Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-20 Thread Tim Franklin
 By the way, I hope that all of the people who have been ranting about
 this have read this note.  The only way this filtering works is if the
 client computers have a special CA cert installed into their browsers.
 That means it's a private organizational network that manages all its
 client computers, or it's a service where the users specifically do
 something on their own computers to enable it.

In the first instance, I'd still very much *want* the organisation to tell the 
users that the internal IT people are breaking their SSL, so please not to have 
any expectation that security is doing what you think it is.  While it's not an 
organisation I'd particularly enjoy working for, at least I then know not to do 
online banking in my lunch break, or similar.  Pushing out internal MITM CAs 
silently *is* still evil, in my view, although sadly closer to what I'd 
*expect* to happen.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-20 Thread William Herrin
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:23 AM, Tim Franklin wrote:
 I'd still very much *want* the organization to tell the users
 that the internal IT people are breaking their SSL, so
 please not to have any expectation that security is doing
 what you think it is.

Blame it on the browser devs. They tell users the -wrong- things about
security. Silent about totally unencrypted traffic. Silent about
Sysadmin-installed certs. Noisy with dire warnings about anyone who
wants better than unencrypted without whole-hog signed certs. And God
help you if you train your users to just click confirm exception.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
Owner, Dirtside Systems . Web:
May I solve your unusual networking challenges?

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-19 Thread Damian Menscher
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 4:29 AM, Grant Ridder

 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes
 does some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for
 Google) (

The ssl opt-out has been deprecated (not sure if it's fully disabled yet):
If you need to disallow adult content, another option is described here:

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:31 AM, William Waites

 On 18 Jan 2015 18:15:09 -, John Levine said:

  I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked
  access to Google.

 Doesn't goog do certificate pinning anyways, at least in their web

User-installed root CAs are allowed to override certificate pins in Chrome.

I think a lot of the problem is people have a false expectation of privacy
when using their work computers.  The legal documents they have you sign on
day 1 probably explain that it's their network, their computer, and they
will monitor it.  If you want privacy, bring your own computer to work
(which they probably won't allow on their network...).

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Geoffrey Keating

 chris writes:

  I have been going through something very interesting recently that
  to this. We have a customer who google is flagging for abusive search
  behavior. Because google now forces all search traffic to be SSL, it has
  made attempting to track down the supposed bad traffic  extremely
  difficult. We have contacted google through several channels and no one
  google who we've worked with is able to provide us any factual examples
  what they are seeing and because of the traffic being encrypted all our
  usual capture and analysis tools have been fairly useless.

 I presume the problem is that Google has flagged the outgoing address
 on your NAT, because that's all they can see.

Yup, exactly.  Additionally, Google's privacy policies don't allow us to
provide the evidence of abuse.  Not that the evidence would help anyway,
since the searches are encrypted

Have you considered deploying IPv6 and giving each customer their own
 address?  Then only that customer will be flagged and it'll be between
 them and Google.

This is probably the best option.  I realize it's not a trivial change so
we try to help where we can, but in most cases there's not much information
we can provide that would be helpful in tracing the abuse.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-19 Thread Larry Sheldon

On 1/18/2015 12:41, Teleric Team wrote:

Honestly, don't do this. Neither option.You can still have some
control over SSL access with ordinary domain based filtering getting
proxied, via CONNECT method or sorta. You don't need filtering
capabilities over full POST/DELETE/UPDATE HTTP methods, and if you
believe you need it, you just have a bigger problem that MITMing
won't solve at all. It's just like believing a data leak prevention
system will really prevent data leaking. Or believing a Palo Alto
NGFW policy that allows gmail but won't allow gmail attachments of
mime-type XYZ will be effective. If someone is really interested,
there are clever ways to bypass it, more clever than your options to
filter it. Forcing http fallback for https communication is not only
wrong, it's a general regression regarding security policy and best
practices. You are risking privacy, or confidentiality and
integrity if you prefer 27002 buzzwords. Not to mention the
availability breakage since many applications won't just work (aka,
you will break 'em). On the other hand, adding a MITM strategy, be
using Squid, Fortinet, pfSense, Palo Alto, Sonicwall, EndianFW, is
just worse. You are adding you own an attack vector on your company.
You are doing the difficult part of the attack for the attacker,
installing a custom root cert in your client stations. So you will
have much more to worry about, from who has access, how
vulnerable and how to deploy until what is deployed, what is
revogated, how's renegotiation, CRIME, etc like. You will have
more problem root and vectors to care about. Not only how safe is the
remote destination SSL server, but how save is the client to local
proxy doing MITM and local proxy doing MITM to remote SSL server. You
are attacking, cracking and breaking your own network. If someone
raise your squid log levels, you will have to respond for that, and
respond for what was copied before you noticed it. Same goes for
Fortinet, Websense, Sonicwall, or whatever open source or proprietary
solution you pick. You are still breaking confidentiality and
integrity but now without allowing for ordinary users or
applications to notice it. Back to the beginning: you can still do
some level of HTTPS filtering and per domain controlling without
having to fully MITM and inspect the payload. Don't add OWASP Top 10
/ SANS Top 25 facilitation vectors to your company. Do the usual
limited but still safe (oh no, not counting that unknown openssl
zero-day NSA and people on IRC know about but industry stills ignore,
or any other conspirator theory/fact), filtering... do just whatever
can be filtered without MITMing https and HTTP redirection. And don't
be seduced by the possibility of filtering more than that. It's a
trap, for both your users and your responsibilities as organization
regarding users' privacy not to mention possible ACTs and other laws
on your state/contry.

