Re: [Nagios-users] NRPE and ip range in allowed hosts

2010-09-22 Thread Herb J.
Yes, CIDR-style notation is accepted.

On 09/22/2010 08:47 AM, Assaf Flatto wrote:
> Has anyone tried placing a range ip entry in the allowedhosts directive
> of NRPE ?
> Will putting  work ?
> If not ,does anyone know if is it something that is planned to future
> versions of NRPE ?

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Re: [Nagios-users] [Nagios-devel] FW: Nagios - SunOS

2010-09-07 Thread Herb J.
Honestly, your best solution may actually be to install a new machine 
that is running an OS new enough to run the latest version of Nagios. 
Keeping old hardware and old OS'es running may be a requirement for 
specific software systems, but there is no technical reason you have to 
run Nagios on the same outdated hardware. If, for whatever reason, you 
are not allowed to install any additional servers in your environment, 
then you are going to be severely limited in what you will be able to do 
in regards to running Nagios.

On 09/07/2010 10:07 PM, Allan Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 18:53, Tan Kong Jo-B30930  wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>> This is really a joke, right?
>> The in-charge person in our team feel s afraid to upgrade the SunOS to
>> higher versions, just because of lack of technical knowledge.
>> I suggested on the upgrade, but the boss with that in-charge person.
> Hi;
> I cannot find an older version of Nagios any better than you --
> finding it is half the problem, knowing whether it works on older OS
> releases is the other.
> You or your boss may have good reasons for keeping the older OS, even
> if it's merely a test-platform for regression testing or whatnot --
> that's tangental, but we're all curious :)
> In order to get you onto the latest Nagios, and help you get the same
> release of Nagios across many platforms (making it easier for you to
> keep it going, and get help from others in the community) let's go
> back to "why did it fail?"
> Please give some details about the failure you have experienced, and
> let's focus on getting that resolved.  Screenshots, cut-n-paste of the
> error message, details of how you're installing (older SunOS uses PKG
> spools?), etc.  The more detail you can offer, the faster we may see
> the problem and fix it.
> Getting you onto the latest Nagios is a win for all of us; let's
> Allan

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Re: [Nagios-users] Help hacking a script to montior my AppServers?

2010-08-30 Thread Herb J.
You will have to write your script in a way that it is able to parse the 
date fields in that output and calculate the difference between that 
time and the current time..

Is it possible to have that program output UNIX timestamps instead? If 
not, it will require you to get creative with awk, Perl, shell, etc. 
scripting to parse the fields properly in order to do the required math 
to determine how long it has been in that state.

Depending on how long that binary takes to run (e.g., if it takes less 
than a few seconds), you may not need to have it run separately and 
output data to a text file. You may be able to just have your custom 
plugin script run it and parse the output directly.

On 08/30/2010 02:20 PM, Mirza Dedic wrote:
I am trying to monitor our OpenEdge Database Application Servers on 
our AIX box with Nagios, and to send an alert based on a "tricky" 
situation, described below:
The tool that I run locally on the AIX host to check our servers 
outputs the following:

#asbman --name production --query
PID   State Port  nRqnRcvd  nSent  Started  Last Change
2175264 AVAILABLE 15614 006968 007643 008661 Aug 29, 2010 19:03 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
922080 AVAILABLE 15616 002675 002970 003465 Aug 30, 2010 09:22 Aug 30, 
2010 11:16
483832 AVAILABLE 15607 001740 001939 002204 Aug 30, 2010 10:02 Aug 30, 
2010 11:16
2936902 AVAILABLE 15620 001753 001955 002236 Aug 30, 2010 10:02 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
3658058 AVAILABLE 15623 001742 001921 002190 Aug 30, 2010 10:02 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
3027394 AVAILABLE 15608 001297 001377 001493 Aug 30, 2010 10:21 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
*3965150 *_*SENDING*_* ** 15611 001290 001352 001465 Aug 30, *_*2010 
10:21 Aug 30, 2010 *__*06*__*:*__*12*_* *
4186168 AVAILABLE 15615 001300 001379 001549 Aug 30, 2010 10:21 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
2044322 AVAILABLE 15617 001298 001369 001558 Aug 30, 2010 10:21 Aug 
30, 2010 11:16
I would want Nagios to raise an alert if State = SENDING for more than 
6 hours (Last Change)? Would this be possible?

