Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-25 Thread Don Gould

On 25/08/2011 9:58 p.m., Mark Foster wrote:
This is a cynical approach to what happened, in my (Auckland based) 
opinion.  In the early stages information would've been relatively 
hard to come by, responders were very much in an all-hands-to-the-pump 
running-on-instinct phase and the scale of the incident means that 
regional and national emergency response needed to be spun up. As 
resources arrived from outside the immediately affected area, 
information began to be handled in a more structured fashion and the 
picture became clearer.

Yes.  I understand this.  I wonder if I didn't word my thoughts very 
well? :)

I don't know much about how radio is run.

I recall thinking at the time "I wish they'd tone down the hype... this 
is VERY real".  It was my observation that the radio hype toned down 
later in the day.  I think you're right that the reason was they had 
more concrete information to talk about.  Reflecting on it later, I 
wondered if they have a disaster policy?  I wondered if they really 
understood the impact they were having on people.

Perhaps my views are cynical.  I know I turned to the radio for a sense 
of comfort that afternoon.  A feeling of being 'informed' while I 
shovelled barrow loads of silt away, that rose up under my home, was 
important to me.

The broadcasters are human.


The Christchurch quake is the single biggest event of our generation 
(in NZ) and most of the broadcasters had never seen anything that big 
or signficant. The human cost hits home.  Ithink it's cynical to think 
of 'money shot' type approaches... whilst every journo and cameraman 
wants good footage, you make them sound more callous than I expect 
they were.

Sorry, that was not my intention at all.

My impression is that these people were proud to do the job as best they 
could.  To me, a 'money shot' isn't just about how much they can push 
the ratings, it's also about doing your job well to tell the story.

News guys are passionate about what they do.  But they are human, and I 
think we lost sight of that at one point in the weeks that followed as 
one of our best started to crack.

I recall earlier in the year we had another disaster down here, a mine 
exploded.  It was a media feeding frenzie.  But that's what it was, a 
frenzie, none of the media were in any danger of getting hurt.  But this 
was very different.  The media were in harms way.  Frankly their 
professional level was amazing to watch.

While I did loose text messaging, I never lost my telephone service 
or email connection.  My phone service is on VoIP.  I have a client 
on my mobile phone.  So my service just transferred to my mobile even 
though my home lost power.  When the mobile data 3G net failed, I 
then flicked to 2G GPRS data, then when that failed my power was back 
and we returned to the HFC cable.

This isnt necessarily a success story.  All of the above has a heavy 
dependency on mains power. You're probably lucky that you retained 
sufficient battery endurance for the time you had no mains power.  Yet 
another observation; the trend toward Smartphones is also a trend 
toward devices that you're lucky to get 2 days of standby on, in 
comparison to older, more basic handsets that might give you a week 
between charges.

Yes.  I now have an inverter permanently in my car so we can charge phones.

Another risk.

I see VOIP as more risky than copper POTS due to the inability to rely 
on the service 'just working'.  Where the exchange - a decent facility 
with significant investment in redundant power - can backfill power 
needs for an extended period back along the copper pair, this has got 
to be better than the average VOIP user who probably has no redundant 
power option at all.  The corded-phone harvest would be no good for 
anyone who was fully on VOIP... even those end-nodes that have 
gel-cell batteries fitted for service during a power-failure would 
only be good for a few hours at best. How many residential properties 
have a Generator available?

A growing number of homes have generators now as a result the the 
quake.   A number of my friends have generators now as well.

We are moving to an IP world, like it or not.  That's how I see it 
anyway.   I like POTS, it's simple and will run over just about 
anything, but it's expensive and my experience showed that it can't be 
relied on as well as my VoIP.

+64 3 348 7235 - It just rings.

My neighbour on the incumbent lost his service for 3 days when the sewer 
guys damaged the lines and the telco simply wasn't able to get service 
to him because they couldn't figure out what was wrong.

My other neighbour lost his pstn, and I suspect it was because of issues 
in the city exchange that controls all the nodes.  But what ever caused 
it, it was down for days with no way to get calls moved in a cost 
effective way.

Wireless, especially on unlicensed spectrum, has nowhere near the SLA 
that a typical fibre (or even copper business-grade) 

Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-25 Thread Mark Foster

On Thu, 25 Aug 2011, Mark Foster wrote:

Radio - That was very interesting to observe.  Clearly radio stations don't 
have disaster broadcast plans in place for content.  When you're crying out 
for information about what's going on, the very last think you want to hear 
is an inappropriate advert break.  The number of stations that kept 
broadcasting adverts for 'exciting things in Christchurch' was un-nerving. 
It's my view that media news desks also need to remember to listeners who 
are in the middle of the disaster area and are hanging on every word of 
their 'emergency radio'.  To hear that my city is 'devastated by a MASSIVE 
earth quake and hundreds of people have been killed' every 10 minutes in 
the 'over hyped' news reader voice gets very alarming.

