Re: Netflix transit preference?

2012-12-29 Thread David Temkin
Hi all,

We (Netflix) reached out to Randal off-list to explain how our
transit/peering methodology works.

Feel free to reach out to for questions like this in
the future.


On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

 Jeff Kell writes:

  On 12/27/2012 1:26 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
  On Dec 27, 2012, at 13:19 , randal k wrote:
  (We move ~1.4gbps to Netflix, and are thus not a candidate for
  peering. And they have no POP close.)
  Why don't you ask Netflix? And why not ask them for kit to put on-net?
  The last time we asked, their criteria was ~2.0gbps, so he doesn't have
  enough qualifying traffic.
  Has anyone looked at a Qwilt?

 MiM-ing streaming media providers is filed under encourage my
 competitors to do this.  It's likely to make your phone ring.


Re: Netflix transit preference?

2012-12-29 Thread A. Pishdadi
Hurricane electric has a very open peering policy , can peer with them at
any major Equinix with pretty much no push or pull requirements , which is
why Netflix prefers them cause it costs them almost nothing , why pay
hurricane for transit when most of there connectivity can be accessed by
peer routes pretty much for free through Equinix exchange or any2...

On Thursday, December 27, 2012, randal k wrote:

 I work at a datacenter in southern Colorado that is the upstream bandwidth
 provider for several regional ISPs. We have been investigating our
 ever-growing bandwidth usage and have found that out of transits
 (Level3,Cogent,HE) that Netflix always seems to come in via Hurricane
 Electric. (We move ~1.4gbps to Netflix, and are thus not a candidate for
 peering. And they have no POP close.)

 I tested this by advertising a /24 across all providers, then selectively
 removed the advertisement to certain carriers to see where the bandwidth
 goes. In order, it appears that if there is a HE route, Netflix uses it,
 period. If there isn't, it prefers Level3, and Cogent comes last.

 Since Netflix is a big hunk of our bandwidth (and obviously makes our
 customers happy), we are included to buy some more HE. However, if Netflix
 decides that they want to randomly switch to, say, Cogent, we may be under
 a year-long bandwidth contract that isn't particularly valuable anymore.

 With all of that, I am interested in finding out of any knowledge about
 Netflix transit preferences, be it inside information, anecdotal, or
 otherwise. I did email peering@ but haven't heard back, thus the public


Re: really facebook?

2012-12-29 Thread PC
Very common.  Most Verizon Wireless data traffic on modern phones is
backhauled to one or more mobile IP home agents based in a few cities.
You'll typically see similar geolocation difficulties on their network for
IPv4 too.  They have another one in Texas, and another one in a different
location I can't remember.  This behavior plus related IP assignment
practices has resulted in ineffective geolocation, often even on a regional

Many mobile phone apps use more than just IP for geolocation though, which
is much more effective.

It's also worth noting that IPV6 geolocation support is quite primitive at
this moment, but in this particular case its not what the problem is.

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 11:40 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:

 On 12/27/12 10:29 AM, mike wrote:

 On 12/27/12 9:25 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:

 On 12/27/12 9:04 AM, mike wrote:

 I reloaded their app (yes, I know... sew me) and got this warning:

 IP address: 2600:100f:b119:c6bc:bd6f:fabb:**ff30:2a3d
 Estimated location: Livingston, NJ, US

 That's a rather good estimation of where many verizon wireless customers
 appear to come from.

 This can't mean that all of their v6 traffic is backhauled to NJ, right?

 Wireless carriers have a limited number of PDN gateways in their networks.
 it is entirely plausible that your packets visited new jersey.

  Which seems pretty bizarre. I'm guessing they must be getting it from
 whois or something based on the address block for Verizon. The reverse
 map according to

 host 2600:100f:b119:c6bc:bd6f:fabb:**ff30:2a3d

 one assumes they have a an geoip database like they have for ipv4

 comes back with NXDOMAIN. I suppose the real issue here is with Vz
 and why they don't have v6 reverse maps, but it did throw me thinking
 somebody in New Jersey might have hacked my account.

 Well could certainly wildcard their responses, not sure that dynamic dns
 updates would be either scalable or appropiate.

 Right, brain fart on my part. Reverse map has nothing to do with a geoip
 It's still strange that it has no reverse map though. I wonder what might
 break because
 of that assumption :)



Re: Gmail and SSL

2012-12-29 Thread Peter Kristolaitis

On 12/29/2012 7:41 PM, Mark - Syminet wrote:

On Dec 14, 2012, at 7:52 AM, Peter Kristolaitis wrote:

On 12/14/2012 10:47 AM, Randy wrote:

I don't have hundreds of dollars to get my ssl certificates signed

You can get single-host certificates issued for free from StartSSL, or for very 
cheaply (under $10) from low-cost providers like  I've never had 
a problem having my StartSSL certs verified by anyone.

So I guess the question really, is this:

Is it bad, therefore - to *force* every holder of a self-signed certificate - 
to transmit in the clear?