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:29:56 -0800 Subject: HTTPS redirects to
HTTP for monitoring From: To:

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What
software, appliances, or services are being used to monitor web
traffic for inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?
personal use? enterprise enterprise?

It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant
Eyes does some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl
(atleast for Google) (

Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally
vs one that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


I have been off-line for several days and I have to say that this is 
one of the most depressing thread I have seen _anywhere_ in a while and 
reading it on NANOG multiplies the depression.

But I am heartened to see this response (and one or two others so 
far)--there is still hope.

For what it is worth (and this reflects at most two people's thinking 
here), I go to some considerable effort to identify handlers-of-my-data 
that betray my trust and on the merest hint I take considerable effort 
the avoid the betrayer and anybody who relies on the betrayer.

Yes, I know that there is no way that I can stop everybody, but I try 
very hard.

The unique Characteristics of System Administrators:

The fact that they are infallible; and,

The fact that they learn from their mistakes.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-19 Thread John Levine
In article you write:
On 1/18/2015 12:55, John R. Levine wrote:
 There are also ISPs that provide intrusive filtering as a feature.  I
 wouldn't use one, but I know people who do, typically members of
 conservative religious groups.

Can you provide credible evidence to support typically members of
  conservative religious groups.?

I personally have known people who use them.  If you're familar with
some of the books that I've written, it should be evident why I'd need
to know about them and who they'd appeal to.

In any event, as should be totally obvious, the point was that there
are people who for their own reasons welcome intrusive filtering that
most of us would find unacceptable.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-19 Thread John Levine
We use Fortinet firewalls and SSL (HTTPS, FTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, 
SSH) inspection is a standard feature.  It works by rolling out a custom 
CA certificate from the device to all of the desktops and whenever you 
hit a SSL site, a cert signed with the CA is generated and presented to 
the user. If you look at the cert your browser has, you can tell the CA 
is different but most users aren't looking at that.

By the way, I hope that all of the people who have been ranting about
this have read this note.  The only way this filtering works is if the
client computers have a special CA cert installed into their browsers.
That means it's a private organizational network that manages all its
client computers, or it's a service where the users specifically do
something on their own computers to enable it.

It may not be a very good idea, but it's definitely not evil people
secretly spying on traffic of innocent victims.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-19 Thread Larry Sheldon

On 1/18/2015 12:55, John R. Levine wrote:

There are also ISPs that provide intrusive filtering as a feature.  I
wouldn't use one, but I know people who do, typically members of
conservative religious groups.

Can you provide credible evidence to support typically members of
 conservative religious groups.?

Please explain how that contributes to the question at hand.

The unique Characteristics of System Administrators:

The fact that they are infallible; and,

The fact that they learn from their mistakes.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread kendrick eastes
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Grant Ridder

 Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?

 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


Admittedly I've only been on the user side of things for this, but IMO for
cases like this MITM  striping. if your users need to access anything
outside your intranet (google apps comes to mind right away, any kind of
outsourced web-based training, etc) that requires SSL to function would be
broken by stripping, but with MITMing the connection and having your
internal certs set up properly, it won't even blip.

that being said, squid can be configured to transparently decrypt and
reencrypt the session. (

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread nanog
From my point of view, it is better than violate user privacy  safety.

Sneaky is evil.

On 18/01/2015 15:53, Ammar Zuberi wrote:
 So your idea is to block every HTTPS website?
 On 18 Jan 2015, at 6:48 pm, Ca By wrote:

 On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Grant Ridder wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?

 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


 IMHO, it would be better to just block the service and say the encrypted
 traffic is inconsistent with your policy instead of snooping it and
 exposing sensitive data to your middle box.

 These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
 hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your company.

