmor...@digitalmorris.com
 To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [Nagios-users] Best Way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with 
 Anybody have a good way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with NSClient++.
 Some times nagios misses the reboot due to timing i think.
 Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
 Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
 royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
 server and web deployment.
 Nagios-users mailing list
 ::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
 any issue. 
 ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] notification

2009-06-19 Thread Mat W

you could try changing the host_inter_check_delay_method=n variable in 
nagios.cfg and see how it affects the checks.  i'd keep an eye on performance 
and local system resources too.  last thing you want is nagios crashing too.  

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 12:26:19 -0400
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] notification
From: prmsr...@gmail.com
To: lmw94...@hotmail.com
CC: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Yes , there is a lot of checks going on.  There are like 750 hosts with a 
minimum of about 6 to 7 services checks.
DELAY METHOD are set to smart calculation  ?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Mat W lmw94...@hotmail.com wrote:

are there ALOT of checks going on?  eg, when it went down, was there a backlog 
of checks that were firing off?  
for example if I have a network issue to a site, suddenly i have 100s of checks 
firing off in Xmin intervals.  
Check the logs?  up the debug level?

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 10:31:24 -0400
From: prmsr...@gmail.com
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] notification 

Host Status:

  UP   (for 0d 19h 19m 15s)

Status Information:
FPING OK - (loss=0%, rta=41.00 ms)

Performance Data:
loss=0%;80;100;0;100 rta=0.041000s;2.00;5.00;0.00

Current Attempt:
1/3  (HARD state)

Last Check Time:
06-19-2009 10:13:39

Check Type:

Check Latency / Duration:
56.436 / 2.537 seconds

Next Scheduled Active Check:  
06-19-2009 10:14:47

Last State Change:
06-18-2009 14:58:37

Last Notification:
N/A (notification 0)

Is This Host Flapping?

In Scheduled Downtime?


Last Update:
06-19-2009 10:17:38  ( 0d 0h 0m 14s ago)

As per above the host is scheduled to check every 1 min. The parameter in use 
is check_interval =1   also retry_interval=1
Then when the host went down the  View alert history for this host  at the 
left corner says :
[06-18-2009 14:38:40] HOST ALERT: benroutermr;DOWN;HARD;3;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )[06-18-2009 14:32:56] HOST ALERT: 
benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;2;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )[06-18-2009 
14:32:40] HOST ALERT: benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;1;FPING CRITICAL - 
(loss=100% )
Why is it not checking every minutes when retry_interval=1? ?
Because of this notification is getting delayed , i want the notification to be 
sent 3 min after the host is down.

Best Regards
Param S

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Best Regards
Param S

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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] notification

2009-06-19 Thread Param Srinivas
Yes , there is a lot of checks going on.  There are like 750 hosts with a
minimum of about 6 to 7 services checks.
DELAY METHOD are set to smart calculation  ?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Mat W lmw94...@hotmail.com wrote:

 are there ALOT of checks going on?  eg, when it went down, was there a
 backlog of checks that were firing off?

 for example if I have a network issue to a site, suddenly i have 100s of
 checks firing off in Xmin intervals.

 Check the logs?  up the debug level?

 Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com

 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 10:31:24 -0400
 From: prmsr...@gmail.com
 To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
 Subject: [Nagios-users] notification

   Host Status:   UP
  (for 0d 19h 19m 15s) Status Information: FPING OK -
 (loss=0%, rta=41.00 ms) Performance Data: loss=0%;80;100;0;100
 rta=0.041000s;2.00;5.00;0.00 Current Attempt: 1/3  (HARD
 state) Last Check Time: 06-19-2009 10:13:39 Check Type: ACTIVE Check
 Latency / Duration: 56.436 / 2.537 seconds Next Scheduled Active Check:   
 10:14:47 Last State Change: 06-18-2009 14:58:37 Last Notification: N/A 
 0) Is This Host Flapping? N/A In Scheduled Downtime?   NO
  Last Update: 06-19-2009 10:17:38  ( 0d 0h 0m 14s ago)

 As per above the host is scheduled to check every 1 min. The parameter in
 use is check_interval =1   also retry_interval=1
 Then when the host went down the  View alert history for this host  at
 the left corner says :

 [image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:38:40] HOST ALERT:
 benroutermr;DOWN;HARD;3;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
 [image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:32:56] HOST ALERT:
 benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;2;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
 [image: Host Down][06-18-2009 14:32:40] HOST ALERT:
 benroutermr;DOWN;SOFT;1;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )
 Why is it not checking every minutes when retry_interval=1? ?

 Because of this notification is getting delayed , i want the notification
 to be sent 3 min after the host is down.