There are plenty of good reasons for self-signed certs -- people stuck 
running a Microsoft environment might find it might difficult without 
it, since it's a fundamental feature of Active Directory. ;)   Various 
F/OSS projects, like OpenVPN, generally recommend self-signed certs as a 
standard deployment scenario, because it actually provides an extra 
layer of security -- as the CA, you determine who gets a cert and who 
doesn't.   The difficulty you'll run into is defining self-signed.   
If you generate your own CA and put the certs in your /etc/ssl 
directory, it's still self-signed (as in you're the one signing the 
end-use certs), the only difference is that your browser, etc, won't pop 
up a warning because it's now trusted.

It's also important to not conflate encryption with chain of trust 
validation.   There are good reasons to encrypt without really caring 
who you're talking to.  There are also good reasons to not necessarily 
trust an arbitrary list of CAs as provided by your SSL stack vendor and 
provide your own list, as mentioned above.

Two entirely separate issues, IMHO.

- Pete

Re: Gmail and SSL

2012-12-29 Thread Jimmy Hess
On 12/14/12, Randy wrote:
 It explained that google is no longer accepting self signed ssl
 certificates. It claims that this change will offer[s] a higher level  of 
 security to better protect your information.

Hm...  Self-signed certificates, or   (worse) the use of hostnames not
on the certificate, are very common with POP/SMTP/IMAP over SSL/TLS
servers;  when setting up POP software, it is common that the user of
an e-mail service will have instructions to check and install the
certificate in the e-mail client, instead of requiring a unique IP
address for every POP server mail domain, and a user purchased SSL
certificate for each IP.

The major CAs are not an authoritative list of  CAs that may be used
to sign POP, IMAP, or SMTP server certificates for various POP
servers'  on the internet;   so Google's choices would seem poorly
conceived in that regard.

If Google should wish to enforce a validation of SSL certificates, the
PKI authority required, should be specified by the user,  not Google,
or there should be a provision to accept any certificate  whatsoever,
 by fingerprint,  for a specific hostname;   defined by the user.

Google should go back to definitions.
   What is security:  security is the assurance that  the
Confidentiality, Integrity, and  Availability of data and systems are

How does this change apparently impact the assurances against risk?

Availability: This change breaks availability, for users accessing
 servers already using self-signed certificates.

 (In other words, the change itself is a compromise of security;
  the risk that you lose availability of access to your mail that you expect
  to be downloaded via POP3 is 100%,  if you have a self-signed
cert in place)

   Confidentiality:   The change prevents any transfer of data at all,
unless the
   user of a self-signed certificate makes one of three changes:

(1)Stop using gmail POP download altogether, in this
case, confidentiality
assurance may be improved,  because no email can be downloaded
and used with the service.In general,   this may not
be much of an improvement,
when email has already been transmitted in cleartext,
before it was placed
on the remote POP server.
(That might be their intended result --  discourage use of
POP downloads)

(2)Stop using SSL, and use regular POP3 instead.  In this case,
confidentiality will be no better than before, and may be
significantly worse.
A new risk of   breach by 'passive sniffing'  is created.

When using SSL with a self-signed certificate;  passive
sniffing, or
Deep packet inspection was not a risk:  an active attack
was a requirement.

Therefore,  being forced to never use SSL, even without
a CA signed cert,
is not an improvement,  and a potential increase in risk.

(3)   Users may  buy an official certificate, from a 3rd
party CA that Google trusts.
In this case, the  SSL encrypted POP3  connections from Google to
the POP server,  will have strong protection against
possible exposure of
data in transit due to active Man-in-the-middle attack.

* In other words:  If you deem  Man-in-the-Middle attack more likely
than Passive sniffing exposure attacks  to discover users'  passwords,
and the majority of users'  POP servers likely to have or get
certificates from a CA that Google trusts,then  forced  rejection
of  any other certificates may be an improvement in assurance against
these risks;  forcing the remaining users to not use SSL,  and
risk their password being exposed  is OK,   because you deemed  MITM
the greater risk.

If you do not make that assumption,  then it is not clear at all,
whether assurance of confidentiality has been improved or not;   it
may be improved slightly for some users, and terribly harmed for
many others.

Integrity:   The change prevents any transfer of data at all, unless the
 user of a self-signed certificate makes one of three changes:

(1)Stop using POP download altogether, in this case, data
 cannot be altered by an unauthorized user as it transits
the network,
 data that wasn't downloaded couldn't have been tampered with.

(2)Stop using SSL, and use regular POP3 instead.
  In this case, a new risk of  transparent inline
tampering is created,
  without encryption, a full blown MITM attack is not required,
  a passive interceptor can flip random bits, as long as
they update the
  corresponding IP checksums;
  so there are new significant risks to integrity.

(3)   Users may  buy an official certificate;  in this
case, the risk
   of  interception by inline Man-in-the-middle attack  is reduced.
