Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Ray Soucy
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Tomas Podermanski  wrote:

> Well, then how many devices do you have in the network that uses IPv6?

Good question, and I applaud you for wanting to verify that people
talking about IPv6 have legitimate experience deploying it.

I dug into the database I log all IPv6 traffic into.  We have 8,509
active hosts using IPv6, that's in comparison to 35,229 on the IPv4
side, so about 24% (mind you, this is only the LAN networks we manage,
we provide IPv6 transit to other entities as the regional R&E

At this point over 95% of IPv4 LAN networks have IPv6 available,
wireless is still a challenge (which is a big part of the difference
between the host numbers you see above).

We participate in Google's trusted IPv6 program, so Google announces
's to us for nearly all their services, so a significant amount of
bandwidth is actually over IPv6.  I would say that Google does make up
the majority of IPv6 traffic though; there isn't much else out there
announcing 's yet.

We have always taken the approach that IPv6 isn't ready to be deployed
if you can't do so while maintaining the same standards you have for
IPv4 in the areas of manageability, security, availability, and
stability.  And we literally spent a few years modifying internal
systems (and implementing new ones) to support IPv6 before we started
making it available. See
  for the case I've been making the last few years, or listen to me
(and others) talking a little about it on Cisco's Higher Education
webcast series

> Do you have implemented first hop  security? What will you do when some
> user runs RA flood attack

You can hear me talk a little about that in the Cisco webcast.  Right
now we maintain a PACL on our switches that filter RA or DHCPv6 server
traffic originating from access ports.  As you mentioned it doesn't
protect against malicious attempts to disrupt services on the network
(fragmented packets) but it does add a reasonable level of stability
(e.g. prevent Windows ICS) to levels that are similar to IPv4.  In
addition, we have a process that monitors our routers for new RAs on
the network, and alerts us to that (which would let us respond to a
malicious RA that got past the PACL).

For neighbor table exhaustion, I've written a set of scripts that I
can use in a lab environment to perform the attacks against the
platforms we use, and test how they fair.  There is a pretty wide
range of results.  Most of the larger platforms that are the ones we
would be concerned about actually hit CPU limitations before neighbor
table exhaustion is accomplished, mainly because the neighbor
discovery process doesn't appear to be implemented in hardware.  It
doesn't take much to pull off the attack either; a handful of
residential connections would do the trick.  This isn't an IPv6
problem so much as a vendor implementation problem, though.  Like most
DoS and DDoS attack vectors, vendors will need to take extra steps to
harden equipment against these attack vectors as they become aware of

Until vendors catch up (and that includes us having the funds to
upgrade to new platforms that do a better job with it), we have opt'd
to make use of longer prefixes than 64-bit (in fact we mirror the
capacity of the IPv4 prefix; so a /24 in IPv4 would be a /120 in
IPv6).  A good description of this is available in some slides by Jeff
Wheeler at

While your mileage may vary with longer prefixes, with the same
attacks we saw the impact on CPU usage to be less than half when
longer prefixes were used, and that's pretty good.  You can also keep
external attacks from reaching internal routers if you don't do route
summarization internally, which sees considerable gains, as more of
that logic appears to be in hardware.

On the deployment side, we make use of DHCPv6 and RA with M and O set,
and A unset.  Our DHCPv6 servers only hand out IPv6 addresses to
registered systems that are in the database and have been flagged as
OK for IPv6.  This has allowed us to roll out IPv6 on a host-by-host
basis, rather than a network-wide basis (as you would need to do with

This does have the consequence of excluding hosts from IPv6,
piticurally Windows XP systems, and pre-Lion OS X systems.  But since
IPv6 isn't "required" yet (there is really no IPv6-only content yet),
we take the position that we only provide IPv6 to systems that support
DHCPv6 and have an adequate IPv6 host-level firewall as part of their
IPv6 implementation.  This makes it easy to exclude hosts that might
be problematic to deliver IPv6 to, due to lack of security, or even
bugs (RHEL 3 can kernel panic when connected to over IPv6, for
example).  It also keeps the pressure on to upgrade legacy systems.

Wireless is an area we would really like t

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Jimmy Hess
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Jay Ashworth  wrote:

Leveraging a superior bargaining position  to  achieve more revenue from a
kind of high-risk customer  doesn't sound "dishonest" it sounds
Why would an agreement be denominated as "1 year maintenance"  if it could
simply be reinstated at will?

What is meant by high-risk,  is a customer inclined to renew maintenance,
only at the moment that a lot of services are to be required all at once --
for example,  just before a major software upgrade, likely followed by a
slew of support incidents,   possibly at a cost to the software vendor
above the fee.

I guess the networking equivalent is ---   you stop paying for your OC3
with  $BIG_TELCO  for a few months,  and you get it turned off,  but for
some reason the physical cabling isn't physically removed.   A few months
later,  you decide you need an OC3 again and exclaim the unfairness of
$BIG_TELCO  informing you that a fee is required to re-install the OC3
they haven't removed yet.
How unfair right...  many thousands of $$ just to flip a switch?   One
chose to go without service for a few months, therefore should get a lower
total cost, based on the new renewal date, right?

In fact, it's not.  If you miss your renewal payment for, frex, Safari
> books,
> they actually slip your cycle date to when you renew -- since you don't
> *get*

It's a standard practice for _Software_   _Maintenance_ agreements; where a
product is purchased, with an annual charge for  updates, support,
sometimes warranty, and other services for that product.

If you let the agreement lapse, usually no warranty. Most extended
warranties can't be renewed 6 months after they lapsed,  because you found
the product just broke  and you would like to renew a warranty, so you can
RMA it for a repair/replacement.

Safari books is not a software maintenance agreement; it's a subscription
service, and they allow members of the public to start a subscription any
time,  the cost to renew's basically equivalent to the cost to sign up;
it's not as if there is a higher price for new subs.

But, effectively, he's a new client, and should probably be treated that
> way.
Yes. Software maintenance / subscription update services are  not usually
sold to just anyone on the street; they are normally sold with software.

If you allowed your maintenance agreement to lapse,  then You may now be in
a position to negotiate a new agreement,  but  this most likely consists
of asking what costs/terms  are available for re-upping the maintenance,
and  having to accept   in order to re-up.

This likely means one of these scenarios...
1 o  One time upgrade fee
2 o  Pay delinquent maintenance bills, and then  renew from anniversary
3 o  Have to re-purchase product at brand new product cost,  no 'upgrade'
discount, since maintenance lapsed.

(1) and (2) are most popular  ways vendors offer to redeem expired

(3) Is not dishonest.It is the simplest thing to do, and justifiable if
the product's price is low.

One-time upgrade fee is very common with consumer software.   When you buy
"Windows 95"  retail, you don't even pay an annual maintenance  for free
lifetime upgrades.

Chances are you buy each upgrade, or  get forced into (3),  since Windows'
cost is basically built into each new computer nowadays.

But imagine if no computers came with windows..  and Microsoft offered you
$25 a  year for annual maintenance, for your Windows '95, and  issued a new
release every 2 years.

If you allowed your maintenance to lapse in 1995, and then decided to renew
in  2011...
do you really think a reasonable software vendor would give you the 1 year
windows '95 maintenance
re-activation for $25  and  the free upgrade to Windows 7?

Nope... chances are you'd to pay  $150+ before the vendor would consider
re-upping that.


Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Mohacsi Janos

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Tomas Podermanski wrote:


On 12/21/11 9:40 PM, Ray Soucy wrote:

I'm afraid you're about 10 years too late for this opinion to make
much difference. ;-)

My opinion is that there is never too late to make thinks easier to
implement and operate, specially in situation when things are
unnecessary complicated. I do not hide that my opinion about SLAAC might
look extreme but I have wrote my reasons for that. I do not expect that
anything will be changed but the fact that I can see discussion about
that topic approximately 2 or 3 times per month  (v6ops, dhcwg, ipv6,
...) and that shows that this problem is pain for many people/ISP. Have
you ever seen similar discussion related to DHCP(v4). I have not,
because there nothing to discuss about. It just works. It works in
simple and logical way.