 Best Regards
 Param S

 Microsoft brings you a new way to search the web. Try Bing™ 

Best Regards
Param S
Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
royalty-free distribution of the report engine for externally facing 
server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] trimming nagvis database via cron

2009-06-19 Thread Michael W. Lucas

After a few months of use, our NagVis database grew to 23GB and
overwhelmed my (tiny) server.  Shutting down the system, dropping the
database, and recreating it solved my issues.

Surely someone has already written a script to purge the NagVis
database on a regular basis, trimming old data to keep the database at
a reasonable size.  If so, could you share it?

I'm sure I can figure this out, but I can't believe that nobody else
has had this issue.


Michael W. Lucasmwlu...@blackhelicopters.org, mwlu...@freebsd.org
Latest book:  Cisco Routers for the Desperate, 2nd Edition

Crystal Reports - New Free Runtime and 30 Day Trial
Check out the new simplified licensing option that enables unlimited
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server and web deployment.
Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] trimming nagvis database via cron

2009-06-19 Thread Syd Alsobrook
On Friday 19 June 2009, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
 After a few months of use, our NagVis database grew to 23GB and
 overwhelmed my (tiny) server.  Shutting down the system, dropping the
 database, and recreating it solved my issues.

This isn't a NagVis issues, this is a ndoutils issue. You need to look in your 
ndo2db.cfg file for the entries:


It is recommended that you set these to a very low value. If they are too high 
you will have other issues with nagios appearing to hang while the DB is 


Syd Alsobrook
IT Tag Team, Inc.

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Portland, OR, June 17-19. Two days of sessions, one day of unconference: $250.
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] trimming nagvis database via cron

2009-06-19 Thread Kevin Keane
I had a similar problem with my ndoutils and mysql. If you are using 
MySQL and aren't using replication, don't forget to first clear and then 
turn off binary logs - those files get huge very quickly.

Michael W. Lucas wrote:

 After a few months of use, our NagVis database grew to 23GB and
 overwhelmed my (tiny) server.  Shutting down the system, dropping the
 database, and recreating it solved my issues.

 Surely someone has already written a script to purge the NagVis
 database on a regular basis, trimming old data to keep the database at
 a reasonable size.  If so, could you share it?

 I'm sure I can figure this out, but I can't believe that nobody else
 has had this issue.



Kevin Keane
The NetTech
Find the Uncommon: Expert Solutions for a Network You Never Have to Think About

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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] trimming nagvis database via cron

2009-06-19 Thread Syd Alsobrook
On Friday 19 June 2009, Kevin Keane wrote:
 I had a similar problem with my ndoutils and mysql. If you are using
 MySQL and aren't using replication, don't forget to first clear and then
 turn off binary logs - those files get huge very quickly.

Yea, binary logs can be a pain to, I am working on a global event handler for 


Syd Alsobrook
IT Tag Team, Inc.

Are you an open source citizen? Join us for the Open Source Bridge conference!
Portland, OR, June 17-19. Two days of sessions, one day of unconference: $250.
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?

2009-06-19 Thread Litwin, Matthew
Is there a way to control user access for just the controls to
disable/enable notification alerts for a monitor in nagios.cfg or

Are you an open source citizen? Join us for the Open Source Bridge conference!
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?

2009-06-19 Thread Mat W

cgi.cfg has the options for security access to the webUI.  




You can't get that much more granular out of the box I don't think.  Might be 
some addons out there, but I haven't dug into it.

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:48:39 -0700
From: mlit...@stubhub.com
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?

Is there a way to control user access for just the controls to disable/enable 
notification alerts for a monitor in nagios.cfg or elsewhere?
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Are you an open source citizen? Join us for the Open Source Bridge conference!
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] Problem in Preflight Check with commands.cfg

2009-06-19 Thread Kaplan, Andrew H.
Hi there --
I have completed the installation of Nagios 3.0.6 onto an Ubuntu 9.04 server
using the apt-get utility. 
We currently have a Nagios 2.6 server running, and I wanted to import the
configuration files into the
newer server. To that end, I have placed the appropriate configuration files in
the /etc/nagios3/conf.d
directory, and modified the nagios.cfg file to reflect the location of the
configuration files.
I ran the preflight check and the following error message appeared on-screen:
/usr/sbin/nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg 
Nagios 3.0.6
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (http://www.nagios.org)
Last Modified: 12-01-2008
License: GPL
Reading configuration data...
Warning: Duplicate definition found for command 'check_dns' (config file
'/etc/nagios3/conf.d/commands.cfg', starting on line 90)
Error: Could not add object property in file '/etc/nagios3/conf.d/commands.cfg'
on line 91.
*** One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files...
 Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid
 directives and data defintions.  If you are upgrading from a previous
 version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions
 may have been removed or modified in this version.  Make sure to read
 the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the
 'Whats New' section to find out what has changed.
I checked the commands.cfg, and several other files, and I do not see where the
duplicate definition is occurring. 
Can someone lend a hand on this? Thanks.