Commercial, nationwide-broadcast radio stations are not going to (by their 
very nature) broadcast disaster-information on a continuous basis as a 
significant proportion of their listener base may not be directly affected, 
and dont necessarily need the trauma.  There's a psychological hit in this, 
and value in keeping up the norm as much as is reasonable.

On the other hand I expect that Radio New Zealand was one of the better 
transmitters involved, and to a lesser degree any radio station whos focus is 
talkback is going to be better value than someone who plays pop music.

I neglected to mention that Radio NZ's IP data volume exploded during and 
in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch quake, and a substantial 
amount of the load was international - friends and family, and folks out 
of town, wanting to check up on the situation and unable to receive local 
TV or FM broadcasts.  If you host a broadcaster on your network, be 

(For little ol' NZ, International Bandwidth is the expensive bit...)


Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-25 Thread Mark Foster
Radio - That was very interesting to observe.  Clearly radio stations don't 
have disaster broadcast plans in place for content.  When you're crying out 
for information about what's going on, the very last think you want to hear 
is an inappropriate advert break.  The number of stations that kept 
broadcasting adverts for 'exciting things in Christchurch' was un-nerving. 
It's my view that media news desks also need to remember to listeners who are 
in the middle of the disaster area and are hanging on every word of their 
'emergency radio'.  To hear that my city is 'devastated by a MASSIVE earth 
quake and hundreds of people have been killed' every 10 minutes in the 'over 
hyped' news reader voice gets very alarming.

Commercial, nationwide-broadcast radio stations are not going to (by their 
very nature) broadcast disaster-information on a continuous basis as a 
significant proportion of their listener base may not be directly 
affected, and dont necessarily need the trauma.  There's a psychological 
hit in this, and value in keeping up the norm as much as is reasonable.

On the other hand I expect that Radio New Zealand was one of the better 
transmitters involved, and to a lesser degree any radio station whos focus 
is talkback is going to be better value than someone who plays pop music.

It was interesting to observe later in the day the whole tone of broadcast 
changed.  It seemed the media started to realise that this was in fact a very 
serious disaster and not just something they could/should beat up for ratings 
and ad revenues.  Many stations are now all broadcast out of Auckland (over 
1000km away and completely unaffected by the quake)

This is a cynical approach to what happened, in my (Auckland based) 
opinion.  In the early stages information would've been relatively hard to 
come by, responders were very much in an all-hands-to-the-pump 
running-on-instinct phase and the scale of the incident means that 
regional and national emergency response needed to be spun up. As 
resources arrived from outside the immediately affected area, information 
began to be handled in a more structured fashion and the picture became 

I watched the live coverage as much as I was able from the office when the 
quake struck, but the truth is that it was a few hours before solid data 
(that didnt mean repeating the same several datapoints) was forthcoming in 
any major volume.

We have had one new local radio station establish as a result of the quake. 
A group further down the country brought a caravan of equipment and set up a 
temporary transmitter in the most impacted part of the city.  The result was 
so successful that the station has stayed on air.

This is a success story in my opinion; I imagine it'll have value during 
the recovery phase but I expect it'll remain relatively small, assuming 
theres any intention to continue with it long term.  Local radio stations 
seem to be going the way of local-anything; being superceded by larger 
organisations that can benefit from scale.  The ISP world is no different.

filtered.  Clearly some very careful consideration was given in the TV 
broadcast space.

Emergency Services and the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency 
Management have dedicated media liason for exactly this reason, and 
clued-up mainstream media are not stupid. Im more impressed that there 
wasn't more carnage published on Youtube, etc, from 

Impact on the media did become evident over the following two weeks.  One 
broadcaster simply lost the plot at one point.  It became evident that media 
presenters were becoming more effected by the disaster as time went on.  I 
can understand this.  Being told "Hey, stand there... because it will be a 
'money shot'" takes some real guts when you consider that 'there' is in front 
of a building that could fall on you in the next aftershock.

The broadcasters are human.  The Christchurch quake is the single biggest 
event of our generation (in NZ) and most of the broadcasters had never 
seen anything that big or signficant. The human cost hits home.  Ithink 
it's cynical to think of 'money shot' type approaches... whilst every 
journo and cameraman wants good footage, you make them sound more callous 
than I expect they were.


Moving into an IPTV world is going to be very interesting in the disaster 
space in my view.  We currently have FTA DVB-T & S and still have analogue 
transmission.  So a 12volt inverter in your car and you can keep watching 
media.  But what's going to happen in an IPTV world where most of the heavy 
data lifting is done via fibre?