We have been running IPv6 in production for several years (2008) as
well (answering this email over IPv6 now, actually) yet I have
completely different conclusions about the role of RA and DHCPv6.

Well, then how many devices do you have in the network that uses IPv6?
Do you have implemented first hop  security? What will you do when some
user runs RA flood attack
( What will you do
when some user runs NDP Table Exhaustion Attack
( ? It is quite easy
to bring IPv6 into a server subnet or a small office network. Providing
stable and secure connectivity into the network with thousands of access
port for the paying customers/users is really a serious issue today.

This is implementation issue. Has to be fixed. Or your have to think about 

I am very interested how the sites with similar number of access ports
(users/customers) solve that problems.

If users are not seperated by interfaces you can see similar issues in 
IPv4 (spoofing attacks)

I can see that many ISPs prefer
to solve that by blocking whole IPv6 traffic instead. But it does not
look as a good strategy for deploying IPv6 :-(.


On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Tomas Podermanski  wrote:


from my perspective the short answer for this never-ending story is:

- SLAAC/RA is totally useless, does not bring any benefit at all
 and should be removed from IPv6 specs
- DHCPv6 should be extended by route options as proposed in
- DHCPv6 should be extended by layer 2 address to identify
 client's L2 address (something that we can see in RFC 6221)
- DHCPv6 should be the common way to autoconfigure an address
 in a IPv6 environment

The long answer is:

I completely disagree with opinion that both DHCPv6 and RA (SLAAC)
should be supported. It is easy to say that both have place but it has
some consequences. I and my colleagues have been working on deploying
IPv6 for a few years and from the operation perspective we conclude into
a quite clear opinion in that area. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 uses a
opposite principles although the goal is just one. DHCPv6 is based on a
central DHCPv6 server that assigns addresses. SLAAC does opposite -
leaves the decision about the address on a client side. However we have
to run both of them in a network to provide all necessary pieces of
information to the clients (default route and DNS). This brings many
implementation and operational complications.

- Clients have to support both SLAAC and DHCPv6 to be able to work in
 both environments
- There must be solved a situation what to do when SLAAC and DHCPv6
 provides some conflict information (quite long thread with various
 can be found at
- The first hop security have to be solved twice - for SLAAC and for
DHCPv6. Both
 of then uses a differed communication way. SLAAC is part of ICMPv6,
but DHCPv6
 uses "own" UDP communication what does not make things easier.
- SLAAC is usually processed in a kernel, DHCPv6 is usually run as a
 process in the user space. Diagnostic and troubleshooting is more
- DHCPv6 is currently tied with SLAAC (M,O flags), what means that
 a DHCPv6 client have to wait until some RA message arrives to start DHCPv6
 discovery. That unnecessary prolongs whole autoconfiguration process.

Some other issues are also described in [1].

I personally prefer to bury SLAAC once forever for several reasons:
- In fact SLAAC does nothing more what DHCPv6 can do.
- SLAAC is quite difficult to secure. One (really only ONE)  RA packet
can destroy
 the IPv6 connection for all clients in a local network just in a few
 It also happens accidentally by "connection sharing" in Vista, Win7

- The full protection against that behavior it's impossible today.
RA-Guard or
 PACL can be bypassed using extension headers or fragmentation

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Mohacsi Janos

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Tomas Podermanski wrote:


On 12/22/11 12:04 AM, Michael Sinatra wrote:

On 12/21/11 12:40, Ray Soucy wrote:

I'm afraid you're about 10 years too late for this opinion to make
much difference. ;-)

We have been running IPv6 in production for several years (2008) as
well (answering this email over IPv6 now, actually) yet I have
completely different conclusions about the role of RA and DHCPv6.

And that's a very good reason not to deprecate SLAAC.  Tomas may
prefer DHCPv6, and he may provide reasons others may prefer DHCPv6.
But he hasn't provided justification for deprecating SLAAC.

I am not against SLAAC. I am against the way how DHCPv6 & SLAAC works
today. Today, SLAAC can not live without DHCPv6 and DHCPv6 can not live
without SLAAC (RA). Second reason is that we have two
protocols/techniques to do just the same thing. I prefer to have just
ONE common autoconfiguration method as we have it in IPv4. Because
DHCPv6 is more complex and SLAAC can provide only subset of DHCP
functionality I personaly prefer DHCPv6.

This is your personal preference. Some has other personal preference.

Many of us have been working with IPv6 for years and have found SLAAC
to be quite useful.  The biggest benefit it provides, which Tomas did
not acknowledge, is the ability to autoconfigure hosts without running
a central server.  That said, I have also found DHCPv6 to be quite

We have to use SLAAC as well because we do not have other choice. Not
all operating systems supports DHCPv6 today. But we are not happy about
it (problems with privacy extensions, security as I mentioned before).

DHCPv6 do not have to be run on a central server. DHCPv6 can be
implemented as a part of a router as well. It is common for DHCP(v4) an
implementations for DHCPv6 are available today (eg. cisco

Similar configuration o routers:
- enabling ipv6 relay agent -> DHCPv6 configuration
- enabling router advertisment on interace -> SLAAC (some routers has to 

I also agree with Owen: Provide two complete solutions, and let
operators choose based on their needs.  That implies fixing DHCPv6 so
I don't have to go in and disable the autonomous flag on my routers
and run RAs just to get a default route.  But it also implies not
deprecating either SLAAC or DHCPv6.

Although we have differed opinion whether we need one or two
autoconfiguration protocols, I totally agree that "fixing" DHCPv6 is a
really necessary step and It should have been done many years ago.

Btw. not all people agree that DHCPv6 should be fixed in that way. There
was a discussion in 2009 in dhcwg (thread available on: The
current draft (draft-ietf-mif-dhcpv6-route-option-03)  is the 3rd
attempt to do it. In past, there were another two drafts trying to
introduce route information into DHCPv6:

draft-droms-dhc-dhcpv6-default-router-00, expired September 2009
draft-dec-dhcpv6-route-option-05, expired  April 2011

So I hope that this time we will have more luck :-)

I am also supporting this


Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Mohacsi Janos

On Wed, 21 Dec 2011, Tomas Podermanski wrote:


from my perspective the short answer for this never-ending story is:

- SLAAC/RA is totally useless, does not bring any benefit at all
 and should be removed from IPv6 specs
- DHCPv6 should be extended by route options as proposed in
- DHCPv6 should be extended by layer 2 address to identify
 client's L2 address (something that we can see in RFC 6221)
- DHCPv6 should be the common way to autoconfigure an address
 in a IPv6 environment

Your opinion is very extreme. Another extremity would be to add some 
extension into SLAAC/RA and remove DHCPv6 completely. BUT both mechanisms 
have their merits. They have to interporate! Every environment should 
develop their policy according to their needs!

The long answer is:

I completely disagree with opinion that both DHCPv6 and RA (SLAAC)
should be supported. It is easy to say that both have place but it has
some consequences. I and my colleagues have been working on deploying
IPv6 for a few years and from the operation perspective we conclude into
a quite clear opinion in that area. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 uses a
opposite principles although the goal is just one. DHCPv6 is based on a
central DHCPv6 server that assigns addresses. SLAAC does opposite -
leaves the decision about the address on a client side. However we have
to run both of them in a network to provide all necessary pieces of
information to the clients (default route and DNS). This brings many
implementation and operational complications.

- Clients have to support both SLAAC and DHCPv6 to be able to work in
 both environments

They already do. If not they have to be fixed.

- There must be solved a situation what to do when SLAAC and DHCPv6
 provides some conflict information (quite long thread with various
 can be found at

Administrators are deliberately providing conflicting information?

- The first hop security have to be solved twice - for SLAAC and for
DHCPv6. Both
 of then uses a differed communication way. SLAAC is part of ICMPv6,
but DHCPv6
 uses "own" UDP communication what does not make things easier.