Anyone have an idea of how I would do this?
I guess one way would be to make a shell script to output "asbman 
--name production --query | grep "SENDING" >> status.txt" and have a 
check log type check read it and raise an error if stuff is found? But 
it does not exactly implement the "Last Change" date time idea, we 
will always have PIDs going from AVAILABLE to SENDING and back, but 
those that are stuck in SENDING for 6+ hours is of concern.

Any help on this is appreciated.
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Re: [Nagios-users] single email alert to multiple contacts?

2010-08-20 Thread Herb J.
Issues like this is just one of the reasons why we had to abstract out 
all notifications from Nagios to an external script. We have servers in 
a number of different locations, different platform groupings, 
escalation tiers, etc., as well as notifications sent by Jabber. They 
had to do to different people, with different escalation tiers, in 
different locations, who manage different groups of servers. With such a 
variety of users receiving different emails, mailing lists were out of 
the question. It got to the point where the processing of service check 
data would be delayed by several seconds every time a notification 
needed to be sent. If an entire rack of machines or a whole platform 
went down, the check latency went through the roof due to all of the delays.

The new system I put in place allows a single notification to be 
generated by Nagios, and regardless of how many people are configured to 
receive it (be it 1 or 50), there was no delay in Nagios and there is no 
need to use distribution lists.

Of course, the down side of this method is that this system isn't 
possible without a fairly complex management interface (the same one we 
use to build all of the config files).

On 08/20/2010 11:49 AM, Charlie Reddington wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Scott Nottingham wrote:
>> Does anyone know how (or if it is even possible) to configure nagios
>> to send a single email to all contacts associated with the host/
>> service/etc as opposed to a separate email to each contact?
>> The problem I'm facing is with emailing distribution lists.  If both
>> distribution_list_A and B contain user_A, said user ends up getting
>> 2 email for the same event.  If nagios could be configured to send a
>> single email to both distribution lists, our exchange server would
>> recognize that user_A is a member of both lists and send only 1
>> email to him.
>> Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!
> Think of your exhange servers mailing lists as buckets. Bucket A is
> list A with user A in it. Bucket B is list B with user A in it.
> Each bucket is going to get an email, and that email is going to get
> copied to it's users.
> I don't think this way is going to be possible, unless you make
> another group, and put your groups in there. But I will bet that user
> a still gets 2 emails. But I can't say for certain, since it's been
> about 5 years since I used a exchange server.
> I would probably pull user a out, and let him get contacted separately
> with nagios, instead of depending on a group list if it's a big deal.
> The down side is this doesn't scale very well.
> Charlie
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Re: [Nagios-users] Help Needed | Web Authentication

2010-08-18 Thread Herb J.
Basic HTTP authentication is what you would use if you were password 
protecting a web page using an .htaccess file. Since Facebook does not 
use basic HTTP authentication, Facebook is ignoring the login and 
password you are sending it and is just displaying the standard login 
page (in this situation the check_http plugin will not work with the 
parameters you are sending it). To verify login access to a site like 
Facebook you will need to configure the check to run the same way that 
the browser would. That means you must get the variable names from the 
login form (view the source code and get *all* of the form parameters 
that are contained in the login form, including the hidden ones) and 
populate them with the required values. Those parameters then need to be 
sent by either a "GET" request and/or a "POST" request (using key=value 
pairs joined by an "&", e.g. "login=myfbusername&pass=myfbpassword"), 
depending on how Facebook's login page is configured. (You will need to 
be aware that if the names of the form fields ever change you must 
update your check to match them.) For "GET" requests, use the "-u" 
parameter to populate the fields, and for "POST" requests, use the "-P" 

Also, if you are monitoring a Facebook login/pass by repeatedly logging 
into it, it is possible that you might set off a warning flag in some 
Facebook internal system that monitors for automated logins. If it is 
for some other site, make sure that the code on that site will not have 
any problems with constantly repeating logins.

On 08/18/2010 03:56 PM, Himanshu Arora wrote:
It would be really appreciated if somone can help me out setting up 
nagios monitoring for a website or a secured website.

I just wanted to match the string after the website is authenticated.
for eg: i am trying to setup the monitoring for 
, and the command i am using for this is-

./check_http -H  -u 
""; -a myfbusername:myfbpassword -s "Facebook 
helps you connect" -f follow

Plugin responds back --- HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 27441 bytes in 
2.614 second response time |time=2.613975s;;;0.00 size=27441B;;;0

even if the password is incorrect i gives me same response because it 
is verifying the string and responds back correctly.

