The IRTF is looking for data…

PO Box 12317
Marina del Rey, CA 90295

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Arjuna Sathiaseelan <>
> Subject: Survey on Smart Data Pricing for Affordable Internet access
> Date: November 3, 2014 at 1:56:30 PST
> To:
> Cc:
> All,
> As part of the newly formed IRTF GAIA RG, we are conducting a research
> study to better understand how
> innovative pricing models for "data" can help bring Internet access to
> the millions of people in the world who have so far been left
> disconnected. We wish to ask several questions about how pricing
> models for "data" would be most attractive to network operators, as
> well as the challenges that might come with them.
> We would appreciate if this can be filled by the network operators,
> VNOs, the community wireless network operators etc in the mailing
> list. Incase you know of any other NOs, could you please forward this
> to them. The deadline for filling the form is November 12th. It will
> be great to get the survey done by many NOs as possible for us to
> decipher the benefits of SDP on enabling affordable Internet access.
> The questionnaire should take no longer than 10 minutes, and all data
> will be anonymous, private and exclusively used for non-commercial
> purposes.
> The survey is here:
> Regards
> -- 
> Arjuna Sathiaseelan |

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