This can be an argument for remove DHCPv6 completely

- SLAAC is usually processed in a kernel, DHCPv6 is usually run as a
 process in the user space. Diagnostic and troubleshooting is more

Some operating system do the SLAAC processing in user space. What is the 

- DHCPv6 is currently tied with SLAAC (M,O flags), what means that
 a DHCPv6 client have to wait until some RA message arrives to start DHCPv6
 discovery. That unnecessary prolongs whole autoconfiguration process.

I think it is matter of implementation.

Some other issues are also described in [1].

I personally prefer to bury SLAAC once forever for several reasons:
- In fact SLAAC does nothing more what DHCPv6 can do.

But suitable in certain environments.

- SLAAC is quite difficult to secure. One (really only ONE)  RA packet
can destroy
 the IPv6 connection for all clients in a local network just in a few
 It also happens accidentally by "connection sharing" in Vista, Win7


Their is an RAguard RFC to prevent this.

- The full protection against that behavior it's impossible today.
RA-Guard or
 PACL can be bypassed using extension headers or fragmentation

For solution See propoosal of Fernando Gont about atomic ICMPv6 messages.

- With SLAAC is difficult to implement security features like ARP/ND
 protection/inspection, IP source guard/Dynamic lock down, because
 all this techniques are based on a MAC-IP database created during
 a communication with a DHCP server. There are some attempts (ND
protection, SAVI)
 but it does not provide the same level of security.

What is missing?

- Just the same technique was introduced in IPv4 as Router Discovery
(RFC 1256).
 Nobody uses it today. Do we really need go through same death way again?
 (Oh right, we are already going :-( )

Nobody? Every modern Windows OS.

Comparing to SLAAC, DHCPv6 have several advantages:
- DHCPv6 is very similar to DHCP(v4) and many people are used to using it.
- DHCPv6 can potentially do much more - for example handle an information
 for PXE, options for IP phones, prefix delegation.
- DHCPv6 allows handle an information only for some hosts or group of
 hosts (differed lease time, search list, DNS atc.). With SLAAC it is
 impossible and all host on a subnet have to share the same set of
 the configuration information.

RA is just matter of swtiching on first hop router. You don't have to 
configure anything.

- Frankly said, I have not found any significant benefit that SLAAC brings.

Configuration of thousands of device without much overhead on server si

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Owen DeLong

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 23, 2011, at 3:46 AM, Tomas Podermanski  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 12/22/11 12:18 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> The long answer is:
>>> I completely disagree with opinion that both DHCPv6 and RA (SLAAC)
>>> should be supported. It is easy to say that both have place but it has
>>> some consequences. I and my colleagues have been working on deploying
>>> IPv6 for a few years and from the operation perspective we conclude into
>>> a quite clear opinion in that area. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 uses a
>>> opposite principles although the goal is just one. DHCPv6 is based on a
>>> central DHCPv6 server that assigns addresses. SLAAC does opposite -
>>> leaves the decision about the address on a client side. However we have
>>> to run both of them in a network to provide all necessary pieces of
>>> information to the clients (default route and DNS). This brings many
>>> implementation and operational complications.
>> I agree that the requirement to run both is broken. I don't agree that this
>> means we should remove the option of using SLAAC in environments
>> where it makes sense.
>>> - Clients have to support both SLAAC and DHCPv6 to be able to work in
>>> both environments
>> So?
> It makes the client side more difficult to implement (=more expensive). 
> What worse SLAAC and DHCPv6 are differed protocols, so there is bigger
> probability for attacks (overflow, flood etc.). For example in UNIX-like
> systems autoconfiguration have to be solved by 3 parts of the system:
> 1. some SLAAC options are usually processed by a kernel (address
> selection, MTU) and behavior of that process can be changed via sysctl
> 2. some SLAAC options are processed by rdnssd daemon (processing DNS
> options)
> 3. DHCPv6 options are processed byt dhcpv6-client
> All those parts have to cooperate together. At the first sight it is
> obvious that there is pretty good probability that something can go
> wrong. Troubleshooting then is really piece of cake. For example in IPv4
> environment we have following scenario:
> 1. DHCP options are processed by dhcp-client

Except when they are processed by BIOS, Kernel, or something else.

Yeah, the situation there in terms of the number of moving pieces is actually 
about the same. Even when DHCP options are parsed by dhcp-client, it has to use 
them to modify the kernel data structures and affect the behavior of other 
parts of the system, so, there's roughly similar amount of interaction either 

>>> - There must be solved a situation what to do when SLAAC and DHCPv6
>>> provides some conflict information (quite long thread with various
>>> opinions
>>> can be found at 
>> SLAAC and DHCPv6 can't really provide conflicting information unless
>> the router is misconfigured. Even if a host gets different answers for the
>> same prefixes from SLAAC and DHCP, it should be able to use both
>> host addresses. There's the question of source address selection, but,
>> the answer to that question at the IETF level should only be a matter
>> of what the default answer is. There are configuration options for setting
>> host source address selection priorities.
> I am not thinking about address. It is the easier part - we can use all
> provided. There are other options like DNS servers, search list, NTP
> servers, ...

If you get DNS servers from RA and from DHCP, throw them all in the candidate 
DNS server list. Unless something is broken, any one of them should work and 
provide the same answers as the others.

You can't get NTP from SLAAC/RA, so, no conflict there. If the router and dhcp 
server administrators can't agree on the DNS search list, then, you're going to 
have some problems no matter what protocol you use, so, I really think this is 
a tempest in a teacup.

>>> - The first hop security have to be solved twice - for SLAAC and for
>>> DHCPv6. Both
>>> of then uses a differed communication way. SLAAC is part of ICMPv6,
>>> but DHCPv6
>>> uses "own" UDP communication what does not make things easier.
>> Solved for SLAAC -- SEND.
>> Allegedly, there is Secure DHCPv6 for DHCP, but, I haven't seen any
>> actual implementations yet.
> Right, very easy to write but pretty difficult (impossible) to use
> today. None of operating systems supports SEND  and some will probably
> never be:

If there is actual real world demand for it, it will get implemented. Reality 
is that today, DHCPv4 has been running just as insecure for many years and 
nobody cares. I don't know why the bar for IPv6 should be so much higher than 

> as we can find
> However, Microsoft does not support SEND in any version of Windows.
> I have found only one implementation for Linux
> ( that is not ready for production. So
> we can not think seriously about SEND today. SEND also brings another

Re: what if...?

2011-12-22 Thread Steven Bellovin

On Dec 22, 2011, at 7:04 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:

> Marshall Eubanks wrote:
>> Does your Mom call you up every time she gets a dialog box complaining
>> about an invalid certificate ?
>> If she has been conditioned just to click "OK" when that happens, then
>> she probably can't.
> Everyone I have observed clicks "ok" or "confirm exception" (if I remember 
> the phrase correctly) as soon as possible. Sadly I think only a few security 
> conscious (IT) people will actually think twice and reject it if they don't 
> trust it.
> That to me proves this aspect ssl is somewhat flawed in that regard. But then 
> I am preaching to the choir. :-)

See the definition of "dialog box" at

--Steve Bellovin,

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Masataka Ohta
Glen Kent wrote:

> While in some environments, typically with small number of devices,
> its indispensable. Small businesses may not want the complexity of
> setting up a central server (for DHCP) - SLAAC works very well in such
> environments.

IPv6 routers are the central servers for SLAAC with the
complexity of setting up.

Moreover, SLAAC is stateful in the worst way, because states
of address assignments are held unnecessarily distributed way,
which is why time and power consuming DAD is considered to be

Just as most, if not all, NAT boxes have preconfigured DHCPv4
service to offer part of preconfigured private address
space, home IPv6 routers may have preconfigured DHCPv6
service to offer part of configured public address space.

Masataka Ohta

Re: what if...?

2011-12-22 Thread Jeroen van Aart

Marshall Eubanks wrote:

Does your Mom call you up every time she gets a dialog box complaining
about an invalid certificate ?

If she has been conditioned just to click "OK" when that happens, then
she probably can't.

Everyone I have observed clicks "ok" or "confirm exception" (if I 
remember the phrase correctly) as soon as possible. Sadly I think only a 
few security conscious (IT) people will actually think twice and reject 
it if they don't trust it.