So i need to know what am i doing wrong here or may be i am not using 
the right plugin to do so because as i know its not the "basic 
authentication" that i am going through.

Need your help, trying to get this done from couple of days now... but 
not getting it solved.

Please help or suggest... Thanks


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Re: [Nagios-users] nagios plugins return code issue

2010-08-16 Thread Herb J.
Additionally, Nagios is really sensitive about how the Perl script is 
written. It should be written well-enough to run with "use strict" 
without any errors. (I see that it is commented out of both of your 
scripts.) Additionally, the embedded Perl interpreter causes the scripts 
to be run in what I consider to be a somewhat "non-standard" way in 
regards to how the parameters are sent to the script. (In our 
installation we have to surround host and service macros with quotes 
before sending them to any plugins written in Perl.) The copyright date 
on that file is 2000, so you will definitely want to find (or write) a 
more up to date version.

On 08/16/2010 05:37 PM, Tony Yarusso wrote:
>This probably means that a subroutine from one of the used perl
> libraries is bailing out with an error, although why I don't know.  Are
> you sure you're passing all of the arguments the same on the command
> line as Nagios is?  One thing that I can tell you is that those plugins
> are out of date, since they use the old value of -1 for Unknown which
> should be 3 now, so who knows what other issues there are.  (Sorry I
> can't tell you more - I don't really do Perl.)

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Re: [Nagios-users] ? on monitoring the distribution servers

2010-08-09 Thread Herb J.
I don't use "localhost" in any host or service configs. There is no use 
for "localhost", since it is such an ambiguous hostname. In a 
distributed setup where there are multiple sources feeding data into a 
single server, *every* host name must be unique, otherwise they clobber 
each other's data (as you have noticed). I use the actual FQDN hostnames 
of the collectors (even the central one) in the configs. When there is 
an issue with a service on one of the collectors, it shows up in the 
interface under that particular collector's hostname, so I know exactly 
which one is broken.

On 08/09/2010 03:23 PM, steve f wrote:
I finally got a distributed server up & running in Core 3.x and have a 
stupid question on monitoring the dist server.  I have the central 
server currently configured to not do active checks.  On the 
distributed server, I had all of the localhost.cfg checks running and 
in the nagios.log on the central server, I see the following :

Partition;0;DISK OK - free space: / 827 MB (86% inode=88%):
[1281213501] PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK: localhost;Root Partition;0;DISK OK 
- free space: / 827 MB (86% inode=88%):

This is coming as a passive check from the distributed server with the 
hostname of localhost and as such, it appears that on the central 
server its using this check result & populating the checks for the 
central server.

if I wanted to monitor the distributed server, would I not use the 
localhost.cfg on the distributed server?  SHould I rename everything 
localhost in localhost.cfg to the name of the distributed server?

Whats the most rational way to monitor the distributed server ?


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Re: [Nagios-users] question about notifications

2010-08-09 Thread Herb J.
I assume that there wouldn't be a macro for it due to the fact that it 
is normally up to the plugin / service check to determine and know what 
the thresholds are in order to know what exit code to return back to Nagios.

Your best chance may be to define those values as service macros. That 
way you would be able to pass them through to your plugin (assuming your 
plugin accepts WARN and CRIT as command line args) as well as your 
notification command (possibly a special secondary notification command 
that adds the WARN and CRIT macro values to the message).

On 08/09/2010 01:31 PM, Joel Brooks wrote:

hey all,

is there a way to include the WARNING and CRITICAL thresholds in a 
notification (without including the perfdata)?

There doesn't seem to be a macro for this.

i.e., i'd like my notification to show something like:


Current: $SERVICEVAL$ (Warning: $SERVICEWARNING$, Critical: 

is there a way to do something like that?



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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios supervising nagios?

2010-08-05 Thread Herb J.
On 08/05/2010 04:16 PM, Linus Gasser wrote:
> Le 05.08.10 18:38, Herb J. a écrit :
>> That would be considered a standard distributed Nagios setup. We do that
>> in our Nagios cluster.
>> We have a number of remote Nagios collectors in different locations.
>> They all forward their service check results back to a central
>> monitoring server. That server doesn't actually run any host or service
>> checks (other than to monitor the remote collectors), but that depends
>> on how you configure your Nagios installation. Each remote collector is
>> fully independent in the fact that they have the standard Nagios web
>> interface, they schedule their own service checks, and they can generate
>> notifications for failed hosts/services (we decided against that and
>> only have our central collector generating notifications). The data is
>> passed back using OCP_daemon to improve performance, which feeds data
>> back to the central collector using NSCA.
> OK, I'll try that again, then. I've been looking at NagiosCenter View,
> but I don't manage to make the configuration as it should be. So up to
> NSCA, then ;)
>> However, due to the size of our setup, without heavy use of templating
>> and fully automated configuration file management, it would be a
>> nightmare to maintain.
> Hmm, in fact, do you have to configure the central collector to let him
> know what the other collectors are doing?