I personally feel that low-complexity analogue systems work well as the 
lowest common denominator, and despite the fact i'm an IP engineer I 
harbour some concerns about the movement away from basic, tried-and-true 
technologies that involve substantially fewer OSI layers.  However, TV in 
NZ will be pure digital in the next year or tw

Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-25 Thread Don Gould

On 25/08/2011 12:18 p.m., Michael Painter wrote:

So the "old corded phones" were to be distributed to those who have 
copper/POTS service?

I assume so.  I honestly don't know where the phones went exactly.  Most 
people still have a copper pots service here (though that is changing).

Kinda' off-topic, but what was the situation like regarding 
radio/television coverage during the event?

First, I wouldn't consider that off topic given where our media and 
internet is heading... :)

Radio - That was very interesting to observe.  Clearly radio stations 
don't have disaster broadcast plans in place for content.  When you're 
crying out for information about what's going on, the very last think 
you want to hear is an inappropriate advert break.  The number of 
stations that kept broadcasting adverts for 'exciting things in 
Christchurch' was un-nerving.  It's my view that media news desks also 
need to remember to listeners who are in the middle of the disaster area 
and are hanging on every word of their 'emergency radio'.  To hear that 
my city is 'devastated by a MASSIVE earth quake and hundreds of people 
have been killed' every 10 minutes in the 'over hyped' news reader voice 
gets very alarming.

It was interesting to observe later in the day the whole tone of 
broadcast changed.  It seemed the media started to realise that this was 
in fact a very serious disaster and not just something they could/should 
beat up for ratings and ad revenues.  Many stations are now all 
broadcast out of Auckland (over 1000km away and completely unaffected by 
the quake)

We were told by health staff to stop watching and listen to the media 
because of the potential PTSD impact.

The radio stations did mostly consolidate down to two main 
transmissions.  One local station was interesting to listen to as the 
announcer almost refused to leave the building, stayed on air and 
continued to take phone calls.

We have had one new local radio station establish as a result of the 
quake.  A group further down the country brought a caravan of equipment 
and set up a temporary transmitter in the most impacted part of the 
city.  The result was so successful that the station has stayed on air.

TV coverage was amazing.  Not only did we never loose TV (though that's 
not much of a surprise as Christchurch is a flat plane at the foot of a 
big hill, so there's 1 transmitter for the whole area), but the coverage 
was very clearly edited.  While people in the .us saw shots of cars with 
dead bodies, we didn't see any dead people that I can recall and content 
was very filtered.  Clearly some very careful consideration was given in 
the TV broadcast space.

Having said that, the presentation was still disturbing and running 
almost 18 hours a day for a while, you have to turn off the TV.

But what was really the most interesting was  For weeks 
it streamed a constant source of information that was far more up to 
date that any other news source.  The Press is the local news paper.  
What is amazing is that their building was destroyed and staff were even 
killed.  Their ability to keep news flowing on to their web site was 
just something else.

In my house the Press web site was our main source of information and it 
was updated with a full range of stories faster than other media sites.

Impact on the media did become evident over the following two weeks.  
One broadcaster simply lost the plot at one point.  It became evident 
that media presenters were becoming more effected by the disaster as 
time went on.  I can understand this.  Being told "Hey, stand there... 
because it will be a 'money shot'" takes some real guts when you 
consider that 'there' is in front of a building that could fall on you 
in the next aftershock.


Moving into an IPTV world is going to be very interesting in the 
disaster space in my view.  We currently have FTA DVB-T & S and still 
have analogue transmission.  So a 12volt inverter in your car and you 
can keep watching media.  But what's going to happen in an IPTV world 
where most of the heavy data lifting is done via fibre?

Like many places around the world, consumers here are looking for 'more, 
faster, cheaper'.  Regulators are wanting 'more competitors'.  50 years 
ago we had 1 provider with 1 TV channel.  Today I have lost count of the 
layer 1 providers in my area.

IP is our Future...

In my mind, IP is very clearly our future disaster proof technology if 
it's used properly, or a disaster in it self if it's used incorrectly.

While I did loose text messaging, I never lost my telephone service or 
email connection.  My phone service is on VoIP.  I have a client on my 
mobile phone.  So my service just transferred to my mobile even though 
my home lost power.  When the mobile data 3G net failed, I then flicked 
to 2G GPRS data, then when that failed my power was back and we returned 
to the HFC cable.


One thing I will note is th

Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-24 Thread Michael Painter

Don Gould wrote:

Many many people use cordless phones and don't have a non-powered/corded
phone any more.