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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?

2009-06-19 Thread Sean Carley
You could always use an apache rewrite rule to discourage those


   RewriteEngine On

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(cmd_typ=25)(.*)

   RewriteRule ^cmd\.cgi$ /nagios/nodisable.html


   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(cmd_typ=23)(.*)

   RewriteRule ^cmd\.cgi$ /nagios/nodisable.html


   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(cmd_typ=29)(.*)

   RewriteRule ^cmd\.cgi$ /nagios/nodisable.html




From: Mat W [mailto:lmw94...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 12:32 PM
To: mlit...@stubhub.com; nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?


cgi.cfg has the options for security access to the webUI.  
You can't get that much more granular out of the box I don't think.
Might be some addons out there, but I haven't dug into it.

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com http://www.techadre.com/ 


Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 11:48:39 -0700
From: mlit...@stubhub.com
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] Access Control for disable notification?

Is there a way to control user access for just the controls to
disable/enable notification alerts for a monitor in nagios.cfg or


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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

[Nagios-users] Last check info seems stale (Nagios 2.9)

2009-06-19 Thread Kustner, Tom
I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios 2.9 on RHEL 4 
or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being monitored, but I have 
access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.

In looking last week into an issue where a host had gone down but no alert was 
sent, I noticed that on the Host Status Details For All Host Groups screen, 
where it lists Hosts, Status, Last Check, etc., the Last Check date for some of 
the hosts went back almost two months.   I pointed this out to the 
administrator who didn't disagree with my statement but said the logs showed 
otherwise.  Nagios was restarted but even now, there is a host where the Last 
Check date still shows as 05-19-2009.  There are other hosts showing a last 
check date of June 5, June 9, June 10, and so on.  These hosts are definitely 

Either Nagios is being tardy at checking things, is *not* being tardy but is 
displaying inaccurate information, or I am misunderstanding this field or what 
Nagios means by Last check.  Can anyone shed some light?

Tom Kustner MCSE, CNE

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Nagios-users mailing list
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any issue. 
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[Nagios-users] How often does Nagios need restarting? (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)

2009-06-19 Thread Kustner, Tom
I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios 2.9 on
RHEL 4 or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being monitored. I
have access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.

In another posting, I alluded to an issue where a host had gone down but
no alert was sent out.   The issue surfaced again today and as was done
the other time, Nagios was restarted to fix the problem.   I am
naturally concerned about the unreliability.  

Any thoughts on this problem?Specifically:

* What are best practices for making sure Nagios does not fall down on
the job?   Is there something not set right?

* Are other Nagios administrators restarting Nagios on a weekly or
nightly basis to keep it on the job?

* Is this an issue specific to Nagios 2.9?  Was 2.9 a spotty version?

* For a given host, why would active checks be enabled, yet N/A
appears in the Next Active Check field?

Thanks for any help.

-Tom Kustner-

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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
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Re: [Nagios-users] How often does Nagios need restarting? (Quiscustodiet ipsos custodes?)

2009-06-19 Thread James Pratt
Hi Tom, I've tried to answer your questions to the best of my own
personal knowledge -I have replaced any  of your original * symbols
with my own on all my comments/thoughts below, since my MS outlook
client apparently just sucks, so this appears more readable.


-Original Message-
From: Kustner, Tom [mailto:tom.kust...@retirementpartner.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 5:35 PM
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Nagios-users] How often does Nagios need restarting?
(Quiscustodiet ipsos custodes?)

I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios 2.9 on
RHEL 4 or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being monitored. I
have access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.

* ok, understood...

In another posting, I alluded to an issue where a host had gone down but
no alert was sent out.   The issue surfaced again today and as was done
the other time, Nagios was restarted to fix the problem.   I am
naturally concerned about the unreliability.  

* did you get any on-list or off-list replies at all? You have not
mentioned if you had it resolved or not, but it sound like the answer is
no to possibly both(?)

Any thoughts on this problem?Specifically:

What are best practices for making sure Nagios does not fall down on
the job?   Is there something not set right?

* Understanding your setup and the way nagios works is how you ensure it
stands up... a mis-config sounds likely, but who knows...

Are other Nagios administrators restarting Nagios on a weekly or
nightly basis to keep it on the job?

* Heck no! That's why we run it on Linux or Solaris! :)

Is this an issue specific to Nagios 2.9?  Was 2.9 a spotty version?

*Not to my knowledge - all stable releases have worked very reliably
here, especially 2.9 now that I look back...

For a given host, why would active checks be enabled, yet N/A
appears in the Next Active Check field?

* RTM - host checks are not always performed unless service checks fail,
and since I've been a manual-slacker myself, that may not even be the
true correct answer (Marc? :)

Thanks for any help.