All collectors are configured with the same check commands and 
templates, but the remote collectors only know about their specific list 
of hosts and services to monitor. The central collector knows about all 
hosts, services, service check commands, etc. (Since Nagios ignores 
passive data for hosts and services it doesn't recognize, it has to know 
about everything being monitored.) However, the central collector is 
configured to not run any active checks (except for monitoring the other 
collectors) and is configured to accept passive check data. The remote 
collectors are configured to run active service checks on their list of 
servers (ignoring passive data since they don't receive any) and does 
not generate any alerts or notifications. All of this is done by having 
the central collector use slightly modified host and service templates.

> Thanks,
> Linus
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Re: [Nagios-users] Nagios supervising nagios?

2010-08-05 Thread Herb J.
That would be considered a standard distributed Nagios setup. We do that 
in our Nagios cluster.

We have a number of remote Nagios collectors in different locations. 
They all forward their service check results back to a central 
monitoring server. That server doesn't actually run any host or service 
checks (other than to monitor the remote collectors), but that depends 
on how you configure your Nagios installation. Each remote collector is 
fully independent in the fact that they have the standard Nagios web 
interface, they schedule their own service checks, and they can generate 
notifications for failed hosts/services (we decided against that and 
only have our central collector generating notifications). The data is 
passed back using OCP_daemon to improve performance, which feeds data 
back to the central collector using NSCA.

However, due to the size of our setup, without heavy use of templating 
and fully automated configuration file management, it would be a 
nightmare to maintain.

On 08/05/2010 11:50 AM, wrote:
> Hi list,
> I searched a bit around, but I don't find a solution to my (IMO) simple
> idea: if I have nagios installed on different servers, is it possible to
> have a central nagios-instance that gets it's data from the remote ones?
> The idea is to have different nagios-instances which are independent, but
> which can be monitored from a central nagios-instance.
> As far as I read, both NSCA and NRPE are not exactly what I'm looking for.
> Could Opsview do something like that?
> Thanks if you have a pointer,
> Linus
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Re: [Nagios-users] Service notification

2010-07-30 Thread Herb J.
Nagios won't do that. If I recall correctly, when the host check fails, 
it refuses to generate any further service notifications for that host 
until the host check succeeds again. It also won't generate service 
recovery notifications when those services actually come back online either.

Our solution for that was to add a second host check (i.e., create a new 
"define command" block) for devices that don't respond to PING. For 
those devices, we configure them to use the new host check (i.e., use 
the command you just created for that host's "check command" directive) 
that checks HTTP status. I work at a web hosting company, so 100% of our 
servers listen on either PING, HTTP, or FTP, so we have those three 
choices for the host check. You will need to create another host check 
(or two or three if necessary) that can be used for the devices that 
don't respond to PING and configure those devices to use one of the 
alternate host checks.

On 07/30/2010 10:54 AM, Aex wrote:
> Ok, I mean that if server down - service notification cannot be send.
> How can I reconfigure Nagios to send service notification from specific 
> service
> even if server down?
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Re: [Nagios-users] NDO only processing some hosts

2010-07-14 Thread Herb J.
Unless you wish to somehow modify the source code to ignore certain 
hosts (a very risky proposition unless you are good at C), I'd recommend 
against trying to limit the number of hosts that NDO puts in the 
database. Also, having that many services in NDO shouldn't be an issue 
with the hardware you are running (we have almost 7 times as many hosts 
and services in our Nagios installation and NDO doesn't take any time to 
save the data).

There are a number of database optimizations that can be done to the 
MySQL database tables. For starters, make sure all of your tables are 
using InnoDB instead of MyISAM. Secondly, you may wish to lower the 
amount of time that NDO saves some of the various metrics (e.g., service 
check data) because smaller tables are easier to prune old data from. 
And depending on the data you need exported, you may also wish to modify 
the "data_processing_options directive in the NDO config file. Depending 
on how you extract the data from the NDO database, you may need to add 
an extra table index here and there to speed things up.