After the 22nd we had a national campaign to get old corded phones to
Christchurch.  5,000 were collected.  (Now when you consider the country
has a population of 4m and Christchurch has ~360k, 5,000 phones is quite
a few).

So the "old corded phones" were to be distributed to those who have copper/POTS 

Kinda' off-topic, but what was the situation like regarding radio/television 
coverage during the event?


Re: East Coast Earthquake 8-23-2011 - comment and a bit of a Christchurch Telco report :)

2011-08-24 Thread Don Gould

On 25/08/2011 12:27 a.m., Scott Morris wrote:

Also, the quake on the east coast was much closer to the surface than
most west coast quakes, which could account for the feeling.

Scott (not a geologist)

/me is also not a geologist, but does live in the east part of 
Christchurch, New Zealand.  Our CBD has been closed for 6 months now as 
a result of a 6.3 on February 22, 2011.

A number of factors effect impact on buildings from our experience. 
Depth is a big issue.  A quake 80km deep at 5.8 will have far less 
impact than one 1km deep.  When I read yours was 1km deep, I started 
looking for the impact stories.

Direction of the movement is also a big issue.  In our case the ground 
was going up and down under our tall(ish) buildings faster than the 
buildings.  The ground would start coming up again before the building 
had finished coming down again from the last movement cycle.  This just 
smashes buildings to bits.

Our tallest building is 26 stories, will take a year to bring down and 
is on a lean.  Interesting most of the damage was caused by the building 
next to it being hammered into the side.  We have many ~10 story 
buildings to come down.

Anyway enough about buildings... here's some comment on networks that I 
thought some might find interesting...

Networks - Mobile

Mobile traffic does go nuts.  We have an average (iirc) of less than 30 
minutes voice traffic per month per user.  So out networks simply are 
not designed with a large load in mind.

We also don't have the 'confirmation' aspect of the sms (texting) 
protocol turned on.  This means that the senders mobile phone doesn't 
know if the message has been delivered to the receiver.

In our case, we have 3 mobile networks in Christchurch.  We discovered 
that we simply didn't have enough inter carrier capacity provisioned for 
sms traffic.  While users could send messages 'same network to same 
network', they couldn't send them 'off network'.

We also have full number portability.  This means that senders don't 
know which network they're even sending messages to any more.

+64 021 - Vodafone
+64 022 - 2Degrees
+64 027 - Telecom

Fail - not any more.

The up shot is that when disaster struck us, text/sms messages were not 
getting though and now one knew what the problem was.

So people started to attempt phone calls (on a network provisioned for 
an average load of ~30 minutes a month - you can see how this is heading 
down hill fast!).

The really ironic part of the lack of inter-carrier capacity for sms was 
that the 3G data capacity never failed for me.  So while I couldn't send 
a 200byte message, I could send a 300kbyte email with photos.


Battery life also quickly becomes a problem for both network operator 
and user.  As towers start shutting down, phones move to more distant 
towers, which mean everything uses more power.

Telco's are then presented with the problem of getting generators to 
towers.  "Remember your chains and padlocks!" - when disaster strikes, 
idiots think stealing telco generators is cool.  You don't want to have 
to revisit a tower just to replace the generator.

Home users quickly realise they have no way to recharge their mobiles. 
New, cheap, smart phones only last a day and even less when they're 
trying to talk to distant towers.  (You should see the pile of hand held 
'crank' torch/radio/mobile phone chargers that our local hardware store 
now has!)

People are also asking about inverters on local message boards.

Population Movement...

Another problem we've found is that population movement causes load 
issues.  Thousands of people left the city area to towns up to 3 hours 
away to escape the aftershocks.  They take their phones and mobile 
broadband and then spent lots of time calling back into the city to 
local friends and family.  Suddenly everyone's doing much more calling 
from small towns back into the city over the mobile network than normal.

Networks - Fixed

Our fixed lined networks did stay up reasonably well.  (We have two 
separate copper networks in 50% of the city - Telecom & TelstraClear, 
and one incumbent who covers the whole city - Telecom.)

However, the power went out (in many cases simply because the street 
side transformers have sensors in them to detect if the oil reservoir 
has moved.  The earth quakes trip the sensors and they either go out for 
a while or you have to wait until someone comes and resets them I think 
- either way, it resulted in 9 hours with no power for me on the 22nd).

Many many people use cordless phones and don't have a non-powered/corded 
phone any more.

After the 22nd we had a national campaign to get old corded phones to 
Christchurch.  5,000 were collected.  (Now when you consider the country 
has a population of 4m and Christchurch has ~360k, 5,000 phones is quite 
a few).

We are moving forward into an FTTN/H world.  This means that homes need 
power to keep voip units up.  Simple rule - when disaster