Proposed Global Policy for Autonomous System Numbers - Final Call for Comments and Background Report

2010-07-24 Thread
Proposed Global Policy for Autonomous System Numbers - Final Call for
Comments and Background Report

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 7:45 AM
Subject: ASN IANA MLM Leasing Business Out-Dated - Now Automated

ASN IANA MLM Leasing Business Out-Dated - Now Automated

Selling or leasing UNIQUE binary values is no longer viable because
.COM owners can derive them FREE

With IPv3 and IPv16 a simple 6-bit Alphabet (Symbol Set) is used for
mapping UNIQUE binary values
64 symbols - 6-bits - {[0-9][A-Z][a-z]-.}

A 5-Letter .COM owner can create a UNIQUE 30-bit ASN for FREE via the
6-bit Alphabet

If upper and lower case symbols are used, several FREE ASNs can be generated

A $6 annual fee for the .COM registration covers all of the costs
needed to generate UNIQUE binary values

The 4-Letter .COM owners can generate several FREE 24-bit prefixes
(called /24s) for IPv* Addressing

ASN IANA MLM Leasing Business Out-Dated - Now Automated

4096 Trending TLD selections are also automated

ICANN and the RIRs can be Dissolved

33-Bit Addressing via ONE bit or TWO bits ? does NANOG care?

2010-07-24 Thread
33-Bit Addressing via ONE bit or TWO bits ? does NANOG care?

As some people (who understand IPv4) know, there is a SINGLE
spare/unused bit in the IPv4 header that can be set to 0 or 1.
Some religions require that it be set to 0. Adult content is marked with a 1.

That single bit can be viewed as common between the Source and
Destination creating a 33rd bit of addressing.
Since it is a single bit, it is welded together for both Source and
Destination. 0-Normal 1-Evil/Other/Adult/XXX

In anticipation of expanding to 33-bit addressing, another bit was
deprecated years ago. It can now be used to UNWELD
the EVIL bit. That would allow EVIL to be only for the Source. The
Destination would have its own EVIL bit.
If two bits are used, then the potential to communicate between the
previously welded address spaces arises.
Some enforcement could still be used in Edge Network Elements to make
sure both bits are 0 or both 1.
Enforcements are hard to maintain and full 33-bit addressing may emerge.

As an aside, NAT was primarily added to improve the .NET Architecture
with a Flash Upgrade-able Network Element.
It is a shame that IPv6 salesman do not seem to understand
Architecture. They continue on the [NAT is Evil] path.

NANOG can play an important role in shaping how Address Plans for
North America evolve. Since Network Elements
are going to be flash upgraded for the new DNS, it is easy to (unweld/change)
the 33-bit addressing for .XXX

The 33-bit addressing works into the 66-bit Triple-Tagged VLAN
addressing with Content Rating.
The Locator is 33-bits and the ID is 33-bits. Both are UNIQUE. Both
fit in the IPv4 foot-print.
The three-ring circus architecture emerges. (((Core)Edge)Fringe)

does NANOG care? is NANOG now Fringe ?

NANOG Operational Audit of IPv4+ End-to-End L3 Transport in North America

2010-04-27 Thread
NANOG Operational Audit of IPv4+ End-to-End L3 Transport in North America

1. To deploy and operate a network there may be network elements (aka
NATs) that are
used by network operators to upgrade versions  to help with audits.

2. L3 End-to-End is only part of the story. What about Hop Count ?

3. In North America the Customer DeMarc is commonly to a Linux-based
CPE Router (WRT-54GL is one example)

4. For FCC purposes and other audits, the DeMarc for L3 IPv4+ has to
be consistent to
avoid comparing apples and oranges.

5. It may be that large parts of the IPv4+ Spectrum allocated to North
America no longer qualifies as part of the L3 End-to-End Transport
(and never did?).

6. Before ISPs run off chasing the IPv6 Brokers-duJour, it may be
prudent to first make
sure their IPv4+ networks still are part of the L3 End-to-End Transport.

NANOG Operational Audit of IPv4+ End-to-End L3 Transport in North America

Is NANOG == ARIN ? or North America in Scope ?

2010-04-08 Thread
Is NANOG == ARIN ? or North America in Scope ?

What do the following /8 ?Owners? pay for their CyberLand ?
004/8  Level 3 Communications, Inc.   1992-12
008/8  Level 3 Communications, Inc.   1992-12
032/8  ATT Global Network Services   1994-06
035/8  MERIT Computer Network 1994-04

In the recent Annual Pass Over of /8 Audits it does not appear that /8
Utilization warrants ALL to migrate to 34-bit IPv4++ Space (1+32+1)
Also, in some cases, the companies may no longer exist?

016/8  Digital Equipment Corporation  1994-11
045/8  Interop Show Network   1995-01
044/8  Amateur Radio Digital Communications   1992-07

BTW, If ARIN has a $10,000,000 HR Budget and 10 people that is an
average of $1,000,000 per person.
Is that Cost Recovery ?

Why is IN-ADDR.ARPA any different from a $10 .COM Registration ?

Using Semi-FREE 64-bit Allocations with IPv6

2010-04-08 Thread
Using Semi-FREE 64-bit Allocations with IPv6

Why would anyone be paying for IPv6 Address Space ?

With the 64-bit Address Plan huge allocations are ?$10? per year.

12+18+30+4 maps to LL+LLL+L+4

Use the 64-symbol Alphabet: 0-9A-Za-z-. for 6-bits per L


US_COM_ICANN_X is a unique 64-bit Allocation FREE with the .COM domain


Likely /8 Scenario - Carriers will TAKE what they want ?

2010-04-08 Thread
Likely /8 Scenario - Carriers will TAKE what they want ?