On 07/14/2010 09:47 AM, Greg Pangrazio wrote:
> Is there a way to limit which hosts get put into the NDO database?  My
> install is getting a bit big and NDO is taking up too much of the CPU
> and making the system sluggish.  If i turn of NDO it works fine.
> I use ndo for some custom pages for groups that do not have access to
> nagios and only need to check like 80 services and 40 hosts for those
> pages and the other 800 hosts and 3000 services don't need to be in
> the database.
> Maybe I am missing some NDO optimizations too?
> The hardware is a dual quad core Xeon 2.5Ghz with 56GB ram so I should
> not be having any problems.
> Greg Pangrazio
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Re: [Nagios-users] Running Nagios on Vmware

2010-07-08 Thread Herb J.
For that size of a deployment you will definitely want to use dedicated 

Also, with 300,000 services the standard nagios web interface could end 
up being quite slow. Our deployment has just over 21,000 services 
(multiple remote collectors feeding data back into a primary collector, 
all dual dual-core or dual quad-core Xeons with 4-8GB RAM). Even though 
the main server is overpowered and has lots of spare server resources, 
it takes 6 seconds for *any* page to be rendered (we store the Nagios 
status file on a ramdisk but it still takes several seconds to parse 
35MB of text on every page reload). Due to the number of people we have 
using it (anywhere from 20-40 users refreshing the page twice a minute), 
we were forced long ago to build a custom front end that is integrated 
into an existing equipment database (which is also used to build the 
Nagios config files) using NDOutils to extract the data from Nagios. (I 
still need to test and implement a better solution than NDO due to the 
amount of time it takes to repopulate the database after reloading the 
Nagios configs.) In order to head off any future scaling issues, I've 
even began abstracting various functionality out of Nagios into external 
scripts, e.g., sending notifications (sending a Jabber notification 
takes almost a second for the script to initialize the connection to our 
Jabber server, which is way too long and causes latency in Nagios when 
there are multiple host/service issues), adding/removing comments and 
acknowledgements, and as scheduling downtime (it's hard to usefully save 
historical comment, acknowledgement, and downtime data using only Nagios).

On 07/08/2010 10:20 AM, Ryan C Ash wrote:
> Sorry.  It probably would of helped to include some of this information.
> It would be a large deployment in terms of what I have seen others
> using.  There could be ~12 servers each with ~1,500 hosts and 300,000
> service checks (almost all NSCA).  We expect a lot of service checks per
> host so we want to keep the number of hosts homed to each server below
> 2,000.  I hope this helps.
> Thanks
> BTW if anyone has scalability documentation it would help us do some
> server sizing.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Gauthier []
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:11 AM
> To: Nagios Users List
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Running Nagios on Vmware
>> Is anyone aware of documentation or test cases showing whether or not
> running Nagios on VMware is a good idea?  I realize the common opinion
> is that it>is a bad idea due to I/O but I am looking for something a
> bit more in depth.
>> Thanks
> I think it depends on your environment.  I'm running Nagios and Cacti on
> Hyper-V with 165 hosts and 487 services.   It seems to be fine.
> Sometimes apache is slow to respond.
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Re: [Nagios-users] Trouble with latency

2010-07-06 Thread Herb J.
You may wish to periodically off-load the historical data to a second 
database and clean up the primary one periodically. Having a smaller 
database would help immensely when NDO periodically truncates old data.

Also, make sure that you have the proper database table indexes created. 
Also consider converting the tables to InnoDB. The default install of 
NDO doesn't have things fully optimized as well as it should be for 
large installations. Missing indexes would also cause MySQL to hang 
while searching the tables for old data to remove, and with MyISAM the 
table would be locked during the delete.

On 07/06/2010 09:37 AM, Scott Ward wrote:
The problem with that is that we need to retain the information for at 
least 6 months possibly more.

~Scott Ward

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Assaf Flatto > wrote:


I encountered a similar issue with ndo and mysql when the tables
grew to
a monstrous size , and ndo had trouble doing the updates to the DB.

Check the tables sizes and see if you can trim them to a more
"manageable" size.

Personally i truncate the tables that  grow to fast every week as the
data i need the ndo for is never more then a day old .


Scott Ward wrote:
> I am having major latency problems, 700 seconds in some cases.  I am
> pretty sure that it is coming from ndo and mysql.  Anybody have any
> mysql configs or changes to ndo that can help.  Right now I am using
> the default ndo config and made some changes to allocate more memory
> to mysql and that's pretty much it.

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