 That sounds like a lot liablity to put on your shoulders.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Andy Brezinsky
We use Fortinet firewalls and SSL (HTTPS, FTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, 
SSH) inspection is a standard feature.  It works by rolling out a custom 
CA certificate from the device to all of the desktops and whenever you 
hit a SSL site, a cert signed with the CA is generated and presented to 
the user. If you look at the cert your browser has, you can tell the CA 
is different but most users aren't looking at that.

Our user base uses a lot of services that can't be forced to downgrade 
to HTTP so it's the only option.  Fortinet has some configurations that 
allow you to exclude certain sites from the MiTM 'attack'.  For example 
we don't scan banking, health care and personal privacy categories.

On 01/18/2015 06:29 AM, Grant Ridder wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
enterprise enterprise?

It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Ammar Zuberi
So your idea is to block every HTTPS website?

 On 18 Jan 2015, at 6:48 pm, Ca By wrote:
 On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Grant Ridder wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?
 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (
 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?
 IMHO, it would be better to just block the service and say the encrypted
 traffic is inconsistent with your policy instead of snooping it and
 exposing sensitive data to your middle box.
 These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
 hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your company.
 That sounds like a lot liablity to put on your shoulders.

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread chris

I have been going through something very interesting recently that relates
to this. We have a customer who google is flagging for abusive search
behavior. Because google now forces all search traffic to be SSL, it has
made attempting to track down the supposed bad traffic  extremely
difficult. We have contacted google through several channels and no one at
google who we've worked with is able to provide us any factual examples of
what they are seeing and because of the traffic being encrypted all our
usual capture and analysis tools have been fairly useless.

I'm sure this this will be more and more prevalent but its really
frustrating when the vendor who forces SSL cannot or will not provide
actual documentation that can help us investigate. So far the only ideas
we've come up with are to play some tricks with DNS overrides and force the
users to non SSL search so we can inspect http traffic or we were also
looking into doing something like using SQUID mitm SSL and allow us to at
least inspect the traffic there.

Overall we're not thrilled about the other side effects / implications that
can be caused by these workarounds, and in this situation our customer who
happens to be a customer of several google apps is very disappointed that
they cannot be more cooperative.

I am very interested to hear if others have run into similar situations and
how it was handled etc. I am sure we will see this type of issue again with
the number of hosted and SaaS solutions growing exponentially, so we are
looking into various options so that in the future we have better
accomodations to handle this situation with or without cooperation on the
hosted side.


On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 7:29 AM, Grant Ridder

 Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?

 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Ca By
On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Grant Ridder wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?

 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


IMHO, it would be better to just block the service and say the encrypted
traffic is inconsistent with your policy instead of snooping it and
exposing sensitive data to your middle box.

These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your company.

That sounds like a lot liablity to put on your shoulders.


HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Grant Ridder
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
enterprise enterprise?

It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (

Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
that doesn't allow SSL to start with?


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread William Waites
On 18 Jan 2015 18:15:09 -, John Levine said:

 I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked
 access to Google.

Doesn't goog do certificate pinning anyways, at least in their web

Description: PGP signature

RE: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Teleric Team
Honestly, don't do this. Neither option.You can still have some control over 
SSL access with ordinary domain based filtering getting proxied, via CONNECT 
method or sorta. You don't need filtering capabilities over full 
POST/DELETE/UPDATE HTTP methods, and if you believe you need it, you just have 
a bigger problem that MITMing won't solve at all. It's just like believing a 
data leak prevention system will really prevent data leaking.
Or believing a Palo Alto NGFW policy that allows gmail but won't allow gmail 
attachments of mime-type XYZ will be effective. If someone is really 
interested, there are clever ways to bypass it, more clever than your options 
to filter it.
Forcing http fallback for https communication is not only wrong, it's a general 
regression regarding security policy and best practices. You are risking 
privacy, or confidentiality and integrity if you prefer 27002 buzzwords. 
Not to mention the availability breakage since many applications won't just 
work (aka, you will break 'em).
On the other hand, adding a MITM strategy, be using Squid, Fortinet, pfSense, 
Palo Alto, Sonicwall, EndianFW, is just worse. You are adding you own an attack 
vector on your company. You are doing the difficult part of the attack for the 
attacker, installing a custom root cert in your client stations. So you will 
have much more to worry about, from who has access, how vulnerable and how 
to deploy until what is deployed, what is revogated, how's renegotiation, 
CRIME, etc like. You will have more problem root and vectors to care about. 
Not only how safe is the remote destination SSL server, but how save is the 
client to local proxy doing MITM and local proxy doing MITM to remote SSL 
You are attacking, cracking and breaking your own network. If someone raise 
your squid log levels, you will have to respond for that, and respond for what 
was copied before you noticed it. Same goes for Fortinet, Websense, Sonicwall, 
or whatever open source or proprietary solution you pick. You are still 
breaking confidentiality and integrity but now without allowing for 
ordinary users or applications to notice it.
Back to the beginning: you can still do some level of HTTPS filtering and per 
domain controlling without having to fully MITM and inspect the payload. Don't 
add OWASP Top 10 / SANS Top 25 facilitation vectors to your company. Do the 
usual limited but still safe (oh no, not counting that unknown openssl 
zero-day NSA and people on IRC know about but industry stills ignore, or any 
other conspirator theory/fact), filtering... do just whatever can be filtered 
without MITMing https and HTTP redirection. And don't be seduced by the 
possibility of filtering more than that. It's a trap, for both your users and 
your responsibilities as organization regarding users' privacy not to mention 
possible ACTs and other laws on your state/contry.

 Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:29:56 -0800
 Subject: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring
 Hi Everyone,
 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?
 It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes does
 some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google) (
 Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
 that doesn't allow SSL to start with?

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread John R. Levine

I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked access to

And they would sue you for gross negligence for decrypting their ssn when
access company  payroll and cpni data

May I suggest that playing Junior Lawyer on nanog rarely turns out well.

These filter boxes are typically used on private enterprise networks. 
Companies have broad latitude in what facilities they provide to their 
users, and the rationales for filtering run from keeping out malware to 
keeping dimwit guys from porn sites that are fodder for hostile work 
environment claims.

Your employer alrady knows your SSN and payroll data.  Unless, I suppose, 
you're using your computer at one job to moonlight at another, but you're 
not going to get a lot of sympathy for that.

There are also ISPs that provide intrusive filtering as a feature.  I 
wouldn't use one, but I know people who do, typically members of 
conservative religious groups.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Ca By
On Sunday, January 18, 2015, John Levine wrote:

  So your idea is to block every HTTPS website?
 From my point of view, it is better than violate user privacy  safety.
 Sneaky is evil.

 I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked access to

And they would sue you for gross negligence for decrypting their ssn when
access company  payroll and cpni data

 These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
  hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your

 Since the end user machines are generally running Windows, why would bad
 waste time on a much harder and more obscure target?

Who said the mitm box was not running windows ?

That said, a properly admin'd win7 box is about as secure as any other end
station in my opinion. Yea, win2k and xp were a pain, msft has come a long
long way.

The same cannot be said for Adobe or Java.


Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread William Herrin
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 7:29 AM, Grant Ridder wrote:
 I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What software,
 appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
 inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
 enterprise enterprise?

Hi Grant,

Fidelis Security (part of GD) does this for USG customers. Good guys
with a strong, scalable product.

Basically, all internal web browsers get a custom CA which
authenticates a re-signing cert. HTTPS traffic is decrypted by an IDS
agent, examined and then re-encrypted with the resigning cert.

You have to decide for yourself whether you really want to examine
your users' HTTPS traffic. It does create a rather hostile work
environment for the folks you're playing big brother to. Not quite
camera-in-the-men's-room hostile but hostile enough to deter quality
staff from seeking and maintaining employment.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
Owner, Dirtside Systems . Web:
May I solve your unusual networking challenges?

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Ca By
On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Ammar Zuberi wrote:

 So your idea is to block every HTTPS website?

My idea is to provide secure internet and tell the truth about it.

Proxying And mitm  SSL/TLS is telling a lie to the end user and exposing
them and the proxying organization to a great deal of liability.

If you cannot provide proper transport of TLS/SSL, then tell your users
that. Dont fake it and undermine the ecosystem.

Proxying secure traffic is extremely dangerous, you are pretty much
creating trap door in the bank vault.  It is going to hurt when the hackers
find it and you are going to  Be liable for undermining all the secure
communications for all your users.

Your call. Ymmv. May be you are especially lucky and the hackers wont find
this weak spot in your network where all the most important encrypted info
(Perosal and corporate) suddenly becomes clear text.

My advice, dont do mitm, you cant afford it. It is only a matter of
Time when the hackers get this info and steal the identity And drain the
bank accounts  of all your users.