That to me proves this aspect ssl is somewhat flawed in that regard. But 
then I am preaching to the choir. :-)


Earthquake Magnitude: 4.9
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011 16:41:15 UTC
Location: Tarapaca, Chile
Latitude: -19.5358; Longitude: -69.1219
Depth: 95.20 km

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Ryan Pavely
If anyone needs a per-compiled iPerf.exe, no need for cygwin libraries, 
lemme know.

It's a great tool!

  Ryan Pavely
   Director Research And Development
   Net Access Corporation

On 12/22/2011 3:20 PM, Larry Blunk wrote:

On 12/22/2011 02:36 PM, Sean Harlow wrote:
iperf might be able to do what you need and there are Windows builds 
available, but I'm not sure if it has a mode where it's not flooding 
the network trying to test maximum speed.  Is there a reason that 
standard ICMP pings aren't appropriate if you just want packet loss 
info?  Obviously every platform worth using has ping built in.

Sean Harlow

 In UDP mode, iperf sends at 1 Mbps by default.  You change
the rate with the -b flag.   There's an iperf-2.0.5-cygwin
build floating around for Windows.

RE: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Eric J Esslinger

The vmware image is more expensive than the midrange hardware. (and you pay for 
how many processors it will use, ram, features like multi domain support, 

Eric Esslinger
Information Services Manager - Fayetteville Public Utilities
(931)433-1522 ext 165

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeremy Parr []
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:54 PM
> To: Jon Lewis;
> Subject: Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to
> get me to fall into their trap again...
> On 22 December 2011 14:07, Jon Lewis  wrote:
> > Presumably, Barracuda's hardware is i386/i686 compatible commodity
> > parts. It's probably not at all "useless".  Just attach a USB DVD
> > drive or USB flash drive, wipe the disk(s) and install your
> favorite
> > Linux distro. It may take some doing to get all/most of the
> features
> > Barracuda provides setup on your own...but if you don't have the
> > time/expertise to do it, that's why companies like Barracuda exist.
> >
> The hardware Barracuda charges you a very pretty penny for is
> very low end. $3000 or so that they charge for a mid-level
> spam filters gets you a single power supply, single hard
> disk, and a low end processor.
> According to their site it does appear they offer the product
> as VM image. This would eliminate the stupid hardware markup
> and their attempt at backdating updates.

This message may contain confidential and/or proprietary information and is 
intended for the person/entity to whom it was originally addressed. Any use by 
others is strictly prohibited.

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Jeremy Parr
On 22 December 2011 14:07, Jon Lewis  wrote:

> Presumably, Barracuda's hardware is i386/i686 compatible commodity parts.
> It's probably not at all "useless".  Just attach a USB DVD drive or USB
> flash drive, wipe the disk(s) and install your favorite Linux distro.
> It may take some doing to get all/most of the features Barracuda provides
> setup on your own...but if you don't have the time/expertise to do it,
> that's why companies like Barracuda exist.
The hardware Barracuda charges you a very pretty penny for is very low end.
$3000 or so that they charge for a mid-level spam filters gets you a single
power supply, single hard disk, and a low end processor.

According to their site it does appear they offer the product as VM image.
This would eliminate the stupid hardware markup and their attempt at
backdating updates.

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Doug Barton
On 12/22/2011 04:48, Glen Kent wrote:
>> In many environments RA is a catastrophic disaster. Some operators need
>> to be able to do everything with RA turned off on routers, disabled on
>> hosts and filtered on switches.
> While in some environments, typically with small number of devices,
> its indispensable. Small businesses may not want the complexity of
> setting up a central server (for DHCP) - SLAAC works very well in such
> environments.

Please show me the small businesses that don't already have a DHCP
server. Or (equally unlikely) show me the small business whose DHCP
server isn't baked into their SOHO router/toaster and works with nearly
zero human intervention.

> Today, we can get NTP server information only with DHCP (DNS info is
> supported by both DHCP and RAs). DHCP only works after RAs have been
> processed. In some environments (mobile IPv6) delays in acquiring NTP
> and other servers information is critical and waiting for DHCP to come
> up may not be acceptable.

So clearly the right answer is to make DHCPv6 a superset of RA
functionality so that the people who need more than what RA provides
only have to run DHCP.

Over strenuous objection DNS resolver data was added to RA and the folks
over in MIF are just now getting around to sorting out the damage caused
by having the same category of information arrive over 2 different
configuration protocols with subtly different data. (A 100% foreseen
problem that was part of the core of the previously mentioned strenuous

RA was an interesting idea that came to light in an era when DHCP was
new, clunky, unreliable, and not widely deployed. None of those things
are true anymore, so it would be very helpful if IPv6 deployment
planning moved into the 21st Century.




Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Tomas Podermanski

On 12/22/11 12:18 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> The long answer is:
>> I completely disagree with opinion that both DHCPv6 and RA (SLAAC)
>> should be supported. It is easy to say that both have place but it has
>> some consequences. I and my colleagues have been working on deploying
>> IPv6 for a few years and from the operation perspective we conclude into
>> a quite clear opinion in that area. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 uses a
>> opposite principles although the goal is just one. DHCPv6 is based on a
>> central DHCPv6 server that assigns addresses. SLAAC does opposite -
>> leaves the decision about the address on a client side. However we have
>> to run both of them in a network to provide all necessary pieces of
>> information to the clients (default route and DNS). This brings many
>> implementation and operational complications.
> I agree that the requirement to run both is broken. I don't agree that this
> means we should remove the option of using SLAAC in environments
> where it makes sense.
>> - Clients have to support both SLAAC and DHCPv6 to be able to work in
>>  both environments
> So?

It makes the client side more difficult to implement (=more expensive). 
What worse SLAAC and DHCPv6 are differed protocols, so there is bigger
probability for attacks (overflow, flood etc.). For example in UNIX-like
systems autoconfiguration have to be solved by 3 parts of the system:

1. some SLAAC options are usually processed by a kernel (address
selection, MTU) and behavior of that process can be changed via sysctl
2. some SLAAC options are processed by rdnssd daemon (processing DNS
3. DHCPv6 options are processed byt dhcpv6-client

All those parts have to cooperate together. At the first sight it is
obvious that there is pretty good probability that something can go
wrong. Troubleshooting then is really piece of cake. For example in IPv4
environment we have following scenario:

1. DHCP options are processed by dhcp-client

>> - There must be solved a situation what to do when SLAAC and DHCPv6
>>  provides some conflict information (quite long thread with various
>> opinions
>>  can be found at 
> SLAAC and DHCPv6 can't really provide conflicting information unless
> the router is misconfigured. Even if a host gets different answers for the
> same prefixes from SLAAC and DHCP, it should be able to use both
> host addresses. There's the question of source address selection, but,
> the answer to that question at the IETF level should only be a matter
> of what the default answer is. There are configuration options for setting
> host source address selection priorities.

I am not thinking about address. It is the easier part - we can use all
provided. There are other options like DNS servers, search list, NTP
servers, ...

>> - The first hop security have to be solved twice - for SLAAC and for
>> DHCPv6. Both
>>  of then uses a differed communication way. SLAAC is part of ICMPv6,
>> but DHCPv6
>>  uses "own" UDP communication what does not make things easier.
> Solved for SLAAC -- SEND.
> Allegedly, there is Secure DHCPv6 for DHCP, but, I haven't seen any
> actual implementations yet.

Right, very easy to write but pretty difficult (impossible) to use
today. None of operating systems supports SEND  and some will probably
never be:

as we can find
However, Microsoft does not support SEND in any version of Windows.

I have found only one implementation for Linux
( that is not ready for production. So
we can not think seriously about SEND today. SEND also brings another
set of problems like certificate management, etc., but is a little
differed story.

