Re: normally CFP's are off-topic for NANOG but this one's *about* us

2004-12-11 Thread Paul Vixie

  The Internet is under increasing attacks with unwanted traffic in
  the form of spam, distributed denial of service, virus, worms, etc.
 Does etc. include pornography and certain forms of poltical speech
 which do not conform to local community standards?

not for this conference, no.  this is about technology not politics/customs.

 Or are you folks conveniently ignoring the large-scale side effects of
 technological advances in this area? 8-)

if those side effects are also technological then they are fair game.

normally CFP's are off-topic for NANOG but this one's *about* us

2004-12-10 Thread Paul Vixie

Speaking for the program committee, I hope to see submissions from this crowd,
as well as faces from this crowd at MIT in July.  'nuf said; read on:

SRUTI 2005 Workshop
Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet 
Sponsored by USENIX

July 7-8, 2005
MIT, Stata Center, Cambridge, MA, USA.

The Internet is under increasing attacks with unwanted traffic in the form of 
spam, distributed denial of service, virus, worms, etc. Unwanted traffic on 
the Internet has manifested itself as attacks on many protocols (IP, TCP, DNS, 
BGP, and HTTP) and popular applications (e.g., Email, Web). Recently, attacks 
combining multiple exploits have become common. Many solutions have been 
proposed for specific attacks, some of which have had limited success. SRUTI 
seeks research on the unwanted traffic problem that looks across the protocol 
stack, examines attack commonalities, and investigates how various solutions 
interact and whether they can be combined to increase security. Original 
research, promising ideas, and steps towards practical solutions at all 
levels are sought. We look for ideas in networking and systems, and insights 
from other areas such as databases, data mining, and economics. SRUTI aims to 
bring academic and industrial research communities together with those who 
face the problems at the operational level. SRUTI 2005 will be a one and a 
half day event. Each session chair will play the role of a discussant and 
present a summary of the papers in the session and a state-of-the-art 
synopsis of the topic. The workshop will be highly interactive, with 
substantial time devoted to questions and answers. Submissions must contribute 
to improving the current understanding of unwanted traffic and/or suggestions 
to reducing it. The proceedings of the workshop will be published.

Relevant topics include:

* Architectural solutions to the unwanted traffic problem.
* Scientific assessment of the spread and danger of the attacks
* Practical countermeasures to various aspects of unwanted traffic
  (Spam, DoS, worms,...)
* Cross-layer solutions and solutions to combination attacks
* Attacks on emerging technologies (e.g., sensors, VOIP, PDAs) and
  their countermeasures
* Privacy and anonymity
* Intrusion avoidance, detection, and response
* Virus, worms, and other malicious code
* Analysis of protocols and systems vulnerabilities
* Handling errors/misconfigurations that might lead to unwanted traffic
* Attacks on specific distributed systems or network technologies
  (e.g., P2P, wireless networks)
* Data mining with application to unwanted traffic
* New types of solutions: incentive-based, economic, statistical,
  collaborative, etc.

Program Committee
Paul Barford, University of Wisconsin   
Steven M. Bellovin, ATT Labs--Research 
Herve Debar, France Telecom RD 
Mark Handley, University College London
Dina Katabi, MIT
Balachander Krishnamurthy, ATT Labs--Research  
Doug Maughan, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
Chris Morrow, UUNET
Vern Paxson, ICIR/ICSI
Dawn Song, Carnegie Mellon University
Paul Vixie, ISC

Steering Committee
Dina Katabi, MIT.
Balachander Krishnamurthy, ATT Labs--Research.

Submission deadline: March 30, 2005 (11:59 PM EST, HARD)
Acceptance notification: May 3, 2005.
Final papers due: May 23, 2005.
Workshop: July 7-8, 2005.

All submissions must be in English, must include a title and the authors' 
names and affiliations. Submissions should be no more than six (6) pages 
long, and submitted in Postscript or PDF only. Each submission should 
have a contact author who should provide full contact information (e-mail, 
phone, fax, mailing address). One author of each accepted paper will be 
required to present the work at the workshop.

For uptodate Web page please see