-Tom Kustner-

* Not to sound negative/condescending or anything like that, but your
install will truly only work as well as you have maintained
it/understand it. You should really look at your current config files
and read the manual on 2.9, or upgrade to 3.x and again rtm...  Also,
you have not sent anything specific related to your problematic
config(s) for anyone on this list to even guess either way whether or
not something is mis-configured. If you are concerned about posting your
configs/setup, change stuff properly to hide what you need to on-list.
(I apologize if I have missed your earlier posting. Many here try our
best to help people here when possible, but sometimes we are all busy at
the same time, who knows!?).


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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] Last check info seems stale (Nagios 2.9)

2009-06-19 Thread Marc Powell

On Jun 19, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Kustner, Tom wrote:

 I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios  
 2.9 on RHEL 4 or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being  
 monitored, but I have access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.

 In looking last week into an issue where a host had gone down but no  
 alert was sent, I noticed that on the Host Status Details For All  
 Host Groups screen, where it lists Hosts, Status, Last Check, etc.,  
 the Last Check date for some of the hosts went back almost two  
 months.   I pointed this out to the administrator who didn't  
 disagree with my statement but said the logs showed otherwise.   
 Nagios was restarted but even now, there is a host where the Last  
 Check date still shows as 05-19-2009.  There are other hosts showing  
 a last check date of June 5, June 9, June 10, and so on.  These  
 hosts are definitely up.

 Either Nagios is being tardy at checking things, is *not* being  
 tardy but is displaying inaccurate information, or I am  
 misunderstanding this field or what Nagios means by Last check.   
 Can anyone shed some light?

This is normal. Hosts aren't checked unless a service on the host  
returns a non-OK result. If all services are up, the host must be up  
so there is no reason to check it. If a service returns a non-OK  
result, only then do you need to know if the host is down or not and a  
host check is run. As for the host being down and no notification  
being sent, you should verify that it has services defined for it,  
they return non-OK results when the host is down and that the host  
check returns a non-OK result when the host is down.

Of course, your admin is the best person to check these things.


Are you an open source citizen? Join us for the Open Source Bridge conference!
Portland, OR, June 17-19. Two days of sessions, one day of unconference: $250.
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

Re: [Nagios-users] How often does Nagios need restarting? (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)

2009-06-19 Thread Marc Powell

On Jun 19, 2009, at 4:35 PM, Kustner, Tom wrote:

 I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios  
 2.9 on
 RHEL 4 or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being  
 monitored. I
 have access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.

 In another posting, I alluded to an issue where a host had gone down  
 no alert was sent out.   The issue surfaced again today and as was  
 the other time, Nagios was restarted to fix the problem.   I am
 naturally concerned about the unreliability.

 Any thoughts on this problem?Specifically:

I am not aware of any problems such as you describe that a restart  
would 'fix'.

 * What are best practices for making sure Nagios does not fall down on
 the job?   Is there something not set right?

See my previous e-mail.

 * Are other Nagios administrators restarting Nagios on a weekly or
 nightly basis to keep it on the job?

I reload hourly to pick up new config changes but rarely restart.

 * Is this an issue specific to Nagios 2.9?  Was 2.9 a spotty version?

I'm not sure you even have an issue outside of a possible  
configuration problem. No, 2.9 was not spotty or bad.

 * For a given host, why would active checks be enabled, yet N/A
 appears in the Next Active Check field?

This is normal. See my previous e-mail.


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Re: [Nagios-users] Best Way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with NSClient++

2009-06-19 Thread Anthony Montibello
The threshold testing of Uptime should be can be done by modifying check_nt
check_nc_net has this already included in it, and is compatible as a
replacement for check_nt.c
it is availible at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nc-net/

TOny  (Author of NC_Net)

Change the Case Uptime to something like the following then recompile:


asprintf(send_buffer, %s3, req_password);

fetch_data (server_address, server_port, send_buffer);


updays = uptime / 86400;

uphours = (uptime % 86400) / 3600;

upminutes = ((uptime % 86400) % 3600) / 60;

asprintf(output_message,_(System Uptime - %u day(s) %u hour(s) %u
minute(s)),updays,uphours, upminutes);


if( check_critical_value==TRUE  critical_value  updays )


else if ( check_warning_value==TRUE  warning_value  updays )



On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Mat W lmw94...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Are you opposed to adding NagEventLog with an NCSA service for the passive
 checks?  You can write an event check filter in NagEventLog to look for the
 specific events in the Event logs.

 I don't believe the bult-in UPTIME check supports thresholds but you could
 wrap it in some code to do it.

 Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com

  Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:40:43 -0400
  From: dmor...@digitalmorris.com
  To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
  Subject: [Nagios-users] Best Way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with

  Anybody have a good way to Catch Windows Reboots in Nagios with
  Some times nagios misses the reboot due to timing i think.
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