>> - SLAAC is usually processed in a kernel, DHCPv6 is usually run as a
>>  process in the user space. Diagnostic and troubleshooting is more
>> complicated.
> That seems like an argument for SLAAC, if anything.
>> - DHCPv6 is currently tied with SLAAC (M,O flags), what means that
>>  a DHCPv6 client have to wait until some RA message arrives to start DHCPv6
>>  discovery. That unnecessary prolongs whole autoconfiguration process.
> While I agree with you that the standard is broken in this regard, there is at
> least one OS vendor that already violates that rule anyway.
>> Some other issues are also described in [1].
>> I personally prefer to bury SLAAC once forever for several reasons:
>> - In fact SLAAC does nothing more what DHCPv6 can do.
> Yes, but, it does it in a much simpler way with a lot less overhead which
> can be a benefit in some environments.

I have to admit that less overhead is one of benefit of SLAAC. But
having experience with DHCP(v4) all devices that we have today (phones,
cameras, etc.) do not have a problem to process DHCPv4 packets, so there
is no reason why same devices could not do it for DHCPv6. The sensor
networks mentioned in one mail before is a very sp

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 22 Dec 2011 21:04:42 +0100, Tomas Podermanski said:

> Well, then how many devices do you have in the network that uses IPv6?

1,300+ wireless access points, 1,100+ switches, 30k+ users, around 55%
doing at least some IPv6 traffic (mostly when they hit Google).

> Do you have implemented first hop  security? What will you do when some
> user runs RA flood attack
> (

"First actual case of a bug being found" -- Lt Cmdr Grace Hopper

I've asked around, and although everybody understands it's an issue, the number
of people actually *seeing* one of these attacks is... Bueller?  Bueller?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Larry Blunk

On 12/22/2011 02:36 PM, Sean Harlow wrote:

iperf might be able to do what you need and there are Windows builds available, 
but I'm not sure if it has a mode where it's not flooding the network trying to 
test maximum speed.  Is there a reason that standard ICMP pings aren't 
appropriate if you just want packet loss info?  Obviously every platform worth 
using has ping built in.
Sean Harlow

 In UDP mode, iperf sends at 1 Mbps by default.  You change
the rate with the -b flag.   There's an iperf-2.0.5-cygwin
build floating around for Windows.

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Mark Foster
I can imagine plenty of circumstances where someone might want
by-protocol indications of service, rather than the relatively basic
link-test that ICMP provides.

Another vote for iperf


On 23/12/11 08:36, Sean Harlow wrote:
> iperf might be able to do what you need and there are Windows builds 
> available, but I'm not sure if it has a mode where it's not flooding the 
> network trying to test maximum speed.  Is there a reason that standard ICMP 
> pings aren't appropriate if you just want packet loss info?  Obviously every 
> platform worth using has ping built in.
> --
> Sean Harlow
> On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Jay Nakamura wrote:
>> The goal of what I am doing is to test some network convergence impact
>> in a lab with two PCs with windows (Can't run Linux, it would be
>> easier if I could) and switches and/or routers in between.
>> So, I thought there must be some simple utility out there that can
>> just start spewing out UDP packets to the other side at a certain time
>> interval and I can look at packet loss via what arrives on the other
>> side with wireshark on the PC.
>> I found hping but it seems to be outdated and I can't get it to work
>> on my windows boxes.
>> Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Help with quagga BGP config for ipv6 route-server

2011-12-22 Thread David Waitzman
My IPv4 and IPv6 BGP connections now get prefixes.
My thanks to those who answered on and off the list.

My revised config is like:
router bgp MYAS
 no bgp enforce-first-as
 no bgp default ipv4-unicast

 network MYIPv4NET route-map SetAttr
 neighbor PEERIPv6 remote-as RSAS

 neighbor PEERIPv4 remote-as RSAS
 neighbor PEERIPv4 activate
 neighbor PEERIPv4 next-hop-self
 neighbor PEERIPv4 send-community
 !neighbor PEERIPv4 soft-reconfiguration inbound

address-family ipv6
 network MYIPv6NET route-map SetAttr
 neighbor PEERIPv6 activate
 neighbor PEERIPv6 send-community
 neighbor PEERIPv6 soft-reconfiguration inbound

route-map SetAttr permit 10
 set community RSAS:RSAS


I had to move the V6 remote-as line up before the address-family ipv6 block.
I appear to have needed the "exit-address-family".
Having "bgp router-id MYIP4INTERFACE" causes problems.  I am not sure yet if 
not having it is going to cause other problems.

David Waitzman

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Tomas Podermanski

On 12/22/11 12:04 AM, Michael Sinatra wrote:
> On 12/21/11 12:40, Ray Soucy wrote:
>> I'm afraid you're about 10 years too late for this opinion to make
>> much difference. ;-)
>> We have been running IPv6 in production for several years (2008) as
>> well (answering this email over IPv6 now, actually) yet I have
>> completely different conclusions about the role of RA and DHCPv6.
>> Weird.
> And that's a very good reason not to deprecate SLAAC.  Tomas may
> prefer DHCPv6, and he may provide reasons others may prefer DHCPv6. 
> But he hasn't provided justification for deprecating SLAAC.
I am not against SLAAC. I am against the way how DHCPv6 & SLAAC works
today. Today, SLAAC can not live without DHCPv6 and DHCPv6 can not live
without SLAAC (RA). Second reason is that we have two
protocols/techniques to do just the same thing. I prefer to have just
ONE common autoconfiguration method as we have it in IPv4. Because
DHCPv6 is more complex and SLAAC can provide only subset of DHCP
functionality I personaly prefer DHCPv6.

> Many of us have been working with IPv6 for years and have found SLAAC
> to be quite useful.  The biggest benefit it provides, which Tomas did
> not acknowledge, is the ability to autoconfigure hosts without running
> a central server.  That said, I have also found DHCPv6 to be quite
> useful.

We have to use SLAAC as well because we do not have other choice. Not
all operating systems supports DHCPv6 today. But we are not happy about
it (problems with privacy extensions, security as I mentioned before).

DHCPv6 do not have to be run on a central server. DHCPv6 can be
implemented as a part of a router as well. It is common for DHCP(v4) an
implementations for DHCPv6 are available today (eg. cisco

> I also agree with Owen: Provide two complete solutions, and let
> operators choose based on their needs.  That implies fixing DHCPv6 so
> I don't have to go in and disable the autonomous flag on my routers
> and run RAs just to get a default route.  But it also implies not
> deprecating either SLAAC or DHCPv6.

Although we have differed opinion whether we need one or two
autoconfiguration protocols, I totally agree that "fixing" DHCPv6 is a
really necessary step and It should have been done many years ago.

Btw. not all people agree that DHCPv6 should be fixed in that way. There
was a discussion in 2009 in dhcwg (thread available on: The
current draft (draft-ietf-mif-dhcpv6-route-option-03)  is the 3rd
attempt to do it. In past, there were another two drafts trying to
introduce route information into DHCPv6:

draft-droms-dhc-dhcpv6-default-router-00, expired September 2009
draft-dec-dhcpv6-route-option-05, expired  April 2011

So I hope that this time we will have more luck :-)


Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Tomas Podermanski

On 12/21/11 9:40 PM, Ray Soucy wrote:
> I'm afraid you're about 10 years too late for this opinion to make
> much difference. ;-)

My opinion is that there is never too late to make thinks easier to
implement and operate, specially in situation when things are
unnecessary complicated. I do not hide that my opinion about SLAAC might
look extreme but I have wrote my reasons for that. I do not expect that
anything will be changed but the fact that I can see discussion about
that topic approximately 2 or 3 times per month  (v6ops, dhcwg, ipv6,
...) and that shows that this problem is pain for many people/ISP. Have
you ever seen similar discussion related to DHCP(v4). I have not,
because there nothing to discuss about. It just works. It works in
simple and logical way.

> We have been running IPv6 in production for several years (2008) as
> well (answering this email over IPv6 now, actually) yet I have
> completely different conclusions about the role of RA and DHCPv6.
> Weird.

Well, then how many devices do you have in the network that uses IPv6?
Do you have implemented first hop  security? What will you do when some
user runs RA flood attack
( What will you do
when some user runs NDP Table Exhaustion Attack
( ? It is quite easy
to bring IPv6 into a server subnet or a small office network. Providing
stable and secure connectivity into the network with thousands of access
port for the paying customers/users is really a serious issue today.