As /8s are needed by Carriers (not ISPs) they will likely be able to
just take them.
Who will stop them. They have the Imperial Walker Routers  Gear.

More Likely Scenario AUTOMATED IPv4+ Management will CHURN /8s ?

2010-04-08 Thread
More Likely Scenario AUTOMATED IPv4+ Management will CHURN /8s ?

Imagine this table times ?? 16

Imagine a Fully-Automated Management System that can hand YOU a /18 in a /12

Imagine there are NO RIRs or Labor Union Bosses or PIMPS driving
around in Pink Cadillacs

RIRs are More Interested in Selling NEW than Pre-Owned?

2010-04-08 Thread
RIRs are More Interested in Selling NEW than Pre-Owned?

It is a myth that IPv4 is out of space. It has the same space it
started with if 32-bits are routed.
More bits can easily be used for routing purposes before switching to IPv6.
People seem to be happy with 34 bits, one extra bit at each end. 1+32+1

RIRs may not like the reality of Selling Pre-Owned Vehicles
There are many problems out there.

The push to Sell Brand New Virgin IPv6 Space makes RIR life easy. Easy money.

There is no finite resource that people can't waste.

2010-04-08 Thread
There is no finite resource that people can't waste.

There is no finite resource that people can't make even more scarce 
Artificially Scarce ?
and then Profit very nicely from the Artificial Scarcity  related myths

NANOG Seems to be Dominated by NON-North American People ?

2010-04-08 Thread
NANOG Seems to be Dominated by NON-North American People ?

ARIN seems to have a similar situation

By the way, on likely scenarios, North America could become a Walled Garden
making many /8s available for decades.

The rest of the world would then have IPv6 Proxy Access.
That could be a major boost to the U.S. economy with Information Export Fees.

This could be a Great Time to Start an ISP in .USA - Plenty of IPv4+
Address Space.
...and fools are wasting their time and money on IPv6

IPv4+ 2010 Routable /8s for North America

2010-04-08 Thread
IPv4+ 2010 Routable /8s for North America
12 63 64 65 68 69 70 71 72 74 75 76 99 139 151 192 199 204 205 206 207 216
...eventually things will Free Up

Was a 1956 Video Phone User - On the Internet ?

2010-04-04 Thread
Based on these ASCII notes...(c. 1995 cave paintings)...

Was a 1956 Video Phone User - On the Internet ?

Is a 2010 HDTV (ATSC DLNA) viewer - On the Internet ?

Note for IPv6 archeologists...Mobile Digital TV went with IPv4+Shim

Funding of the so-called Eco-System (aka Idle Rich Society) also
appears to define The Internet in some circles. It appears 100+
people live off of Internet Fees for doing largely nothing. They of
course travel to explain why that structure is essential. Is it ?

Tidbits the NANOG Community

2010-04-04 Thread
Tidbits  the NANOG Community
with respect to jumping from 32-bits to 64-bits many UNIX-to-UNIX users
have noted... ONE more bit (33) may be enough to distinguish Legacy
from New. The bit would go on the Left as opposed to Right which would
the existing mess.
Linux has the added bit ready in the SPARE bit and the Left-most TTL bit
deprecated to 0 years ago. A Source+Destination pair is needed for full
interchange between Legacy and New. A single bit would be isolated planes.
Based on a survey of IPv4 Address Space the NANOG Community does
not appear to involve many critical back-bones or infrastructure. In some
circles that would not be considered On the Internet. YMMV

As the NANOG Community Moves to IPv6...

2010-04-04 Thread
As the NANOG Community Moves to IPv6...
it might be a Public Service to post the IPv4 /8s made available.
without that, Carriers may [assume] they are no longer in use and
start using them for their expansion
the DNS  records of course flag your move to IPv6

[Nanog-futures] Will MPLS++ Delay the Need for IPv6 ?

2010-04-03 Thread
Will MPLS++ Delay the Need for IPv6 ?

Consumers will be able to subscribe to Virtual IPv4 Internets. KIDS on one
and XXX on another. PBS may be in the middle.

IPv4 experts  IPv6 advocates certainly understand that Bloat  Bandwidth
are factors to consider in networks. MPLS adds 32-bit Labels BEFORE an
IP packet.

A simplified Label is 24-bits with 4 Symbols and an 8-bit TTL. With the extra
TTL the IPv4 TTL becomes less critical offering more bits for expansion.

 0   1   2   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Label
|Label  |
 TTL |

Label Alphabet:  0-9 A-Z a@ b♠ c© d♦ e= f☺ g h# i| j♫ k♣ l( m₪ n! o*
p% q♥ r) s$ t~ u_ v^ w? x☼ y¥ z▒ -™ .® ~ 6 bits per Symbol ~ 64

Nanog-futures mailing list

What is The Internet TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

2010-04-03 Thread
What is The Internet TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

As of 2010, many people would likely answer that question based on
the Services they use as opposed to a religious adoration for TCP/IP.

What if TCP is removed ? and IP is completely re-worked in the same
160-bit foot-print as IPv4 ? Would 64-bit Addressing last a few years ?

IPv6 is a loser because everyone has to carry the overhead of bloated
packets. It is a one-size-fits-all take it or leave it solution.
People leave it.

The real (new?) need is ONE-WAY streaming to carry ATSC to HDTVs.
That can be done with 64-bit addressing in an IPv4 footprint. The Destination
Address is most critical to deliver the AV show to the right viewer.

IPv6 is too little, too late, in too big a package and at a high price.

UNIX-based CPE is now under $50. Anyone can download the complete
open source and all the tools to build it.

UNIX-to-UNIX Service-Based solutions pre-date many ARPA DARPA DOD
funding programs run by people who do not write code, they write contracts
and purchase orders.

What is The Internet TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?