  On 18 Jan 2015, at 6:48 pm, Ca By javascript:;
  On Sunday, January 18, 2015, Grant Ridder
 javascript:; wrote:
  Hi Everyone,
  I wanted to see what opinions and thoughts were out there.  What
  appliances, or services are being used to monitor web traffic for
  inappropriate content on the SSL side of things?  personal use?
  enterprise enterprise?
  It looks like Websense might do decryption ( while Covenant Eyes
  some sort of session hijack to redirect to non-ssl (atleast for Google)
  Thoughts on having a product that decrypts SSL traffic internally vs one
  that doesn't allow SSL to start with?
  IMHO, it would be better to just block the service and say the encrypted
  traffic is inconsistent with your policy instead of snooping it and
  exposing sensitive data to your middle box.
  These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
  hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your company.
  That sounds like a lot liablity to put on your shoulders.

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread John Levine
 So your idea is to block every HTTPS website?
From my point of view, it is better than violate user privacy  safety.

Sneaky is evil.

I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked access to 

 These boxes that violate end to end encryption are a great place for
 hackers to steal the bank and identity info of everyone in your company.

Since the end user machines are generally running Windows, why would bad guys
waste time on a much harder and more obscure target?

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Matt Palmer
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 08:05:18PM +, Kelly Setzer wrote:
 I don't know if you're referring to HSTS.

No, HSTS is separate to certificate pinning.  Certificate pinning would, in
fact, cause Chrome to freak out in the presence of an HTTPS-intercepting
proxy, but that's what it's supposed to do.  I doubt that organisations
regressive enough to do HTTPS-MitM would be enlightened enough to allow
Chrome to be installed, though.

 If not, it's worth noting in
 this thread.  As I understand HSTS, session decryption is still possible
 on sites that send the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header.  See:

Yes, HSTS allows interception; it would, on the other hand, prevent the
downgrade attack which the OP was suggesting as one option to allow
organisational monitoring of web requests and responses.

 I suspect it's only a matter of time before browsers become suspicious by
 default, requiring that HTTPS responses be signed and requiring that SSL
 certificates come from trusted sources.

That sounds like what has been the case since... forever.

 All of this points to the deficiency of the existing commercial
 certificate authority system.  The fact that organizations can easily
 purchase software specifically designed to subvert encrypted communication
 channels is proof that HTTPS security is an illusion.

What does the existence of a HTTPS proxy have to do with the deficiency of
existing CAs?  Yes, CAs have issued intermediate CA certificates to MitM
boxes (Trustwave has been caught doing it; I'm sure others have done it,
too).  However, the standard mechanism for doing this sort of thing is a
locally-issued root CA certificate, which is installed in the corporate SOE
as a trusted root.  That is, actually, *exactly* how the TLS certificate
system is supposed to work -- root CA certificate is marked as trusted, thus
everything issued therefrom is considered OK.

That this is possible is not proof that HTTPS security is an illusion;
it's simply another demonstration that if the bad guy has control over your
machine, it isn't your machine any more.  If TLS wasn't vulnerable to this
particular mode of subversion, I'm sure there'd be products out there that
would hook into the core of the browser and grab the requests before they
got into the encrypted channel and re-route them to the proxy, and it would
be that software, rather than the local root CA certificate, which would be
installed in the corporate SOE.

- Matt

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Geoffrey Keating
chris writes:

 I have been going through something very interesting recently that relates
 to this. We have a customer who google is flagging for abusive search
 behavior. Because google now forces all search traffic to be SSL, it has
 made attempting to track down the supposed bad traffic  extremely
 difficult. We have contacted google through several channels and no one at
 google who we've worked with is able to provide us any factual examples of
 what they are seeing and because of the traffic being encrypted all our
 usual capture and analysis tools have been fairly useless.

I presume the problem is that Google has flagged the outgoing address
on your NAT, because that's all they can see.

Have you considered deploying IPv6 and giving each customer their own
address?  Then only that customer will be flagged and it'll be between
them and Google.

Re: HTTPS redirects to HTTP for monitoring

2015-01-18 Thread Kelly Setzer
I don't know if you're referring to HSTS.  If not, it's worth noting in
this thread.  As I understand HSTS, session decryption is still possible
on sites that send the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header.  See:

I suspect it's only a matter of time before browsers become suspicious by
default, requiring that HTTPS responses be signed and requiring that SSL
certificates come from trusted sources.  In other words, HSTS is the next
step in a long-running arms race.  It will not be the last.  See this 1997
article for a taste:

Money quote: The US Government imposes export restrictions on arms, in 
set of rules called ITAR

All of this points to the deficiency of the existing commercial
certificate authority system.  The fact that organizations can easily
purchase software specifically designed to subvert encrypted communication
channels is proof that HTTPS security is an illusion.


On 1/18/15, 12:31 PM, William Waites wrote:

On 18 Jan 2015 18:15:09 -, John Levine said:

 I expect your users would fire you when they found you'd blocked
 access to Google.

Doesn't goog do certificate pinning anyways, at least in their web


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