I am very interested how the sites with similar number of access ports
(users/customers) solve that problems. I can see that many ISPs prefer
to solve that by blocking whole IPv6 traffic instead. But it does not
look as a good strategy for deploying IPv6 :-(.  


> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Tomas Podermanski  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> from my perspective the short answer for this never-ending story is:
>> - SLAAC/RA is totally useless, does not bring any benefit at all
>>  and should be removed from IPv6 specs
>> - DHCPv6 should be extended by route options as proposed in
>> - DHCPv6 should be extended by layer 2 address to identify
>>  client's L2 address (something that we can see in RFC 6221)
>> - DHCPv6 should be the common way to autoconfigure an address
>>  in a IPv6 environment
>> The long answer is:
>> I completely disagree with opinion that both DHCPv6 and RA (SLAAC)
>> should be supported. It is easy to say that both have place but it has
>> some consequences. I and my colleagues have been working on deploying
>> IPv6 for a few years and from the operation perspective we conclude into
>> a quite clear opinion in that area. Both SLAAC and DHCPv6 uses a
>> opposite principles although the goal is just one. DHCPv6 is based on a
>> central DHCPv6 server that assigns addresses. SLAAC does opposite -
>> leaves the decision about the address on a client side. However we have
>> to run both of them in a network to provide all necessary pieces of
>> information to the clients (default route and DNS). This brings many
>> implementation and operational complications.
>> - Clients have to support both SLAAC and DHCPv6 to be able to work in
>>  both environments
>> - There must be solved a situation what to do when SLAAC and DHCPv6
>>  provides some conflict information (quite long thread with various
>> opinions
>>  can be found at
>> - The first hop security have to be solved twice - for SLAAC and for
>> DHCPv6. Both
>>  of then uses a differed communication way. SLAAC is part of ICMPv6,
>> but DHCPv6
>>  uses "own" UDP communication what does not make things easier.
>> - SLAAC is usually processed in a kernel, DHCPv6 is usually run as a
>>  process in the user space. Diagnostic and troubleshooting is more
>> complicated.
>> - DHCPv6 is currently tied with SLAAC (M,O flags), what means that
>>  a DHCPv6 client have to wait until some RA message arrives to start DHCPv6
>>  discovery. That unnecessary prolongs whole autoconfiguration process.
>> Some other issues are also described in [1].
>> I personally prefer to bury SLAAC once forever for several reasons:
>> - In fact SLAAC does nothing more what DHCPv6 can do.
>> - SLAAC is quite difficult to secure. One (really only ONE)  RA packet
>> can destroy
>>  the IPv6 connection for all clients in a local network just in a few
>> milliseconds.
>>  It also happens accidentally by "connection sharing" in Vista, Win7
>> (
>> - The full protection against that behavior it's impossible today.
>> RA-Guard or
>>  PACL can be bypassed using extension headers or fragmentation
>>  (
>> - With SLAAC is difficult to implement securit

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Sean Harlow
iperf might be able to do what you need and there are Windows builds available, 
but I'm not sure if it has a mode where it's not flooding the network trying to 
test maximum speed.  Is there a reason that standard ICMP pings aren't 
appropriate if you just want packet loss info?  Obviously every platform worth 
using has ping built in.
Sean Harlow

On Dec 22, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Jay Nakamura wrote:

> The goal of what I am doing is to test some network convergence impact
> in a lab with two PCs with windows (Can't run Linux, it would be
> easier if I could) and switches and/or routers in between.
> So, I thought there must be some simple utility out there that can
> just start spewing out UDP packets to the other side at a certain time
> interval and I can look at packet loss via what arrives on the other
> side with wireshark on the PC.
> I found hping but it seems to be outdated and I can't get it to work
> on my windows boxes.
> Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Daniel Rohan
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:28 PM, Jay Nakamura  wrote:

> The goal of what I am doing is to test some network convergence impact
> in a lab with two PCs with windows (Can't run Linux, it would be
> easier if I could) and switches and/or routers in between.
> So, I thought there must be some simple utility out there that can
> just start spewing out UDP packets to the other side at a certain time
> interval and I can look at packet loss via what arrives on the other
> side with wireshark on the PC.
> I found hping but it seems to be outdated and I can't get it to work
> on my windows boxes.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
Two suggestions:

1)  (I haven't actually run this
myself, but it's description seems to fit the bill)
2) (iPerf in client mode can spew
UDP packets in configurable bursts)

Re: Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread james machado
d-itg works very well.  you can create
reports of loss/jitter etc.  windows and qos don't work so don't try
setting qos values as they will just be reset to 0 by the windows
tcp/ip stack.


Windows UDP packet generator software?

2011-12-22 Thread Jay Nakamura
The goal of what I am doing is to test some network convergence impact
in a lab with two PCs with windows (Can't run Linux, it would be
easier if I could) and switches and/or routers in between.

So, I thought there must be some simple utility out there that can
just start spewing out UDP packets to the other side at a certain time
interval and I can look at packet loss via what arrives on the other
side with wireshark on the PC.

I found hping but it seems to be outdated and I can't get it to work
on my windows boxes.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Michael Thomas

On 12/22/2011 11:07 AM, Jon Lewis wrote:

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Michael Thomas wrote:

At that point why should they sell iron at all? Seems like you get
all of the downside of owning the iron, and all of the downside of
paying for a cloud based service. Either you own what you own,
or you pay for service that somebody else provides. This "you
bought useless hardware unless you pay up" is really what's

Presumably, Barracuda's hardware is i386/i686 compatible commodity parts. It's probably 
not at all "useless".  Just attach a USB DVD drive or USB flash drive, wipe the 
disk(s) and install your favorite Linux distro.
It may take some doing to get all/most of the features Barracuda provides setup 
on your own...but if you don't have the time/expertise to do it, that's why 
companies like Barracuda exist.

If the spam filter stop working, it's presumably a pretty useless thing
as a... spam filtering device which is presumably why most people are
buying barracuda boxen. I suppose my larger point is that this is why
companies like postini exist. At least there you know that if you don't
pay the bill, mail stops flowing altogether much like any other service.
It's this "I paid for the hardware, but I don't really own what I paid for"
state that seems to stick in people's craw. Or maybe if they just leased
the box it would be more clear what their business model was.


Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Jon Lewis

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Michael Thomas wrote:

At that point why should they sell iron at all? Seems like you get
all of the downside of owning the iron, and all of the downside of
paying for a cloud based service. Either you own what you own,
or you pay for service that somebody else provides. This "you
bought useless hardware unless you pay up" is really what's

Presumably, Barracuda's hardware is i386/i686 compatible commodity parts. 
It's probably not at all "useless".  Just attach a USB DVD drive or USB 
flash drive, wipe the disk(s) and install your favorite Linux distro.
It may take some doing to get all/most of the features Barracuda provides 
setup on your own...but if you don't have the time/expertise to do it, 
that's why companies like Barracuda exist.

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net|
_ for PGP public key_

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 10:54:55AM -0800, Michael Thomas 
> At that point why should they sell iron at all? Seems like you get
> all of the downside of owning the iron, and all of the downside of
> paying for a cloud based service. Either you own what you own,
> or you pay for service that somebody else provides. This "you
> bought useless hardware unless you pay up" is really what's
> infuriating.

I didn't say the box should stop working, but that it should stop
processing the subscription data.  For instance Barracuda boxes do
local bayesian filtering, which does not require a subscription,
and should continue to work.

But I'm also not sure why this is any more or less infuriating than
other things in the real world.  When my home was built I had to
buy an electric meter, at my cost, so I could get electric _service_.
If I don't pay the bill they turn me off, that hardware is now
useless and I don't get to recoup that cost.

Barracuda has bundled a hardware product with a service.  Some people
want it priced like a hardware product, some people want it priced like
a service.  That is fundamentally why they are in a no-win position from
a customer relations perspective.

   Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Michael Thomas

On 12/22/2011 10:47 AM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

In a message written on Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:26:56PM -0600, PC wrote:

This particular product is often used by the SMB types.  This changes
things a bit.  While I disagree with paying for signature updates you
didn't use (It's a service, and I don't care about their fixed costs, I
went into it knowing I'd have a license for the signatures as they were
expired), I do understand where they are coming from for software/firmware
development.  Unfortunately, they don't decouple the two.

Maybe I'm just a grinch, but I think they could fix this problem.
If they set the software in the box so that on the day your
subscription expires it no longer processes the subscription data
there would be a lot less issue.

At that point why should they sell iron at all? Seems like you get
all of the downside of owning the iron, and all of the downside of
paying for a cloud based service. Either you own what you own,
or you pay for service that somebody else provides. This "you
bought useless hardware unless you pay up" is really what's


Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:26:56PM -0600, PC wrote:
> This particular product is often used by the SMB types.  This changes
> things a bit.  While I disagree with paying for signature updates you
> didn't use (It's a service, and I don't care about their fixed costs, I
> went into it knowing I'd have a license for the signatures as they were
> expired), I do understand where they are coming from for software/firmware
> development.  Unfortunately, they don't decouple the two.

Maybe I'm just a grinch, but I think they could fix this problem.
If they set the software in the box so that on the day your
subscription expires it no longer processes the subscription data
there would be a lot less issue.

The problem here is they let the system use the old signature data,
and that data is useful for a while.  The day after a contract
expires, you're still getting 99.9% of th benefit, a week later
95%, and so on.

They've essentially been too nice in letting the software be leniant
with the signature data, and they they pay for it in terms of
customer relations when they try to do renew.  Do they let customers
renew every 13 months, effectively getting one month free each year
while they run on old subscription data, or do they play hardball and
make them "true up" with a backdated contract.  It's really a no-win
choice for them.

I suspect if someone came in here saying "my Baracuda stopped
filtering out spam the day my contract expired" there would be no
love for that person, they would be told "yeah, so renew your
contract if you want the service to work".  While making it stop
working may seem less customer friendly, I think it actually ends
up more.  Everyone knows where they stand, and the poor engineer
trying to get his management to renew it now has a nice club to use
internally rather than the current "nothing happens if we ignore
it, at least in the short term."

   Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

RE: bgp update destroying transit on redback routers ?

2011-12-22 Thread Jeff Tantsura

We've done our best to provide the fix ASAP.

-Original Message-
From: Olivier Benghozi [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 5:20 AM
Cc: Alexandre Snarskii; Jeff Tantsura
Subject: Re: bgp update destroying transit on redback routers ?

Aha, it looks that our Quebecer friends from Hostlogistic (AS46609) have again 
been advertising their now famous funny aggregate with their mad Brocade 
router, since yesterday 10pm UTC (that is 5pm in Quebec)...
Same route to, same AGGREGATOR attribute full of 0.

At least I can say that the patched Ericsson's bgpd stopped reseting the 


Le 2 déc. 2011 à 23:14, Jeff Tantsura a écrit :

> Hi Alexandre,
> You are right, the behavior is exactly as per RFC4271 section 6:
> "When any of the conditions described here are detected, a 
> NOTIFICATION message, with the indicated Error Code, Error Subcode, and Data 
> fields, is sent, and the BGP connection is closed.
> So because ASN 0 in AGGREGATOR is seen as a malformed UPDATE we send 3/9 and 
> close the connection.
> Ideally it should be treated as "treat-as-withdraw" as per 
> draft-chen-ebgp-error-handling, however please note - this is still a draft, 
> not a normative document and with all my support it takes time to implement.
> Once again, we understand the implications for our customers and hence going 
> to disable ASN 0 check.
> P.S. We have strong evidence that the update in question was caused by 
> a bug on a freshly updated router (I'm not going to disclose the 
> vendor)
> Regards,
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: Alexandre Snarskii []
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 6:36 AM
> To: Jeff Tantsura
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: bgp update destroying transit on redback routers ?
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 04:56:43PM -0500, Jeff Tantsura wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Let me take it over from now on, I'm the IP Routing/MPLS Product 
>> Manager at Ericsson responsible for all routing protocols.
>> There's nothing wrong in checking ASN in AGGREGATOR, we don't really 
>> want see ASN 0 anywhere, that's how draft-wkumari-idr-as0
>> (draft-ietf-idr-as0-00) came into the worlds.
> This draft says that
> If a BGP speaker receives a route which has an AS number of zero in the 
> AS_PATH (or AS4_PATH) attribute, it SHOULD be logged and treated as a 
> WITHDRAW. This same behavior applies to routes containing zero as the 
> Aggregator or AS4 Aggregator.
> but observed behaviour was more like following: 
> If a BGP speaker receives [bad route] it MUST close session immediately with 
> NOTIFICATION Error Code 'Update Message Error' and subcode 'Error with 
> optional attribute'.

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread PC
This particular product is often used by the SMB types.  This changes
things a bit.  While I disagree with paying for signature updates you
didn't use (It's a service, and I don't care about their fixed costs, I
went into it knowing I'd have a license for the signatures as they were
expired), I do understand where they are coming from for software/firmware
development.  Unfortunately, they don't decouple the two.

However, this particular vendor is bad in a market where gear often passes
hands or goes lapsed for years.  After a certain point (IE: 1 yr), you
shouldn't have to true-up.  This particular company makes your 3-year
lapsed appliance pay for 3 years of missed updates, at which point you
might as well just throw it in the garbage.

Same thing with my license plates -- if they go for 11 months or less, I
have to "true up".  If I put a car in storage for over a year, I can
purchase a new registration.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 11:04 AM, James M Keller wrote:

> On 12/21/2011 3:22 PM, David Swafford wrote:
> > In my position within the enterprise vertical,  backdating to the
> > expiration (not the payment date) seems to be the norm.  Cisco does
> > this on SmartNet, as does SolarWinds and a number of other vendors
> > I've worked with.  We don't typically slip on the dates intentionally,
> > but our procurement and legal groups have a habit of fighting over
> > wording on the contracts.
> >
> > David.
> >
> >
> Having worked in the past at a shop that sold managed support agreements
> for software we sold - the overhead for staffing and code and
> blacklisting type data sets are spread out in the yearly support
> agreement.A lapsed customer has not funded the delta changes in code
> and data set from lapsed data to renewal date, but will get to take
> advantage of the work.
> While a new customer also will not fund these on a new starting
> contract,  that is normally considered some cost of acquiring new
> business.
> Now in some cases on the other end of the transaction I've found it
> cheaper to buy 'new' then it was to 'true up' the support.I haven't
> found a vendor that wouldn't go that route, even if it involved getting
> some escalation on the sales side first.At that point it's the cost
> of customer retention vs new business that the vendor needs to worry
> about.However if you are happy with the product, and the renewal
> isn't more then 'new' purchases - we all shouldn't be baulking having to
> 'true up' contracts.
> --
> ---
> James M Keller

Re: Well Lookie Here, Barracuda Networks tries to get me to fall into their trap again...

2011-12-22 Thread James M Keller
On 12/21/2011 3:22 PM, David Swafford wrote:
> In my position within the enterprise vertical,  backdating to the
> expiration (not the payment date) seems to be the norm.  Cisco does
> this on SmartNet, as does SolarWinds and a number of other vendors
> I've worked with.  We don't typically slip on the dates intentionally,
> but our procurement and legal groups have a habit of fighting over
> wording on the contracts.
> David.

Having worked in the past at a shop that sold managed support agreements
for software we sold - the overhead for staffing and code and
blacklisting type data sets are spread out in the yearly support
agreement.A lapsed customer has not funded the delta changes in code
and data set from lapsed data to renewal date, but will get to take
advantage of the work.
While a new customer also will not fund these on a new starting
contract,  that is normally considered some cost of acquiring new

Now in some cases on the other end of the transaction I've found it
cheaper to buy 'new' then it was to 'true up' the support.I haven't
found a vendor that wouldn't go that route, even if it involved getting
some escalation on the sales side first.At that point it's the cost
of customer retention vs new business that the vendor needs to worry
about.However if you are happy with the product, and the renewal
isn't more then 'new' purchases - we all shouldn't be baulking having to
'true up' contracts.

James M Keller

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread James M Keller
On 12/21/2011 11:28 PM, William Herrin wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Ravi Duggal  wrote:
>> We thus have draft-droms-dhc-dhcpv6-default-router-00 that extends
>> DHCPv6 to do what RA does. And now, we have
>> draft-bcd-6man-ntp-server-ra-opt-00.txt that extends RA to advertise
>> the NTP information that is currently done via DHCPv6.
>> My question is, that which then is the more preferred option for the
>> operators?
> "Yes."
> We want both. We'll try both. And in a couple years when the
> percentage Internet use of IPv6 is out of the single digits, we'll let
> you know what worked in which situations.
> We probably don't need one configuration protocol to rule them all.
> IPv4 has PAP/CHAP over PPP and DHCP over Ethernet plus a number of
> more minor ones like bootp (DHCP's semi-compatible predecessor) and
> rarp. We really don't suffer for the choice.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
Yes +1

I would consider RA+SLAAC for residential/hotel/company guest, etc.  
Any place you don't care about host configuration tracking,
authentication, accounting, etc.  

DHCPv6 for fully managed environments with NAC / Auditing
requirements.   DHCPv6 would let you control per host/host class which
router(s) on the network to use explicitly, vs RA with just preferences
for each router.  Both should be able to provide the same type of
information, and let the administrators choose which deployment method
meets the requirements for their environment. 

James M Keller

Help with quagga BGP config for ipv6 route-server

2011-12-22 Thread David Waitzman
I am trying to set up BGP peering with a route-server, concurrently dual-stack. 
 BGP 4 over an IPv4 connection works fine.  A separate BGP 6 over IPv6 fails: 
with an "[Error] No common capability".  

I am using quagga 0.99.20 on ubuntu 10.04.03.   I don't know what the 
route-server is.
I have tried to tell both quagga to not be strict about capabilities or not 
negotiate them at all.

My quagga config includes:
router bgp XX
no bgp enforce-first-as
no bgp default ipv4-unicast !! tried with and without this

bgp router-id XX
network XY/24 route-map SetAttr

neighbor XX4 remote-as XX
neighbor XX4 activate
neighbor XX4 next-hop-self
neighbor XX4 send-community

address-family ipv6
network XY6/48 route-map SetAttr
neighbor XX6 remote-as XX
neighbor XX6 activate
neighbor XX6 next-hop-self
neighbor XX6 send-community
neighbor XX6 soft-reconfiguration inbound

The code, I think, that's triggering the error is:
/* Check there is no common capability send Unsupported Capability
error. */
 if (*capability && ! CHECK_FLAG (peer->flags, PEER_FLAG_OVERRIDE_CAPABILITY))
 if (! peer->afc_nego[AFI_IP][SAFI_UNICAST] 
 && ! peer->afc_nego[AFI_IP][SAFI_MULTICAST]
 && ! peer->afc_nego[AFI_IP][SAFI_MPLS_VPN]
 && ! peer->afc_nego[AFI_IP6][SAFI_UNICAST]
 && ! peer->afc_nego[AFI_IP6][SAFI_MULTICAST])

From tcpdump, my side's open message includes:
Open Message (1), length: 57
  Version 4, my AS XX, Holdtime 180s, ID XX4  !! XX4 is my V4 
  Optional parameters, length: 28
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 6
  Multiprotocol Extensions (1), length: 4
AFI IPv4 (1), SAFI Unicast (1)
0x:  0001 0001
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 2
  Route Refresh (Cisco) (128), length: 0
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 2
  Route Refresh (2), length: 0
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 6
  32-Bit AS Number (65), length: 4
no decoder for Capability 65
0x:   e0c5
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 2
  Unknown (66), length: 0
no decoder for Capability 66

The route-server's response is:
Open Message (1), length: 45
  Version 4, my AS XX, Holdtime 240s, ID XY4   !! XY4 is his V4 address
  Optional parameters, length: 16
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 14
  Multiprotocol Extensions (1), length: 4
AFI IPv6 (2), SAFI Unicast (1)
0x:  0002 0001

To which I respond:
Notification Message (3), length: 27, OPEN Message Error (2), subcode 
Capability Message Error (7)

When I add "dont-capability-negotiate" to the config, I send:
Open Message (1), length: 29
  Version 4, my AS 57541, Holdtime 180s, ID XX4
  Optional parameters, length: 0

I get back:
Open Message (1), length: 45
  Version 4, my AS XX, Holdtime 240s, ID XY4
  Optional parameters, length: 16
Option Capabilities Advertisement (2), length: 14
  Multiprotocol Extensions (1), length: 4
AFI IPv6 (2), SAFI Unicast (1)
0x:  0002 0001

I respond:
Notification Message (3), length: 27, OPEN Message Error (2), subcode 
Capability Message Error (7)

I'm a developer and former rfc writer, not a network operator.

thanks nanog,
David Waitzman
BBN Technologies

Re: bgp update destroying transit on redback routers ?

2011-12-22 Thread Olivier Benghozi
Aha, it looks that our Quebecer friends from Hostlogistic (AS46609) have again 
been advertising their now famous funny aggregate with their mad Brocade 
router, since yesterday 10pm UTC (that is 5pm in Quebec)...
Same route to, same AGGREGATOR attribute full of 0.

At least I can say that the patched Ericsson's bgpd stopped reseting the 


Le 2 déc. 2011 à 23:14, Jeff Tantsura a écrit :

> Hi Alexandre,
> You are right, the behavior is exactly as per RFC4271 section 6:
> "When any of the conditions described here are detected, a
> NOTIFICATION message, with the indicated Error Code, Error Subcode, and Data 
> fields, is sent, and the BGP connection is closed.
> So because ASN 0 in AGGREGATOR is seen as a malformed UPDATE we send 3/9 and 
> close the connection.
> Ideally it should be treated as "treat-as-withdraw" as per 
> draft-chen-ebgp-error-handling, however please note - this is still a draft, 
> not a normative document and with all my support it takes time to implement.
> Once again, we understand the implications for our customers and hence going 
> to disable ASN 0 check.
> P.S. We have strong evidence that the update in question was caused by a bug 
> on a freshly updated router (I'm not going to disclose the vendor) 
> Regards,
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: Alexandre Snarskii [] 
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 6:36 AM
> To: Jeff Tantsura
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: bgp update destroying transit on redback routers ?
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 04:56:43PM -0500, Jeff Tantsura wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Let me take it over from now on, I'm the IP Routing/MPLS Product 
>> Manager at Ericsson responsible for all routing protocols.
>> There's nothing wrong in checking ASN in AGGREGATOR, we don't really 
>> want see ASN 0 anywhere, that's how draft-wkumari-idr-as0 
>> (draft-ietf-idr-as0-00) came into the worlds.
> This draft says that
> If a BGP speaker receives a route which has an AS number of zero in the 
> AS_PATH (or AS4_PATH) attribute, it SHOULD be logged and treated as a 
> WITHDRAW. This same behavior applies to routes containing zero as the 
> Aggregator or AS4 Aggregator.
> but observed behaviour was more like following: 
> If a BGP speaker receives [bad route] it MUST close session immediately with 
> NOTIFICATION Error Code 'Update Message Error' and subcode 'Error with 
> optional attribute'.

Re: IPv6 RA vs DHCPv6 - The chosen one?

2011-12-22 Thread Glen Kent
> In many environments RA is a catastrophic disaster. Some operators need
> to be able to do everything with RA turned off on routers, disabled on
> hosts and filtered on switches.

While in some environments, typically with small number of devices,
its indispensable. Small businesses may not want the complexity of
setting up a central server (for DHCP) - SLAAC works very well in such

Today, we can get NTP server information only with DHCP (DNS info is
supported by both DHCP and RAs). DHCP only works after RAs have been
processed. In some environments (mobile IPv6) delays in acquiring NTP
and other servers information is critical and waiting for DHCP to come
up may not be acceptable.
